Online ISSN : 1883-7921
Print ISSN : 0021-5147
ISSN-L : 0021-5147
32 巻, 1 号
  • 貯蔵および加熱に対する抗酸化性について
    平原 文子, 高居 百合子, 岩尾 裕之
    1974 年 32 巻 1 号 p. 1-8
    発行日: 1974/01/25
    公開日: 2010/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    リノール酸メチル溶液ならびに油脂に対して, 香辛料を添加した場合, 酸化抑制効果の有無, さらに香辛料中の抗酸化物質の検索を行ない次の結果を得た。
    1) リノール酸メチル溶液の自動酸化に対し, ウイキョウ・トウガラシ・ショウガならびにウコンはBHAとほぼ同様の酸化抑制効果を示した。
    2) 香辛料粉末の水・精製エタノール・精製エーテル抽出成分の添加実験では, リノール酸メチル溶液の自動酸化抑制に対し, ウイキョウの水溶性成分に, ショウガ・トウガラシおよびチョウジでは各々溶媒抽出画分に, ウコンでは水・精製エーテル可溶性成分に強い抗酸化効果を認めた。リノール酸メチル溶液の酸化抑制に対し, ニンニクは弱く, 水可溶性成分にのみ酸化抑制効果が認められた。
    3) 香辛料を油脂に添加し, AOM装置を用い酸化させた実験では, 試験した香辛料のいずれも4種の油脂に, 合成酸化抑制剤であるBHAよりも強力な酸化抑制効果が認められた。特に, オリーブ油において, 他の油脂よりもその効果が顕著であった。
  • 川端 晶子, 澤山 茂, 瓜生 恵子
    1974 年 32 巻 1 号 p. 9-18
    発行日: 1974/01/25
    公開日: 2010/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    44種の果実類, 3種の果菜類および3種の種実類のべクチンを定量した結果, 新鮮物可食部に対するペクチン酸カルシウムとしての全ペクチン含有量は, 次のようであった。
    1) かんきつ類
    4%以上: 温州みかん果皮
    3.00~3.99%: きんかんパルプ, ぶんたんパルプおよび果皮, ゆずパルプ。
    2.00~2.99%: ぶしゅかん, ゆず果皮。
    1.00~1.99%: きんかん果皮, 温州みかんパルプ。
    0.99%以下: きんかん果汁, 温州みかん果汁, ぶんたん果汁, ゆず果汁。
    2) その他の果実類
    2.00~2.99%: ポポー, アボカード。
    1.00~1.99%: かりん, いちじく, 赤すぐり。
    0.50~0.99%: りんご (紅玉, スターキング, デリシャス, ふじ, インド, 国光), すぐり, バナナ (エクアドル産, フィリピン産, 台湾産), かき, いちご, キィウィ, マンゴー, パパイア, まるめろ。
    0.49%以下: 和なし (二十世紀, 長十郎, 幸水), 洋なし, さくらんぼ, プラム, あんず, もも, うめ, クッキンダバナナ, りんご (むつ), びわ, レンブ, ぶどう (キャンベル, デラウェア, ネオ・マスカット, 巨峰), パイナップル。
    3) 果菜類
    0.50~0.99%: れいし。
    0.49%以下: トマト, 西瓜。
    4) 種実類
    5%以上: くるみ, らっかせい。
    1.00~1.99%: くり。
    全ペクチン中の各抽出区分の比率について, かんきつ類の果汁では, きんかん以外, W-S区がもっとも高く, 果皮およびパルプでは, きんかん以外は, P-S区がもっとも高く, つづいてH-S区であった。
    その他の果実類, 果菜類および種実類45種のうち, 28種はH-S区がもっとも高く, W-S区のもっとも高いものは9種, P-S区のもっとも高いものは8種であった。総体的に, 熱帯果実にW-S区の高いのが目立つ。
  • 米の搗精, 洗米によるナトリウムおよびカリウム含有量の変化
    小野 房子, 大松 孝樹
    1974 年 32 巻 1 号 p. 19-23
    発行日: 1974/01/25
    公開日: 2010/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    玄米にはカリウムが多量に含まれ258.1±20.0mg%であったが, ナトリウムはきわめて少量しか含まれていない。玄米を歩留り90%に精白するとカリウムの約1/2は米糠中に移行した。精白米を水圧式洗米機で洗米すると精白米のカリウムの約36%が流失した。
    東京都内6病院の米飯のナトリウム含有量は4.6±0.7mg%, カリウム含有量は26.7±1.4mg%でいずれも余り差異がなかった。
  • 小森 ノイ
    1974 年 32 巻 1 号 p. 24-31
    発行日: 1974/01/25
    公開日: 2010/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The author has proviously reported that the average time required in taking lunch by Japanese women from 18 years old to the lower twenties was 12 minutes and 44 seconds.
    From this survey on the time required in taking Soba (a kind of noodles) involving 3541 persons who were checked at a railway station stand, it was found that the time required for men was surprisingly short—from 2 minutes and 13 seconds to 2 minutes and 34 seconds, (average, 2 minutes and 22 seconds), and for women, though only slightly longer than men, from 2 minutes and 54 seconds to 3 minutes and 33 seconds, (average, 3 minutes and 4 seconds).
    The amount of food left in the bowl by women was larger than men. This is usually observed in Japan.
    It seems that the Japanese do not enjoy in taking their meals so much as Westerners do.
  • 川染 節江, 田中 照子
    1974 年 32 巻 1 号 p. 32-38
    発行日: 1974/01/25
    公開日: 2010/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The food preference of the younger people living in 10 areas of Japan: Sapporo, Sendai, Kanazawa, Tokyo, Osaka, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, Takamatsu, Kumamoto and Fukuoka was studied.
    Three hundred and fifty-five men and 394 women responded to the questionaire concerning 260 kinds of dishes investigated by means of the Food Action Rating Scale.
    The results are summarized as follows:
    1. In general the men preferred better meat and fish, while the women did cakes, fruits and salads.
    2. Almost all of the young generation seemed to dislike kuwai, okara, and shoyumame.
    3. The average points of 260 dishes was over 5.
    4. The standard deviation acquired proved to provide considerably good information. Some food groups were found to he especially preferred either by young men or young women.
    (a) Women tended to prefer rice, noodles and vegetables more than men.
    (b) Pulse, pickles and fish showed a low standard deviation.
    (c) Eggs and seaweeds showed the same pattern of preference.
    (d) Meat, milk and chowder (dish containing various materials served in a boiling pot) were preferred by both sex and also showed a low standard deviation.
    (e) There was a different taste for soup, mushroom and drinks between men and women.
    (f) Women particularily liked bread, cakes and fruits.
  • 適正な三食配分
    石松 成子
    1974 年 32 巻 1 号 p. 39-45
    発行日: 1974/01/25
    公開日: 2010/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    After calculating the caloric intake from the diet of growing infants and the calories expended from the time study of living activities, some desirable ways of distributing the daily diet into three meals were studied and the following conclusions were obtained.
    1) The nutrient intake somewhat lacked in calories and there was also a shortage of calcium and vitamin A. The food intake showed a lack of rice, potatobread, potatoes, soy beans, yellow-green vegetables and milk.
    2) Both the nutrient and food intake showed a high ratio from lunch and eating in the afternoon as shown from the distributive rate of each meal.
    3) By dividing the expended calorie into three times per day—morning, afternoon and noon—, the approximate rate was 24% in the morning, 40% in the afternoon, and 36% at noon respectively for the average of both boys and girls.
    4) The caloric intake showed an approximate rate of 24% from breakfast, 44% from lunch and eating in the afternoon, and 32% from dinner and eating at night.
    5) The caloric intake from breakfast and the calorie expended in the morning were both balanced in accordance with the relation of the calorie expended and the caloric intake, but the caloric intake from lunch and eating in the afternoon was higher than the calorie expended in the afternoon. The caloric intake from dinner and eating at night was lower than the calorie expended at night.
    It is necessary that the caloric intake from eating between meals should be considered from the food quality of between meals, especially in the case of infants.
  • 循環勤務者の生活時間の実態
    本田 テル子, 小山 美智子, 八丁 雄子
    1974 年 32 巻 1 号 p. 46-51
    発行日: 1974/01/25
    公開日: 2010/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    It was previously reported that night duty had influence on the dietary life of housewives and their family members.
    The purpose of this survey was to clarify the defect in the dietary construction of their dietary life taking time into consideration.
    Two hundred telephone operators who were on the alternating shift were taken as subjects and asked to keep records on themselves for five consecutive days, including a holiday.
    1) The hours spent for performing domestic affairs were found to be differ according to the family type whether it was a single type family or a complex type including grandparents. The housewives of the single type family spent twice as much time as those of the complex type.
    2) The percentage of housewives taking breakfast differed according to whether they had infants or not, and also to the condition of their duty. After night duty the percentage of those not taking breakfast was 70%, and the percentage of the day duty mothers having infants, 38%.
    3) The housewives of the single type families began to prepare supper an hour later than those of the complex type families. In this case it is feared that their family life cycle will be disrupted. This problem becomes more serious when the housewife is on night duty and cannot assume any responsibility to prepare and look after the evening meal.