Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
22 巻, 4 号
  • 懸濁質係数 (Suspension factor) とその意義
    花岡 資, 古川 厚, 野上 和彦
    1956 年 22 巻 4 号 p. 213-219
    発行日: 1956/08/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Previously, HANAOKA and MURAKAMI reported a relation expressed by the equation
    where T is the visible transparency depth of Secchi disc, I0 and IT the underwater daylight illumination in the sea at the surface and the depth T respectively, and “a” “b” are constants.
    The present authors confirmed experimentally that the relation can exist in such various suspensions, in which the particles have comparabfe sizes to the wave-length of incident light (Table 2) and not the RAYLEIGH-scattering but probably the MIE-scattering may take place.
    The experiments showed that the extinction coefficient (μ) in these suspensions was related to the visible transparency T by the equation
    μ=aT-b' (Fig. 1)
    Applying this relation to the LAMBERT's equation Id=I0exp(-μd). we obtain
    which snows a good fit with the observations (Table 1, Fig. 2)
    At the same time there was another observed relation expresed by the equation
    where C is the concentration of suspended material (Fig. 3).
    Therefore, from these relations we obtain
    μ=KCB (Fig. 4)
    In the case of the RAYLEIGH-scattering, there applies a relation μ=KC, called BEER's Law, but in our case B is not equal to unity.
    In natural sea water, the value of “b” can be estimated to be a constant, 0.7, in neritic as well as inshore sea waters, while “a”, in general, varies depending on water measles, higher in the more neritic waters and lower in the more oceanic waters.
    In the sea was also found a relation
    where S is dried weight in mg of the residue per 1 liter of the sea weter filtered by molecular filter (APD 250 mμ), when the filtrate shows almost the same absorption coefficient as that of distilated water, and k is represented by the equation
    k=0.86a-0.154 (Fig. 5)
    It is shown here that when “b” is constant, the higher the value of “a”, the smaller the size of suspended particles.
    On the other hand, we obtain
    Sτ (Fig. 6)
    where τ is the absorbtion coefficient to the light. So “a” is expressed in terms of μ and τ as follows
    a=0.92μτ-0.2+0.179 (Fig. 7)
    Thus we can compute the value of “a” by knowing μ and S or τ, instead of T, even in the case where T cannot be observed or the value “a” is required, by layer.
    Both “a” and “b” do not depend on the concentration of suspended matter, but “a” depends only on the particle size when “b” stays constant. So we would like to call “a” “suspensionfactor”.
    It can show not only the micro-construction of water masses in the sea, but also seems to correlate with the distribution and growth of various filter-feeding organisms. For instance, oyster, Ostrea gigas appears to show its optimal growth in such regions where “a” is between 0.4-0.5 (Fig. 8), while in its seed-bed, it has some higher value. We obtain also the value of 0.4 in the pearl oyster bed, and 0.8-0.9 on Mogai Anadara suberenata bed.
  • 浅海有機懸濁質の一測定法
    古川 厚, 小笠原 義光, 久岡 実, 野上 和彦
    1956 年 22 巻 4 号 p. 220-224
    発行日: 1956/08/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Suspension feeders in the sea obtain tneir foods from the surrounding water filtering the fine particulated organic matter in it. So it might be of importance to know the amount of organic suspended matter in sea water for the problem of growth of such organisms.
    Though our method is principally the same to the Fox's, we simplified his apparatus to be more convenient for the survey in shallow waters. (Fig. 1).
    Our results are as follows;
    a) Both the same scale of total apparatus and the size of filtering-cup must be required to obtain the equal efficiency to retain the particles.
    b) The presence of Ammonia-N dissolved in the water gives some error to be corrected on the result of organic-N content of the matter filtered determined by KJELDAHL method.
    c) It is concluded that the suspended matter in the water can be removed rather perfectly by the powder filter or membrane filter, showing nearly the same absorption coefficient of the filtrates to the incident light as that of distilled water.
  • 丸茂 隆三, 鬼頭 正隆
    1956 年 22 巻 4 号 p. 225-228
    発行日: 1956/08/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Pelagic larvae of littoral animals are studied in the present paper, by using the samples which were collected from the sea areas east of Japan by the ship Ryof ?? -maru in her two voyages of August-September and November, 1955. Larvae identified are cyphonautes of Bryozoa, actinotrocha of Phoronidea, trochophora of Annelida, zoëa and megalopa of Brachyura, nauplius and cypris of Cirripedia, and ophiopluteus, a certain pluteus and post-larvae of Echinodermata. We can know the extent and strength of the influconce of coastal waters to the open sea by tracing the distribution of these larvae, for they may be considered as tiny drift bottles in view of the fact that they have hatched out in littoral areas. Main patterns of their distribution exist along the Kuroshio main current in August-September, being transferred somewhat northwards in November. Additionally referring to the observational results obtained by the Ryof ?? -maru in February-March and May-June, 1955, it may be concluded that pelagic larvae in the sea east of Japan are principally originated in coastal areas covered by the Kuroshio water.
  • 配偶体の発芽,生長について
    斉藤 雄之助
    1956 年 22 巻 4 号 p. 229-234_1
    発行日: 1956/08/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    It has been reported by many authors that the shape, size and growth rate of gametophytes of Laminaliaceae vary according to culture conditions, such as temperature, light intensity and amount of nutrient salts etc.
    In order to make the problem more correct and detailed the present investigation was carried on concerning the influence of environmental factors upon the development of gametophytes of Undaria pinnattfida collected in Ise Bay.
    Results obtained may be summarized as follows:
    (1) Zoospores germinate within 13-24°C, gametophytes grow well at 15-23°C, but the development delays or stops higher than 25°C. In much higher temperature, however, some individuals die out. After the dormance during certain period of higher temperature, the gametophytes' set in fresh budding in September when the temperature becomes lower. (fig. 3, plate I, 1-5).
    (2) Germination of zoospores occurs in comparatively wide range of chlorinity (7-21‰), though the germination ratio decreases in lower chlorinity. The better development is seen above than 15‰ in chlorinity, but the development is retarded in lower chlorinity below 13‰. And the survival rate in lower chlorinity gets worse with the rising of temperature. (fig. 4).
    (3) Moderate illumination seems to be necessary for the growth of gametophytes, and it does not occur in darkness. But tie fittest grade of illumination seems to vary with change of the season, namely, of the temperature. (fig. 5).
    (4) Under variously coloured illumination the development of gametophytes proceeds normally and they grow well in blue, light green or pink, but the growth seems to be delayed in orange. (fig. 6).
  • 配偶体の成熟と芽胞体の発芽,生長について
    斉藤 雄之助
    1956 年 22 巻 4 号 p. 235-239
    発行日: 1956/08/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present investigation was carried on to clarify the effects of temperature, chlorinity of sea water and light upon the maturity of gametophytes and the early development of sporophytes of Undaria pinnatifida.
    Results obtained may be summarized as follows:
    1) Reproduction of sexual organs in gametophytes, both ? and ?, occurs usually below 20°C., and it does not occur higher above 23°C. (Fig. 2-A)
    Sporophytes can develop below 20°C. They grow normally within 10-17°C. (Fig. 2-B)
    (2) The maturation of gametophytes and the growth of sporophytes are affected by lower chlorinity less than 15‰. Cl. (Fig. 3-A, B)
    (3) The maturation of gametophytes and the growth of sporophytes seem to be greatly affected by intensity and colour of illumination. A. rather higher intensity seems to be necessary for the formation of female sexual organs and for the development of sporophytes, as the processes are delayed or do not occur in dark or in reduced light. But the antheridia can be formed even in dark. (Fig. 4, 5)
    4) Among variously coloured light, orange light was found unfit for the development of gametophytes and sporophytes.
  • 吉井 義一, 渡部 哲光, 岡田 彌一郎
    1956 年 22 巻 4 号 p. 240-243
    発行日: 1956/08/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Previous findings in regard to radioactive contamination of fish varied among workers as to kinds, amounts and routes of radioactive elements transferring into different tissues of fish. In the present experiments one of two groups of the gold fish, Carassius autratus, each measuring 2cm. in the length, was reared for periods from one to 264 hours in water containing either one of the folowing isotopes at various concentrations, P32, S35, Ca45, or Sr89. The other, having been left without food for ten days, was reared for the same length of time in the presence of algae, Spirogyra radioactivated with the above isotopes.
    Radioactivity absorbed directly from the water is indicated in the ratio of the activity of ashed tissues against that of the water, and the activity transferred through the algae, in the ratio against the algae (Tables 1, 2; Figures 2, 3). Of the isotopes taken by the fish of the former group, Ca45 and Sr89 showed the counts, in most cases, stronger than P32 and S35, with the gill giving off the highest count of all the organs examined; while in the latter group, vice versa.
    The fact that P32 and S35 were more easily transferred into the digestive organs of the latter fish than Ca45 and Sr89 may be explained in the light of findings from electropherogram exmination of the radioactive algae that P32 and S35 were absorbed in higher molecule compounds, whereas the others found in ionic form in the algae.
  • アサクサノリPorphyra tenera K. の揮発成分について
    片山 輝久
    1956 年 22 巻 4 号 p. 244-247
    発行日: 1956/08/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purple laver, Prophyla tenera K., is known among the Japanese as “asakusa-nori”, one of their favorite items of food. High flavour of the seaweed is much regarded of particularly when it is dried into a crispy sheet. The present study was intended to determine a factor responible for the flavour, using the materials which had been seeded and reared at different localities.
    The results of distillation of volatile compuonds, determinations of nitorogen obtained by KJELDAHL's method and of phosphorus by ALLEN's indicated that the higher flavour is correlated with the amount of nitorogen as well as volatile compounds contained in the frond of the seaweed, The fact is likly dependent on the environment of rearing grounds but not on that of seeding grounds (table 1). When two samples, the one collected in the middle of January and the other a the end of March from the same rearing ground, were compared, the latter was found containg volatile compounds more than the former (table 2).
    Fatty acids obtained from the volatile fraction of the seaweed are formic acid, acetic acid, Droponic acid, butyric acid, and valeric acid: palmitic acid being found present in the fraction soluble in sodium hydroxide.
    Chromatostrip examination of carbonyl separated from the seaweed showed it consisting of three different compounds with Rf. 0.26, 0.33 and 0.47. The facts that the first value agree with the spot furfurol gives under chromatostorip and that the compound responded to anilin acetate just as furfurol does seem to have proved presence of this substance in the compound.
    When terpene compound gained by fractional distillation was examined with help of chroma storip, there were found α-pinene, d-limonene, terpinolene, geraniol, and carvone existing in it along with a neutral oil that gives forth Rf. value 0.40 (tables 3 and 4). The gas that could not be condensed in the course of distillation did not show dimethylsulfide and smelled like a sort) of amine.
  • 海藻揮発成分の抗菌性について
    片山 輝久
    1956 年 22 巻 4 号 p. 248-250
    発行日: 1956/08/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Volatile compounds on the one hand, and seaweeds on the other, are known to be antibacterial as established by a number of workers, though a relationship between the two sets of fact has never been suggested yet. The present work has been undertaken to see whether antibacterial action of seaweeds is attributable to their volatile compounds.
    Separated from volatile compounds of Enteromorpha sp. were:
    1) low grade fatty acids soluble in sodium bicarbonate, including formic, acetic, propionic, valeric;
    2) high grade fatty acids soluble in sodium hydroxide, including myristic, palmitic, linolenic, and C16-unsaturated fatty acid;
    3) carbonyl soluble in sodium bisulf ?? e, such as furfurol, α-methyl furfurol;
    4) terpene fraction including α-pinene, d-limonene, terpinolene, 1:8-cineol, linalool, geraniol, and carvone.
    These fractions are shown in this order in tables 1 and 2 in association with their antibacterial powers determined on the bases of turbidity and plate culture observations, the results which seem to be affirmative of the above question to some extent. Effective limit of the dilution is. about 2, 000 to 3, 000 times.
  • 海藻の揮発成分のイトミヽズ殺虫力
    片山 輝久
    1956 年 22 巻 4 号 p. 251-252
    発行日: 1956/08/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Anthelmintic action of each volatile fraction of Ulva pertusa K. was tested by using a santonine solution as a control, and the degree of toxicity against earth worms was in the f ollowing order.
    Dimethylsulfide fraction>santonine solution>terpene fraction>carbonyl fraction>sodium bicarbonate soluble fraction=potassium hydroxide soluble fraction.
  • 海藻揮発成分のミヽズ筋肉収縮作用について
    片山 輝久
    1956 年 22 巻 4 号 p. 253-256
    発行日: 1956/08/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    As one of preliminary studies on anthelminthic effect that some seaweeds likely have, an attempt has been made with help of an automatic recorder (Fig. 1) to find which volatile compounds are effective upon muscle contraction of earthworms. Volatile fractions used for the test were obtained from seaweed such, as Ulva pertusa K., Enteramorpha sp., Codium, and Sargassum sp.
    When the middle segments of a test worm, cut for 2cm. from the body of about 8cm. in length, fixed on the hooks of the recorder, were dipped in Ringer solution, the muscle registered normal cycles of contraction (Figs. 1, 2). Different oscillations were drawn by the shrinking muscle under the influence of several volatile fractions added at various concentrations to the Ringer fluid (Figs. 3-10). Of these fractions, carbonyl and terpene, as thin as 0.001%, had strongly contractive effect, while the muscle did not seem to react to dimethylsulfide and fatty acids.
    The solution of “Machin”, a commercial vermicide containing the extract of Digenia simplex, was not so effective as some of the above fractions unless 5% or more concentrations of the drug was used. Furfurol, found present in carbonyl fraction, made the muscle shrink in its 0.1% solution.
  • ピリジン毒に対する肝中の未知APFの効果
    富山 哲夫, 米 康夫
    1956 年 22 巻 4 号 p. 257-259
    発行日: 1956/08/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    It has been reported by DINNING1) that the addition of vitamin B12 to a pyridine-containing diet improved the growth of the rats. In a previous papers8) authors showed that the chick growth promoting effect of bovine- and bonito-liver is due to a new chick growth factor which is nearly free from vitamin B12 and folic acid. Therefore, we studied on the effect of the unidentified vitamin concentrate to alleviate the toxicity of pyridine. The results obtained can be summarized as follows.
    1. Weekly intramuscular adminstration of the concentrate at 232 mg level which was equivalent to 17.7g of the fresh bovine liver, improved the growth of albino rats fed a pyridine (1.5%) -diet for 12 days prior to the experirisent.
    2. An alleviative effect was observed when vitamin B12 was administered intramuscularly weekly at a 3 microgram level.
    3. When a purified concentrate of the unidentified vitamin at a level equivalent to 30g of fresh bonito liver was intramuscularly administered weekly to rats fed the pyridine (1%)-diet for a 18-day period prior to the start of the experiment, the survival time was prolonged from 4.2 days in the control to 16.5 days, and a half of the rats in the experimental group survived even after the end of the experiment, i.e., 21 days.
  • 右田 正男, 大竹 茂夫
    1956 年 22 巻 4 号 p. 260-264
    発行日: 1956/08/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Combination of fish actomyosins with an anionic dye, methyl orange, and with a cationic dye, methylene blue, was studied by equilibrium dialysis using a filter-shaped dialyser (Fig.1).
    1. The experiments revealed that actomyosins of fishes, differing from the most of grobular proteins, are capable of combining a considrable amount of the both dyes. This seems to be related to a fibrillar structure of actomyosin molecule, and to the fact that hydroxy-amino acid residues are poor in actomyosin molecule.
    2. The combining ability of actomyosins varied with kind of fish, and was found in the following order:
    Horse mackerel, squid>carp, goby, for methyl orange;
    Squid, carp>young bass>horse mackerel, for methylene blue.
    3. After 3 days storage at 3-5°C., the affinity for methyl orange of squid actomyosin in solution remained unchanged, while freezing of squid meat induced decrease in the binding affinity of actomyosin to methyl orange. Squid actomyosin dissoleved in 6M urea solution lost the affinity for methyl orange, while in 1 or 3M solution of urea it retained the affinity though it was lower than in phosphate buffer solution.
    It is likely possible to follow denaturation of actomyosin by the change of combining ability with the dyestoffs.
  • 岡田 稔, 右田 正男
    1956 年 22 巻 4 号 p. 265-268_3
    発行日: 1956/08/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    “Kamaboko”, one of the most favorite fish meat products in Japan, is a sort of jelly which is prepared by grinding fish meat with some salt into a paste, and then steaming or broiling it. Sometimes starch is added to the meat in order to enhance jelly strength.
    Some 60 samples of the products with high jelly strength were examined under a microscope. The majority of them were observed to possess porous or network structures (Figs. 1 and 2). This has led us to an opinion that network structure not only of colloidal dimension, but also of microscopical one may have something to do with the elastic property of “Kamaboko”, though an assumption that elasticity of gel is due to the presence of network structure of colloidal dimension has been accepted in general.
    No significiant difference in the microscopical structures was evident among the jelly products prepared from various kinds of fish, nor seemed to be dependent on heating methods.
    When starch had been added to starting materials, the greater portion of it was found existing in the jelly as granules, despite their being gelatinized (Figs. 4 and 5), while the minor part was found here and there as amylose aggregates (Fig. 9). Though starch granules in the jelly were seen gelatinized, they were but a little greater than those of native starch and much smaller than those gelatinized in water (Figs. 6 and 7).
  • 市販澱分の微生物学的研究(その2)
    木俣 正夫, 曽々木 淑子
    1956 年 22 巻 4 号 p. 269-272
    発行日: 1956/08/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the previous paper(1), it has been reported that the degree of the bacterial contamination of potato and sweet potato starches was independent of the grade which was decided by physical and chemical matures, and that, in anyone of the starches examined, ca, 10, 000-50, 000 of bacterial spores per gram were found to exist.
    The present paper deals with bacterial examination on wheat starches, as the special grade, sold from several makers.
    Results obtained are as shown in Tables 1-3.
    In anyone of the starches examined, bacterial content per gram is less than 2, 000 (Table 1). And about one half of the total bacterial cells present in the starches seem to be bacterial spores (from Table 2). It is known that storage of starch results in a lowering of the content of bacteria. However, as this reduction in bacterial content is considered to be due to the death of vegetative cells, the conetnt of bacterial spores may be almost invariable during storage. That is to say, it is suggested that wheat starches sold as the special grade, almost always contain about 500-1, 000 of bacterial spores per gram.
    From the Table 3, it is clear that more than one half of the spores present in wheat starches are those of Bacillus subtilis and several percent are those of Bacillus pumilus.