This study demonstrated the vasorelaxation effect of small peptides and their underlying mechanisms as a novel function of blood pressure-lowering peptides. In particular, the small peptide Trp-His elicits not only a vasorelaxation effect in isolated aorta but also an anti-atherosclerotic effect in vivo. Viewing the composition of food products as a mixture of many components, the synergistic effect on vasorelaxation by the combination of multi-food compounds was also investigated. In this review article, we summarize the aforementioned beneficial effects of food compounds on vascular functions as well as the intestinal absorption and bioavailability of these bioactive peptides, clarified by using LC-MS and/or MALDI-MS imaging analyses.
(1)ダージリン紅茶に特徴的な成分として,3,7-dimethyl-1,5,7-octatrien-3-ol (hotrienol)(floral, fruity),2,3-diethyl-5-methylpyrazine (roasty, nutty)および不明成分(green, meaty)を見出した.不明成分は,ダージリン茶葉のSDE抽出物より,シリカゲルカラム,次いで,オフライン2次元GCにて高度に精製し,最終的に,マスカット果実の重要香気寄与成分である4-mercapto-4-methyl-2-pentanone (MMP)と同定した.さらに,ダージリン紅茶とマスカット果実にて高い寄与度を有する香気成分を比較し,紅茶におけるマスカットフレーバーが,紅茶全般に共通する3成分(linalool, geraniol, β-damascenone)とMMPより形成され,その発現にはMMP含有量が深く関与している可能性を見出した.
安定性が高く,またLDLコレステロール低下作用などの生理作用を有することが報告されている高オレイン酸ひまわり油(High Oleic Sunflower Oil : HOSO)の官能特性について,官能評価やaroma extract dilution analysis (AEDA)により検証を行った.加熱時のにおいはHOSOが他の油に比べて弱く,揚げ玉やえびの天ぷら,コロッケにおける油の風味はHOSOとPOにおいて有意に弱いと評価された.また,風味の強度だけでなく,持続性の強さを評価したところ,強度と同様の傾向が認められた.揚げ物としての総合的な風味の評価では,HOSOがRSOに比べ有意に評価が高かった.これらの結果から,HOSOは油の風味が弱く,あっさりとした特性を持ち,フライ油として優れた官能特性を有していることが示唆された.一方,AEDA分析の結果から,HOSOやSBO,RSOのにおいはそれらの脂肪酸組成に深くかかわること,HOSOからもSBOやRSOと同様ににおいとして強く感じる香気成分が生じることなどが確認された.以上の結果から,HOSOの官能特性は,その脂肪酸組成に深く関与し,HOSOから生じた油のにおいは揚げ物として喫食した際には感じにくい特徴を有することが示唆された.
Microencapsulation of flavor is an important technology whereby liquid flavor is enclosed in a carrier matrix by spray drying. In this review, the flavor release from spray-dried powder is discussed. Flavor release from the spray-dried powder could be correlated using the Avrami (Weibull) equation. In the analysis of flavor release from the powder, the unknown parameters were: the diffusion coefficient of flavor in the matrix, Dout, diffusion coefficient of flavor in the flavor droplet, Din, and mass transfer coefficient from the powder, κL, which were estimated to fit d-limonene release behavior by using the partial differential equation model. First, the parameters were determined by fitting with the experimental database, assuming that the release in the matrix was the rate limiting step (Din»Dout). The diffusion model could explain well the release characteristics of encapsulated d-limonene. For the release of encapsulated d-limonene from the spray-dried powder at 51% RH and 50°C, diffusion of flavor inside the matrix was the rate-limiting step. The encapsulated flavor powder with vacuoles showed greater release than powder without vacuole formation.
Bioencapsulation of food additives or functional ingredients aims to protect sensitive core materials during storage and consumption, transport them to designated positions in the gastrointestinal tract, and release them at appropriate rates to maximize bioavailability. Bioencapsulation systems need to be designed with GRAS (generally recognized as safe) materials, and the physicochemical processes involved in matrix formation are crucial for realizing expected functionality. From an engineering perspective, it is important to develop a processing method for obtaining products with desirable features. The author has previously reported that a freezing step represents an interesting processing tool for controlling the properties of an encapsulation system. During freezing, the growth of ice crystals in an aqueous solution results in a cryoconcentrated (freeze-concentrated) phase that is controlled by phase equilibrium. The author’s idea is to control matrix formation in the cryoconcentrated phase for optimizing encapsulation systems. This review summarizes this concept and future scope.