Introduction Since 1930s, the hilly area began residence turning on Mt. Nam-san of Seoul inner city's incline has residential section which bring on urban problem about urban environment, nature environment and infrastructure.
The cause of problem happened by local low-rise high-density redevelopment of joint-redevelopment program (1983) introduced to resolve urban problem due to 1) detention of government owned land by the Korean war in 1950s, 2) high-rise high-density caused by urban growth in a period of economic growth(1970s∼1980s) and concentration of population at capital area.
For resolving this problem, various system improvement and policy in enforced, though problems of secure finance about resolving vested rights of land owner already developed was happened.
Furthermore, the delay of maintenance business of hilly area residence was continued because of decrease of economic gain with reinforcing regulate about land-use for preserving historical environment according to changes of time, protecting urban landscape and natural landscape.
So, Seoul introduced CRP to resolve this complex problems (2006). CRP is method that push ahead maintenance business and development business at the same time through adjustment about FAR between areas with conjoint two or more apart areas to one area. Now this 2016, through revise relevant law, CRP can apply to all maintenance business and development business of local government.
Also, management of Seoul's CRP and model area's CRP much affect management of local government's CRP. But, there is shortage about the study of system operation of Seoul's and model area's CRP.
Purpose The purpose of this study is obtain basic knowledge about design of method planned ‘urban renaissance’ with propel maintenance with conjoint plural apart areas which have each difference problems through verifying operation state CRP model area in Seoul.
For above purpose, draw systemically feature about introduction of CRP's meaning and operation method, operation process and earning adjustment of managing system with conjoint areas.
Methods To arrange clearly CRP's concept and operation method, we collect data and information of 'survey by interviewing' about the concerned with CRP's introducing, process of establishing and manage. Then, based on collected data, analysis and consider.
Chapter 2; through introduce basis of Seoul's CRP and its change, consider and analysis about CRP's case and its operation method, we define CRP and draw point which is necessary for study.
Chapter 3; about model area, we arrange city regeneration policy about land use plan. And research zonal present condition of model area. Analysis and consider CRP's operation process about planning for maintaining two area integrated turning on right and authority of main planning agent.
Chapter 4; based on the analysis and consider of second, third, we clarify feature of earning adjustment method through analysis and consider about process of earning adjustment conducted in model area.
Results and Conclusion Seoul's CRP is new way to enable complex adjustment of building density through mutual earning adjustment basis on the maintenance planning which connect reinforcement and relax about land use regulation of two area with conjoint two or more apart areas to one.
The results of analysis and consideration about Seoul's CRP and model's area in the following.
1. CRP resolve the unbalance problems of land use caused by designating of zoning.
2. Management of CRP link rationally purpose plural land use, governments and private build cooperative relations.
3. Earning adjustment of CRP's management can adjust complexly about building density as a requirement for Public Contribution