The Japanese Journal of Urology
Online ISSN : 1884-7110
Print ISSN : 0021-5287
Volume 21, Issue 4
Displaying 1-3 of 3 articles from this issue
  • T. Imakita
    1932 Volume 21 Issue 4 Pages 153-174,11
    Published: 1932
    Released on J-STAGE: July 23, 2010
    Clinical observations on the tumor in the bladder are performed closely by the present author with patients of this department for full four years dating from 1927 to 1930, with the following results.
    1) Occurrence. The total number of the cases came under my observation is 34 or roughly 0.1p.c. out of 21.888, the aggregate number of patients of the department. The percentage would be higher (0.6p.c.) when the total number (viz. 5.511) of genital disease is considered, or again it became as high as 4.9p.c. aginst 673 cases of bladder diseases.
    2) Type. The types of the tumor can be divided into following four groups:
    Type: Number of patient: Percentage:
    papilloma 17 50
    cancer 12 35.2
    endothelioma 1 2.9
    undecided 4 12.9
    It should be noted that the percentage of papilloma and cancer shown above cannot be regarded as invariable; the large number of reports available up to the present indicate the variability of these ratios—one differs greatly from the other or even against one another.
    This sort of circumstance probably from the fact that an extremely malignant papilloma may be a transient form of cancer and correspondingly in some of the cases the condition of the affected region at the moment of making diagnosis is a derterming factor for the decision of the type of tumor. To quote an example. among 17 cases of papilloma under my observation, 2 cases are known to alter later into cancer form. We are therefore inclined to believe that the ratio of good-natured and malignant cases of papilloma must be taken account to a greater extent, than discuss the meaning of the percentages mentioned above which is often the object of discussion among the investgators on cancer.
    3) Age. The frequency of occurrence of papilloma is fairly invariably distributed between the ages of 20 to 70. without showing any preference. Cancer, on the other hand, seems to occur more frequently in 30 to 70 years of age.
    4) Sexual difference. A marked difference exsists between both sexes with regard to the occurrence of the tumor; viz. 12 cases of cancer are distributed in men 8 (66.4p.c.) and in women 4 (33.4p.c.), and 17 cases of papilloma in men 12 (79.9.p.c.) and 5 (29.1p.c.) in women. Generally among women the tumor tends to appear more frequently at the age of climateric.
    5) profession. Reports were often made that professional difference can be recognised among the cases of tumor in the bladder. We are however unable to confirm these statements.
    6) Anamnesis and complications. Nearly all the patients complain of the suffering from some other type of bladder disease.
    7) Location of occurrence. The tumor appears in various parts of the bladder. The places of occurrence are as follows: the base, most highly preffered, the lateral side and finally most infrequently the front and upper walls. None we have observed on the posterior wall.
    8) Haematuria and pain by excretion of urine. On the whole, haematuria and following pains are experienced in case of cancer, but the reverse is true in cases of papilloma. The haematuria due to cancer is generally continuous and that due to papilloma is intermittent.
    9) Differential diagnosis. a. For syphilis. Bladder syphilis in tertiary stadium can clearly be recognised by the specific ulcerous condition surrounded by an intensive infiltration, but the precaution must be taken against the cases showing papilloma-like appearance. In the latter case the anamnesis, generalst atus presence and serological reaction would decide the matter. In still more doubtful cases the experimental anti-syphilitic treatment can be employed for differentiation. b. For bladder tuberclosis. This often shows tumor-like apearance by the transitory intensive granulation. The differentiation from the true tumor can be done by the cystoscopic observation on mucous membrane other than that of affected region, the character of urine (especially for the presence of tubercle bacilli), and lastly by
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  • G. Moriyama, M. Hanazono
    1932 Volume 21 Issue 4 Pages 175-181,13
    Published: 1932
    Released on J-STAGE: July 23, 2010
    Die Urethritis gonorrhoica bei Knaben soll nach der Angaben von Autoren viel seltener sein als bei jungen Mädchen. Seit einigen Jahren konnten wir in unserer Klinik 4 Fälle von Urethritis gonorrhoica bei Knaben beobachten.
    I, Fall. Noritake, 4 j. Knabe. Der lnfektionsmodus ist unklar. Der Beginn der Erkrankung war Balanitis, nachher gesellte sich dazu der Eiterausfluss aus der Urethralmündung und Schmerzen beim Urinlassen. Es wurde sowohl im Eiter als anch im Urin Gonokekken nachgewiesen. Trotz des protrahierten Verlaufs und unhygienischer Lebenshaltung des Kindes kamen im ganzen Verlauf keinen anderen Komplikationen vor. Zur Behandlung wurde zuerst Zirzumcision dann Injektion von Protargol odes Kamelleonlösung in die Harnröhre angewandt. Die Heilung trat erst nach 4 monatlicher Behandlung auf.
    II. Fall. Sato, 6 j. Knabe. Der Knabe hatte als Spielgenossin ein Mädchen gehabt, das an Vulvovaginitis gonorrhoica litt. Nach kurzer Zeit begann bei dem Kinde Balanitis dann Urethritis gonorrhoica. Tägliche Injektion in die Urethra wurde Monate lang fortgeführt; die Gonokokken sind noch nicht vom Urin verschwuuden, Hier trat auch keine Komplikation auf.
    III. Fall. Kei, 12 j. Knabe. Die Infektion erfolgte durch Baden im schmutzigen Badewasser. Die Krankheit begann mit der Balanitis, dann trat Eiterausfluss und Miktionsschmerz auf. 5 Tage später kam schmerzhafte Anschwellung der linken Inguinaldrüsen vor. Mach I monatlicher Behandlung sind die objektiven Erscheinungen spurlos verschwunden.
    III. Fall. kin, 10 j. Knab. Der Knabe hatte vor 4 oder 5 Jahren Urethritis gehabt. Jetzt klagter über Striktursymptome. Im Urin sind Gonokekken positiv. Der Infektionsmodus ist unklar.
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  • K. Takeuchi
    1932 Volume 21 Issue 4 Pages 182-193,14
    Published: 1932
    Released on J-STAGE: July 23, 2010
    Der Verfasser zog den folgenden Schluss, sich stützend auf die Untersuchung von seinen 9 Pyothorax-Fällen nach Pneumonie.
    Die Veränderungen der Niere bei Pyothorax bestehen hauptsächlich in der tubulösen Nephritis, selten die Glomerulonephritis und die interstitielle Nephritis kombinierend.
    Diese Veränderungen der Niere sind gleich in der Beschaffenheit wie dieselben bei Pneumonie, wiegen jedoch im Grade die letzteren etwas über.
    Der Verfasser meint, das diese Veränderungen durch die Wirkung der Toxine verursacht werden, welche aus Bakterien und Organe abstarmmen.
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