Online ISSN : 1349-9963
Print ISSN : 0016-7630
ISSN-L : 0016-7630
60 巻, 703 号
  • 上田 健夫, 西村 新一
    1954 年 60 巻 703 号 p. 131-137
    発行日: 1954/04/25
    公開日: 2008/04/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    イットリャ石[(Y, Th)2Si2O7]は通常塊状をなして産するから, まだその結晶系すら知られていない., 薄片を十字ニコルの下で観察すると常に暗黒である., X線寫眞を撮るとメタミクト態であることを示す., 筆者等は愛媛縣の米之野産及び福島縣の水晶山産のイットリャ石のX線粉末寫眞を撮ったところ, 若干の廻折環を観察した., 従ってこれ等の試料は完全にはメタミクト態ではないことを知った., イットリャ石はその化學組成から見て, トルトベ石[(Sc, Y)2Si2O7]と結晶構造が同一ではないかと考えられるのであるが, 此所に得た廻折環はイットリャ石がトルトベ石とその格子常數, 空間群及び原子の位置が全く同じであると考えることにより誠に矛盾なく説明がつく., 從って, 筆者等はイットリャ石とトルトベ石とは, isomorphismの關係にあると考えている.,
  • 樋口 雄
    1954 年 60 巻 703 号 p. 138-144
    発行日: 1954/04/25
    公開日: 2008/04/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Miyata formation occurs in the southern part of the Miura peninsula, Kanagawa prefecture, Japan., Since previous publications on this formation have described chiefly its Foraminifera and Mollusca, the principal purpose of this paper is to describe the environmental conditions under which the formation was deposited as determined from a study of foraminiferal assemblages., The Miyata formation consists of conglomerate and cross-bedded sandstone containing shells, which are overlain in succession by sandstone, an alternation of sandstone, and siltstone, and fossiliferous sandstone., The Miyata formation overlies the Hayama and Hayashi formations unconformably and the Kwanto volcanic ash overlies the Miyata formation unconformably., The Miyata formation is about 20 meters thick at the cliff at Okine (locs., 1, 2)., It is bounded on the north and south by vertical faults., Forminifera were collected from 19 different localities in the Miyata formation, but in all cases from the same stratigraphic horizon., These collections were compared with Recent Foraminifera from the tidal zone and inter-tidal region in the vicinity of the Miura peninsula to aid in the determination of the paleo-environment of the Miyata foraminiferal assemblages., The following conclusions were reached : 1) The foraminiferal assemblages of the Miyata formation comprise species flourishing in shallow water., The east and central parts of the Miyata formation are deeper than the western part in depositional facies, as inferred from the bathymetrical distribution of the Foraminifera., 2) The distribution of the Foraminifera within the Miyata formation shows an intimate relationship with the litho-facies, particularly with the grain size distribution of the rocks., 3) The temperature of the sea water at the time of deposition of the formation, as inferred from the Foraminifera, was somewhat lower than or nearly the same as the present sea water adjacent to the peninsula., 4) The fossil Foraminifera comprise an assemblage which lived near the shore of the open-sea.,
  • 増田 孝一郎
    1954 年 60 巻 703 号 p. 145-152
    発行日: 1954/04/25
    公開日: 2008/04/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Cenozoic strata in the areas of Machino-machi, Najimi-mura and Yanaida-mura, in Fugeshi-gun, Ishikawa Prefecture, are classified, on the basis of field observations, into the following formations, from lower to upper : Konosuyama volcanics : Comprised of andesite, basalt, dacite, agglomerates of andesite, basalt and dacite, and diorite., Part of the diorite is younger than the volcanics., Although the distribution of the various rock types has been mapped their stratigraphic sequence is not known., ., ., ., (stratigraphic relation unceertain) ., ., ., Toktunari formation : Comprised of pumiceous tuff and brecciated tuff with lenticular layers of tuffaceous sandstone, tuffaceous mudstone and conglomerate., Lignite seams and fossil shells are found in a few places., These rocks are intercalated between flows of andesite, basalt and dacite., ., ., ., unconformity ., ., ., Higashi-Innai formation : Comprised of mudstone, siltstone, sandstone and conglomerate in which lignite is intercalated., Fossils of Mollusca and Foraminifera are abundant., ., ., ., Awagura formation and Iwakurayama rhyolite : The Awagura formation is comprised of finely stratified white or light green colored pumiceous tuff, brecciated tuff and sandy tuff., The Iwakurayama rhyolite eruption is responsible for the large quantities of tuff in the Awagura formation, and consequently, the eruption took place during deposition of the Awagura., ., ., ., Najimi formation : Comprised of tuffaceous mudstone and tuffaceous siltstone, and locally contains pumice layers and laminated tuffaceous sandstone layers., Molluscan shells and sponge spicules occur throughout the formation., In the northern part of the areas, Radiolaria and Globigerina, are common and Conchocele is the outstanding megafossil., In the southern part of the areas, Foraminifera are abundant and Globigerina is also found., The occurrence of Globigerina suggests a free connection with the open sea., ., ., ., unconformity ., ., ., Okawa terrace deposits : Comprised of sand, gravel and clay in which fossils are absent., From fossil evidence, the Higashi-Innai formation, which has yielded Operculina, Miogypsina, Vicarya and others, is considered to be early Miocene in age., The Higashi-Innai formation contains rocks of marine and brackish-water facies as evidenced by fossils and lignite which contains sulphur., Among the geological structures of the district are several faults, and folding has occurred., Faults and fold axes trend east-west., The geological age of the folding and faults is considered post-Miocene and pre-Okawa time.,
  • 山口 貴雄
    1954 年 60 巻 703 号 p. 153-159
    発行日: 1954/04/25
    公開日: 2008/04/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    1., いろいろの鑛物の共存は, それらが同時の生成のものであっても, 同一の熱力學的條件を示すものではなく, 同温異壓縮力の相を示すものであり, 又その上に, 移動性物質の移動に關する條件も含んでいるものである., 2., 殆どの變成過程にはH2O, K2Oのような移動性成分の出入がある., これは, 壓縮力が異方性であってこの作用により岩石が破かいされ, 節理, fissure, 割れ, 片理等のような移動性物質の移動の通路がひらかれること及び, 壓縮力の強さが變成地域内で不均一に分布していて, このことが移動性物質の移動の原動力になることに關係している., そしてこの物質の移動(變成分化)を通じて, 自由なK2Oの生産をした變成過程きそれを消費(metasomatism)した變成過程とは互に結びついている., 前者はchloritoid生成の過程とgarnet生成の過程であり, 後者はbiotite生成の過程であって, 變成作用の各時間的段階にこのK2Oの生産をした岩帶がその段階における主導的役割を果したと考えられる., この意味で漣川變成岩類の變成作用の前段階はchloritoid stage, 後段階はgarnet stageであるということが出来る., 尚, このようなopen systemの場合にはいわゆるmineralogical phase ruleは成立しないと考えられる., 3., biotiteの色には, 鑛物組成や片理發達の程度には關係なく, 何らかのprogressivityがある., 之はbiotiteの色が, 温度によって左右される何ものかのあらわれである, と考える他はない., 即ち, biotiteの色は温度の指示計であり得る, というのである., この點については多くの問題が將來に殘されている., 4., 以上のような考え方で, 變成作用を廣く調べて見ることが必要であると考える.,
  • 石田 志朗, 糸魚川 淳二, 森島 正夫, 森下 晶, 中澤 圭二, 小黒 讓司
    1954 年 60 巻 703 号 p. 160-166
    発行日: 1954/04/25
    公開日: 2008/04/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    The stratigraphy of the Cenozoic formations in Okuyamada, near Kyoto, Japan, has not been previously studied in detail, even though the locality has long been known to amateur fossil collectors as a unique source of marine molluscan fossils., The stratigraphy of the Tsuzuki group is as follows : Ofuku gravel (Pleistocene ?) ., ., ., unconformity ., ., ., Tsuzuki group Yuantani formation Tawara arkose sandstone and conglomerate Shiodani sandstone Okuyamada formation Kaya tuffaceous mudstone Miyamura sandstone bed Kawakami conglomerate ., ., ., unconformity and fault ., ., ., Chichibu Paleozoic formations The Yuantani and Okuyamada formations each represent a cycle of sedimentation., The geologic age of the Tsuzuki group is probably middle Miocene (F2-F3) because of the occurrence of Katelysia nakamurai, Protorotella yuantaniensis and Comptoniphyllum Naumanni, and also of species common to the Ayugawa and Mizunami groups.,
  • 中澤 圭二
    1954 年 60 巻 703 号 p. 167-168
    発行日: 1954/04/25
    公開日: 2008/04/11
    ジャーナル フリー