本研究では高灰分粉の使用による国産小麦を原料としたパンの味・香り成分の変化を確認した. LC/MSおよびGC/MS測定の結果, 共通して高灰分粉20%以上の置換により呈味成分や揮発性成分の傾向が分かれた. 高灰分粉の添加により, アミノ酸の含有量およびアルコール類やラクトン類といった発酵生成物と考えられる化合物群の面積値が増加した. また, メイラード反応生成物も高灰分粉の添加により面積値が増加した. 官能評価において, 国産小麦のパン用小麦粉の特徴を表す単語として「甘味」や「塩味」などが, 高灰分粉40%置換の特徴を表す単語として「焦げ臭」や「酸味」, 「えぐみ」などが選定された. 高灰分粉の添加により発酵生成物やメイラード反応生成物が増加しており, これらの化合物群が高灰分粉添加のパンの官能評価特性に影響を与えていることが示唆された. 高灰分粉をパンの添加材料として活用することで, 低コストで従来のパンとの風味差別化を図ることが可能になると考えられる.
The size of the market in Japan for fruit beverages that contain more than 10% fruit juice as the main ingredient is currently valued at approximately 300 billion yen. The author examined the status of raw fruit juice in Japan, as well as its production and consumption. In addition, changes in research on fruit juice and fruit beverages, and the activities of the Japan Fruit Juice Association, an industry group, are also discussed.
We want to promote the health benefits of fruits by increasing fruit consumption. Findings from studies about the health benefits of fruits are found in the National Institute of Fruit Tree Science and five other institutes, and these studies depended on research funds from the fruit industry. One of the valuable discoveries of those studies is that there are fewer lifestyle-related diseases found in people who consistently eat fruit. Another major finding is that high serum β-cryptoxanthin is associated with lower risk for lifestyle-related diseases (osteoporosis, diabetes, liver dysfunction, metabolic syndrome, and arteriosclerosis) among Japanese subjects. We founded two volunteer associations where we try to think of effective ways to communicate the health benefits of fruits, so that people can understand that fruits are beneficial foods for health and that they will be healthy by eating a lot of fruits. We must absorb carotenoids from fruits because they act as antioxidants against oxidative stress.