Online ISSN : 1883-7921
Print ISSN : 0021-5147
ISSN-L : 0021-5147
22 巻, 6 号
  • 小麦胚芽油と落花生油の影響
    鈴木 慎次郎, 手塚 朋通, 久我 達郎, 大島 寿美子
    1964 年 22 巻 6 号 p. 179-181
    発行日: 1964年
    公開日: 2010/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Sixty grams per day of wheat-germ oil, or peanut oil were fed to 17 healthy young girls for a week. Bloods were sampled before, after and during the oil feeding period for a total of 4 times, and the blood samples thus obtained were analyzed for cholesterol content.
    The fatty acid compositions of both oils were investigated by Gas-Liquid-Chromatography.
    The serum cholesterol level decreased by 16% in case of the wheat-germ oil and 1% in the peanut oil.
    Considering the linoleic acid contents of these oils and other oils which effects had been observed in the previous reports, the cause of serum cholesterol lowering effect may be attributed not only to their linoleic acid content, but also to their unsaponifiable matters.
    Especially the unsaponifiable matters of germ oil for instance, of rice bran oil, corn oil and wheat-germ oil, seem to have a marked cholesterol lowering effect. Further investigation on unsaponifiable matter will be of importance.
  • 中谷 貞子, 門倉 芳枝, 河田 正治, 塩田 一嘉
    1964 年 22 巻 6 号 p. 182-186
    発行日: 1964年
    公開日: 2010/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    We studied what effect the new anabolic agent, stanozolol (17β-hydroxy-17α-methylandrostano-[3, 2-C-] pyrazole) bears on energy metabolism of the aged people.
    Subjects were seven aged women of under weight.
    They took one tablet (containing 2mg stanozolol) three times a day, after each meal, for 35 days in late autumn of 1963. Afterwards, for 14 days, they did not take stanozolol.
    Energy metabolism was measured once a week on basal metabolism by the Douglas bag method.
    Results obtained were as follows:
    1) Energy metabolism had increased about 10% than before dosage.
    2) Oxygen-consumption and carbon dioxide-production had increased most after 21 days, respectively 10%, 7%. After that, both of them had decreased. On stop of dosage, they slowed to increase.
    3) Non-protein R. Q. decreased, but after the stop of dosage increased again.
    4) Rate of combustion of nutrients which provided energy in the body was different after dosage: carbohydrate reduced about 17%, fat increased approximately 10% and protein increased about 7%.
    5) The subjects gained average of 1.4kg in weight for 35 days.
  • ガンマー線照射12時間後の白ネズミ肝脂質含有率
    見目 明継, 岩尾 裕之
    1964 年 22 巻 6 号 p. 187-189
    発行日: 1964年
    公開日: 2010/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    カゼイン8%を含む飼料で3週間飼育した成熟雄白ネズミ, およびカゼイン25%を含む飼料で同期間飼育した成熟雄白ネズミに, コバルト60ガンマー線600レントゲンを全身照射し, 照射後12時間絶食させた。この白ネズミを断首して殺し, 肝臓を剔出し, その脂質含有率を測定した。その結果, 照射12時間後の肝脂質含有率は, 照射群が非照射群より低い値を示した。この傾向は, 照射前にカゼイン8%を含む飼料で飼育した群において著しかった。
  • グリシン過剰投与と動物の成長
    横田 フミ
    1964 年 22 巻 6 号 p. 190-192
    発行日: 1964年
    公開日: 2010/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    It is well known that if the animal take an excess amount of glycine in the diet, a remarkable inhibitory effect on the growth will appear within a short experimental period.
    In this report, to see an inhibitory effect of an excess amount of glycine on the animals, the rats were fed the diet which containes an excess amount of glycine for the growth test, and at the same time the effect of DL-methionine and L-arginine added to the diet were also observed, 30 pure strain rats, weighing about 65g, were used as the experimental animals.
  • グリシン過剰投与と尿中クレアチニンおよびアミノ酸について
    横田 フミ
    1964 年 22 巻 6 号 p. 193-197
    発行日: 1964年
    公開日: 2010/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    To see the effect of Excess glycine on the urinary amino acids, free and conjugated form glycine and methionine were investigated by microbioassay method. The fractions of free amino acids were obtained by high voltage paper electrophoresis method. Creatinine in urine was also determined.
    According to the results, creatinine in urine increased by the excess glycine, and a little more increment was seen by the addition of 0.25% DL-methionine. Free glycine in urine increased greatly by the addition of 5% glycine, but the addition of 0.25% DL-methionine lowered the free glycine excretion in urine.
    On the other hand, conjugated form glycine also increased when fed 5% glycine diet, and higher increment was appeared by adding 0.25% DL-methionine as seen on Group 4.
    Free and conjugated form methionine in urine decreased greatly by the addition of 5% glycine.
    From the figures of free amino acids in urine which were obtained by high voltage paper electrophoresis, an increment of the fractions of basic amino acids were recognized by the addition of 5% glycine in the diet.
  • 飼料中のCa含有量の多寡が子孫の発育におよぼす影響
    大山 サカエ
    1964 年 22 巻 6 号 p. 198-202
    発行日: 1964年
    公開日: 2010/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Ca摂取の多寡が3世におよぼす影響について実験を行なった。すなわち第1報に引き続き, 2世代のネズミの発育, 妊娠, 分娩の状態を観察し, その仔ネズミ (3世) の体重, Ca含有量について測定した。
    1) 2世代の発育Ca状態は高Ca群が最もよく, 対照群はこれに次ぎ, 低Ca群は最下位であった。
    2) 妊娠, 分娩, 授乳状態は高Ca群が対照群よりややよく, 低Ca群は最下位であった。
    3) 分娩前2週間の摂取Ca量は体重1g当り, 対照群は0.16mg, 高Ca群は0.67mg, 低Ca群は0.04mgであった。
    4) 生下時の仔ネズミの体重平均は, 対照群4.43g, 高Ca群4.40g, 低Ca群3.83gであり, Ca含有量はそれぞれ12.3mg, 11.6mg, 9.2mgであった。
    5) したがって高Ca摂取の影響はあまりなく, 3世の生下時の仔ネズミは, 対照群より, 上位になり得なかった。これに反して低Ca摂取の場合は, 1世代では対照群に劣らないが, 2世代ではその発育が悪く, その仔3世は非常に小さく, 親は授乳もしなかったので成長しなかった。
  • 渡辺 和子, 高橋 婦美子, 磯部 しづ子
    1964 年 22 巻 6 号 p. 203-206
    発行日: 1964年
    公開日: 2010/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    There are several reports about the quantity and quality of fats and oils consumed by Japanese people. The present survey was carried out on a certain group of farmers inhabited in a mountainous village in Yamanashi Prefecture in order to know their nutritional status mainly concerning the utilization of fats and oils.
    The subjects of the survey were 49 families, and their nutrition intakes were, 2142Cal., 65.1g. protein and 24.4g. fat per capita per day. These values were nearly approximate to those of all-Japan average (the National Nutrition Survey).
    The ratio of fat-calorie to total-calorie was 10.8%.
    The proportion of animal fat and vegetable oil in the total fat intake was 4:6, the same ratio as in case of Japanese average. Most of the animal fat came from the animal foods, and more than 60% of the vegetable oil they took from the vegetable foods. The only oil food they used was soybean oil.
    The composition of the fatty acids of fats and oils consumed by them was presumptively evaluated from the figures appeared in some literature.
  • 大島 寿美子, 鈴木 慎次郎
    1964 年 22 巻 6 号 p. 207-211
    発行日: 1964年
    公開日: 2010/10/29
    ジャーナル フリー