In order to elucidate the egg and larval distribution of the threeline grunt,
Parapristipoma trilineatum, a larva net (130cm diameter, 6m long and 0.3mm mesh) was towed obliquely at 22 stations in the northern waters of Goto-nada in June and July, 1990. The diameter of spherical eggs having an oil globule and a narrow perivitelline space was measured. Out of a group of eggs having a mode at 0.82mm, the mean egg diameter of this species in the frequency distribution, the eggs having the oil globule at the rear end of the segmented yolk were identified as
P. trilineatum. Eggs, ranging in number density from 0 to 3, 535 (1, 137 average) per 1, 000m
3, were collected in June, which is the middle of the spawning season, and from 86 to 1, 216 (476) in July, indicating the distribution of
P. trilineatum eggs around the spawning ground. Larvae, ranging in number density from 0 to 74 (17 average) per 1, 000m
3, and 0 to 126 (22) were collected in June and July, respectively. The most developed larvae occurred in the southerly area. Larvae at the same developmental stages were larger in June than in July.