The carotenoid pigments from the fin and skin of Japanese sculpings and white gobies were investigated. They have similar carotenoid patterns, consisting of β-carotene (trace, 0.9, 0.9%), cryptoxanthin (7.0, 4.8, 3.6%), tunaxanthin (59.1, 47.2, 23.7%), lutein (13.9, 3.3, 8.8%), zeaxanthin (9.9, 5.4, 11.2%), unidentified (trace, -, 1.5%), diatoxanthin (3.8, 3.6, 2.2%), cynthiaxanthin (3.2, 26.5, 43.6%), triol (β-carotene type) (1.0, trace, trace), tetraol (β-carotene type) (trace, trace, trace), astacene (trace, 4.0, 0.9%) and β-doradecin (2.0, 4.3, 3.6%) respectively.
Tunaxanthin and cynthiaxanthin were predominant in Japanese sculpins and white gobies respectively.
From the results of the present and formerly reported data, the authors proposed the assumption that tunaxanthin might be a chemical indicator in the division percichthyes.