Online ISSN : 1880-8255
Print ISSN : 1346-907X
ISSN-L : 1880-8255
26 巻, 4 号
  • VI Methaemoglobin生成メカニズム
    橋本 吉雄, 安井 勉
    1955 年 26 巻 4 号 p. 203-205
    発行日: 1955年
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    haem pigmentに対しNO2'が作用した際のmethaemoglobin生成に関する試験を行つた結果,次の諸点が明らかになつた。
    1 haemoglobinにNO2'を添加すると通常の条件ではこれをmethaemoglobinに酸化し褐色を呈する。
    2 上記の際のhaemoglobin(Fe量で表わされる):NO2'の比率は約10:2である。
    3 pHを中性と酸側とに分けて行つた実験に於てもNO2'によるhaemoglobinのmethaemoglobinへの酸化は10:2を境界にして行われることが認められた。但し低pH値の場合は反応が早く且烈しいと推定きれた。
  • III 各種原皮の一般組成及び蛋白質組成について
    佐藤 泰, 加香 芳孝
    1955 年 26 巻 4 号 p. 207-209
    発行日: 1955年
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
  • VII 筋肉中の還元系について
    橋本 吉雄, 安井 勉
    1955 年 26 巻 4 号 p. 211-213
    発行日: 1955年
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    既報の我々の試験結果7)より,curing工程に於ける還元作用は従来の細菌による還元系以外に筋肉中に存するpotentialな還元作用が想定されるに到つたので,本報に於ては家畜筋肉中の還元系に関する試験をmethylene blue還元法を用いて行つた。
  • I 姙娠及び分娩後の乳牛の血清中に於けるRelaxinの含量
    和田 宏, 湯原 正高
    1955 年 26 巻 4 号 p. 215-220
    発行日: 1955年
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    1 乳牛特にホルスタイン種の姙娠及び分娩後の血清中のrelaxinを検定する為に此の実験を行つた。
    2 これらの血清は頸静脈から清潔に採取して1日間室温に静置し,凝血を遠心分離後,血清を小瓶に入れ,パラフインで密封し0°Cの電気冷蔵庫に貯えて供試した。relaxinの検定は前処理に於けるestradiol benzoateの日量を0.8γにしたほかはABRAMOWITZ, MONEY, ZARROW, TALMAGE, KLEINHOLZ & HISAW('44)により述べられた方法によつた。
    ABRAMOWITZ et. al.('44)が示した標準曲線に対し,此の実験に於て得た反応率を照合してrelaxinの含量をモルモツト単位で読みとつた。(1GPUはestrogenで発情させた卵剔モルモツト12頭の中,略67%の確実な恥骨縫合の弛緩を生ぜしめるホルモン量と定められている。)
    3 これらの検定成績は第2表に示し,また曲線として第2図に描いた。乳牛の血清につき姙娠1ヶ月頃から略1単位弱のrelaxinが検出される。6ヶ月までは急傾斜で増加し,その後は極く僅か増加するが分娩まで略,同じ量(略4GPU/cc)が保たれる。分娩直後は姙娠末期と略同じ量のrelaxinが見出されるが,分娩後は急に低下し,24時間には前者の量の略1/5に低下する,而して5,6日頃弛緩反応が負になるまで減少する。
    4 此の論文に於いて筆者等の示したrelaxinの濃度曲線も,これまで多くの研究者により示された直腸検査による胎盤の発達と路一致している。従つて牛に於ても胎盤とrelaxinの間の密接な関係が想像せられる。
    5 産犢の性や産次とrelaxinとは無関係であつた。
    6 多量のrelaxinを注射された動物では,それが少量であつた動物よりも,反応率も大きいが骨盤の弛緩の時間も長く続いた。
  • IV結晶性Renninの性質について(2)
    大条 方義, 河西 京甫
    1955 年 26 巻 4 号 p. 221-225
    発行日: 1955年
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Paper partition chromatographyに於ける純renninのRfは概してpepsinよりも大きく,同じ溶媒ならpHが高い程大きい傾向がある。又展開剤によつてはrenninとpepsinの混合物から一方のみを移動させることが出来る。
  • 佐々木 清綱, 山本 興三郎, 葉緑 孫
    1955 年 26 巻 4 号 p. 227-230
    発行日: 1955年
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    The blood relationship among Japanese wild boar (Sus vittatus japonica) and, Yorkshire (Sus scrofa domesticus) and their hybrids was studied by means of precipitin reaction.
    The results obtained are summarized as follows:
    The absorbed antiserum against the wild boar which was exhausted completely with blood serum of a Yorkshire pig or one in F1 generation did not react against blood serum of the wild boar or any kind of an animal.But the situation was not the same when the conditions were made reverse.
    The absorbed anti-Yorkshire serum exhausted with wild boar serum, reacted upon Yorkshire of F1 serum, and Yorkshire serum showed stronger reaction than F1 serum.
    Similarly, the absorbed anti-hybrid serum exhausted with wild boar serum, gave the same degree of reaction upon Yorkshire and F1 serum, but the absorbed anti-hybrid serum exhausted with Yorkshire serum did not react upon all kinds of blood serum.
    Hence, it is presumed that the domestic pig possesses a specific serum protein in blood serun in addition to one contained in wild boar serum. Hybrids between the domestic pig and wild hoahave all the serum components which are containe in the domestic pig, and are considered to be in the middle between the parent breeds.
  • I トカラ馬について
    林田 重幸, 山内 忠平
    1955 年 26 巻 4 号 p. 231-236
    発行日: 1955年
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    1 鹿児島南西約170浬を距るトカラ群島宝島に純粋矮小在来馬を発見し,これをトカラ馬と命名する。明治30年頃大島群島喜界島から導入せられたのに源する。宝島は南海の孤島であるため,約50年間全く他種血液を入れることなく純粋のまま世に知られずに残存した。その数43頭(昭28.7現在)である。大島群島に於いては現在改良せられてしまつたが,明治30年頃までは全島,現在のトカラ馬の如き矮小なものであつた。
    2 トカラ馬は本邦に残存する唯一の島型在来馬であつて,その成馬の体高108∼121cm,平均は牝114.5cm,牡114.9cm,体重約198kg,である。この矮馬は日本先史時代馬のうち,小形馬と同大と考えられる。よつて本邦先史時代馬の1形態を保存しているものとして貴重であり,鹿児島県は文化財として天然記念物に指定し,保護をはかることとした。
    3 白徴なく,毛色黒鹿毛,栃栗の様相を呈するが毛色の判定困難である。〓,〓密で長く,頚又は肩部に黒斑あるもの10%で特に幼駒に明瞭,尾に束毛を有し,上唇,下唇に旋毛明かである。前後肢共附蝉を有するが後肢の附蝉甚だ小。蹄は堅靱,歩様短節,粗飼に堪え,耐熱性に富み頑健である。野生馬Prjevalsky馬に類似点が多いが,大きさはPrjevalsky馬より遙に小である。
  • I カゼインとCa, Pの結合に就て
    前野 正久, 斎藤 善一
    1955 年 26 巻 4 号 p. 237-238
    発行日: 1955年
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    The radioactive calcium chloride or sodium phosphate was added to solutions of casein, calcium caseinate and skim milk. By measuring radioactivity (count/min.) of their ultrafiltrates, we could anticipate the state of combination of Ca and P with casein or that of replacement of Ca by Ca which already combined in Ca-caseinate micelles. Ca and P combine with casein, and P combines with casein more in guantity under the co-existence of Ca and P than when P exists alone. Ca3 (PO4) 2 combines with casein to a certain degree P is easily separated from casein in the process of ultrafiltra tion, but Ca is not and is more stable. Probably Ca combines chemically and the most part of P loosely with casein.
  • II 外部から若干のstressorを加えた場合の鶏の体温,呼吸数, 心搏動数,血液乳酸量及び血糖量の変化
    岡本 正幹, 大坪 孝雄
    1955 年 26 巻 4 号 p. 239-243
    発行日: 1955年
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) 定温器,直射日光の何れによるにせよ,加温すれば体温,呼吸数及び血糖量の増加が見られる。心搏動数は直射日光下で却温した時にのみ増加し,定温器で加温した時には有意の増加は見られない。血液乳酸量は定温器で加温すると減少し,直射日光下で加温すると増加する。
    2) 麻酔すれば体温は下降し,血液乳酸量は減少する。また呼吸数,心搏動数及び血糖量は幾分減少するか,または変化しないかである。
    3) 麻酔後加温すれば,体温の上昇のみを例外として,加温時の変化はすべて抑制される。
  • II 甲状腺除去及び去勢の影響
    見上 晋一
    1955 年 26 巻 4 号 p. 245-251
    発行日: 1955年
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    Eleven adult White Leghorn cockerels, 6 to 9 months of age, were thyroidectomized and sacrificed 6 to 93 days after operation. Two capons and 10 normal cockerels of the same age were also used as controls.
    Anterior pituitaries of the sacrificed birds were weighed, and fixed in a formol-sublimate (1:9) solution and stained after GOLDBERG-CHAIKOFF method ('52), HEIDENHAIN'S azan technique and GOMORI'S aldehyde-fuchsin. For the purpose of cytochemical studies, the PAS method, RENNELS'S acid hematein test, FEULGEN'S reaction, ribonuclease test and metachromatic staining by basic dyes were also used.
    The results obtained are summarized as follows:
    (1) Anterior pituitaries of the thyroidectomized cockerels were markedly hypertrophied. The thyroidectomy cells (T cells) of the glands were observed within the confines of the cephalic lobe. In the capons, however, enlarged basophils were present throughout the cephalic and caudal lobes.
    (2) T cells develop directly from some of the cephalic basophils and are morphologically divided into two forms. The one is characterized by its large, clear nucleus surrounded by the cytoplasm containing fine basophilic granules, while the other is distinguished by the cytoplasm containing large hyaline vacuoles. Both types of the T cells are extremely large in size and round, oval and polygonal in forma. Their cytoplasm contains RNA-and PAS-positive granules, but their large vacuoles contain only PAS-positive substance. T cells are considered, from all points of view, to be secretory cells, and there is no indication of de-generative changes.
    (3) It is considered that there are two functionally distinct types of the basophils in the anterior pituitary of the fowls. One existing exclusively in he cephalic lobe has developed to T cells due to thyroidectomy, and the other located throughout the cephalic and caudal lobes has been enlarged after castration. The former type is considered to be responsible for the secretion of thyrotrophic hormone, while the latter is concerned with the production of follicle-stimulating hormone.
    (4) After thyroidectomy the degranulation of the acidophils of the caudal lobe has been observed with a marked decrease in number, but such decrease was a little in capons.
    V cells markedly degenerate indicating picnosis due to thyroidectomy, but remain normal in case of castration. In the thyroidectomized or castrated birds, it is probable that degenerative changes in acidophils and V cells are due to changes in the physiological condition of the pituitary caused by the removal of the thyroids or testes. Therefore, acidophils and V cells are considered to be not responsible for the secretion of follicle-stimulating or thyrotrophic hormones.
  • 草類蛋白質の栄養価 VII
    神立 誠, 掘米 隆男
    1955 年 26 巻 4 号 p. 253-257
    発行日: 1955年
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    1 草類の栄養価を検討する場合,その蛋白質が重要な意義を有するので草類の蛋白質の性質を明かにする目的を以て,乾燥赤クローバーより細胞質蛋白質及び葉緑体蛋白質を分離調製し,その化学的性質を調べた。
    2 調製した蛋白質の窒素含有率は細胞質蛋白質は8.76%,葉緑体蛋白質は10.59%でかなり多くの随伴物質をともないエーテル抽出では取り除く事が出来なかつた。VAN SLYKE法による窒素分布より見れば細胞質蛋白質は葉緑体蛋白質に比しアルギニン及びリヂンに富み,ヒスチヂンは両者に於て殆ど差がないものと認められる。又モノアミノ酸区分に於ても若干の相違があると思われるが,両蛋白質のアミノ酸組成は余り大きな相違がないと考えられる。
    3 分離した蛋白質について無機成分の検索を行つた結果,燐は細胞質蛋白質,葉緑体蛋白質の何れにも存在しなかつたので核蛋白質等は抽出されなかつたと考えられる。硫黄は両蛋白質に認められた。金属元素は細胞質蛋白質にも葉緑体蛋白質にも共通してCa,Mg,Fe,Zn.Alの5種をペーパークロマトグラフ法で認め,Caは蛋白質の灰分中多量に含まれていた。
  • I 牛胎児
    橋本 善之, 江口 保暢
    1955 年 26 巻 4 号 p. 259-265
    発行日: 1955年
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    The gonads of 9 male and 9 female fetuses of the cattle were used in this study. The fetuses are 5.7 to 45.0 cm in "crown-rump length" in males and 16.3 to 38.0 con in females. The gonads were fixed in 10% formalin and ZENKER-formol. Routine alcohol dehydration and paraffin embedding were practiced. Sections were cut at 7μ. stained with hematoxylin-eosin or HEIDENHAIN's iron alum hematoxylin, and after MASSON's trichrome method, VAN GIESON'S method and BIELSCHOWSK Y-MARESCH reticulm method. The following observations were made.
    Testis: There is a cuboidal layer of germ epithelium in the testis of a 5.7-cm-long fetus It becomes flattened gradually with ages. With the vascularization in the tunica albuginea, there is a remarkable increase of connective tissue fibers in the vascularized areas. The seminiferous tubules are distinctly limited by a membrana propria, exterior to which is a thin layer of small connective tissue cells forming a capsular investment. The tubules consist of two kinds of cells, i. e., indifferent cells and germ cells. The former is numerous and the latter a few. Both cells in the tubules have a tendency to increase in number, the numerical ratio between them being scarcely altered in all testes used. Interstitial cells are found sparsely at first and then form cluster-like masses with gradual vascularization.
    Ovary: In 16.3-cm-to 18.5-cm-long fetuses, the sex cords having a broad hand-like appearancee contain many small indlfferent cells and a few germ cells. Primary follicles increase gradually in the inner part of the cortex. In the bodies of 25-cm-and 27-cm-long fetuses, the sex cords manifested a degenerated appearance. Meanwhile, in a fetus grown 30.0-cm-long, the remarkable change is noticed with the increase in replenished sex cords. Therefore, it is presumed that the sex cords have newly been formed descending from the germ layer, or reconstructed from the parenchymal tissues in these growing stages. No interstitial cells have been found in any ovaries used.
    The origin of the interstitial cells in the testisand of the medullary cords in the ovary is also. discussed briefly.
  • II 馬胎児
    橋本 善之, 江口 保暢
    1955 年 26 巻 4 号 p. 267-270
    発行日: 1955年
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    The gonads of 4 male and 5 female horse fetuses were studied histologically.
    The results obtained are summarized as follows:
    1) The gonads of the horse fetus are by far larger than those of the cattle fetus.
    2) In the outer surface of the testis is found the tunica albuginea which is devoid of cell cords and shows a well marked connective tissue membrane. In its inner broad area, there are a lot of interstitial cells among which young seminiferous tubules are sparsely scattered.
    3) In the ovary, a dense fibrous membrane becomes clear at the periphery and the cords are seen in it except near the hilus ovarii. The inner broad portion of the ovary is composed of many interstitial cells with the supporting tissue,
    4) The enlargement of the fetal gonads may be due, for the most part, to the result of an increase in number and size of the interstitial cells.
    5) The interstitial cells are divided into small groups by connective tissue cells and fine fibers intervene between the interstitial cells.
    6) The interstitial cells are large and polyangular, containing the alveolar nuclei in the granular cytoplasm.
    7) There are sometimes transitional types between the interstitial cells and the connective tissue cells.
    8) The seminiferous tubules are composed of many small indifferent cells and a few round germ cells.
    9) The sex cords in the ovaries have the same cell-components as in testes. But the structures and the cells of them are variable with the stages tested.
  • III 成緬羊の毛胞群について
    菅井 一男
    1955 年 26 巻 4 号 p. 273-276
    発行日: 1955年
    公開日: 2008/03/10
    ジャーナル フリー
    A histological observation has been made on the morphology of the hair follicle population, its density, S/P ratio and shedding of the hair from the follicle in the skin of the adult Corriedale sheep, as compared with those in the skin of the lamb of the same breed. Twelve sheep were used, of which 8 were adult 4 two years old and 4 three years old and 4 lambs.
    A small patch of skin was removed from the shoulder, belly and thigh regions of sheep a half, one and a half and two and a half years of age. Skin samples were prepared histologically.
    The results obtained were as follows:
    (1) There was little morphological difference in the hair follicle population between the adult (two and three years of age) and lambs. The hair follicle population of adult sheep is generally arranged In so-called "trio groups", but, in many cases, boundaries between trio groups and between primary groups in the trio group were not clearly seen.
    (2) New follicles with fibers of incomplete keratinizatlon are not seen in the follicle populations of adult sheep, except in the case of regrowth of fibers from shed follicles, while new follicles are found among the follicle populations in lambs.
    (3) It seems that the hair follicle and the sebaceous and sudoriferous glands associated with hair follicles increase in size and shape with the advancement in age from ono to three years.
    (4) A little difference exists among mean values of S/P ratio odtained from individuals of each age group of sheep and also among mean values of S/P ratio obtained from the shoulder, belly and thigh regions in each age group of sheep. The value is larger in the shoulder region than in the other two body regions.
    (5) A large individual difference in follicle density was found among age groups of sheep. Individual mean value of follicle density showed decrease in the two years old group and no large difference between the two and the three years old groups. A considerable difference in follicle density was also found among the 3 body regions of different age groups.
    (6) Shed follicles were found in the one, the two and the three years old groups of sheep. It seems that shed follicles are most numerous in the one year old group, and not so numerous in the two and the three years old groups. Therefore, a considerable difference in the number of shed follicles is found between the one and the two years old groups but no such difference between the two and the three years old groups.