In order to elucidate the role of polyunsaturated fatty acid in β-oxidation, the characteristics of β-oxidation were studied in various fish liver and dark muscle mitochondria, using 22:6 acid as substrate.
It was reaffirmed that β-oxidation of 22:6 acid was clearly inferior to that of 18:1 acid in hepatopancreas and dark muscle of carp (
Cyprinus carpio) weighing 545g and that β-oxidation of 22:6 acid in hepatopancreas was inferior to that in dark muscle. Moreover, β-oxidation of 22:6 acid was inferior to that of 18:1 acid in hepatopancreas and dark muscle at all the stages.
In carp and red sea bream (
Chrysophrys madjor), in which the contribution of dark muscle to β-oxidation was important, β-oxidation of 22:6 acid in dark muscle was inferior to that of 18:1 acid as in the liver, but the β-oxidation was superior to that in the liver. So it was suggested that 22:6 acid was much more subject to β-oxidation in the dark muscle than in theliver of these fish.
On the other hand, 22:6 acid was scarcely subject to β-oxidation in dark muscle of rainbow trout (
Salmo gairdnerii), in which the contribution of dark muscle to β-oxidation was not im-portant. β-Oxidation of 22:6 acid in dark muscle of tilapia (
Tilapia zillii) was entirely undetested.
It was concluded that energy metabolism owing to β-oxidation of 22:6 acid was extremely inferior in fish showing inactive β-oxidation in dark muscle, because 22:6 acid was scarcely subject to β-oxidation in fish liver.