Online ISSN : 2185-0976
Print ISSN : 0037-4342
ISSN-L : 0037-4342
37 巻, 6 号
  • (心プールシンチグラムについて)
    篠塚 明, 砂田 英二, 高橋 吉政, 平林 晋一, 会田 巌, 菱田 豊彦
    1977 年 37 巻 6 号 p. 511-515
    発行日: 1977/12/28
    公開日: 2010/09/09
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 千住 紀
    1977 年 37 巻 6 号 p. 517-524
    発行日: 1977/12/28
    公開日: 2010/09/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    Two divided peaks of albumin fraction, so-called double albumin, are sometimes observed in spite of the fact that albumin usually has been shown a big band on electrophoretic pattern of serum protein. There are two kinds of double albuminemia : one is acquired and the other is hereditary, the latter is called as“alloalbuminemia”.
    In this paper, the chemical and physicochemical properties of alloalbumin (albumin-N and albumin-S) obtained from the healthy man who had been found alloalbuminemia by health examination and its hereditary characteristics were reported.
    Albumin-N and albumin-S were observed with cellulose acetate agar, and disc electrophoresis. Albumin-S was more labile than albumin-N in the storage at 4°C, after stored for 2 months albumin-S migrated closely albumin-N, but not completely identical. No immunological differences between both albumins were observed. With Sephadex gel filtration and ultracentrifugation, both had almost the same molecular size.
    Compared with the ratio of amino acids content in both albumins, albumin-S contained lesser glutamic acid and more prolin and basic amino acids than albumin-N. I speculate that the composition of albumin-S is like as proalbumin.
    The type of hereditary trait of this alloalbuminemia had been certified normochromosomal co-dominant by the observation of 4 generations in this family.
  • 野津 立秋, 北村 公博
    1977 年 37 巻 6 号 p. 525-533
    発行日: 1977/12/28
    公開日: 2010/09/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    The biological role of the ferrous to ferric alteration in iron metabolism has not been sufficiently elucidated. However, one of the principal points of iron metabolism is the ferroxidase reaction in which the oxidation of iron is catalyzed by ceruloplasmin.
    The effects of ceruloplasmin in iron kinetics were studied in hypoceruloplasminemic rats by copper deprivation. Consequently, markedly reduced plasma iron levels were found in copper deficient rats.
    Both copper dificient and control rats were given intravenously 1.0μCi/100 g of body weight59Fe chondroitic iron sulfate. In copper deficient rats, liver, spleen, kidney and bone marrow, radio-iron activities were higher than in control rats. Radio-iron incorporation into hepatic ferritin was also increased in copper deficient rats. The release of radio-iron from these organs to peripheral blood was impaired in deficient rats. However, the rates of clearance of carbon particles from blood, which indicated the granulopectic activities of the reticuloendothelial systems, were similar in two groups. In copper deficient rats, it was suggested that hypoferremia is the consequence of an inability to utilize storage iron.
    These findings support the hypothesis that ceruloplasmin, becasue of its ferroxidase activity, accelerates the release of iron from reticuloendothelial system tissues to plasma.
  • 横田 正幸
    1977 年 37 巻 6 号 p. 535-544
    発行日: 1977/12/28
    公開日: 2010/09/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    アミノ配糖体系抗生物質のVSM, KMおよびGMを成熟モルモット, 片腎摘出モルモットおよび妊娠モルモットに連続的に筋肉内に投与し, モルモット, または分娩された新生仔モルモット聴覚器への影響についてそれらの作用を比較検討した.1) 成熟モルモットに対する影響: VSM 400mg/kgを35日間投与した場合, 全例正常なる耳介反射を示し, 病理組織学的検索でも異常は認められなかった.KM 400mg/kg投与群では全例耳介反射は消失し, 病理組織学的検索でも全例, 蝸牛外有毛細胞は全回転にわたり消失し, 1例ではラセン神経節細胞の消失も認められた.GM 80mg/kg投与群では2例が体重減少を示し, 死亡したが, 残り4例のうち1例は耳介反射が正常であったが, 他の3例はいずれも耳介反射は消失した.病理組織学的検索では, 3例の蝸牛外有毛細胞は2回転後半部迄消失した.2) 片腎摘出モルモットに対する影響: VSM 400mg/kgを右腎摘出モルモットに35日間連続投与した結果, 正常なる耳介反射を示し, 病理組織学的検索でも異常は認められなかった.しかし, KM 400mg/kg投与群では耳介反射は消失し病理組織学的検索でも生存例はいずれも蝸牛外有毛細胞は全回転にわたり消失した.GM80mg/kg投与群では3例が体重減少を示し, 死亡したが, 死亡例, 生存例いずれも耳介反射は消失し, 病理組織学的検索では5例に部分的または全回転にわたる蝸牛外有毛細胞の消失が認められた.3) 妊娠および新生仔モルモットに対する影響: 妊娠モルモットに妊娠初期より分娩直前迄VSM400mg/kgを連続投与した場合, 死亡例は全く認められず, 分娩された新生仔モルモットの耳介反射域値はわずかに増加したが, 病理組織学的検索では異常は認められなかった.KM200mg/kg投与群では妊娠モルモットに死亡例は認められず, 16例の新生仔が分娩され, そのうち11例は耳介反射域値が上昇した.病理組織学的検索では, 全例血管条辺縁細胞の散発的な消失が認められた.GM40mg/kg投与群では2例の妊娠モルモットが死亡し, 残り3例より9例の新生仔が分娩され, うち6例に耳介反射域値の上昇が認められた.病理組織学的検索では全例に血管条辺縁細胞の散発的な消失が認められ, さらに4例では1回転下端部に限局した蝸牛外有毛細胞の最内列の消失が認められた.
  • 小出 良平
    1977 年 37 巻 6 号 p. 545-553
    発行日: 1977/12/28
    公開日: 2010/09/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    牛肝, 牛脳, ヒト胎盤ミトコンドリアMAOを酵素材料とし, tyramine, 5-HTおよびbenzylamineを基質としてMAOの基質特異性を検討した.それぞれの臓器MAOはこれら3基質に対して相違した活性比を示し, またこれら3基質に対するpS-曲線もそれぞれの臓器により相違した.混合基質の実験において, 上記3基質のうち, 2つの基質を混合してMAO活性を測定した.その結果, 牛肝MAOではtyramine酸化に対しbenzylamineは競合的に阻害するが5-HTは何ら影響を与えず, またbenzylamine酸化に対しtyramineも5-HTも影響を及ぼさなかった.一方, 牛脳およびヒト胎盤MAOでは, 5-HT酸化はtyramineおよびbenzylamineにより阻害され, またtyramine酸化もbenzylamineによって阻害された.しかし, 5-HTはtyramineおよびbenzylamine酸化には何ら影響を与えなかった.これらの結果より, benzylamine-tyramineは同じ酵素の同じ活性中心に結合して酸化され, その活性中心に対しbenzylamineの親和性が高いためbenzylamineのみが酸化され, そのためtyramine酸化は競合的に阻害されるものと思われる.またbenzyl-amine-5-HT, tyramine-5-HTにおいて, これらの基質を酸化するMAOには少なくとも2つの活性中心があり, tyramineあるいはbenzylamineはその何れの活性中心にも結合するが5-HTはそのうちの1つにのみ結合し, 他の活性中心には結合出来ないものと思われる.
  • 大内 みち子, 市河 三太, 工藤 順康
    1977 年 37 巻 6 号 p. 555-561
    発行日: 1977/12/28
    公開日: 2010/09/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    The guinea pig bile duct connects to the duodenum through a sphincter area, a terminal cavity and an ampulla.
    The evidence indicates that the bile duct proper extends only through the terminal cavity, while the ampulla is physiologically a part of the duodenum. Spontaneous electrical discharges of 15 to 25 per min. rise at the sphincter area and spread across the terminal cavity. They appear primarily along the surface of greater curveture of the cavity which also has the more highly developed portion of the nerve plexus. Simultaneous recordings of these discharges at several sites exhibit a phase delay from which a transmission velocity of 10 to 30 mm/sec can be culculated. The discharges which are observed as far as the end of the cavity abruptly end at that point and in most cases cannot be found in the ampulla. Further evidence of the separation is the fact that the ampulla contractions are coordinated with contractions of the duodenum. Weak duodenal contractions, such as pendulous movement, have no effect on the sphincter or terminal cavity discharges. However, large duodenual spikes do sometimes affect the bile duct discharges, but not in any systematic way, they sometimes inhibit and sometimes stimulate. In addition, the spontaneous sphincter discharges slow down and synchronize with the spike bursts associated with the duodenal slow wave whenever they occur.
    Histologically the ampulla has the longitudinal and circular muscle layers characteristic of intestinal wall. The terminal cavity has a similar double layer of muscle which becomes a single dense bundle at the sphincter. The common bile duct consists of a muscle fiber group with no distinct layers being apparent.
    The guinea pig bile duct follows a helical path just before it reaches the terminal cavity with the cavity itself at the apex of an acute angle bend into the ampulla. The terminal cavity is thus an active plenum having the sphincter at its input and a flap of muscle extending across the cavity-ampulla junction. The cavity along with this flap may act to control bile flow.
    Bile flows into the terminal cavity through the sphincter area. Then, bile is forced into the ampulla by contraction of the cavity. When the ampulla contracts in unison with the duodenum, it forces its load of bile into the intestine.
  • 風間 敏英, 森川 孝雄, 末次 敏之, 杉崎 徹三, 烏山 悌
    1977 年 37 巻 6 号 p. 563-569
    発行日: 1977/12/28
    公開日: 2010/09/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    During 2 years (from 1975 to 1977), five patients suggestive of bullous pemphigoid (B.P.) by clinical and histopathological features were experienced and were carried out the direct immunofluorescence test (IF) with ordinary technique.
    Four patients showed mainly IgG and Ciq deposits in a linear, homogenous pattern at the basement membrane zone (BMZ) . However one case revealed only IgA and C3 in a granular pattern at the BMZ, which was reported to be characteristic for dermatitis herpetif ormis Duhring (D. H.) by Chorzelski et al.
    From the result, four cases were diagnosed as B. P. according to the immunological, clinical and histopathological criteria of B.P., and one case was concluded as D.H. rather than B.P. immunologically.
    The relationship between B.P. and D.H. was discussed in this paper.
  • 江頭 亨, 青木 秀泰, 菊池 隆一, 萩原 民郎, 杵鞭 宏育
    1977 年 37 巻 6 号 p. 571-576
    発行日: 1977/12/28
    公開日: 2010/09/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    ラット肝ミトコンドリアMAOに対する温度の影響を, 酵素反応中の温度の変化と, 熱処理による方法から検討した.
    MAO活性はクラークの酸素電極を用い, ポーラログラフ法により測定した.
    Tyramineを基質とした場合, 反応槽中の温度を30℃まで上昇させるに従ってMAO活性は増大したが, 30゜~35℃ではその活性は変化せず, 40℃まで上昇させると再びその活性は増大した.しかし, 40℃以上ではMAO活性は徐々に減少した.Serotoninを基質とした場合もtyramineの場合とほとんど同様の曲線を示したが, 40℃以上の温度でもMAO活性はなお増大する傾向を示した.Benzylamineおよびβ-Phenylethylamineを基質とした場合, 反応槽中の温度を35℃~40℃まで上昇させるにつれ, MAO活性も増加したが, それ以上の高温では活性は逆に低下した.これらの場合の温度係数を算出したところ, tyramineおよびserotonin, benzylamineでは, それぞれ1.2~1.7および0.75~1.6であった.一方β-phenylethylamineでは1.0~1.95と他の基質の場合に比べ高値を示した.このことは, β-phenylethylamineを基質とした場合は, 他の基質の場合に比較して高活性エネルギーを必要とすることを示唆している.
    ラット肝ミトコンドリアを, 50℃, 55℃, および60℃で10分間熱処理し, それらの残存MAO活性をtyramine, serotonin, benzylamineおよびβ-phenylethylamineを基質として検討した.Tyra-mineおよびserotoninを基質とした場合, 熱処理の温度が高くなるにつれMAO活性は低下し, 60℃10分間の熱処理で完全に失活した.Benzylamineおよびβ-phenylethylamineを基質とした場合は, 50℃10分間の熱処理で約50%の活性が減少し, 55℃10分間の熱処理で完全に失活した.すなわち, tyramineおよびserotoninを基質とするMAOは比較的熱に安定であるが, benzylamineおよびβ-phenylethylamineを基質とするMAOは熱に不安定であった.
    高温度におけるMAO活性の減少は反応溶液中の酸素濃度の低下によるものか, 酵素蛋白の変性によるものかを検討した.すなわち38℃および50℃に保温された反応溶液に酸素を飽和させ, それぞれの温度におけるMAO活性を比較した.Tyramine, serotoninおよびbenzylamineを基質とした場合は, 30℃の場合よりも50℃においてより高い活性を示した.一方, β-phenylethylamineを基質とした場合は, 38℃の場合の方がより高い活性を示した.すなわち, 高温度下におけるtyramine, serotoninの場合のMAO活性の減少は, 反応液中の酸素濃度の減少によって惹起されたものであろう._一方, 高温度下におけるβ-phenylethylamineの場合のMAO活性の減少は酵素蛋白の変性によるものと思われる.以上の結果から, ラット肝ミトコンドリアには, 二つの異なったMAOが存在する可能性が示唆された.
  • 秋本 芳太郎, 岡田 拓郎, 鈴木 孝, 篠原 文雄
    1977 年 37 巻 6 号 p. 577-580
    発行日: 1977/12/28
    公開日: 2010/09/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    The author has presented a case of asbestosis of the lung autopsied at the Tokyo-to Medical Examiner Office, and this case of asbestosis was the first case among the autopsies in the present office. This case was a 49-year-old male company employee and continued asbestos work during 6 years. After that, he was hospitalized and was treated 3 years under the diagnosis of lung tuberculosis. He died suddenly after 19 years from the hospitalization. Autopsy revealed asbestosis of the lung associated with cor pulmonale, and, therefore, the cause of death was thought to be the latter disease complicated by the former.
  • 清水 敬介, 鈴木 親良, 川内 章裕, 河村 一敏, 幡谷 潔, 舟木 正朋, 小林 建一, 東 弘志, 新井 一成, 安藤 彰彦, 石井 ...
    1977 年 37 巻 6 号 p. 581-586
    発行日: 1977/12/28
    公開日: 2010/09/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    A review was made about 286 cases of breast carcinomas, which were operated at our hospital during past 21 years. Two instances of multiple primary carcinomas were found in this group. These two cases were statisfied with the criteria of Warren & Gates and histologically, each case of them showed a dissimilar pattern. These cases are presented as follows:
    Case 1. The patient was a woman, aged 57 years. A radical mastectomy had been performed elsewhere in 1966 for adenocarcinoma (medullary tubular carcinoma) of the right breast. In 1974 she was diagnosed as a carcinoma of the esophagus and endoscopically biopsied specimen of the esophageal lesion was proved squamous cell carcinoma. Because of an unresectable case, By-pass operation performed conservatively. 2 months after the second operation she died from cachexy.
    Case 2. The patient was a woman, aged 58 years. In November, 1953, a mass was found in the left thyroid gland and remained untreated after conservative therapy for 2 months. The mass had enlarged gradually. In March, 1958, a mass was found in the left breast and she admitted to performed the operation on carcinomas of the left breast and of the thyroid gland. Immediately after admission, a radical mastectomy and a conservative left lobectomy of the thyroid gland were done. Histologically, the breast lesion showed medullary tubular adenocarcinoma and the lesion of the thyroid gland showed papillary-follicular adenocarcinoma. 7 years after the operation she died from the local recurrence of the carcinoma of the thyroid gland.
  • 北條 博, 上村 正吉, 森 義明, 服部 憲明, 中井 徹, 野原 陽一郎, 福沢 啓一, 平沼 晃
    1977 年 37 巻 6 号 p. 587-591
    発行日: 1977/12/28
    公開日: 2010/09/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    Definite and classical, from II to IV stage rheumatoid arthritis, in our clinic in 1976 year were examined by roentgenography. Objects were 59 cases, 113 feet, male 10 and female 49, from 21 to 74 years of age.
    Various roentogenographic changes were obtained at bones and joints of backhalf of foot in spite of light complaints and results were as followings.
    Narrowing of joint space………52.2%,
    Destruction of joint………13.3%,
    These findings were remarkable at talo-navicular joint.
    II) Bone-atrophy were noteworthy at external malleolus (71.7%), and inner malleolus (63.7%) .
    III) Joints-destruction and ankylosis were strikingly at talo-navicular, cuboid bone, talocalcaneal and talo-crural joint.
    IV) There were pes planus in 15.6%, pes planovalgus in 4.4%, pes cavus in 3.3% and pes calcaneus in 1.1%.