山岡 耕作, 高木 基裕, 山田 徹生, 谷口 順彦
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
We observed the behaviours of released juvenile red sea bream
Pagrus major, stocked in a small fishing port. Three types of individuals showing distinct behaviours were distìnguished: 1) territorial individuals, 2) territorylike individuals, 3) individuals keeping no restricted cruising area. A portunid crab
Thalamita sima and/or gobiid fishes were observed to dig the sandy substratum to make their shelters at the center of the defended area of the territorial individuals. This behaviour might make deep burrowing benthos to which
P. major cannot generally gain access readily available to the territorial ones. The territorial individuals tended to defend smaller area, attack more frequently and show smaller number of feeding bout than the territorylike ones. Concerning the territorylike individuals, as the density became lower, the defended area of each individual became larger, but the number of both attacks and feedings smaller.
小池 隆, 山口 辰哉, 松生 洽
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Utilizing the fact that the horse mackerel
Trachurus japonicus, has an outstanding aversion for specific intermittent light, it has been elucidated through a series of experiments that the passage of a fish school can be blockaded or a fish school can be trapped into an enclosed site. In this investigation, the intermittent light was used as a beam, and a certain number of beams were projected at once.
Under adaptation to dark conditions, the passage of the fish school was completely suppressed when the ratio of light intensity between light beams and background was more than 83:1, and the space between the beams was less than 50 cm. However, under light adaptation, suppression of passage required a ratio of more than 60 times that needed under dark adaptation. It has additionally been confirmed that such a suppressional effect as discussed was sustained for more than 100 hours without necessitating any changes in conditions of intermittent light beams.
久保田 正, 塩原 美敞, 窪寺 恒己
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
In this paper, a stomach content analysis of frilled shark
Chlamydoselachus anguineus is presented based on 139 specimens caught incidentally by sergestid shrimp midwater trawling or bottom gill-net fishing conducted in Suruga Bay from 1984 to 1988.
The food items of this shark were mostly decapodan cephalopods and fishes, which were found at the frequencies of 60.5% and 10.5%, respectively among the stomachs containing food. Food items found in the stomach, except for two cases of common squid
Todarodes pacificus were digested to such an extent that it was not possible to identify the original shape. Therefore, species identification of decapodan cephalopods was performed by their beaks. These included bathypelagic species as well as epipelagic species. The empty stomach rate of specimens examined was 73.4% showing an extremely high level as compared with other deep-water sharks.
佐藤 英雄, 二村 義八郎
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Oral administration of an estrogen, sodium diethylstilbestrol (DES-Na) was found to promote the growth in Japanese eel elvers when DES-Na was mixed with the basal feed at the level of 0.5-1.0 ppm; the higher the dose, the faster the growth. However, it retarded the growth when applied at the levels above 2.5 ppm. The elvers of 0.3g grew to 22-28g within 104 days at the temperature of 23.0-25.5°C when they fed on the feed having 1.0 ppm DES-Na; the final body weight was 2.7 times of that of control group. Including the control group, the specific daily growth rate in body weight ranged 0.033-0.044. The feed efficiency was 12-19% in terms of wet weight. Since the maintenance ration during the experimental period did not changed in spite of different mean body weight, DES-Na is thought to save the maintenance cost under the optimal application.
竹下 直彦, 木村 清朗
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Age and growth of the cyprinid fish
Hemibarbus barbus in the Chikugo River were studied by interopercle reading of 316 specimens. Interopercle radii and ring radii were measured from the focus to the anterior edge and to outer margins of the hyaline zones, respectively. The relationship between interopercle radius and standard length was shown as a straight line. The outer margins of the hyaline zones as annual rings were formed once a year in April. Growth of this fish was expressed by the von Bertalanffy's equation as
Lt= 519.7 [1-exp{-0.195(
t+0.158)}] for males and
Lt=571.3 [1-exp{-0.167(
t+0.289)}] for females (
Lt: standard length in mm,
t: age).
Most of 1- to 3-year-old immature fish were found in the fresh water of the tidal reaches all the year round. The spawning run of this fish mostly comprised of 4- and 5-year-old groups from the tidal reaches to the reaches about 20km upstream occurred in April. Therefore it seems that the migration of
H. barbus in the Chikugo River may be classified as potamodromous migration or fluvial migration.
Janny Dirk Kusen, 中川 清, 余吾 豊, 中園 明信
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Sexual patterns of the sand diver
Trichonotus filamentosus were studied using specimens collected at Hakata Bay, Kyushu, Japan, between 1986-1989. The species was found to be a protogynous hermaphrodite for the following reasons: (1) The males are not only larger in body size than females, but also have a different body form and color, with intermediate types occurring within a range where the male and female sizes overlap. (2) Differences in annuli in otoliths between the sexes suggest that males are older than females. (3) Bisexual gonads occur in 4.58% of the specimens examined histologically. (4) Bisexual gonads and mature testes exhibit secondary structure.
The size frequency distributions of the males and females, and the occurrence of specimens with bisexual gonads indicate that the sand diver of Hakata Bay undertakes protogynous sex change at 80-120mm SL, after the spawning season in summer. It has also been found that the present species is monandric, because all males have secondary testes.
森脇 俊尚, 小林 牧人, 会田 勝美, 羽生 功
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Changes in plasma gonadotropin (GtH) and steroid hormone levels were investigated during ovulation induced by human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in female goldfish. Sexually mature female goldfish maintained at 20°C under 14L10D (lights on at 0430hr) were injected with HCG at a dose of 10IU/g BW at 2100hr. Twenty-one fish out of 28 ovulated between 9 and 18 hours (0600 to 1500hr) after injection. In ovulatory fish, there was neither a significant increase nor surge in plasma GtH levels after the injection, whereas plasma testosterone and 17α, 20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one levels showed changes similar to those occurring in spontaneous ovulation. These results suggest that injected HCG acts directly on the ovary without accelerating endogenous GtH secretion, and therefore induces ovulation in a similar manner as does the ovulatory GtH surge in spontaneous ovulation.
藤尾 芳久, Elisabeth von Brand
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Starch gel electrophoresis for 6 polymorphic isozyme loci was carried out to estimate the level of genetic variation in seed and sown populations of the Japanese scallop
Patinopecten yessoensis from Abashiri/Hokkaido, in Japan.
The observed heterozygosity was significantly lower than the expected heterozygosity in the seed population, indicating an excess of homozygosity, while such tendency was not observed in the samples of the sown population. Dividing the sampled animals into small and large size groups, the homozygote excess was lower in large size than in the small size. Thus, a decrease of homozygosity during growth is considered to depend on the differentiated survival rate between homozygotes and heterozygotes, probably on the basis of the homozygosity of deleterious recessive alleles.
加治 俊二, 兼松 正衛, 手塚 信弘, 伏見 浩, 畑井 喜司雄
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
In 1987, a fungus disease caused by
Haliphthoros sp. occurred in the ova and larvae of the mangrove crab
Scylla serrata cultured at Yaeyama Station of Japan Sea-Farming Association, Okinawa, and experiments on the effect of formalin bath on this disease were made.
The bath treatment with 25 ppm formalin in a hatching tank inhibited the occurrence of the infection in newly hatched zoeae from ovigerous females with infected eggs on the surface of the egg-mass. Although a 2-day-bath with 75 ppm formalin could not kill the fungus within the eggs, a 2-hour-bath with 20 ppm formalin was effective to inactivate the zoospores released from infected eggs. Newly hatched zoeae, on the other hand, were tolerant of exposure to 20 ppm formalin. This suggests that the occurrence of the disease can be controlled by a bath treatment with 25 ppm formalin in a hatching tank, even if the eggs are obtained from ovigerous females with infected eggs.
三浦 汀介, 清水 晋, 西山 作蔵
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
In order to obtain more knowledge about the control of a midwater trawl system, three electronic instruments were produced by way of traial to measure the motions of both the otter-boards and net under trawling operations with a full-scale net. These devices were used on the sampling trawl experiment. They were mounted on both otter-boards and the net to measure their depths. After the experiment, these data were analysed to clarify each otter-board's motion more exactly. These self-recording underwater instruments store measurement data into IC memories and, after each haul, feed the collected information to the computer.
Daniel Limbong, 林 小八, 白木原 国雄
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Seasonal changes in the distribution of the common mackerel were examined using catch statistics of the Japanese large purse seine fishery (years of 1974-1988). Concentrations with high CPUE appeared in the southwestern Japan Sea in November-December. They expanded to the waters near Cheju island in January-April, but only remained in the southwestern Japan Sea near May. Concentrations in this sea almost disappeared in summer, The Tsushima current stock was estimated to move southwards from autumn to winter and move northwards from the wintering area after spring. Some yearly variations of the time to start migration were observed. The density index of the wintering group was proposed to describe the yearly fluctuation of this stock. It was estimated that the size of this stock has decreased since 1977, and its distribution area has also reduced. Concentrations also appeared in the middle and southern East China Sea, which was considered to belong to the East China Sea stock. Due to the lack of data, a migration pattern of this stock was presented as a preliminary result.
上田 龍太郎, 杉田 治男, 出口 吉昭
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Naturally occurring agglutinin activity in the hemolymph of 17 species of coastal Crustacea was examined by using 20 strains of marine bacterial cells. All serum specimens of each crustacean species were found to contain the agglutinin activity. The activity against
Vibrio strains were higher than against other bacterial genera and gram-positive cocci.
The activity of almost all specimens was completely inactivated at temperatures between 65 and 80°C. Most of the agglutinins were stable at pH values ranging from 5 to 10. Relatively high activities occurred in a slightly more acidic or basic pH than the normal pH of the hemolymph (pH 7.2) in some animal species. The activity of most agglutinins was inhibited by D-xylose, but in a few animals it was also inhibited by L-arabinose, D-glucosamine, L-rhamnose, galactose or raffinose.
星 昌和, 松村 映子, 最上 和江, 林 哲仁, 渡辺 悦生
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Toxins in fish, shellfish, and other marine organisms have been generally determined by bioassays using experimental animals such as mice. However, there has been a growing demand toward the development of chemical methods for the determination of toxins from the standpoint of the prevention of cruelty to animals.
Nereistoxin sensor was prepared from a combination of acetylcholinesterase, choline oxidase, and an oxygen electrode. Good lineality was observed between inhibition ratio of acetylcholinesterase activity and the concentration of nereistoxin expressed on log-log graph. Moreover, it was elucidated that the proposed sensor was also used as acetylcholine and phosphate sensors.
木村 廣美, 水野 治夫, 齋藤 隆英, 陶山 好夫, 小川 廣男, 磯 直道
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Salted jellyfish are eaten after desalting in water, boiling, and dipping in water for several days. In this work, the structural change of salted jellyfish during the process described above has been studied by observation with a scanning electron microscope and with ordinary microscopes. The samples became shortened in the direction along the surface of the skin by boiling at 80°C for 30min, so that the thickness which was perpendicular to the surface increased. The change is due to the shrinkage of collagen in a part of the umbrella of the jellyfish by heating, which is ascertained by the stain method and differential scanning calorimetrical measurement.
A network structure was observed on the surface of the heated sample. The network structure of the heated sample was destroyed after dipping in water for 6 days. Also, the surface of the both the unheated and heated sample was peeled by dipping in water, and the change was larger in the heated one. Not only the thermal denaturation of collagen but these structural changes may contribute to the texture of cooked jellyfish.
中山 照雄, 岡 達夫, 大井 淳史
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Reconstructed sardine meat was prepared from a mixture of sardine mince and sodium alginate by the aid of dialysis with respect to CaCl
2 solution. A soft consistency was preferred to match with Western style dishes. The effect of NaCl or MgCl
2 included in the CaCl
2 solution and the effect of enzyme treatment of sardine mince were investigated to obtain a soft consistency. When the NaCI concentration was more than 0.1
M, the jelly strength became remarkably smaller than that at 0.00
M NaCl. As the NaCl concentration increased, breaking deformation increased at the early stage of dialysis. A suitable soft consistency was obtained by 0.1
M NaCl and 48h dialysis. The jelly strength at 0.004
M MgCl
2 was remarkably smaller than that at 0.000
M MgCl
2. As the MgCl
2 concentration increased, breaking deformation increased at the early stage of dialysis, but decreased at the late stage. A moderate consistency was obtained by 0.016
M MgCl
2 and 48h dialysis but was unacceptable due to other attributes. As the enzyme concentration increased, the jelly strength increased at the early stage of dialysis, but decreased at the late stage and as the enzyme concentration increased, breaking deformation increased, and maximum breaking deformation was observed when enzyme concentration was 0.5%. When the time for enzyme treatment was increased, the jelly strength and breaking deformation increased once and then decreased, and the maximum jelly strength and breaking deformation were observed when the time for enzyme treatment was 30min. A suitable soft consistency was obtained by enzyme treatment for 30min at 0.5% enzyme and 48h dialysis.
佐藤 秀一, 竹内 俊郎, 渡辺 武
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Feeding experiments were conducted to examine the availability to rainbow trout of manganese (Mn) and magnesium (Mg) contained in white fish meal and to determine the minimum supplemental Mn and Mg levels to white fish meal based diet for the normal growth of rainbow trout. The lowest growth was observed in fish receiving a diet without supplemental Mn or Mg and the growth was effectively improved by the addition of Mn and Mg at levels of more than 15μg/g and 0.5mg/g, respectively. The Mn content of vertebrae was lowest in fish fed a diet without supplemental Mn and was proportional to dietary Mn levels, reaching a plataeu by supplementing more than 15μg/g diet. The ratio of Ca to Mg in the vertebrae was highest in fish fed a diet without supplemental Mg and effectively decreased to lower levels by Mg supplementation at levels more than 0.5mg/g diet.
The results of these experiments have demonstrated that supplementation of Mn and Mg at more than 15μg/g and 0.5mg/g, respectively, to white fish meal diet is necessary to sustain the normal growth of rainbow trout. The results also suggested that the availability of Mn in white fish meal was very low and that the utilization of Mg absorbed was distorted by a certain substance in white fish meal.
丹羽 栄二, Alam AKM Nowsad, 加納 哲
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Various physical parameters were compared between kamaboko treated with low temperature setting (l-kamaboko) and those treated by high temperature setting (h-kamaboko). The shio-surimis made of Alsaka pollack frozen surimi were incubated at 0, 10, 20, and 30°C for 24, 48, and 72h (low temperature setting) or at 20, 30, and 40°C for 30, 60, and 90 min (high temperature setting) followed by heating at 80°C for 30 min to gel. The resulting kamaboko were subjected to the puncture test, stress-relaxation test, dynamic test, and expressible water test. Little difference was detected in the breaking force between the l-kamaboko and h-kamaboko when each kamaboko was prepared under the best setting condition. On the other hand, the l-kamaboko was higher than the h-kamaboko in the instantaneous elastic modulus, storage modulus, and loss modulus but lower in the breaking strain. The amount of expressible water was lower in the latter kamaboko. Based on the above results, it was presumed that the low temperature setting is not always superior to the high temperature setting.
佐々木 茂文, 太田 亨, 高木 徹, 山口 秀一
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
The hydrocarbon components in some tissues of sockeye salmon
Oncorhynchus nerka and chum salmon
Oncorhynchus keta caught in the Gulf of Alaska were investigated with open-tubular gas-liquid chromatography. At least 60 peaks were detected, of which 26 components were identified. The salmons had normal hydrocarbons ranging in chain length from C
13 to C
28 with an odd-chain predominance. The major hydrocarbons of the present samples were pristane and squalene. The total contents of these components in all samples exceeded 60% of the total hydrocarbons. In particular, pristane accounted for 85-90% of total hydrocarbons in the viscera and stomach contents of both salmons. Norphytene, phytane, and phytadiene were also detected in these samples.
The results in this study suggested that the salmons analyzed in the Gulf of Alaska were hardly polluted by crude oil.
長田 恭一, 高橋 是太郎, 羽田野 六男, 細川 雅史
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Enzymatic glyceride synthesis and acid interchange using icosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), γ-linolenic acid (GLA), and EPA and DHA concentrated saponified fatty acid mixture obtained from sardine oil were carried out through the use of four kinds of microbial lipases.
Lipase TOYO (
Chromobacterium viscosum) was the most effective enzyme for glyceride synthesis as well as acid interchange of triglyceride (TG) rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. There was a general tendency, except with Lipase TOYO, that DHA was difficult to be incorporated into a glycerol molecule compared to the other fatty acids.
Fatty acid composition of TG synthesized from a highly concentrated fatty acid mixture (EPA+DHA: 68.8%) by the use of Lipase TOYO and Lipase OF (
Candida cylindracea), directly reflected that of the substrate fatty acid flixture (i.e. EPA+DHA was more than 65%). And the TG molecular species having combination of only EPA and DHA such as (EPA, EPA, EPA), (EPA, EPA, DHA), (EPA, DHA, DHA), and (DHA, DHA, DHA) were dominant accounting for the half of the obtained TG.
Suchana Wisessang, 緒方 武比古, 児玉 正昭, 福代 康夫, 石丸 隆, Kriengasag Saitanu, Tik ...
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Twelve clones of
Alexandrium cohorticula were newly isolated from the Gulf of Thailand and made cultured. All the clones were found to be toxic. However, the toxicity levels per cell were different from clone to clone even when cultured under the same conditions. The green mussel
Perna viridis which were fed on the cultured cells of
A. cohorticula accumulated about 50% of the toxin contained in the supplied cells, showing that
A. cohorticula may cause bivalve toxicity, when it blooms in the environment.
柳原 茂人, 中岡 寛, 原 研治, 石原 忠
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
A trypsin-type proteinase was purified about 8, 000-fold from white croaker skeletal muscle with a 6% recovery. The enzyme was most active at pH 8.0 and 9.0 toward Boc-Val-Leu-Lys-MCA and casein, respectively. The enzyme was inactivated by DFP, STI, TLCK, and leupeptin, but not by E-64 and EDTA. It hydrolyzed only the substrates for trypsin-type proteinase. The purified enzyme gave a single protein band on Disc-PAGE and SDS-PAGE. The molecular weight of the final preparation was estimated to be about 680, 000 by gel permeation chromatography, and to be about 32, 000 and 71, 000 by SDS-PAGE with or without a reducing reagent, respectively. On the other hand, the molecular weight of the partially purified enzyme was about 123, 000 by gel filtration on Sephadex G-150. These results suggest that the purified enzyme consists of homologous subunits of molecular weight 32, 000. The caseinolytic activity of the purified enzyme was most active at 40°C. but that of the partially purified enzyme was observed with a maximum at 55°C and was not detected below 40°C. When the activities of both enzymes were measured at 55°C in the presence of 0.5
M NaCl, the activities were about 50% of those in the absence of NaCl. The purified enzyme also hydrolyzed myosin heavy chains at 55°C in the presence of 3% NaCl. These results suggest that the serine proteinase may participate in “modori” in kamaboko processing.
吉岡 武也, 浜井 昌志, 今野 久仁彦, 新井 健一
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
The mechanism involved in protective effect of ATP on thermal inactivation of myosin Ca-ATPase was re-examined. 1) ATP concentration required for full protection against thermal denaturation is myosin concentration dependent, and two concentrations were similar to each other. 2) The protection by ATP is more effective in the presence of Mg
2+ than in the presence of Ca
2+ or EDTA, suggesting the high affinity of ATP-Mg to the ATPase active site. 3) The protective effects of triphosphate compounds (ATP and AMPPNP) were distinguish-able from those of diphosphate compounds (ADP, PPi) in their concentration dependence and in the maximal protection achieved, and monophosphate compounds (AMP and IMP) were unable to protect myosin from inactivation at all.
A. E. Serrano, 永山 文男
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
1. Arylformamidase activities were measured in the liver extracts of fishes. The grass carp enzyme showed the highest activity (43.3 nmol per mg protein•min) followed by the common carp (24.4), rainbow trout (22), yellowtail (13.7), and tilapia (6.9).
2. The rainbow trout enzyme was the most stable when stored up to 40 h at 4°C.
3. When stored at -20°C for 18h, the yellowtail, common carp, grass carp and rainbow trout enzymes showed comparable remaining activity; the tilapia showed the lowest. After 22h of refreezing, all the enzymes showed a considerable loss of activity.
4. The rainbow trout enzyme was very stable after repeated freezing and thawing with 79% remaining activity after the third repetition.
5. All enzymes were inactivated after 30 min of preincubation at 50°C except the common carp enzyme.
6. Adding DTT did not significantly improve the stability at 4°C of either the common carp or the rainbow trout enzyme.
岩本 宗昭, 山中 英明, 渡部 終五, 橋本 周久
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
Striated adductor muscle samples (11.6g on average) of “itayagai” scallop
Pecten albicans were stored at -3, 0, 5, and 10°C, and examined for changes in ATP and related breakdown compounds. After 6h of storage at -3 and 0°C, ATP disappeared and ADP decreased down to 10% in its molar ratio to the total of ATP and related compounds. At 5 and 10°C, ATP and ADP decreased more slowly, maintaining the levels of 7-13% and 21-29%, respectively, even after 48h. These degradation patterns of ATP at different temperatures as a whole, resembled those reported for fish. On the other hand, K value, a freshness indicator defined as the molar ratio of inosine plus hypoxanthine to the total of ATP and related compounds, increased faster at -3 and 0°C than at 5 and 10°C. However, the adductor muscle resulted in the worst organoleptic evaluation when stored at 10°C.
When unshucked itayagai scallop was stored at 5°C, adductor muscle ATP remained at a high level (-4μmol/g) for a few days, then sharply decreased probably in association with death, as did the isolated adductor.
丹羽 栄二, 小川 典泰, 加納 哲
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
The reason for the depression of the elasticity of kamaboko upon the addition of pregelatinized starch was investigated. The breaking force and breaking deformation of the kamaboko from Alaska pollack frozen surimi were decreased and its expressible water was increased by increasing the amount of the pregelatinized corn, potato, and tapioca starches added and this was especially remarkable for the latter two starches. Such the depression in the elasticity was accelerated by the previous soaking of them in water immediately before their addition, but prevented by retarding their addition to the surimi during its grinding. The pregelatinized starch absorbed more water than the raw one during heating within 3% sodium chloride and its mechanical strength was decreased. Furthermore, it was observed that the pregelatinized starch existed as granules within the kamaboko.
From the results, it was proposed that the depression of the elasticity of the kamaboko upon the addition of the pregelatinized starch is due to the reduction of its mechanical strength upon the marked absorption of water during the kamaboko processing.
Samanta S. Khora, 伊佐 次郎, 安元 健
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
A total of 65 specimens of puffers comprising nine species of the suborder Tetraodontoidei were collected from Okinawa and tested for toxicity levels of the flesh, skin, liver, gonad, and intestine.
Chelonodon patoca, Arothron manillensis, A. nigropunctatus, and
A. hispidus showed high toxin levels in the flesh and thus should be banned from being eaten. Toxicities of the flesh of
A. mappa,
A. stellatus, Pleuranacanthus sceleratus, and
Fugu niphobles were within an acceptable level.
Diodon hystrix, which is widely consumed locally, showed no significant level of the toxin in all tissues tested. Extremely high toxicities of the flesh of
C. patoca (520 MU/g) and
A. nigropunctatus (184 MU/g) are worthy of special mention.
朴 春奎, 松居 隆, 渡辺 勝子, 山口 勝己, 鴻巣 章二
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
The muscles of two species of edible ascidians
Styela clava and
S. plicata cultured at the south coast of Korea, were analyzed for extractive nitrogen, free and combined amino acids, nucleotides and related compounds, quaternary ammonium bases, and guanidino compounds using specimens collected in December, 1988 and April, 1989, and compared with those of
Halocynthia roretzi already reported.
Taurine, proline, glutamic acid, glycine, and alanine were the major free amino acids in each sample. Among them, taurine was the most abundant, occupying 43-65% of total free amino acids. The content of glycinebetaine was also high in the April samples, being more than 300mg per 100g. As for nucleotides and related compounds, AMP was the principal constituent in all the samples.
The composition of the major extractive components such as free amino acids, nucleotides and related compounds, and betaines in the muscles of both species was similar to that of
H. roretzi, and many of those components seemed to exhibit the same seasonal variation, low in winter and high in spring, as observed for
H. roretzi. The tunic of
S. plicata was very poor in extractive components, but the amounts of combined amino acids were considerably higher than those in the muscle.
手島 新一, 金澤 昭夫, 山下 昌彦, 越塩 俊介
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
清水 昭男, 羽生 功
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29
石田 典子
1991 年 57 巻 1 号 p.
発行日: 1991/01/25
公開日: 2008/02/29