Online ISSN : 1349-9963
Print ISSN : 0016-7630
ISSN-L : 0016-7630
49 巻, 591 号
  • 堀 純郎
    1942 年 49 巻 591 号 p. 445-452
    発行日: 1942/12/20
    公開日: 2008/04/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    When we put a thin section of an optically anisotropic crystal on the stag-e of the petrographic microscope, and observe between crossed nicols the intens-ity of light from the microscope, rotating the stage, we generally see that the intensity varies in accordance with the following equation theoretically obtain-ed from the FRESNEL'S law or the MAXWELL'S equations: [numerical formula] where A is the amplitude of the incident light, P a constant peculiar to both th-e thin section and the microscope, and θ the angle of rotation of the stage., With i-nterval of π/2 of θ, ω becomes 0, in other words, extinction occurs., While i-t is known that the (010) section of certain alkali-amphibole does not show ext-inction between crossed nicols, but the extinction occurs when the lower and up-per nicols are at a certain angle., The writer tried to obtain an equation which will represent quantitatively this abnormal optical phenomenon., The following e-quation give the intensity of light from the microscope in this abnormal case., This has been obtained on the basis of the assumption that, "when light enters the (010) section of the mineral, it is decomposed into two sets of plane polari-zed lights, and one of the each set is completely absorbed, the residual two po-larized lights vibrating not perpendicularly to each other., " [numerical formula] where P0, PI, and PII are constants peculiar respectively to the microscope and to two component lights in the mineral; χ the angle between the nicols; 〓 the angle between the planes of polarization of the component lights in the min-eral; and Δ the phase difference of the component lights., cos Δ is then the s-o-called retardation of the thin section., Measuring the intensity of the that this equation represents the abnormal extinction phenomenon as well as the variat-ion of the intensity of light.,
  • 藤本 治義, 北村 幸雄
    1942 年 49 巻 591 号 p. 453-462
    発行日: 1942/12/20
    公開日: 2008/04/11
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 小林 貞一
    1942 年 49 巻 591 号 p. 463-467
    発行日: 1942/12/20
    公開日: 2008/04/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    山西省稷山北〓丁石産の三葉蟲中に下記の5種あり。1) Peishania(?) semicircula-ris KOBAYASHI (sp., nov.,) 2) Mesocrepicephalus cfr., magna (WALCOTT) 3) Crepiceph-alina aff., convexa (WALCOTT) 4) Probowmania ligea (WALCOTT) var., quadrata KOBAY-ASHI, (var., nov.,) 5) Metagraulos (?) intermedius KOBAYASHI 2-5の4種は下部石灰岩レンズより採集せられしものにして, 其の下に2米の珪岩・アルコースあって, 基盤岩類を被ふ。故に此の地方に於いては震旦系のみならず, 饅頭統を缺除し, 寒武系基底面は寒武紀初期の陸地表面を示す。之等兩化石帶は, 嘗つて岩相の類似より饅頭統と考へられたるものにして, 山西其他に於ける所謂饅頭統中には單に海侵に依る異時同相關係に依つて, 饅頭統と考へられたるも實は饅頭期よりも一段若き堆積物たる事少なからざる可し。
  • 小林 貞一
    1942 年 49 巻 591 号 p. 468-475
    発行日: 1942/12/20
    公開日: 2008/04/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) 印度及印度支那より從來報告されたるDolichometopidsは本亞科に屬するものにあらず。泰嶺-京城線以南に於ける眞のDolichometopidsの産出は〓に記載せる聞慶産の2種が最初なり。a) Amphoton derceto WALCOTT var., spinula KOBAYASHI, var., nov., 頴江層産 b) Amphoton microlops KOBAYASHI, sp., nov., 下乃層産 2) Dolichometopinaeは下記の11屬9亞屬に分類する事を得。Corynexochidae ANGELIN, 1854., a) CorynexochidaeRAYMOND, 1928., b) Dolichometopinae WALCOTT, 1926., Dolichometopsis POULSEN, 1927., (Ptarmigania RAYMOND, 1928) Poliella WALCOTT, 1916., (Poliellina POLETAYEVA, 1936) Bathyuriscus MEEK, 1873., (Athabaskia RAYMOND, 1928) (Athabaskiella KOBAYASHI, subg., nov.,) (Glossopleura POULSEN, 1927) Amphoton LORENZ, 1906., (Amphotonella K-OBAYASHI, 1942) (Sunia KOBAYASHI, 1942) (Fuchonia ENDO and RESSER, 1935) Dolichometopus ANGELIN, 1878., Clavaspidella POULSEN, 1927., Prosymphysurus POULSEN, 1927., Acheilops ULRICH, 1930., Anoria WALCOTT, 1924., Hemirhodon RAYMOND, 1937., Klotz-iella RAYMOND,1928., Orria WALCOTT,1916.,