Recently, the prevention of phenolic off-flavor ‘
phénolé’ has become a focus in red winemaking. We first investigated the frequency of
phénolé in samples of commercial red wines produced in Japan. Almost 80% of the samples contained
phénolé at a concentration of less than 0.100mg/L. Thus, it was clarified that most of the red wines produced in Japan are of high quality and contain minimal phénolé. Yeast cells belonging to the genus
Brettanomyces were present in some wine samples that contained high concentrations of
phénolé. These wine samples also showed high pH values. Furthermore, screening, isolation and characterization of phenol-producing yeast strains were performed during the red wine production process in Japan. Some yeast isolates were isolated from red wine samples that were collected from barrels. Using standard morphological and biochemical tests, these isolates were identified as belonging to the genus
Brettanomyces. The isolates were inhibited by 0.6mg/L molecular sulfur dioxide. Further studies focusing on the prevention of
Brettanomyces contamination are expected.