Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
58 巻, 8 号
  • 上野 康弘, 関 二郎, 清水 幾太郎, シェルシュネフ アレクセイ P.
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1393-1397
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    To determine if the nearshore waters of the southern Kuril Islands are a migration route of juvenile chum salmon originating from the rivers of Japan, waters near Iturup Island were sampled with a purse seine. Two of the purse seine sets in early August captured 16 grown juveniles. Based on a detailed examination of 14 of these juveniles, the mean size was 187.3mm fork length and 62.5g body weight, the number of gill rakers was 23.8, the mean number of circuli on the scales was 21.0; and the maximum radius of scale was 0.85mm. Examination of stomach contents indicated that Copepoda, Amphipoda, and Euphausiacea were major food items, but that the amount of food in the stomachs was extremely low. The mean number of circuli on the scales indicates that the juveniles emerged between mid-December and mid-March, suggesting that they originated from rivers in Hokkaido or Honshu. The results of the present study also show that some jnveniles migrate in nearshore waters of the southern Kuril Islands to reach offshore waters of the Bering Sea and North Pacific Ocean.
  • 北田 修一, 岸野 洋久, 平松 一彦
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1399-1403
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The aim of this article is to consider methods for estimating of fishing and natural mortality rates from tag recoveries, where data are taken by research workers and no com-mercial fishing is operated. The log-linear model and the maximum likelihood approach were used for constant and unequal sampling effort models. We analyzed an example of red seabream Pagrus major where the sampling intensity was constant for every survey. By simulation studies, we found that the weighted least square method accompanied by successive approxi-mation using the EM algorithm is practical and gives proper estimates. For a case study where the sampling intensity varies in each survey, we analyzed the recovery data of the flounder Paralichthys olivaceus by the unequal effort model. We also replaced the recovery data by those per unit sampling effort, and estimated by use of the constant effort model. The constant effort model is invalid, and the maximum likelihood approach based on normal approximation should be applied.
  • 牛 翠娟, 中尾 繁, 五嶋 聖治
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1405-1410
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The growth rate, population age structure, and mortality of the limpet Collisella heroldi in the intertidal area of Usujiri, Hokkaido were studied. Annual ring method and size distribution were used in determining the growth rate. C. heroldi showed a typical seasonal growth pattern: from April to October all individuals grew fast, coinciding with the development of the gonads, while in other months adult limpets showed little growth. A von Bertalanffy growth equation modified by Pauly and Gaschutz gave a good fit to the growth pattern. C. heroldi population showed a stable age structure, More than 50% of the population were 0-year juveniles. A stable mortality rate of about 65.5% per year was observed.
  • 道津 光生, 城戸 勝利, 伊藤 康男
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1411-1418
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    An investigation was carried out on benthic macrofauna from the sandy areas of the coastal water of Futaba, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, to clarify the pattern of faunal distribu-tion and environmental factors affecting their occurrence.
    A total of 148 species were collected using a Smith-McIntyre grab. Among them, 51 species of annelids (74.4% in individuals), 60 species of arthropods (17.4% in individuals), and 20 species of molluscs (5.9% in individuals) took up almost the entire collection.
    The numbers of individuals and species, species diversity, species evenness and sediment particle diversity were closely related to the depth of the sampling site. Based on cluster analysis via the species similarity index (Cπ), the study area was divided into three zones plus one isolated point which was situated in a neighboring port. These results clearly indicated the divisions of animal distribution in accordance with the depth of water.
    The macrofaunal habitat segregation according to depth, differences in behavioral character (ability for sand-burrowing, feeding habits) of gammarus and bivalves, and the results of analyses of bottom sediments suggest that the principal factors in separating animal distribution seem to be the mechanical effects of waves and the difference in the quality of sediments between nearshore and offshore points.
  • 越塩 俊介, 手島 新一, 金澤 昭夫
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1419-1425
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    A feeding trial was conducted to examine the effects of unilateral eyestalk ablation (UEA) and feeding frequencies on the growth, survival, and chemical compositions of whole body for the juvenile freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (0.1g mean initial wet weight) fed on a carb protein-based diet. The results demonstrated that UEA promotes the growth and the ablated prawns are able to reach commercial size (30g) 40 days earlier than intact ones. Although feeding frequencies did not affect the growth and survival of juvenile prawns significantly, ablated prawns fed twice a day produced the best results. In intact groups, feeding once a day was good enough to sustain optimal growth in the present study. Neither UEA nor feeding frequency affected the con-tents of protein, lipid, or the compositions of lipid class and fatty acid of prawn whole body. Major neutral and polar lipids were triglyceride and phosphatidylcholine, respectively, and high levels of 16:0, 18:1 and 18:2n-6 were found in whole body of both ablated and intact prawns.
  • 原田 勝彦
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1427-1430
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The effects of mixtures of attractants (L-lysine and L-alanine) and repellents (L-glutamic acid, L-cysteic acid, n-butyric acid and DL-malic acid) were examined on the behavior of the oriental weatherfish Misgurnus anguillicaudatus
    The chemotactic activity of either 100MM of L-lysine or L-alanine was significantly affected by the addition of more than 10mM of each repellent. There was no difference in the activity of re-pellents. Similarly, the activity of 10MM of L-glutamic acid was affected by the addition of 1, 10 and 100mm of either L-lysine or L-alanine similar to each other. The same was true for repellents such as L-glutamic acid and DL-malic acid. It seems that the effects of repellents wer
    more significant than those of attractants in the same concentrations.
  • 木島 明博, 松並 大介
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1431-1436
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to estimate genetic differences and variability among and within cultured stocks of the masu salmon complex, restricition-fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were performed for three masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou masou) stocks and one amago salmon (O. m. macrostomus) stock. Based on our RFLP analysis using six 6-base recognized restriction endonucleases (BamHI, BglII, EcoRV, Hincll, HindIII, and XbaI), we concluded that: 1) the total size of mtDNA was about 17.3±0.5Kbp, 2) thirteen mtDNA haplo-types were observed among 59 individuals of the 4 stocks, 3) major haplotypes were different from each other and stock-specific haplotypes were observed in three out of four stocks, 4) the nucleotide diversity within the non-selected stocks ranged from 0.00170 to 0.00253, while no variation was observed in selected Amago-parr stock. The results suggest that the Amago-parr stock consists of only one maternal line while the other stocks consist of several maternal lines.
  • 門間 春博, 吾妻 行雄, 沢崎 達孝
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1437-1442
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Cultured seeds of the sea urchin were released and their dispersion examined.
    This area was abundant in seaweed, but its deeper bottom showed frequent movement of drift sand. For a few days after the release, the seeds migrated at a pace of below 1m/day and formed colonies on stable stone. The dispersion range was limited to within 20m for the first 6 months, but exceeded 30m one year after their release, and the longest record was found to be 75m during the second year. In group '84, not such a long-distance migration was found, but most of the individuals were concentrated in a specific area. It was assumed that migrateion and dispersion of seeds were affected strongly by waves via the topographical layout and sea bottom.
  • 中村 薫
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1443-1446
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Anatomical study was conducted to reveal the arrangemental principle of the main ventral muscles in the abdomen of the kuruma prawn Penaeus japonicus. The musculature consisted of five components: 1) anterior oblique muscle having anterior and posterior trunks, 2) central muscle, 3) posterior oblique muscle, 4) transverse muscle, and 5) oblique transverse muscle. Their dis-tribution was observed, and their arrangement was described, except 5), of which tracing was dif-ficult. The functions of these main ventral muscles and especially of the anterior oblique muscle which showed a specifically twisted structure are discussed.
  • 小島 隆人, 嶋村 哲哉, 余座 和征, 奥本 直人, 畠山 良巳, 添田 秀男
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1447-1452
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    We made experiments to measure the auditory threshold of masu salmon Oncorhynchus mason using conditioning with electric shock, and also to determine the resonance frequency of masu salmon and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss swim bladders. Then we examined the role of the swim bladder as a sound pressure amplifier and transducer.
    The auditory threshold curve for masu salmon was W-shaped, with higher thresholds at 300 and 500Hz in the range of 100-700Hz. Masu salmon were less sensitive to sounds of 300-500Hz than to adjacent frequencies. Swim bladders of rainbow trout fully vibrated in the range 300-600Hz, with resonance frequencies around 400Hz. On the other hand, masu salmon's resonance frequencies were not evident. Therefore, the auditory thresholds of masu salmon at 300-500Hz were high because the swim bladders did not vibrate or transduce the sound to the inner ear at that range. It was assumed that the hearing capabilities were influenced by the characteristics of the swim bladder vibration.
  • 中島 謙二
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1453-1458
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The activation effects of diet-supplemented dimethyl-β-propiothetin (DMPT) on juvenile goldfish and rainbow trout were examined. Both fish were similarly reared on a commercial fish diet fed with small amounts of DMPT (117μg/g wet diet) and vitamin U (109μ/g wet diet) for only a short period of 9 days, then the resistance of the fish against oxygen deficiency (exposed to air for specified periods) and raised water temperature (0.54°c/min rising rate) was determined. Thus, the DMPT group fish of both fish exhibited the best growth and the strongest resistance against the oxygen-deficiency and the raised water temperature, when compared to those of the control and vtiamin U group fish. Accordingly, the dietary DMPT proved not only to stimulate the growth of fish but also to elevate their resistive power against environmental stress (oxygen deficiency and rising water temperature).
  • 松井 誠一, 田辺 智唯, 古市 政幸, 吉松 隆夫, 北島 力
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1459-1464
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The flesh quality of cultured red sea bream is distinguished from wild red sea bream by the body color and black lines in the muscle. By histological observation, the part where black lines appear and their properties were clarified by histochemical analysis. Furthermore, effects of sun-shade in rearing under different shade rates were examined for the purpose of protecting the surface of the body from melanism and removing black lines from the muscle.
    Black lines were observed along the periphery of the blood vessel, while dark green stain-ing with ferric ferricyanide and decoloration with 40% peracetic acid showed that melanin was contained in them. Unlike melanophores in the cutis, those in the black lines didn't respond either to KCl or to NaCl.
    The brightness (L value) of the body color of the sun-shaded specimen determined by using a color meter evened up with that of wild red sea bream, and the density of black lines decreased from 17 day-sun-shade on a rate of more than 90% shade. The wild red sea bream maintained body color during the experimental period by sun-shade. Of ultraviolet and visible rays, shading of the later was more effective in the removal of black lines.
    It has been definitely shown by these results that sun-shade of more than 17 days and a rate of 90% rate is effective in the improvement of flesh quality of cultured red sea bream.
  • Izuru Kakuta, Kenji Namba, Kazumasa Uematsu, Minoru Takaba, Shiro Mura ...
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1465-1469
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Changes in urine properties of cultured red sea bream Pagrus major were investigated during exposure to diluted (70%) seawater. The experiment was performed at 23.5°C under natural light conditions in early September. Urine properties under resting conditions in 100% seawater (control) were as follows: urine flow, 0.6ml/kg B.W./hr; osmotic pressure, 370mOsm/kg; Na+, 140mEq/l; Mg+, 60mEq/l; Ca2+, 9mEq/l; K+, 6mEq/l; protein, 40mg/l00ml; urea, 11mg/100ml; ammonium, 3mg-N/100ml; inorganic phosphate (P), 4mg/100ml; lactic acid, 1mg/100ml. No significant diurnal changes for these parameters were detected. When fish were exposed to 70% seawater, urine flow, urinary Na+, Ca2+, and ammonium increased, whereas osmotic pressure, Mg2+, protein, P, and lactic acid decreased. No significant changes for urinary K+ or urea were found.
  • 国本 正彦, 寺尾 克仁, 金庭 正樹
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1471-1476
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    An attempt was made in order to examine the consumption of trimethylamine (TMA) and trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), the main components of fishy odor and its precursor, by Asper-gillus oryzae.
    The organism is one of the most useful molds utilized in making “koji” and is widely used in the fermentative industry in Japan.
    First, a pressed cake of heated sardine was molded with the organism, and TMA, TMAO, and ammonia content in the molded cake were determined, The results indicated that TMA and TMAO were consumed markedly after a certain cultivation period.
    Second, the consumption of TMA and TMAO in both the modified malt extract and Czapek's mediun were examined. From the results obtained, it was concluded that TMA and TMAO were utilized as a nitrogen source for the growth of A. oryzae.
  • 秋元 淳志, 竹内 俊郎, 佐藤 秀一, 渡邉 武
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1477-1482
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    This experiment was conducted in order to examine the effect of extrusion processing on the nutritional value of brown fish meal diets for rainbow trout. The experimental diet con-taining ordinary brown fish meal (BFM-A) or low temperature-enzyme treated brown fish meal (BFM-B) was extruded (Ex) and steam pelleted (Pm), respectively. They were fed to rainbow trout (2.8g on average) for 12 weeks.
    There were no marked differences in the growth rate of fish and apparent digestibility of protein and lipid between the Ex and Pm diets containing BFM-A. However, the Ex BFM-A diet was superior in feed efficiency, PER, and apparent digestibility of starch and energy. In the case of BFM-B, the growth rate, feed efficiency and PER were lower in fish fed on the Pm diet; nevertheless the Ex diet produced results comparable to the BFM-A diets. The apparent digestibility of starch in the BFM-B diets was also markedly improved by extrusion as observed with the BFM-A diets.
    Thus, extrusion processing was found to improve the nutritional value of brown fish meal, especially the low temperature-enzyme treated form in terms of feed efficiency and PER.
  • 境 正, 村田 寿, 山内 清, 関屋 朝裕, 宇川 正治
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1483-1486
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata were fed on brown fish meal diets supplemented with 40mg/100g of α-tocopherol (α-Toc) and 9% of sardine oil whose POV was 4.7 (group I) or 100 (group II) for 30 days, and changes in a-Toc contents, 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) values, and superoxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities in the liver were analyzed. No pathological changes were observed in either group after the experiment. TBARS value and both enzyme activities of group I were lower and the α-Toc content of the group was higher than those of group II. These results suggest that in vivo lipid peroxidation may progress in the liver of yellowtail fed on a diet containing lipid peroxides whose contents are lower than those bringing about pathological changes, and that to suppress in vivo lipid peroxidation α-Toc may be consumed while SOD and GSH-Px might be induced.
  • 沖増 英治, 松本 正樹, 吉田 美夫, 雨村 明倫
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1487-1491
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The possible role of carotenoids as free radical scavengers during development of fish larvae has not been completely elucidated. To gain further insight, we used a photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus (PSB) as a secondary feed for Japanese flounder larvae and juveniles. In the administration group of rotifers reared with PSB, the amount of lipid peroxides in the juveniles on day 30 after starting the feed was lower than that in the administration group without PSB (control). The mortalities on day 30 were also lower than those in the control. The PSB pigments inhibited the Fe2+-induced lipid peroxidation of egg phosphatidylcholine liposomes. These findings suggest that the pigments, especially X1 and X3 fractionated by reversed-phase HPLC, inhibited the initiation and progression of lipid peroxidation.
  • Christine A. Orosco, 沢村 正義, 大野 正夫, 楠瀬 博三
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1493-1498
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The pyruvic acid content of agars from Gracilaria chorda Holmes were analyzed in relation to thallus (agarophyte) age and alkali treatment. Its distribution in agar fractions obtained by sequential solvent extraction [cold water (22°C), boiling 99.5, 80, 60, 40, and 20% EtOH and water (100°C)] before and after alkali treatment of young, mature, and senescent thalli were compared. Pyruvic acid content increased with thallus age (young, 0.11%; mature, 0.17%; and senescent, 0.33%) indicating increasing substitution of the agar repeating unit with pyruvic acid ketal groups as the agarophyte grows. This substitution increased the solubility of agar molecules particularly in cold water. Alkali treatment did not affect pyruvic acid concentration; however, its distribution among the fractions changed after alkali treatment. Pyruvic acid concentration in the agar frac-tions ranged from 0.05 to 0.76% and from 0.08 to 1.25% before and after alkali treatment, respec-tively. The agars from G. chorda had a relatively lower pyruvic acid content than most of the commercial agars examined.
  • 古川 真一, 富士川 龍郎, 古賀 大三, 井手 明雄
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1499-1503
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    When the fucoidan-utilizing bacterium strain N-5, identified as genus Vibrio, was grown on a synthetic medium containing fucoidan, both fucoidanase and fucoidan sulfatase were detected in the cells. The latter enzyme was produced with a time lag, while fucoidanase appeared rapidly. Both enzymes were induced with the addition of fucoidan as a carbon source. Both enzymes showed approximately the same properties for activity and stability as a function of pH and tem-perature. Intracellular fucoidanase was found in the cells grown on the medium containing 0.3% fucoidan hydrolyzed gagome- and Mozuku-fucoidans, whereas fucoidan sulfatase acted on Gagome-, Mozuku-, and Futomozuku-fucoidans to release sulfate ions.
  • 村本 光二, 加戸 隆介, 安井 義晶, 神谷 久男
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1505-1510
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The multiple lectins in the acorn barnacle Megabalanus rosa collected from Sukumo Bay, Kochi, and Okirai Bay, Iwate, were analyzed for seasonal dynamics, agglutinating activities against animal erythrocytes, and peptide maps. Although there was no recognizable morphological difference between specimens collected from the two localities, heterogeneity in amino acid sequence was observed for the multiple lectins isolated from the barnacles. The present study shows that there is intraspecies genetic variations within M. rosa populations distributed along the Japanese coast.
  • Suda Tandavanitj, 田島 茂行, 奥谷 康一
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1511-1516
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The structure of a highly viscous extracellular mucopolysaccharide produced by a marine bacteria designated strain No. 9-12 which was identified as an oxidase negative Pseudomonas was characterized by means of partial hydrolysis, periodate oxidation and selective cleavages of the polysaccharide chain. The polysaccharide has a branched structure with a backbone chain of -GalUA-GlcNA-GalNAc- and a side chain of GalUA-Gal-GalNAc-. The terminal galacturonic acid residue in the side chain was linked to D-alanine via an amide linkage.
  • 中山 照雄, 劉 達嘉, 大井 淳史
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1517-1522
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The influence of ante-mortem stress on rigor mortis development was investigated in carp muscle. For this purpose, an isometric tension meter was constructed applying the interface assembly to the data acquisition. Immediately after death the stressed fish muscle generated strong contractile tension and entered the rigor state. Unstressed fish muscle maintained the relaxed state for an initial 21h. It then entered the rigor state and generated half the tension of the stressed fish. After both muscles generated the full rigor tension, they lowered gradually. No significant difference was detected between the residual tension values at 70h postmortem of both muscles. In stressed fish just after death, both the ATP/IMP ratio and the pH were lower when compared with unstressed fish. A more rapid decrease of the ATP/IMP ratio and the pH was found in stressed fish. When the pH reached the same value of 6.55, tension generation began irrespective of whether stressed or unstressed. At this stage, the ATP/IMP ratio was higher and more ATP remained in stressed fish. When the ATP/IMP ratio became close to the minimal value several hours after the arrival of ultimate pH, full rigor tension was generated irrespective of whether stressed or unstressed.
  • 趙 江, 金 恩姫, 小林 達生, 青木 宙
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1523-1527
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    One hundred and fourteen strains of Vibrio anguillarum collected from cultured ayu Plecoglos-sus altivelis between 1989 and 1991 were studied for their sensitivities to 10 chemotherapeutants. Among the drugs tested florfenicol (FF) was the most effective against all strains. Only one strain was found to be sensitive to all the drugs (ampicillin, chloramphenicol (CP), FF, furazolidone, kanamycin (KM), nalidixic acid, streptomycin (SM), sulfamonomethoxine (SA), tetracycline (TC), and trimethoprim (TMP). The remaining strains showed resistance to various combinations of drugs. Transferable R plasmids were detected from 21 strains encoded with resistance to 7 to 9 drugs. All detected R plasmids encoded with resistance to CP, KM, SA, SM, TC, and TMP. Identical endonuclease digestion patterns were observed in R plasmids detected from various areas, and strong homology among these R plasmid DNAs were also observed. The DNA structure of the R plasmids detected from 1989 to 1991 was not similar to that of previously detected R plasmids from V. anguillarum. The results indicate that multiple drug resistant strains of V. anguillarum were common in ayu farms between 1989 and 1991.
  • 森岡 克司, 志水 寛
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1529-1533
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    To study the mechanism of the gel-strength increasing effect of sarcoplasmic proteins (Sp-P) on fish meat gel, the interaction between each component of Sp-P and actomyosin (AM) occurr-ing during heating was examined. Heat coagulation temperature range was measured for each component by gradually heating the Sp-P extracts (I=0.05) from 9 fish species: 40-50°C for 50K, 43K, and 23K; 50-60°C for 94K, 60K, 40K, 30K, and 25K; 60-70°C for 65K, 63K, 55K, and 35K; >70°C for 20K components>. These components, however, remained in the mixed solution (I=0.7) of Sp-P and AM at a ratio of 1 to 2 even after heating at 80°C. This was attributable to the fact that the coagulable Sp-P components bound to AM molecules one after another at their coagulation temperatures were suspended in the solution.
  • 馬 龍濱, 山中 英明, 潮 秀樹, 渡部 終五
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1535-1540
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The mechanism of thaw rigor was investigated in carp muscle in relation to myofibrillar ATPase and sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ uptake activities, as well as the change in muscle ultra-structures.
    No significant difference between carp immediately after death and that in thaw rigor was ob-served in myofibrillar Mg2+ -ATPase activity in the presence of 0.1mM Ca2+ or 1mM EGTA and Ca2+ -ATPase activity at 20°C and pH 7.0. Myofibrillar ATPase activities showed a small pH-dependency, but it was not the main cause of activation of ATPase during thawing. On the other hand, Ca2+ uptake activity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum from the sample immediately after death was 2.87μmol Ca2+/min•mg, but it was 0.12μmol Ca2+/min•mg during thawing in the presence of 5mM oxalate. Electron microscopic observations revealed that sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes were broken by freezing and thawing. The resultant Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum probably caused the increase of ATP consumption and the acceleration of thaw rigor by activating myofibrillar Mg2+ -ATPase.
  • 黄 登福, 高 池英, 楊 鴻嘉, 鄭 森雄, 野口 玉雄, 橋本 周久
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1541-1547
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    More than 600 specimens of twenty-five species of puffer were collected from adjacent waters of Taiwan from 1981 to 1989, and examined for anatomical distribution of toxicity by the mouse bioassay method. They exhibited a rather distinct variation depending upon species, individual, tissue, region, and season of catch. The species whose liver and/or ovary were highly toxic (<1000 MU/g) were “kanafugu” Lagocephalus inermis, “dokusabafugu” L. lunaris, “takifugu” Fugu oblongus, “shimafugu” F. xanthopterus, “sansaifugu” F. flavidus, “komondamashi” F. alboplumbeus, and “shippofugu” Amblyrhynchotes hypselogenion. It was noteworthy that the skin of several species such as “sazanamifugu” Arothron hispidus and “sujimoyofugu” A. manilenis were toxic with the highest toxicity of 820MU/g. “Shirosabafugu” L. wheeleri was nontoxic in most tissues except the ovary with the highest value of 330MU/g, “Kurosabafugu” L. gloveri was found to be weakly toxic, with the highest toxicities of 42 and 64MU/g for liver and intestine, respecitively.
  • 田中 淑人, 山田 章二, 鮫島 宗雄
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1549
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 中村 薫, 中島 信久
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1551
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 伊藤 公成, 豊原 治彦, 坂口 守彦, 安藤 正史
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1553
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 石橋 泰典, 家戸 敬太郎, 池田 静徳, 村田 修, 那須 敏朗, 熊井 英水
    1992 年 58 巻 8 号 p. 1555
    発行日: 1992年
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー