Presently in Japan, as a random noise measurement, a method of sample survey in which the deflections of S. L. -meter read mechanically every 5 seconds is being used. If N. L. -variation from time to time is devided into many N. L. s having equal durations which are sufficiently small, in each of them N. L. is almost constant and each of them is considered representing one 'instant N. L. ' The total noise phenomenon is considered as a group of many 'instant N. L. s', therefore, the probability of a certain N. L. value coinciding with one of the readings (measured instant N. L. ). equals to number-rate of this valued instant N. L. in that group of N. L. s, and furthermore as each instant N. L. has equal duration, our measurement becomes that of the Time-rate. In this paper, we took up error functions for several statistics of N. L. readings and checked them experimentally with over 1, 000 readings every 5 sec. in equal situations on the representative highways in Tokyo city. We learned, by this check, the N. L. -variation has frequently an inclination to fluctuate with longer period than the measuring interval (5 sec. ) and Time-rate in some observing session is not stable. Influenced by such phenomenon variance calculated from measured readings are unable to give us any reliable estimation of mathematical mean's variance and therefore, it becomes necessary for us in applying "t-test" to minimize this effect as well as we want in practical use. For instance, we must check in every case that the ambient noise have no effect on the main measurement, but as it is impossible to measure it separately in the same observing session, the ambient noise in main measurement and check becomes different and t-test for their difference has no practical meaning. As a mean of eliminating this effect, we proposed in this paper in adopting the process of taking a small number of readings in one session and adopting, for instance, their mathematical mean as one observed value. Those observed values, with their observing sessions randomized, fluctuate with variance containing one of the longer period inclination and, so satisfactory results are obtainable when t-test are performed.