Online ISSN : 1881-8161
Print ISSN : 1340-4210
ISSN-L : 1340-4210
60 巻, 469 号
  • 原稿種別: 表紙
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. Cover7-
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 原稿種別: 表紙
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. Cover8-
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 原稿種別: 目次
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. Toc3-
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 原稿種別: 文献目録等
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. Misc1-
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 原稿種別: 文献目録等
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. Misc2-
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 原稿種別: 文献目録等
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. Misc3-
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 田中 哮義, 熊井 直, 福田 晃久, 吉澤 昭彦, 石野 修, 若松 孝旺
    原稿種別: 本文
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. 1-8
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    Reduced scale experiments were conducted to investigate the behavior of smoke in cavity like spaces, which are not seldom found in buildings. The cavity space model used in the experiments has a square horizontal section of 0.8mx0.8m, and the height of the floor can be changed from 0 to 3m. This paper presents the results for the case where the cavity has no opening at the bottom and the fire source is located at the center of the floor. The heat release rates in this series of experiments ranged from 0.5 to 4kW. The temperatures were measured by the thermocouples arrayed horizontally over the cavity opening, and vertically along the side walls. The pressure difference between the inside and outside of the cavity along the depth was also measured. It is found that the temperature rise of plume at the cavity opening is well scaled by the nondimensional temperature defined as 〓 = (ΔT/T_∞)/Q^<*2/3> where Q^* = Q/p_∞C_PT_∞√<gD>D^2, and the temperature is correlated by 〓 = α(H/D)^β, where β =-5/3, -1 and -1/3 for shallow, intermediate and deep cavity, respectively.
  • 木村 正彦, 川久保 政茂, 三輪 晋也, 林田 敏弘
    原稿種別: 本文
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. 9-17
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper presents basic experiments conducted to develop a structural system which reduce structural vibration caused by train-passage. The system under consideration is vibration-control devices inserted between foundations and a superstructure. In order to specify the ability of the system, a precast concrete experimetal building suportted on those devices was constructed above the actual railroads and vibration measurements were conducted. Through the experiments, several characteristics of the structural system necessary to reduce train-induced vibration were clarified.
  • 藤井 修二, 湯浅 和博, 白井 一義
    原稿種別: 本文
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. 19-24
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    Contamination on the inside wall of air-conditioning duct is one of the source of indoor air pollution. On this paper, airflow generation in the non-operational duct is reported as the reason of duct contamination by inflow of airborne particles to the duct. The driving force of airflow is caused by the temperature difference of rooms connected by the duct system. Followings were obtained by experimental result. 1) Airflow of more than 20cm/s was measured in the non-operational duct of an office building when there were temperature differences of 4- 5K between rooms. 2) Model chamber experiments show that the air velocity is proportional to the square root of the temperature difference and the height of chamber.
  • 鳩野 正和, 浅野 吉晴
    原稿種別: 本文
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. 25-33
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    For the economical operation of the latent floor-heating storage system using off-peak electricity equipped in a school building, we predicted the required thermal energy in a classroom using fuzzy inference. And we examined them and obtained the following results. (1) We derived the multi-regression equation and predicted the necessary hours to supply electric power with a high accuracy. (2) The next day's indoor mean temperature was approximately estimated by fuzzy set of heat load of storage material. (3) The operation became more simple by using the possibility presumption model of outdoor mean temperature for prediction.
  • 中原 信生, 祝 家燕, 伊藤 尚寛, 李 克欣, 榎本 賢
    原稿種別: 本文
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. 35-44
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    A new panel-airconditioning method was proposed for the perimeter zone of the intelligent office space, from the viewpoints of both increasing thermal comfort and reducing energy requirement. The conventional air diffusion system, which has ceiling-mounted d iff users and floor-mounted intakes, was applied to the interior space and the wall hanging rediant panel with condansation and floor air supply to protect from the cold draft, which was called PA&A system, was applied to the perimeter space. The indoor thermal environment was evaluated under the experimental condition similar to actual working condition. By applying the PA&A system, the new effective temperature (ET ^* ) set-point of the ambient system could be increased to approximately 28℃ in summer, the surface temperature of rediation panel of 12℃ and the floor air supply velocity of 3.5m/s, ware also proposed for maintaining moderate thermal comfort.
  • 石野 久彌, 森山 正和, 水出 喜太郎, 中山 哲士
    原稿種別: 本文
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. 45-51
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to evaluate the cause of urban thermal environment formation, and grasp the distribution of it, the analysis about urban climate by numerical simulation and field survey using outdoor air and earth surface temperature were carried out. In numerical simulation using 1-dimentional heat balance model, because of giving the temperature corrected by design outdoor temperature, day-range air temperature change near the actually one was gotten, and it was found out that good operation of the land-cover factor keeps lower earth surface temperature. From field survey, actual formational factor and distribution of urban climate was clarified.
  • 高 偉俊, 杉山 寛克, 尾島 俊雄
    原稿種別: 本文
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. 53-64
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. 概要 多くの都市における高密度な土地利用は路上の歩行者にとって不快な環境を作り出している。沿道に建てられた高い建物は冬には日射を遮断し、逆に夏の広い街路では、必要以上に日射を取得している。加えて、都市ではコンクリートやアスファルトヘの土地被覆の変化や人工排熱の増加により気温が高くなる。これらの都市の熱環境を改善するために様々な手法が用いられているが、街路樹を導入することが最も一般的に試みられている。特に冬の日射取得を妨げずに夏の日射遮蔽をもたらす街路樹の影響を街路の形態との関係を踏まえて把握することは歩行者の快適性を向上させるために重要である。そこで異なる季節において街路の形態と街路樹の有無による影響評価を行った結果、街路の形態が夏冬ともに大きな影響を及ぼしている一方で、街路樹は夏の熱環境緩和に効果的であることを示した。2. 実測方法 本研究では、街路の形態と街路樹が歩道上の熱環境にもたらす影響を夏と冬、24時間に渡って実測調査を行った。実測地点は図1に示す東京都新宿区の早稲田大学大久保キャンパス周辺の4地点。地点Aは南北街路で街路樹が約10m間隔にある。地点B、C、Eは東西街路上に位置し、地点Bは街路樹のない狭い街路、地点Cは緑化道路で両側の歩道沿いと道路中央に街路樹の樹冠が連続している。地点Dは道路の両側に街路樹の樹冠が連続している。実測地点Aは西側歩道、地点B、C、Dは北側歩道上に位置し、路面の素材はアスファルトであった。実測は1993年8月23日〜24日、1994年2月23日〜24日、各地点は共通して地上1.2mの高さにおいて移動計測によって気温、湿度、風速、歩道の表面温度、壁面温度をアスマン乾湿度計、熱線式風速計、赤外線放射温度計を用いて測定した。所要時間は24時間を通じて各々20〜25分であった。3. 実測結果 3-1. 冬の実測結果 図3に気温の日変化を示す。東西方向の広い街路にある地点Dが日中最も高く最高気温は12.5℃であった。一方で、狭い街路にある地点Bが一番低く、最高気温は10.5℃であった。しかしながら夜間は地点Bが地点Aを除いて高くなる傾向を示した。これは地点Bの天空率が低いことから夜間の放射冷却が抑えられているためと考えられる。また地点Cと地点Dの最高気温の差は天空率に起因している。図4では東西街路に位置する地点B、C、Dについて日射量を計算した。これより地点Dの日射量が最も多く、地点Bが最も少ない。つまり地点Bが他の地点と比べて気温が低くなるのは、取得する日射量が少ないからである。またほぼ同じ幅員の街路方位の異なる地点Aと地点Dを比較すると最高気温では地点Dの方が高いにもかかわらず、平均気温でみると地点Aの方が高い。これは日中を通じて南北街路の方が東西街路より日射を多く受けていることが日平均気温の上昇につながっていると思われる。図5は歩道の表面温度を示す。最高温度は地点Dで24℃、最低温度は地点Bで-1.5℃であった。日中は地点間の温度差が大きいが、夜間にはその差は縮小した。日中の最高温度は地点Cと地点Dでは13時付近でみられたが、地点Bとは1時間の時差があった。また地点Aでは直達日射を午前中にのみ受けていたために最高温度は12時付近でみられた。図6と図7には東西街路の壁面温度を示す。表面温度差は日中において顕著にみられ、直達日射をほとんど受けない南壁では温度差は小さく、天空率の最も高い地点Dが夜間において壁面温度が最も低くなった。しかしながら、北壁については地点BはH/W1.33で狭い街路であることから日射が遮断され最も低い壁面温度を示した。図8は湿度の日変化を示す。湿度は午後低くなり、夜間に上昇する傾向がみられたが、地点間の差は認められなかった。図9は風速の日変化を示す。地点Dのような広い街路では風速か弱くなるような傾向がみられた。一方では地点Bのような狭い街路では風速が強くなる傾向がみられた。3-2. 夏の実測結果 気温の日変化を図11に示す。夏には地点Bが日中を通じて気温が高く、地点Aと同様の変化を示す。これに対し、地点C、Dは平均気温で0.6-0.7℃、最高気温で1.7-2.0℃低くなり、街路樹の日射遮蔽により、気温を緩和する効果が認められる。図12は歩道上の表面温度の日変化を示す。街路樹によって覆われている地点Cは他の地点と比較して最高で約15℃低い。また、平均でみると街路樹がある地点の表面温度の方が街路樹のない地点と比較して約5℃低くなる。湿度の日変化を図13に示す。街路樹のある地点C、Dは街路樹のない地点Bと比較して僅かながら湿度が高くなる傾向がみられた。図14には風速の日変化を示す。冬と同様に地点Bは他の地点と比較して風速が最も強くなる傾向にあった。4. 考察 図15は気温と歩道の表面温度の関係を示す。夏と冬の結果は、街路空間の気温が歩道の表面温度と高い相関関係にある。気温と街路の形態との関係については冬のデータを用いて、地点Bと地点C、Dの間で検討した。その結果、図16に示すように日中は地点C、Dが地点Bに比べて気温が高くなるが、夜間にはむしろ地点C、Dが地点Bに比べて気温が低くなった。これは広い街路は日中では日射を多く取得するが、逆に夜間には狭い街路に比べて放射冷却しやすいことを示している。図17は街路樹の気温に対する影響を示す。地点C、Dは地点Bに比べて最高で1.7から2.0℃低く、街路樹は日射を遮蔽することにより、日中の熱環境を緩和する効果が明らかである。一方で夜間には地点Cは地点Bとほぼ同じもしくは僅かながら気温が高くなる。これは地点Cが低い天空率にも表れているように街路樹によって覆われ、夜間の放射冷却が抑えられていると考えられる。また地点Dは街路樹があるにもかかわらず、地点Bに比べて天空率が高いために気温が低く推移したとみられる。5. 結論 本研究は街路樹と歩道上の熱環境との関係を夏と冬の実測調査により次のような成果を得た。(1)街路形態の影響について冬の結果を解析すると街路の幅員が広いほど取得する日射量が多くなり、日中の気温が高くなる。(2)夜間の気温は主に天空率によって影響され、狭い街路ほど広い街路に比べて気温が僅かながら高くなる。(3)夏の結果からは街路樹により最高で気温が約2℃緩和されることがわかった。つまり、街路樹の量によって気温は低下し、街路樹か歩道の熱環境の緩和に非常に効果的であることが確かめられた。(4)気温は歩道の表面温度と高い相関関係にあり、歩道の表面温度が低くなると、気温も低くなる傾向にあった。一方で街路樹は歩道の表面温度に対して大きな影響を及ぼしている。つまり街路樹の緩和効果は主に歩道の表面温度の低下によって表れ、結果として気温の低下につながっているといえる。
  • 松原 小夜子
    原稿種別: 本文
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. 65-76
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 片岡 正喜, 鈴木 義弘, 賀来 俊行, 中武 啓至
    原稿種別: 本文
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. 77-86
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper aims to clarify that a new living relationship is increasing in rural areas and is different from the traditional relationship between parents and their children. We recognized that many family members (including the eldest son) in their thirties and forties are living separately from their parents in public housing and privately owned detached houses built in the central district of the under populated region. In the public housing the main occupants are young households who separated from their parents after marriage, and returned from distant areas. In the privately owned detached houses, main occupants came from privately owned rented houses and public housing in the same town or neighboring towns where parents lived. The distances between children and their parents are less than 30 minutes by car in most cases. If public housing and private detached houses are provided in the center of rural areas, they fit into the new living relationship, and play an important part in stoping the decrease of inhabitants. In the future, the housing policy in rural areas where inhabitants is decreasing must address this change in living relationship.
  • 金 栄爽, 高橋 鷹志
    原稿種別: 本文
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. 87-96
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study is to make clear roles that are characteristic of the space and behaviour in the alley and gap space between buildings in Nezu Tokyo. As a result of analysis, we recognized the following indications for the planning priciples of housing. Firstly, there exist grouped units of houses in densely built-up areas. Secondly, the alley and gap space have roles as buffer zones between houses, passing ways of district and ventilatilation as well as access of sunlight. Finally, they afford behaviours and places for household's goods promoting the interaction between residents, and generating characteristics of common space as well as private space.
  • 金 鍾石, 宮本 文人, 志水 英樹
    原稿種別: 本文
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. 97-105
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper analyzes the difference in floor areas of welfare facilities on the national university campuses, that is,cafeteria,health service center, club buiding and etc,. Data about areas of welfare facilities per student was collected from 112 campuses of 81 different universities. As analytical methods of the difference in floor areas , Lorenz Curve,Gini Coefficient, Coefficient of Variation, Toyota' s measure and Decompositions of Gini Coefficient, Toyota's measure were used. The result of the analyzes is as follows ; 1) Health service center is the most difference more then cafeteria and club buiding. 2) Campus of the humanities, the engineering, the agriculture, the fisheries and sub-campus were big difference. And campus of not have student union is same. 3) Campuse-Type of the engineering, the humanities and etc, is the bigest between-group defference.
  • 中村 隆夫, 谷口 汎邦
    原稿種別: 本文
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. 107-113
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    On the basis of research,the study is to find function and utilization of manufacturing plant of reinforcing bar. The main results derived from analysis on these investigations as follows : (1) Warehouses, offices, or rest stations are placed on the site of many plants. (2) Similar results are derived from the process chart-product analysis and the process chart-man analysis on many plants. (3) Plans of manufacturing plant of reinforcing steel are composed of four zones: those for keeping steel bars, installing machinery, placing reinforcing bars, and truck's transporting paths.
  • 小松 尚, 鈴木 賢一, 加藤 彰一, 谷口 元, 柳澤 忠
    原稿種別: 本文
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. 115-121
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper aimes to look at users' satisfaction of physical environment with refined POE formats, and study their cognition of elements of physical environmentThe one of new formats of POE is adapted with 'bearable' and 'acceptable' instead of 'neutral', and the other consists of evaluation about current environment and general idea to it. This is reffered to "Motivator" and "Hygine Factor" of Herzberg's Theory. Space is recognized as attractive, but generally unsatisfaction changes to "must-be" evaluation by improvement of environment. The element deeply related to the function given to environment is evaluated as "must-be."
  • 真鍋 恒博, 馬越 雅治, 清水 悟, 高下 聡子
    原稿種別: 本文
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. 123-130
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    Many kinds of components are used in buildings. They are progressing or turning year by year. However, ordinary components are rarely recorded. It is very important to catch the development of building components and their backgrounds, fe have been making research of them for about eleven years. In this study, we researched into development of unit bath. Unit bath was used only in hotels and condominiums for the first time. Afterward, it has been used in houses, too. Today, it is very popular. In this paper, we show the summary of development of unit bath.
  • 橋本 公克, 伊東 盛知
    原稿種別: 本文
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. 131-137
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this paper is to investigate what the aged and the handicapped demand about home elevators. We conduct a hearing investigation of 6 families with aged and handicapped memhers who use home elevators in Tokyo. We also conduct a questionnaire investigation of 299 aged and handicapped people living in Koriyama City. The aged who have declining hips and legs set home elevators for their future. The handicapped set them to live an independent life. The aged and the handicapped want safe, easily handled and inexpensive home elevators.
  • 加藤 仁美
    原稿種別: 本文
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. 139-148
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    The ultimate purpose of this study is how to make a good dwelling environmment and a good community consisted of natives and newcomers in the marginal area of town and country. In this paper followings are made clear from a quetionaire to inhabitats. 1. The actual trends of urbanization are explained from a view point of inhabitants' lives 2. The environmental consciousness of inhabitants disperse to two directions, nature or urbanized facicility. Anomy is appearing instead of social norms. 3. Society of natives and newcomers isn't enough yet, but making community is necessary to maintain the environment.
  • 玄 昌澤, 金 文漢
    原稿種別: 本文
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. 149-156
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study is to propose the optimum-plan selection system which helps engineers to select a optimum equipment system of the building through rational decision making process in view of life cycle cost and other intangible criteria. The principal contents are as follows. (1) A optimum equipment system can be selected through evluating alternatives in view of several criteria including cost items and intangible items quantitatively using AHP techniques. (2) In order to consider the principal LCC items for equipment systems, a new LCC calculation equation is suggested. (3) It is intended to computerize this system in order to make the practical application more efficient in building design and construction.
  • 近江 隆, 佐藤 慎也
    原稿種別: 本文
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. 157-166
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    These days, it is common that a percentage of condominium units are converted into rental units by their owners. The rate of conversion depends on supply and demand and on how urban dwellers use them. In this study we found the following : 1. More than half of the absentee owner's units are rented for family use, and the units changed into office exist only in the central region of metropolitan areas. 2. In the Kantou District, they have a larger mix of leaseholders such as families, young married couples, or elderly people. 3. Condominium management define the increase of absentee owners as a serious problem. 4. Management who lack the resources to adequately take care of their property' s needs must rely on the real estate agents and public service to maintain them.
  • 眞嶋 二郎
    原稿種別: 本文
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. 167-176
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this study we analized the composition of household with the elderly and its tenure of dwelling in Hokkaido based on the data from the population census and the housing survay of the elderly. The conclusions are as follows : 1) The number of household with the elderly is rapidly increasing. 2) The single elderly or elderly couple households are increasing in number more than the households of the elderly living with their children's family. 3) After their children become independent, the number of the elderly couple households increases. As they get older, the number of households of the elderly with their childlen's family increases, mostly because of the death of their spouses. 4) Most households with the elderly own their houses and many singles and couples rent houses.
  • 片桐 正夫
    原稿種別: 本文
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. 177-184
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study tries to get a solution to existence and developnent of 「Soiseo」 in Korean architecture. The explication of Korean archit-ecture is needed to understand Chinese architecture that have influenced Korean architecture.This approach will explicate a shape of 「Soiseo」 in Korean architecture and an outline of the fornalization of 「Soiseo」. Also this approach will nake clear in comparison with Chinese and Japanese architecture that the shape of 「Soiseo」 in Korean architecture is extraordinarily various and-the reason of exist-ence of 「Soiseo」 is different between 「Chu-shin-po style」 to 「Ta-po style」. Conculusively, there are two types of chronological developnent. One is as asculptured decoration in the end of 「Hiziki」, the other is as an evolution of 「Odaruki」.
  • 片桐 正夫
    原稿種別: 本文
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. 185-192
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    Bong-jeong-sa Geuk-nak-jeon is known as the oldest architecture in Korea. In recent years, it has been dissolved and repaired to have been madesure its date of construction. However it is needed further study about its position on the history of architecture and its estimation. This study tries to investigate its characteristic of style in main parts (column, capital, roof structure) and its influences on those parts from China, also tries to estimate Bong-jeong-sa Keuk-nak-jeon of the period of Koryo. Up today it has been known widely that the medieval style of the period of Gen and Soh had been overlapped. But this investigation led to the conclusion which the traditional architecture in Korea has succeeded to the ancient style.
  • 堀 賀貴
    原稿種別: 本文
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. 193-199
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    The possibility in Pompeii of the housing in the so-called "Insula" which we can find in Ostia is dealt with in this paper. Pompeii provides the evidence of upper floors. However these floors were constructed secondary and we can find a case of the house three storied. All the measurable walls were approximately 40 centimetres, which were too thin to support multistoried floors. A few houses are regarded as Insula in the limited sense that they were constructed simultaneously, and that the housing was controlled under the principles of construction of upper floors.
  • 野口 昌夫
    原稿種別: 本文
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. 201-209
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    The north block with medieval city wall in the historical district of Peccioli, small medieval city in Tuscany, is analyzed through the "surveyed drawings (1985)", "Formazione degli Elenchi (1982)", and the cadastral map of the historical documents "Catasto (1834)", in order to clarify the typological evolution of component buildings and the formation process of the block since 18th century. The process of Formation can be divided according to the evolution of component building-type, that is, from medieval "casa a schiera" to post medieval "casa in linea" and "casa incorporate" , all of which are still remained in the present block including medieval military structures.
  • 濱嵜 良実
    原稿種別: 本文
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. 211-220
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study attempts to clarify Dutch architect J.L.M.Lauweriks' career and activities related to the development of the history of modern architecture. As the result it became clear that Lauweriks was very active not only as an architect but also as a theorist, an educator and a designer. Those activities were related closely each other. On the other hand Lauweriks also took part in Dutch modern movement in applied art.
  • 松政 貞治
    原稿種別: 本文
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. 221-228
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    In J.N.L. Durand, the positive imitation is considered as impossible and the analogical imitation is refused, but that of the Ancients is present in their base, not as the purpose of the architecture but as an auxiliary element subordinate to the notions of economy (economic) and suitability (convenance), which is also expanded and applied homogeneously even to the elements, their combination, distribution and composition of city. For him, even if the notion of imitation is transformed into that of subordinate imitation of the Ancients, it is regarded as a moment of the inter-textual mouvement of meanings in the urban architecture, both within the relation of diachronic correspondance and in the synchronic context, that is not concerned with the distance, and therefore is supported by a kind of typological consciousness.
  • 富岡 義人
    原稿種別: 本文
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. 229-238
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper is to reconstruct the design process of Louis I. Kahn's Phillips Exeter Academy Library through a morphological analysis of the basic form which was applied by the Architect. The sequence of the discussion is as following : 1) An analysis of chronologically ordered design sketches etc.to induce the basic form. 2) An examination of their adaptability to the Library's architectural program. 3) An discussion on the basic form, which plays an important role in controlling the relationship between program requirements and formal transformations in the design.
  • 原稿種別: 付録等
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. App9-
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 原稿種別: 表紙
    1995 年 60 巻 469 号 p. Cover9-
    発行日: 1995/03/30
    公開日: 2017/01/27
    ジャーナル フリー