Online ISSN : 2185-3835
Print ISSN : 0006-808X
ISSN-L : 0006-808X
42 巻, 494 号
  • 島村 環
    1928 年 42 巻 494 号 p. 71-82
    発行日: 1928年
    公開日: 2011/01/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. いてふノ授精ニ際シ精蟲ハ卵原形質ノ上部ニ形成セラレタル牧容室ニ入リテ後雄核ハ精蟲細胞質被ョリ脱出ス。
    2. 受精後第二分裂ハ間接該分裂ニテ大ナル核内分裂像ヲ見ル。 24ノ染色體ヲ算フ。
    3. 第三囘分裂ノスパイレムヲ見ルニ著シク細長キ紐状ヲ呈シ、核ノ中央ニ位セズ偏在セルヲ見ル。
    4. 前胚期形成ハ聯立的間接核分裂ニ由ル、即チ同一卵球ニテハ常ニ同一期ノ遊離核ヲ見出ス。
  • 篠遠 喜人, 清原 金
    1928 年 42 巻 494 号 p. 82-85
    発行日: 1928年
    公開日: 2011/01/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) くろもノ染色體數ハ體細胞ニテ二十四箇アル。
    2) 其等染色體ハ大體長短二組ニ分ツコトガデキル。
    3) 雄ニハ長イ染色體ハ十五箇、短カイモノ九箇アルト思バレル。
    4) 花紛母細胞減數分裂二於テ第一核分裂ノダイアキネシス期、中期、終期等ニ一箇ノ不等對ノ複染色體ヲ觀ル。其不等對ノ大小各員ハ異型核分裂ニ於テ分離シ反對ノ極ニ向フモノト見ラレル。
    5) 此ノ不等對ヲ性染色體ト考ヘレバ、くろもノ性染色體ハXY型ニ屬シ、雄ガhetorogameticデアル。
  • 第七報強捩性ト異状苞ニ就テ
    萩原 時雄
    1928 年 42 巻 494 号 p. 85-95
    発行日: 1928年
    公開日: 2011/01/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. 強捩性個體ガ、或ル交配ノF2代ニ於テ普通個體ニ對シテ約3:1ノ比ヲ以テ現レタリ。
    2. コノF3代ノ處置ニヨリテ強捩性ハ、明ニ遺傳性ノモノニシテ、普通性ニ對シテ、メンデル性劣性ナル事ヲ、明ニシ得タリ。恐ラク、一種ノ偶然變異者ナラン。
    3. 本形質ヲ出現ニ變異アリテ、コレニ關與スル因子 (tw) ハ, 孔雀葉因子Pト共存スル時ハ、明ニ強捩性ヲ示スモ、Pト共存スル時ハ強捩性ハ微ニシテ或場合ニハ並性ト誤認サルルコトアリ。
    4. tw 因子ト、P因子トノ間ニハ約25%ノcross-overアルモノノ如シ。
    5. 苞ガ普通ヨリ大キクナリ、花ガ花莖ノ頂上ニ附ク異状苞ト茲ニ稱スル形質ハ、普通苞ニ對シテ劣性ニシテ、單性雜種ノ普通ノ分離比ニ出現スルモ、場合ニヨリテハ、異状苞ハ普通苞ニ對シテ分離比低ク出現ニ變異アリ。
    6. 異状苞ニ關與スル因子aト、トンボ葉ニ關與スル因子トノ間ニ約33.33%位ノcross-overアルリンケージアルモノノ如シ。
  • 柱頭分泌液ガ受精力特ニ自花不和合ニ及ボス影響ニ就テ
    安田 貞雄
    1928 年 42 巻 494 号 p. 96-108
    発行日: 1928年
    公開日: 2011/01/26
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the third paper of this series (Bot. Mag. Tokyo, 1927), preliminary results of experiment done on the relation between the secretion of the stigma and the fertility in Petunia was reported. In this paper additional data obtained from further studies will be presented.
    1. After washing off the secretion of the stigma with water an intra-self pollination was made, and then the results obtained are compared with those of the ordinary intra-self pollination. In the selfincompatible individuals the fertilizing percentage, the number of seeds, the size of either unfertilized overies or of fertilized capsules as well as the size, weight and germinating percentage of the seeds, the length of seedlings etc. were found to be larger in the case where the stigma was previousely washed than in the case where the ordinary intra-self pollination was carried on. But in the self-compatible ones the results were just the opposit of this.
    2. The germination of the pollen was tested with two kinds of solutions: one containing the stigma-secretion of the same flower in addition to 1% grape sugar and the other nothing but the same amount of grape sugar. In the self-compatible individuals the germinating percentage was larger when the solution containing the secretion was used. But in the self-incompatible ones the results were just the opposit showing that the secretion of the stigma seems to inhibit the germination of the pollen of the same individual, and that higher the degree of selfincompatibility is, the more pronounced will this phenomenon become.
    3. From the results of these two experiments, it may be said that the secretion from the stigma of a self-incompatible plant may inhibit the germination of its own pollen and that this may be, at least, one of the causes of self-incompatibility in Petunia.
    4. The intra-self pollination was made after the washed stigma had been smeared with the secretion from that of a different individual of the same vegetative line, which is cultured under somewhat dry condition, or with that of another vegetative line cultured under the ordinary condition. And then compared their results with those of ordinary intra-self pollinations.
    5. The germination of the pollen was tested with three kinds of sugar solutions: one with the stigma-secretion of the same flower, the other with that of a different individual of the same vegetative line under the dry condition, and still other with that of the other vegetative line.
    6. The results of these two kinds of experiments showed that the secretion from the stigma of a different individual of the same vegetative line was more beneficial to both fertility and the germination of pollen, than that of the same flower, that of different vegetative lines being the most effective. These may be, at least, one of the causes of the facts that the fertilization of Petunia is more successful when the pollination was done between two individuals of the same vegetative line, cultivated under different condition, or those of the different line than self pollination was made.
  • 1928 年 42 巻 494 号 p. 109-115_2
    発行日: 1928年
    公開日: 2011/01/26
    ジャーナル フリー