The sound diffraction by a semi-infinite plane screen with a knife-edge was measured by AC-pulse of 2ms duration with freguency ranging from 5 to 40 kcs. The result is shown approximately by one curve of sound reduction vs. the Fresnels zone number N by the screen, (Fig. 4). This curve shows a few dB lower values than that of Kirchhoff's diffraction theory. Noise reduction by a concrete screen 2m high on the ground was measured by pure tones ranging from 250c/s to 4kcs and 1/3 octave band noises, from a speaker set on, or 1m above, the ground at 2m distance from the screen. The receiving point was moved on horizontal and vertical lines in the shadow zone of the screen, and recorded the sound pressure level distribution by a high speed level recorder. The results of the measurement are as follows; 1)From the practical point of view, the measured values showed good agreement with the culculated values which the reflected wave from the ground, at receiving side of the screen, was added to the diffracted direct sound wave as if the ground reflects perfectly. 2)The addition of the sound energy of reflected sound to the energy of the direct wave, shows reasonable agreement with measured values of band noises. On the other hand the calculated interference pattern for pure tone does not agree with measured pattern caused by the irregurarity of the boundaries. 3)The calculation should be based on the sound level at the top of the screen when the screen is absent. And the experimental curve in Fig. 4 mentioned above can be used as a designing chart for estimating the sound level at any point in the shadow zone of the screen. 4)Also when the source is above the ground, the same calculation method is applicable by means of the equivalent point source approximately. 5)The limiting condition for application of this calculation is that the vertical sound distribution at the brank plane above the screen was decaying off from the top of the screen. 6)The shielding effect of the screen is variable by the directional characteristics of the sound source.