For a long time the attention has been paid to the close relationship of the skin to the liver in the various skin diseases, but the details is obscure as ever. Therefore, in order to throw a light on this problem, I attempted to inquire into skin-liver interrelation in the eczematous dermatitis. And then the conclusion of my clinical and experimental investigation was as follows.
1. Author made nummerous liver function tests in many cases of eczema, and found positive values of tests in about fifty nine % out of all consequently.
2. The hepatic function was disturbed in all rabbits with croton oil induced dermatitis, and both pattern of the hepatic disturbance and of the skin lesion followed same time course.
3. The development of the skin lesion and the liver disturbance in the croton oil dermatitis was severer in the rabbits treated with CCl
4 beforehand than of without such treatment.
4. In addition to the aforesaid observations I made needle biopsy of the liver, and found the following histological changes in six out of seven cases in consequence: anisocaryosis, vacuolated nuclei, fatty infiltration, fibrosis in the portal area.
Therefore the liver biopsy permits us to conclude an important role of the liver in eczema.