In the previous paper, we reported that the proteolytic activity of the sperm whale pancreas was extremely poor, as compared with that of cattle's. But the fact is not generallised, since it was only one example. Furthermore it is not improbable that the enzyme was destroyed to some extent, because of warm season (October).
In the present paper, we repo ?? t the results of experiments, which carried out by using samples prepared from six sperm whales, in colder season (December).
The enzymatic activities of these pancreases were measured by means of the Pancreatin Test (Par. 6, Japan Pharmacopoeia), with the powdered pancreases dried by acetone, and with the soluions extracted from minced pancreases by 30% aeetone.
The results are as follows:
(1) These dried samples, as such, had no proteolytic action. But in case to these was added intestine powder (1/4 part of their wt.) of sperm whale and the mixture in water was allowed to stand at 40° for 30min. they digested 8.3-10 times casein of their wt.. The results from six samples were practically the same, thus, individual difference was scarcely noticed.
(2) On the other hand, samples, each of which consisted of minced pancreas and the same amounts of 30% acetone, were preserved over several monthes at room temp. and digesting powers of the supernatant liquid of the samples were measured from time to time. Thus the relation between their activation and preserving time was investigated.
At the start of the experiments, the digesting pewer of each sample showed large difference. But after about a month, the digesting powers of all samples with only one exception, reached to a definite value. The digesting power is shown with cc. numbers of the supernatant liquid sufficient to digest 0.01gr. of casein. At this case, the value reached to 1/100. The activities did not change even after about two monthes from the start. It is concluded from this value, that the dry substances of these samples are able to digest ca. 7 times casein of their wt., assuming that dry matter of the fresh pancreas is 25%.