Online ISSN : 1882-1006
Print ISSN : 0015-6426
ISSN-L : 0015-6426
4 巻, 5 号
  • 冨安 行雄, 榎本 則行
    1963 年 4 巻 5 号 p. 253-259
    発行日: 1963/10/30
    公開日: 2010/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 1962年における毒性変化 (1)
    飯岡 邦夫, 石母田 四郎, 中野 弥, 永村 幹夫
    1963 年 4 巻 5 号 p. 260-265
    発行日: 1963/10/30
    公開日: 2010/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    In May, 1961, the paralytic food poisoning broke out by Akazara shellfish (Chlamys Nipponensis Akazara Kuroda) in Ofunato city, facing the Pacific Ocean, Iwate Prefecture, the north eastern part of Japan. For the purpose of preventing the poisoning, in the following year, 1962, from February to December, Akazara shellfishes were collected periodically from the bay and the relationship between the temperature of the sea water and the variation of its toxicity was investigated. The results were as follows:
    (1) In 1962, the toxic phenomenon was observed in the same period of the year as that of 1961, but there were some differences in its toxicity. The trend of the toxicity decrease was almost similar in both cases.
    (2) The toxicity became maximum from the beginning to the middle of June, but it was one week earlier than at Shizu situated at the mouth of the bay that the toxicity of shellfish caught at Yamaguchi located at the end of the bay reached the highest.
    (3) The temperatures of sea water at the bay Ofunato, Kamaishi adjacent to Ofunato, and Miyako, all of which face the Pacific, was not found to be considerably different. Furtheremore there were no significant difference among the sea water temperatures of Ofunato bay from 1960 to 1962.
    (4) In 1962, the relationship between the poisonous period and the temperature of sea water (at Yamaguchi and Shizu) was co-relative. The temperature of sea water showing the maximum toxicity was 9.6-13.8°C and it was almost same as reported by Sommer et al.
  • 丸山 幸三, 川鍋 康治
    1963 年 4 巻 5 号 p. 265-268
    発行日: 1963/10/30
    公開日: 2010/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    Hydrolysis of sodium cyclamate, an artificial sweetener, was investigated under various conditions. The substance was not hydrolysed in water or alkaline solution, whereas it decomposed in acid solution. Thus, when 1.0g of sodium cyclamate in 1 N citric acid solution was heated at 110°C for 2.5 hours, the percentage of its hydrolysis was the largest among the values obtained in these experiments. After the similar sample solution had been stood at room temperature for 120 days, it was found that only 0.4% of sodium cyclamate decomposed. Therefore, it may not be too much to say that this material is harmless under these conditions.
    SO2-4 of the hydrolysis products from sodium cyclamate was determined by the gravimetric, the turbidimetric, and the colorimetric methods. In the last method, after SO2-4was exchanged for CrO2-4 with barium chromate, the absorbance of the eqivalent CrO2-4 was measured at 366mμ by a 10mm cell and SO2-4mg was calculated from the calibration curve, where the absorbance was directly proportional to SO2-4.
  • 赤羽 治郎, 中西 頴央, 公平 宏
    1963 年 4 巻 5 号 p. 269-282
    発行日: 1963/10/30
    公開日: 2010/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    酒類の害を検討するために, 清酒をはじめ合成酒・濁酒・焼酎・ウイスキー・ブランデーの諸種酒類の毒性を薬理学的に研究した.
    マウス急性毒性試験にて合成酒・合成清酒・清酒の間には有意の差を認めなかった. イヌおよびウサギ呼吸血圧実験にて, 合成酒の作用は最も小で同濃度アルコール割水液に近く, 合成清酒もほぼ同程度, 清酒の作用 (静注, アルコール量として0.5~1.0g/kg) は著しい血圧下降, 呼吸数の減少をきたした. 濁酒ではもっとも激しかった. 蒸留酒のうち甲類焼酎の作用は同濃度アルコール割水液と変わりなく, 乙類焼酎・ウイスキー・ブランデーでは呼吸血圧の変動を認めたが清酒の場合よりも著しいことはなかった. ガマ摘出心臓灌液実験, ウサギ心電図実験にても各酒類は心運動を抑制したが, それらの作用の強さは上記とほぼ同様の順序であった. ラットまたはウサギ摘出子宮および小腸実験にて, アルコールおよび合成酒は運動を抑制したが清酒では促進傾向を示した.
    この研究にて醸造酒と蒸留酒とを問わず夾雑成分の多い酒類に薬理動的作用の強いことが明らかにされたが, とくに清酒等の醸造酒において顕著である. 蒸留酒では毒性成分は揮発性部分にあるが, 醸造酒ではこれに反して不揮発性部分にある. これについて清酒夾雑成分のうちアミン等の窒素成分の毒性を注目すべきことを考察した.
    ここに得られた結論は動物実験の成績であって飲酒の場合に敷延することは妥当でない. 清酒ほか酒類の夾雑成分の飲酒の際の薬理学的役割りについてはなお未知数である.
  • オキシン系化合物の抗菌作用に及ぼす縮合リン酸塩の影響
    小沢 樹夫, 長岡 達, 新垣 正次
    1963 年 4 巻 5 号 p. 283-287
    発行日: 1963/10/30
    公開日: 2010/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    The effect of condensates of phosphates on the antiseptic action of 8-quinolinol derivatives has been studied. It was found that condensates of phosphates e. g. Na4B2O7, increased the food-preserving action of 8-quinolinol derivatives and they acted as a synergist for the action of 8-quinolinol derivatives.
    The effectiveness as synergist of condensates of phosphates has been shown by experiments of filter paper plate method, minimum inhibitory concentration test, and of determining volatile basic nitrogen produced by the growth of B. subtilis in bouillon.
  • 抗菌性剤の食品防腐に対する縮合リン酸塩の影響
    小沢 樹夫, 長岡 達, 新垣 正次
    1963 年 4 巻 5 号 p. 287-290
    発行日: 1963/10/30
    公開日: 2010/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    As shown in the previous report, from the results of measurements of inhibitory circles by filter paper plate method and of minimum inhibitory concentration in vitro, it was concluded that condensates of phosphates increased effectively the antiseptic action of most of food preservatives, germicides or antibiotics, and they acted as a synergist for food preservatives.
  • 川島 拓司, 両木 岱造, 前野 正久
    1963 年 4 巻 5 号 p. 291-295
    発行日: 1963/10/30
    公開日: 2010/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    B. subtilis, S. aureus, E. coliを試験菌として, 紙キャップの過酸化水素 (H2O2) による殺菌効果を検討した. 試験菌の懸濁液を市乳用紙キャップに散布し, 硫酸デシケーター内で1夜乾燥後, H2O2液に浸漬する殺菌法を行なつた. B. subtilisの芽胞がH2O2に対して最も抵抗性を示し, S. aureusB. subtilisの栄養細胞より抵抗性が少なかつた. E. coliはキャップの乾燥中にほとんど死滅したのでH2O2に対する抵抗性を見極めることができなかつた. しかし要約すると10% H2O2液に5秒の浸漬を行なえば, 市乳用紙キャップは滅菌されるという結論を得た. キャップ処理も300枚以下ならばH2O2の分解は少ないが, 500枚あるいは1000枚以上になると分解量が幾らか多くなる. 今後H2O2による実際的処理方法を経済面も考慮して検討する予定である.
  • 末武 義朗, 川島 拓司, 両木 岱造, 前野 正久
    1963 年 4 巻 5 号 p. 295-299
    発行日: 1963/10/30
    公開日: 2010/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    当社チョコレート牛乳の室温保存試験中に往々生ずる粘質化が認められ細菌の汚染によることが判明したので粘質化原因菌を分離したところ, フラクトース, キシロースを強力に発酵することが判明した. この菌の生物学的性状試験の結果Leuconostoc mesenteroides類似菌であるを推定した.
  • I. 牛乳および粉乳における腸球菌群の分布
    橋本 秀夫, 伊藤 烈, 池辺 慶三
    1963 年 4 巻 5 号 p. 300-307
    発行日: 1963/10/30
    公開日: 2010/07/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    殺菌温度を異にする3種類の牛乳396例および本邦各地の6工場より集められた1年間にわたる粉乳472例について, 腸球菌群の分布を調査した. その結果はつぎのとおりであった.
    1) F市の市販牛乳における腸球菌群の陽性率は一般に低く, 75°, 15分殺菌乳 (1.5%) とH.T.S.T. 殺菌乳 (2.3%) では差がなく, U.H.T. 殺菌乳 (12.9%) が少しく高い成績を示した.
    2) 牛乳の腸球菌群は同一バッチの製品から検出される傾向があった.
    3) 粉乳の腸球菌群の陽性率は牛乳に比べて高く, 平均70.8%であった.
    4) 粉乳の腸球菌群の陽性率は, 同じ殺菌方式を用いてH.T.S.T. 殺菌例では43%から95%まで, U.H.T. 殺菌例では20%から100%にまで及び, 工場による差が認められた.
    以上のごとくF市の市販牛乳の腸球菌群は一般に少なかったのに対し, 粉乳の腸性率はかなり高いものであったが, これらの結果からは殺菌方法による腸球菌群の出現状況の差異を明らかにすることはできなかった. しかしこれら牛乳および粉乳の保存, 取扱いには今後とも注意する必要があるものと考えられる.
  • 吉本 静夫
    1963 年 4 巻 5 号 p. 312-319
    発行日: 1963/10/30
    公開日: 2010/03/01
    ジャーナル フリー
    During the ten years (1952-1961), the reported yearly mean food poisoning incidents were in total 1, 973 involving 34, 926 patients and 300 deaths in Japan, and 6, 552 involving 9, 732 patients and 34 deaths in England and Wales.
    During the two years (1960-1961), the number of sporadic cases in Japan was 14per cent compared with the number of the total incidents, and in England and Wales was 88per cent.
    As regards the causal agents, 76per cent of total sporadic cases were due to tetrodotoxin in poisonous fish, swellfish and 42per cent of the total deaths were due to the above mentioned tetrodotoxin in Japan.
    About 50per cent of the total deaths were due to Salm. typhi-murium in England and Wales.
    As regards the seasonal variation of all incidents, 84per cent of the total incldents were reported in 4 months (July-October) in Japan, and 50per cent in 4 months (June-September) in England and Wales. It seems this difference of the seasonal variation is due to the difference of the temperature between the two countries.
    As regards the causal agents, 56per cent of the total incidents were due to bacterial infection and 43per cent were due to natural poison in Japan, and nearly 100per cent were due to bacterial infection in England and Wales.
    As regards the type of food causing these poisoning, in most of the incidents were associated with fish, shell and their products in Japan and were associated with meat in England and Wales.
    As regards the kind of places where the causative food was cooked, 38per cent of the total incidents were at home in Japan, and 51per cent were at such establishments for mass feeding as in the business places, hospitals and school in England and Wales.