Online ISSN : 1349-998X
Print ISSN : 0021-5392
ISSN-L : 0021-5392
32 巻, 7 号
  • オコツク海におけるサケ・マスの回游と海況との相関について
    三島 清吉, 前田 辰昭, 上野 元一
    1966 年 32 巻 7 号 p. 543-548
    発行日: 1966/07/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Previously, authors reported on the constitution of salmon fishing grounds, the distinctive condition of sea water, and the result of fishing experiments in the Okhotsk Sea, and suggested four sea areas as available fishing grounds. In the present paper they examined the correlation between the migration of salmon and the characteristics of sea water from the data made available by the “Hokusei Maru” of the Faculty of Fisheries Hokkaido University and the “Kumamoto Maru”, “Ariiso Maru”, the research vessel of the Government, from June to August, 1963.
    The results obtained are as follows;
    The salmon which migrates to the west coast of Kamchatka and the North Okhotsk are distributed densely in the water mass which flows into the Okhotsk Sea from the Pacific Ocean, especially into the right portion of it (Fig. 1). In this sea area the surface tempera-ture and salinity are high and the vertical variation is insignificant, and also the minimum temperature is high in the dichothermal water.
    The salmon of the Saghalien and the Amur pass mainly over the Etorofu Strait, thereafter fish schools concentrate at the front of a discontinuous zone which is composed of two water masses between the Tsushima Current and the East Saghalien Current. Then schools move gradually northeastward along the northside of the Kurile Islands; though some of them move toward the west coast of Kamchatka, most of them turn their migrating direction toward the NNW in the middle part of the Kurile Islands. It is deduced that the migration route is located along the eastern edge of the East Saghalien Current.
  • 魚類の耳石輪紋形成に対応する耳石液カルシウムおよびマグネシウム量の季節的変化
    麦谷 泰雄
    1966 年 32 巻 7 号 p. 549-557
    発行日: 1966/07/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The contents of total and diffusible calcium, and total magnesium in the otolith fluids of flatfish and rainbow trout were monthly determined in relation to the formation of the opaque and translucent zones in the otolith. From a comparative point of view, the sera obtained from these individuals were also analyzed for the three elements.
    1. The concentration of total calcium in the otolith fluids of the two species examined is low as compared with that of the respective sera, and it is nearly equal to the level of diffusible calcium in the sera.
    2. In the otolith fluid, however, diffusible calcium occupies about 72.7% of the total in flatfish and about 73.7% in rainbow trout. Moreover, in this fluid of flatfish, a seasonal change is found to occur in the diffusible calcium concentration, decreasing to 65.4% of the total in the period of the opaque zone formation of the otolith and increasing to 79.1% in the period of the translucent zone formation.
    3. Total magnesium contained in the otolith fluid is found to be either roughly equal to that of the serum in rainbow trout or rather to be higher in flatfish, though no distinct seasonal change corresponding to the period of the zone formation of otolith is found in the fish used. Accordingly, the Ca/Mg ratio is lower in the otolith fluid of both species than in the respective sera.
  • 井上 裕雄, 田中 啓陽
    1966 年 32 巻 7 号 p. 558-564
    発行日: 1966/07/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    For establishing the technology of pisciculture, it is necessary to be able to forecast the growth of the cultured fish. With this purpose in mind we have analyzed reliable field data concerning the average growth of the O-year-old yellow tail (Hamachi in Japanese) cultured in fish farms located on the Seto Inland Sea coast.
    If the food supply is sufficient in quantity and adequate in quality when under the normal influence of all other possible factors, the average growth rate of the cultured fishes may be given as a function of water temperature (the most potent environmental factor) and average fish size (the most fundamental biotic factor) by the following empirical relationship.
    d (W/W)/dt=λ(1-W) {In (1-W/W )-1}γ
    where W is the average body weight at time t, W the theoretical maximum body weight ( ?? 15.8Kg), dW/dt the growth rate, γ a constant characteristic of the species and λ depends upon the water temperature and perhaps upon the species.
    In case of the 0-year-old cultured yellow tail, the value of γ was determined to be 0.167 (Fig. 1) and then the dependence of λ upon the water temperature was accounted for as shown graphically in Fig. 2.
    It may be thought that the amount of fish produced in any fish farm presents the “results” brought about by the combined action of natural and artificial factors on the growth of the fishes cultured there. Accordingly, the empirical relationship above shown will also serve as a standard of comparison with which to examine the actual growth of the cultured fish and to clarify the time when or the degree in which the adverse influence of some factors exercising on the growth shows itself.
    pplied to the growth rate curve of fishes cultured in some fish farms different in shape, structure, rate of water exchange and degree of crowding of fishes, these procedures reached considerable success in diagnosing the environmental conditions existing during the course of culture and in obtaining correlations from which to predict the effect of some factors on the growth (Fig. 4).
  • そのチアミン要求について
    徳田 広
    1966 年 32 巻 7 号 p. 565-567
    発行日: 1966/07/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    It was ascertained by serial transfer method that Nitzscltia closterium, a marine pennate diatom, from Sagami-Bay, required only thiamine but neither B12 nor biotin as the growth factor, and furthermore, that 3×105 to 5×105 molecules of thiamine was demanded per cell.
  • 徳田 広
    1966 年 32 巻 7 号 p. 568-572
    発行日: 1966/07/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Adopting the spread agar plate method, several marine phytoplanktons, such as Nitzschia spp., Navicula spp., Amphora sp.(?), and Chlorella sp. were isolated. Among these algae, Nitzschia closterium was made free of bacteia easily on the plate contained 100 and 200 μg/ml streptomycin. This method using a silicon coated glass rod seemed to be preferable to the streaking plate method with a wire loop or a needle.
  • サルファ剤水溶液中での金魚体内への吸収およびその毒性について
    井上 進一, 吉田 文三, 今井 重之
    1966 年 32 巻 7 号 p. 573-578
    発行日: 1966/07/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Fxperiments were carried out to examine if gold fish absorbs sulfonamides such as sulfadimethoxine, sulfamonomethoxine and sulfisomidine from their aqueous solutions where the fish is bathed, and also to test their toxicity to the fish.
    It was found that these drugs were well absorbed by gold fish and their toxicity was low.
    In the case of sulfadimethoxine, a concentration over 7mg% in the fish body was attained by bathing the fish for 24 hours in 0.1% solution, or for 6 hours in 0.2% or in 0.4% solu-tion.
    Over 7mg% concentration of sulfamonomethoxine in the fish was reached by bathing in 0.1% solution for 24 hours or 0.2% solution for 6 hours or 0.4% solution for 12 hours. As for sulfisomidine, only 4-5mg % concentration in the fish was obtained by bathing in 0.191, or 0.2% solution for 48 hours, while 7mg% concentration by bathing in 0.35% solution for 24 hours. (Table 5-7, Figs. 1-3).
    TLms (Median tolerance limit) were calculated to represent the toxicity as shown by bathing.
    TLms-48 hours were 0.80%, 0.96% and 0.76% for sulfadimethoxine (Table 1, 2), Sul-famonomethoxine (Table 3) and Sulfisomidine (Table 4), respectively.
  • 産卵期前後の海気象との関係
    浜田 尚雄
    1966 年 32 巻 7 号 p. 579-584
    発行日: 1966/07/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Many factors affecting the fluctuation of the abundance of larval sand-lance in Harima-nada and Osaka Bay have been considered.
    The author showed the relationships between fluctuation of abundance and a) composition of age-class of adults (paper I), and b) distribution of larval forms (paper II). In this paper, the author considers the influence of weather and sea conditions during the breeding season, on the fluctuation of larval occurrence.
    The following results were obtained,
    1) When the water temperature during the breeding season in lower than in average years, especially when it drops suddenly from December through January, catch of the 0-age class tends to be large (Figs. 1, 2).
    2) There is a relation r=+0.74 between landing of 0-age class and the number of days (within 20 days after peak of spawning) the seasonal west wind blows. In years when fish-ing is abundant, it is a characteristic feature for the west wind to have blown continuously after the peak of spawning (Figs. 4, 5).
    3) Occurrence of larval forms in Harima-nada is influenced by the extent of water mass flowing from the west with chlorinity above 18.00‰, which is observed during the period January of March (Figs. 6, 7).
  • コイの肝膵臓中のL-グロノラクトン脱水素酵素活性におよぼすα-トコフロール投与の効果
    池田 静徳, 佐藤 守, 田口 武
    1966 年 32 巻 7 号 p. 585-589
    発行日: 1966/07/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In a previous paper4), it was shown that carps are able to synthesize L-ascorbic acid from D-glucose. The present paper deals with the effect of vitamin E on the biosynthesis of L-ascorbic acid in carps.
    After the administration of α-tocopherol into carps, the activity of L-gulonolactone dehydrogenase in hepatopancreas and the TBA*** value of viscera were determined. The results (Table 3) indicate that the enzyme activity in the hepatopancreas of carps administrated with α-tocopherol was higher than that of the untreated carps. The TBA value of viscera was also lower in the carps administrated with α-tocopherol than that of the untreated carps (Table 2). Moreover, the enzyme in hepatopancreas homogenate from the untreated carps was maintained stable by the addition of α-tocopherol (Fig. 1). The TBA value of the homogenate was also prevented from increasing by the addition of α-tocopherol (Fig. 2).
    From these results, it is assumed that the administration of vitamin E stimulates the biosynthesis of L-ascorbic acid as a result of its protecting action from the peroxide forma-tion of unsaturated fatty acids in the fish tissues.
  • ミオシン区たん白の組成と活性
    鈴木 たね子, 神名 孝一
    1966 年 32 巻 7 号 p. 590-599
    発行日: 1966/07/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Succeeding to the previous papers1), post-mortem change of fish myofibrillar proteins was studied by means of ultracentrifugal sedimentation of 0.6 M KCl extracts and superprecipitation of actomyosin preparation in the presence of ATP.
    The fishes examined were the sea-bass, flatfish, yellowtail and skipjack. They were killed by cutting their spinal cords to obtain the ordinary muscle. A portion of the muscle was immediately extracted as the prerigor sample. The other portions were kept at 0-2°C for the proper periods from several hours to a few days as the rigor or postrigor samples.
    Ultracentrifugal sedimentation at ca. 50, 000 r.p.m. suggests that the dominant component in the 0.6 M KCl extracts is actomyosin at the postrigor phase regardless of fish species, but either actomyosin or myosin at the prerigor and rigor phases (Figs. 2-4). The patterns at 40, 000 r.p.m. show the so-called gel-fraction at the rigor and postrigor phases, which is not seen at the prerigor phase (Fig. 4). Superprecipitation of actomyosin gel is found on all samples irrespective of post-mortem stage (Figs. 6-7).
    In the earlier paper1, 3), it was pointed out that fish are distinguished into two types by the post-mortem changes in intrinsic viscosity and flow birefringence of the myosins fraction. The difference between these two types of fish, however, was not distinct, so far as ultra-centrifugal sedimentation pattern of the 0.6 M KCl extracts or superprecipitation of actomyosin gel concerns.
  • 富山 哲夫, 小林 邦男, 北原 慶子, 小橋 昌裕
    1966 年 32 巻 7 号 p. 600-604
    発行日: 1966/07/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Data presented here showed that the degradation pattern of varying nucleotides in muscle of wrasse, Pseudolabrus japonicas, kept at 0°C somewhat differed from that of carp1). ATP decreased quite rapidly as compared with that in carp muscle. A complete degradation of ATP occured approximately a three-hour period after slaughter, which corresponded to 1/20 to 1/30 of the time required for ATP degradation in carp muscle. While nearly no rigor mortis was detected in carp muscle during the chill-storage1), a quite marked rigor mortis was detected in the wrasse muscle at three-hour period of storage, accompanied with the rapid disappearance of ATP and the accumulation of considerable amount of AMP.
    Not much difference was noted between wrasse and carp muscle in the time of maintain-ing of maximal amount of IMP. The time of keeping passable flavor-quality was found about a half the time of incipient spoilage.
  • 菊地 嶺, 原口 明郎, 前沢 伸和
    1966 年 32 巻 7 号 p. 605-609
    発行日: 1966/07/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Recently, abnormally colored squillae, Squilla oratoria, the body color of which are yel-lowish gray instead of purplish brown, are found frequently among the catches in Tokyo Bay. The cause of discoloration seems to be ascribed to the environmental sea water which has been polluted strongly by coastal industries.
    Some chemical natures and composition of lipid of the discolored squillae were compared with those of normal squillae, and the following results were obtained:
    1. Any difference in the lipid content, refractive index of the lipid, and neutralization value of fatty acids could not be observed between the two samples. The lipid of the dis-colored sample, however, showed higher saponification and iodine values and lower content of unsaponifiable matters as compared to those of normal one.
    2. Fatty acids in discolored sample contained less amount of C12:0, C14:1, C22:5 and more C18:4(?), C20:2(?), C34:2 fatty acid than the normal, although a further confirmation seems to be necessary.
    3. No significant difference in carotenoid content was observed between the tow samples.
    4. Lipid in discolored sample contained far less cholesterol than the normal. As regards the content of 7- dehydrocholesterol, however, no significant difference was found between the two samples.
  • モツレミルのカロチノイドとそれらの生合成
    片山 輝久
    1966 年 32 巻 7 号 p. 610-620
    発行日: 1966/07/25
    公開日: 2008/02/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Besides α-carotene, β-carotene, siphonaxanthin and neoxanthin, the existence of ε-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, tataxanthin, prolycopene like compound, phytofluene like compound, and phytoene like compound was confirmed as the constituents of carotenoids in Codium intricatum.
    To study the biosynthesis of carotenoid in Codium, 2-C14 -mevalonic acid was injected to the plant. After incubation for 48 hours in sea water, the carotenoids were extracted, and xanthophyll fraction was separated from carotene one by partition coefficient and each of them was submitted to thin layer chromatograyhy. After development, a sheet of X-ray film (Fuji X-ray film, medical) was placed on contact with the thin layer chromatoplate, subsequent development of the film showed the black band on the film corresponding to the exact shape and location of each compound on the thin layer chromatogram. The result showed that 2-C14-mevalonic acid was incorporated into siphonaxanthin, neoxanthin, phytoene like compound and phytofluene like compound, therefore, it was assumed that the carotenoids in Codium would be synthesized in the almost same way as in land plants.
  • 1966 年 32 巻 7 号 p. 622
    発行日: 1966年
    公開日: 2008/04/22
    ジャーナル フリー