Online ISSN : 1881-8161
Print ISSN : 1340-4210
ISSN-L : 1340-4210
67 巻, 561 号
  • 原稿種別: 表紙
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. Cover41-
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 原稿種別: 表紙
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. Cover42-
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 原稿種別: 付録等
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. App68-
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 原稿種別: 付録等
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. App69-
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 原稿種別: 付録等
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. App70-
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 原稿種別: 付録等
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. App71-
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 原稿種別: 付録等
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. App72-
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 原稿種別: 付録等
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. App73-
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 佐野 泰之, 成瀬 治興, 林 健太郎
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 1-6
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper presents some experimental results concerning with vibration propagation characteristics of the reinforced concrete structure in the actual building construction and in those of the model structure. This research proposes to make clear the similarity of the experimental results in the actual structures and those of the model structures. Some results are summarized as follows ; 1. Except the case of "ALC+woodcut" substructure, the foundation and the ground structure are both removed, the vibration propagation characteristics in the superstructure of the model are not depend on the substructure. And experimental results of the vibration propagation characteristics in the model structure are almost the same in the real structure. 2. The natural frequency obtained from this experimental results in the model structures are numerically almost equal to the values calculated by the law of model similitude. 3. Mode shapes obtained in the model experiments are similar to those in the actual experiments. 4. Though the damping ratio in the model structures is different from that of in the actual structures, it is possible to reproduce the vibration propagation characteristics in the actual structures by identification of the damping ratio from the experimental results in the model structures.
  • 永田 忠彦, 藤野 貴仁
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 7-12
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    In many cases, the position of the sun in the sky at a certain place on the earth at a certain time in a year is calculated by using data on the latitude of the place as well as the solar declination and the apparent solar time at the time. In order to obtain the apparent solar time in Japan, it is necessary to know Japan Standard Time and the equation of time at the time, and the longitude of the place. The intensity of solar radiation on the ground is affected by the distance between the sun and the earth. Among the above-mentioned quantities, as regards the three quantities of solar declination, equation of time, and sun-earth distance, it is not easy to know their sufficiently accurate values at a certain time in a year because they change depending on the time of year. This paper presents a series of approximate equations for calculating these three quantities as functions of time passage after the vernal equinox or the perihelion.
  • 赤坂 裕
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 13-20
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The airspaces existing in exterior walls and window frames influence the overall heat transfer of these building components. The heat transfer in the airspaces consists of convective heat transfer and radiative heat transfer. The radiative heat transfer coefficient of the airspaces varies largely with their surface emissivities, surface temperatures, and two- or three-dimensional (3-D) shapes. Therefore, it is important to calculate the radiative heat transfer coefficient of the airspaces as accurate as possible considering the effects of these factors. In this paper, the calculation equations of the 2-D radiative heat transfer coefficient adopted in ISO 6946, ISO 10077-2, ISO/FDIS 15099, and JIS A 2101 are derived and the necessary assumptions for the derivations are summarized. Then it is shown that the 3-D equation is easily derived from the 2-D equation adopted in ISO/FDIS 15099. Numerical calculation method of 3-D equation considering the effect of the surface temperature distribution is developed. The recommended ranges for the use of the equations are summarized on the basis of the comparison with the accurate numerical method.
  • 大黒 雅之, アレンズ エドワード, デディア リチャード, チャン ウイ, 片山 忠久
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 21-29
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    1.はじめに 裸体人体については、部位別の対流熱伝達の研究例も多い。しかし、着衣人体について、有風時を対象として部位別の着衣表面での対流熱伝達率や着衣熱抵抗を測定した例は非常に少ない。2.研究方法 (1)直接法による着衣熱抵抗の評価 人体各部の熱抵抗は(1)式で表され、サーマルマネキンで熱量と皮膚温度が解っていれば、着衣の表面温度を測定することにより、着衣抵抗が直接算出できる。(2)対流熱伝達率の評価 サーマルマネキンにおける人体各部の熱損失は(2)(3)式で表され、各部の総合熱伝達率から放射熱伝達率を差し引くことにより各部の対流伝達率が算出できる。(3)放射熱伝達率の評価 サーマルマネキンにおける人体各部の放射熱伝達率は(4)式で表され、有効放射面積率より各部の放射熱伝達率が算出できる。3.計測方法 (1)サーマルマネキン 計測に用いたマネキンは皮膚温度可変型の女性体のサーマルマネキンで、主に室内の不均一温熱環境の評価用として開発されたものである。部位の分割数は16であり、表面積は表-1、有効放射面積率は表-2のよう求められている。(2)着衣 計測に用いた着衣は下着、綿100%の長ズボン、および綿100%の長袖シャツ、靴下、靴である。頭にはセミロングのかつらを取りつけ、着衣の一つとして評価した。また、人体各部の着衣からの熱損失量を明確にするため、マネキンの各部位の境界をビニールテープで縛り、着衣内での部位間の熱の移動がないよう配慮した。図-1に写真を示す。(3)着衣面積率の計測 立位マネキンを対象とし、2m離れた位置から、裸体、着衣時の双方について、水平方向に45°毎に8方位から撮影し、投影面積の比を平均することにより着衣面積率を算出した。(4)風洞実験手順 風洞の測定部(高さ1.5m、幅2.1mにマネキンを設置した。風洞上流側には、乱れをつくるための高さ1m、直径0.5mの円柱を測定部の上流7mの位置に設置した。表面温度測定は、熱画像をマネキン正面と背面から測定した。熱画像を解析することにより、各部位の正面と背面の着衣表面温度を求め、それらを平均することにより各部位の着衣表面温度とした。実験条件としては、裸体および着衣のマネキンそれぞれについて、正面および背面から風を当てて測定した。設定風速は0.2、0.5、0.8、1.2、2.0、3.0、5.5m/s (裸体では0.8、2.0、5.5m/sのみ)である。4.結果および考察 (1)着衣面積率 部位毎の着衣面積率を表-3に示す。(2)立位の対流熱伝達率 図-2(a)(b)に立位での前方からの風および後方からの風の時の、裸体時と着衣時の対流熱伝達率を示す。裸体では、手の値が大きい。着衣時は全般的に裸体時より大きくなる傾向がある。特に頭や風に対抗した時の胸や背中では裸体時の2倍以上になる。0.8m/s程度ではその差は小さいが、風速が大きくなるに従い、その差は大きくなる傾向にある。その差は正面からの風の時の頭が最も大きい。その他の部位では正面からの風の時の胸、および背後からの風の時の背中での差が他の部位に比べると大きい。(3)座位の対流熱伝達率 図-3(a)(b)に座位の対流熱伝達率お結果を示す。着衣時については、立位と同様裸体時より大きくなる傾向がみられる。着衣時については、立位と同様裸体時より大きくなる傾向がみられる。立位との主な差異は、前方からの風で大腿での裸体時との差が大きい点と、後方からの風の時に頭の裸体時との差が小さい点である。全身の値で比較すると裸体時、着衣時とも、立位と座位あるいは前方からの風と後方からの風で大きな差はみられない。一方、着衣時の値は裸体時より30〜50%大きい。(4)着衣熱抵抗 着衣熱抵抗の測定結果を図-5、6に示す。前方からの風での部位別(図-5)では、大腿、胸、上腕では座位の方が熱抵抗が高く、腰、頭、前腕では座位の方が低い。全身(図-6)の値で比較すると立位と座位で大きな差はみられない。(5)対流熱伝達率と着衣熱抵抗のモデル 表-4〜7に対流伝達率のモデルを示す。モデルはべき乗則(h_c=a(v)^b)で近似される。部位別ではべき指数bが0.4〜0.8とばらつく。全身ではべき指数0.60〜0.69と立位と座位、風向、裸体と着衣で大きな差はない。対流熱伝達の裸体と着衣の差は主に定数aに反映されている。着衣熱抵抗のモデルを表-8、9に示す。モデルは対数則(I_<cl>=a ln(v)+b)で近似される。部位別では定数aが-0.01〜-0.26とばらつく。全身では-0.076〜-0.096と立位と座位、風向、裸体と着衣で特に大きな差はない。5.まとめ 有風時の部位別の着衣抵抗と着衣表面の対流熱伝達率を着衣の表面温度計測により求めた。着衣時は裸体時に比較して対流熱熱伝達率の増大が認められた。また、部位別および全身について対流熱伝達率と着衣抵抗の近似モデルを示した。本論文で求めた対流熱伝達率や着衣抵抗は通気の影響を含むものであり、同タイプの着衣にのみ適用すべきである。
  • 大黒 雅之, アレンズ エドワード, デディア リチャード, チャン ウイ, 片山 忠久
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 31-39
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    1.はじめに 無風時の全身の着衣量についてはすでに多くの基準の中に整理されている。また、裸体表面については、無風・有風時の部位別の対流熱伝達の研究例も多い。しかし、部位別の着衣表面での対流熱伝達率や着衣熱抵抗に関する研究は少ない。2.研究方法 (1)従来法による着衣熱抵抗の評価 着衣抵抗を求めるに当たり、従来法は(1)、(2)式に基づいている。つまり、裸体表面における空気層抵抗をもって、着衣表面の空気層抵抗とする方法が取られている。(2)直接法による着衣熱抵抗の評価 人体各部の熱抵抗は(3)式で表され、サーマルマネキンで熱量と皮膚温度が解っていれば、着衣の表面温度を測定することにより、着衣抵抗が直接算出できる。(3)対流熱伝達率の評価 サーマルマネキンにおける人体各部の熱損失は(4)(5)式で表され、各部の総合熱伝達率から放射熱伝達率を差し引くことにより各部の対流伝達率が算出できる。(4)放射熱伝達率の評価 サーマルマネキンにおける人体各部の放射熱伝達率は(6)式で表され、放射率と有効放射面積率より各部の放射熱伝達率が算出できる。3.計測方法 (1)サーマルマネキン 計測に用いたマネキンは皮膚温度可変型の女性体のサーマルマネキンで、主に室内の不均一温熱環境の評価用として開発されたものである。部位の分割数は16であり、表面積は表-1、有効放射面積率は表-2のよう求められている。制御は(7)式に基いており、設定温度を変更することにより皮膚温を変更できる。(2)着衣 計測に用いた着衣は下着、綿100%の長ズボン、および綿100%の長袖シャツ、靴下、靴である。頭にはセミロングのかつらを取りつけ、着衣の一つとして評価した。また、人体各部の着衣からの熱損失量を明確にするため、マネキンの各部位の境界をビニールテープで縛り、着衣内での部位間の熱の移動がないよう配慮した。図-1に写真を示す。(3)着衣面積率 着衣面積率は写真法により、表-3のように求められている。(4)実験手順 制御環境室内にマネキンを設置した。マネキンの周囲には、天井から布を垂らし、気流を防ぐとともに、室温と放射温度を一致させた。座位の場合はメッシュチェアーを使用し、自然に背もたれにもたれさせた。表面温度測定は、熱画像をマネキン正面と背面から測定した。熱画像を解析することにより、各部位の正面と背面の着衣表面温度を求め、それらを平均することにより各部位の着衣表面温度とした。実験条件としては、裸体時についてはマネキンの設定温度を20、25、30、36.5℃、着衣時については25、30、36.5℃で実験を行った。室温はおよそ15℃とした。4.結果および考察 (1)対流熱伝達率 図-2に立位の裸体時と着衣時の対流熱伝達率を示す。裸体では、足、下腿で特に大きい。また、手や前腕でも胸や背中に比べ大きい。着衣時では、全般的に裸体時より大きくなる傾向がある。特に頭や胸では裸体時の2倍近くになる。さらに、腰、胸、背中で温度差の増大に伴う対流熱伝達率の急激な増加が見られる。図-3に座位の裸体時と着衣時の対流熱伝達率を示す。着衣時では、立位と同様に全般的に裸体時より大きくなる傾向がある。特に腰、頭、胸、背中では裸体時の2倍以上になり、立位の時よりさらに大きな着衣の影響がみられる。全身でみても、立位・座位とも着衣の影響は大きい。また、立位の方が着衣時における温度差の影響が顕著である。(2)対流伝達率のモデル 表-5、6に対流伝達率のモデルを示す。モデルはべき乗則(h_c=a(v)^b)または対数則(I_<cl>=a ln(v)+b)で近似される。裸体部位別では、円筒に対するべき指数0.25に比べ、大きくなる傾向があり、結果として、全身立位が0.43、全身座位が0.59となった。着衣時では、裸体時に比べ全身立位が41%増加、全身座位では53%増加となった。(3)着衣熱抵抗 着衣熱抵抗の測定結果を図-5〜7に示す。立位では、温度差の増大に件い、着衣抵抗は低下する。特に着衣熱抵抗の高い頭、胸、背中、腰で低下が著しい。一方座位では、それらの部位を含め着衣抵抗の低下は立位と比べ緩やかである。全身でも同様の傾向がみられた。また、着衣抵抗の算出方法による差異が見られ、特に、部位別では非常に大きな差になる場合がみられる。5.まとめ 無風時の部位別の着衣抵抗と着衣表面の対流熱伝達率を着衣の表面温度計測により求めた。着衣時は裸体時に比較して対流熱伝達率の増大が認められた。特に頭、腰、胸、背中で大きくなる傾向がみられ、全身では40〜50%程度の増大がみられた。着衣熱抵抗については、算出方法による差異が見られ、特に部位別では非常に大きな差になる場合がみられた。最後に、実用に供するため、対流熱伝達率について近似モデル式を作成した。なお、本論文で求めた対流熱伝達率や着衣抵抗は通気の影響を含むものであり、同タイプの着衣にのみ適用すべきである。
  • 赤林 伸一, 坂口 淳, 藤井 邦雄, 富永 禎秀, 中島 弘喜
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 41-46
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    In Niigata City, a climate of the winter is characterized by very strong wind and a lot of snow. There is a possibility of a wind environment induced discomfort even with a low rise building in this area. It is difficult to use the current criteria in such cases because of the difference in consciousness of a resident and the frequency of the wind speed. Therefore, it is very important that new criteria which can be adapted the climate at a northwest area of Japan. The purpose of this study is to develope the new criteria for Niigata City by the wind tunnel experiment, the field survey and the questionnaire. The results are as follows, (1) By the questionnaire survey of the wind strength, the conscious of the wind strength will be begun when to put up an umbrella is difficulty, and discomfort break out when a walk is a difficulty. (2) The criteria of the wind environment in Niigata area is laxer than the acceptable frequency of Murakami's criteria. As for this criteria, the acceptable days per annum that is the maximum gust wind speed exceeds lOm/s per a day of the 1.5m height is 102 days, and 15m/s is 21 days, over 20m/s is 4 days.
  • 倉渕 隆, 大場 正昭, 岩渕 拓志, 島田 朋裕
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 47-52
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Airflow structure of a cross-ventilated model building for normal wind angle case was analyzed using Large Eddy Simulation. Simulated results were in close agreement with experimental observations in view point of flow rate, distribution of velocity vector and turbulence kinetic energy and wind pressure coefficients. Simulated results were analyzed, and it was elucidated that the downfall of the inflow specific to cross-ventilation is strongly affected by pressure gradient due to recirculation on the lower portion on the windward surface of the building. Further analysis was then made to identify shape of streamtube passing through windward opening. Spatial change of static, dynamic and total pressure along the identified streamtube indicated that strong acceleration and deceleration of the airflow does not exert significant change in total pressure at the upstream side of the opening, although energy is exchanged between static and dynamic pressure. This means that flow energy of the streamtube is virtually conserved at the upstream side of the opening, while energy loss occurs after passing through the opening due to the production of turbulence kinetic energy.
  • 吉野 一, 近藤 靖史, 田所 祐人
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 53-60
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper presents the results of CFD simulation on the ventilation efficiency in a multi storied underground car park. In this study the influence of supply/exhaust air imbalance of mechanical ventilation system, and the buoyancy effect of heat from ground and vehicles were studied with the age of air obtained from CFD. The results of this paper are following ; (1) In Case 1 (supply air volume= exhaust air volume), the distribution of the age of air was almost same in each floor. There fore it is easy to plan the ventilation system such as the layout, of the high velocity fan-diffuser unit for the stagnant region. (2) In Case 2 (supply air volume < exhaust air volume), the airflow through the ramps was activated and the difference in the ventilation efficiency of each floors was observed. In this case, the planning of ventilation system becomes relatively difficult. (3) In Case 3 (supply air volume > exhaust air volume), the airflow through the ramps was activated and the difference in the ventilation efficiency of each floors was observed, as same as in Case 2. (4) The buoyancy effect due to the heat transfer between indoor air and ground walls on the distribution of temperature and the age of air was observed in the lowest floor in summer and winter. (5) When the heat generation from vehicles was considered in the simulation, the air diffusion was activated due to the buoyancy effect.
  • 朴 俊錫, 池田 耕一
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 61-66
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this research is to investigate indoor air pollution by MVOCs, and also to analyze the relation between MVOCs emissions and sick building syndrome. In this paper, characteristic of MVOCs emissions from 17 fungi, which are frequently detected in indoor environments, was experimented using five materials as a first step of the research. Fungal species that was inoculated several materials produce many MVOCs and these MVOCs are greatly varying between species and inoculating materials. MVOCs emission rates of all fungi inoculated in potato dextrose agar have increased according to the growth of fungi and also each compound are produced at almost constant rates. MVOCs emission rates have decreased as the growth of fungi stops. From house dust and Tatami (Flooring rush mats), 2-ethyl-1-hexanol, 2-methyl-1-propanol and dimethyl disulfide are mainly detected, and ethylacetate,3-methyl-1-butanol and 2-methyl-1-propanol are produced from potato dextrose agar.
  • 浅野 良晴, 中野 民雄, 市川 良憲, 高地 進
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 67-72
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    For the maintenance of water-quality, the water service systems in multiple dwelling houses on the Tokyo metropolitan district had let to be changed from the receiver tank water service systems to the direct water service systems raised the pressure by pumps. In this paper the authors investigated that the multistory buildings connected with bore 75mm affected the building or distributing pipe. As a result, the authors made out that the water service pipe in the connecting buildings are not affected by the direct water service systems raised the pressure by pumps. And the consumption of electric energy per 1m^3 decreased from a change of the water service systems.
  • 中島 康孝, 小宮 大輔, 木村 健志, 千葉 正行
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 73-78
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    This research is the one having researched to establish the method of analyzing the city that can be almost evaluated for a potential ability of the solar energy use at the city planning or the regional plan stage and effectiveness. In the report at this time, the content to confirm application to an actual urban area of the probability of view by the model experiment and the measurement investigation was described.
  • 斉藤 郁雄, 朴 明浩, 石原 修
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 79-84
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    When a secular change of land covering is examined by using remote sensing data, a degree of solar radiation in the observation day and a difference in the growth conditions of the plant cause a trouble. In this paper, the method of getting rid of the influence that occurs by the difference in the weather condition is proposed, and a secular change of NVK (Normalized Vegetation Index) is examined. Furthermore, the new index NUI (Normalized Urban Index) to distinguish green covering and non-green covering without influences of solar radiation and the growth conditions of the plant is proposed. Secular changes in land covering of Kumamoto City is made clear by using NUI.
  • 漆崎 昇, 水野 稔, 下田 吉之, 酒井 寛二
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 85-92
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Increasing protective concrete cover, design strength, and story height prolong the life of RC structure building. The influence of those factors on life cycle material consumption (LCM) and life cycle carbon dioxide emission rate (LCCO_2) were investigated. The results show as follows. 1. Increasing protective concrete cover is more effective measures to decreasing LCM and LCCO_2, than increasing design strength. 2. Increasing story height has less influence on LCM and LCCO_2. 3. Blast-furnace cement is more effective than normal portland cement in reducing LCCO_2, considering suitable protective concrete cover and more than 100 years life cycle.
  • 鳴海 大典, 水野 稔, 下田 吉之
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 93-100
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, maps of regional climatic characteristic based on the results of some field measurements around hillside area were prepared. And then, guidelines for regional and architectural planning considered for the localized micrometeorological phenomena such as cold air drainage flow were drafted. As a result, it became possible to draw up regional and architectural plans aimed at improving thermal comfort and saving energy for residents. Particularly in regions with complicated geographical changes, in order to improve the reliability of the evaluation, it is essential to grasp regional characteristics by going through processes investigated in the present paper.
  • 齋藤 伊久太郎, 小瀬 博之
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 101-106
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Amenity is the concept of environmental quality in common among the English. Although each man has a different evaluation structure of amenity, public evaluation structure of amenity is existent. Grasping the structure is valuable to the consensus of regional planning that is initiated by inhabitant. So, this study probes the structure by inhabitant from questionnaire. As the first paper of study, the relation between the evaluation and inhabitants' attributes was analyzed, and the Covariance Structure Model about evaluation of amenity was built at the housing development in Itabashi City. Finally, influence of inhabitants' satisfaction by the evaluation of external space was clarified.
  • 長谷川 貴彦
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 107-112
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Characteristics of policy instruments for improving the energy efficiency of new buildings are analysed by examining empirical data regarding experience of OECD countries and other empirical evidence which suggests environmental effectiveness etc. of the policy instruments. Six policy instruments, such as, building regulation, energy tax, capital subsidy and environmental labeling, are evaluated according to four criteria ; environmental effectiveness, economic efficiency, incentives for innovation and administrative cost. The results of the analysis indicate that characteristics of the instruments greatly differ from each other and that there is a great room for further ex post analysis on the characteristics of the instruments.
  • 仲 綾子, 仙田 満, 辻 吉隆, 矢田 努
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 113-120
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    A questionnaire survey was conducted in National Children's Hospital to study the needs of children and their visitors and to measure their satisfaction for developing design guidelines for children's hospital wards. The number of sickbeds in a bedroom, bedroom area, bedroom location as well as playroom design were assessed in terms of their respective needs. A multivariate technique was then applied to explain their satisfaction. Children's satisfaction was largely determined by architectural factors : sickbed's distance from the nurse station, playroom type, playroom area, the number of playrooms, connection to a corridor system, sickbed's distance from a playroom, playroom's distance from the nurse station, and the number of sickbeds in a bedroom, most of which also explain the number of play activities.
  • 垣野 義典, 須田 眞史, 初見 学, 長澤 泰
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 121-128
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The aim of this paper is to clarify various self controled activities carried out by children in relation to utilizing various places in several "free schools" which provide places for those who do not want to go to ordinary schools. The result of field surveys and analysis are as follows ; 1) the number of children using the places are different from one day to another. In additon starting time and period of their activities varies from one person to another. 2) The ratio of period for free activities and programed ones in a ordinary day is respectively 80% and 20%. However, it was found that The ratio at programed activities rose up to 30%. 3) The ratios at individual activities in a day were from 20%-40%, while in the case of group activities were from 60%-80%. 4) Most of current "free schools" period quiet places for individual activities. Children selected an appropriciate place for their own need.
  • 山本 英史, 大垣 直明
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 129-135
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study is to analyze how open governmental buildings are to the general public by means of questionnaire surveys to those who are concerned in various stages of their planning process and those who actually manage them. Ten functions are selected to examine the degree of their opennes, i.e. parking, observation station, space for standing exhibition, space for special exhibition, facilities for information, restaurants, coffee shops, retail shops, open space, and convention facilities. Main results are as follows. 1) Parking, observation station, space for special exhibition are more 'open' to the public than retail shops and convention facilities. 2) The degree of openness projected at the planning stage is greater than the one actually realized with the exception of parking. 3) Buildings of the lower level of governments are more 'open' to the public than ones of the higher level.
  • 松原 茂樹, 足立 啓, 植野 知津子, 舟橋 國男, 児玉 桂子
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 137-144
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study focuses on interactions among residents and care workers in two group care unit facilities for the elderly. The method is the behavior tracking of the elderly and workers every five minutes for twelve hours. The results are as follows : (1) About 45% interactions of all are "potential interaction" which means that workers stay in groups or near residents to have a interaction whenever the resident requests. (2) Potential interaction implies that workers who are doing homelike activities share the time and space with residents, too. (3) Varieties of places and full worker's organization make workers have many kinds of interactions with single resident, and have varieties of potential interactions.
  • 遠藤 康一, 坂本 一成, 寺内 美紀子
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 145-150
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The aim of this study is to clarify the sectional composition of Japanese contemporary houses located on the inclined ground in terms of relations between external and internal composition. External composition is formed by the direction of the approach in contrast to the slope and the ground connection of the building volume. Internal composition is formed by the sectional arrangement of rooms. Then 4 types and 8 patterns of composition are found. Comparing the types and patterns, almost 3 characters are found, those are emphasis of direction of the slope, contrast between the building and the slope, and abstraction of the special quality of the slope.
  • 田川 正毅, 眞嶋 二郎, 野口 孝博
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 151-158
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) has continued for more than 30 years with disclosure. This study analyzed the reported court decisions, which are related to CEQA. Talking about their points of view for citizens, and fair arugment about understandings and operation of CEQA for public agency and private business, are important meanings of the law cases. Disclosures at the early phase of the project and feedback system through the court decisions accelerate the action to avoid significant environmental impact and to pay careful consideration for residents. Necessity of the study from diversified viewpoints contributes to increase the quality of the projects.
  • 林 裕昌, 松村 秀一, 井上 朝雄
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 159-165
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    RC construction methods in Taiwan are different from that in Japan in various ways, despite of the fact that it was transferred from Japan. This paper-tried to clarify the adaptation process of RC construction methods both in Japan and Taiwan. After the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923, RC construction methods in Taiwan were diversified, while in Japan mainly the unitizing construction remained. This thesis explained the phenomenon by reason of the regulations differences in RC construction between Japan and Taiwan.
  • 國井 清照, 神尾 博代, 八藤後 猛, 野村 歡
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 167-172
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    We studied movement of standing up from the toilet stool for the proper establishment of the grab-bar was done a few physical burdens and it may be done safely. The following results that leg power and body balance of maintenance ability had relation with the easiness to use a grab-bar by the questionnaire. It was found that in the experiment of the movement with a grab-bar that as for 200mm・250mm from the tip of the toilet stool, it stood up, and a position of vertical grab-bar establishment contributed to the reduction of knee joint moment, however 150mm though it stood up and didn't help to the movement. These results got a common with the young age person and the aged.
  • 秦 丹尼, 舟橋 國男, 鈴木 毅, 木多 道宏, 李 斌
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 173-180
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Foreigners who tried to find their ways at Osaka Station area were randomly selected, unobtrusively tracked until each destination, and interviewed with regard to their reference frames, reasons, and difficulties if any in path choice decisions as possible. According to several factors influencing wayfinding behavior, the features of 36 samples were classified into five types, namely ; "independent," "dependent," "usual," "barrier," and "positive" respectively. In these wayfinding features there is a aspect as the "unfamiliar schema" of different socio-cultural structures. Factors included competence of utilizing information, stay-period in Japan, language ability, experience, generic knowledge of city environment, as well as the extent of lostness. Complex patterns of passageways and less efficient guiding information for unfamiliar foreigners were pointed out as physical reasons for losing ways easily.
  • 瀬田 惠之, 松本 直司, 青野 文晃, 河野 俊樹, 武者 利光
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 181-188
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of the present study is to clear the relation between street trees and the buildings with the fluctuation theory and disorder, regularity, and attraction of the street space. We made the experiments, using the visual simulator which enable us to observe scale models from eye level. As a result, we cleared the influence of street trees and the buildings planed by the fluctuation upon disorder, regularity, and attraction. And disorder, regularity, and attraction could be estimated by the change of the street trees and the buildings.
  • 藤井 晴行, 谷本 潤
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 189-196
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The authors have anxiety about the future of our society involving both academic and practical activities for creations of good architecture and environment. It is suspected that the individuals behaviors, each of which is regarded as rational from an individuals point of view, bring about undesirable consequences for the society system composed of the individuals, and that the system retrains some individuals from trying to make the system better. The authors try to reveal the interactions between the system and the individuals that govern the system behavior by employing agent-based simulation. This paper describes a computational representation of the system and some computation results.
  • 劉 霊芝, 中村 成春, 小西 敏正
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 197-202
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Concerning the external appearance of Chinese and Japanese modern architecture were investigated to Japanese students. Based on the SD method, two stages image tests were performed. And using the layer structure model of image, graphical modeling analysis and fuzzy outranking analysis were carried out. According to those results, "adjective pairs" that can describe the first impression of Chinese and Japanese modern architecture were extracted. And about the difference of processes for the evaluation of appearance, the "structure" was important to Chinese modern architecture and the "space" was important to Japanese modern architecture.
  • 角橋 徹也, 塩崎 賢明
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 203-210
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The Bijlmermeer housing project in Amsterdam which was built during the sixties and seventies has been a "problematic estate" soon after the opening of the town because of an increase of vacancy of flats, vandalism, criminality and so on. And now the regeneration project is being taken place from the beginning of nineties. The purpose of this study is to explore causes and background of being failure and stigmatization of the Bijlmermeer from the view point of firstly the Dutch national planning and Amsterdam's city planning, secondly from the planning and design concept, thirdly from the participation in decision-making process of each stage of the project.
  • 牛谷 直子, 明智 圭子, 増井 正哉, 上野 邦一
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 211-216
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper aims to seize the local government's point of view for Important Preservation District for Groups of Historic Buildings (I. P. D., for short) through their "Enhancement regulation" and the present situation, and tries to see ideas about the harmonious design order and the various preservation design developments. As a result, we find these three points. First, there is the correlation between character of I. P. D. and the building form regulation's type. Second, "frame" (heights of eaves, pitch of roof), "silhouette" (building line), and "parts" (walling) are influenced by the harmonious design order. Third, the preservation design developments are influenced by "elements".
  • 饗庭 伸, 佐藤 滋
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 217-224
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this paper is to clarify the preparation method of the master plan as common information infrastructure of urban husbanduary developed in multisubject, by the report of the example of city master plan of Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture. In the paper, we showed the method for distinguishing the planning documents which are issued in the process of urban husbanduary with the two distinction, the desicion type and process type. Then we clarified the method for integrating the planning documents in the master plan with the distinction
  • 菊地 文人, 石坂 公一, 近江 隆
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 225-231
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this paper, we tried to analyze the characteristic of optimum long-term building repair plan. As a result, the suitable repair plan in each time point can be called 'Maximum-repair' that restores the performance to the first level or 'Non-repair' that does not repair at all . The decision depends on the balance of the repair cost and the expected income increase. The suitable repair plan has strong relation to the building degradation tendency and generally speaking, it has robustness against other factors.
  • 丸山 俊明
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 233-238
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study aims to clarify the building regulations in agricultural district of Yamashiro province through the Edo period. This paper takes up the building regulations by Kyoto machibugyosho in the 18^<th> century, and compares them with the building regulations by the Tokugawa Shogunate. In the early part of 18^<th> century, the building development and the new housing building are prohibited in agricultural district of Yamashiro province by Kyoto machibugyosho, which are similar to the building regulations by the Tokugawa Shogunate. But, those regulations had changed by the official notice by Kyoto machibugyosho in the 1767, because the peasants movement spread throughout the country, and the economic policy of Tokugawa Shogunate had changed in those days.
  • 岡田 悟
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 239-247
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Ocha-ya was a lodging used by lord of Mouri-Han and built except in Hagi, where residence of lord was built. Goten was a residence of lord's family and built in Hagi. Through the examination of historical materials, following results are ascertained on Haccho-Goten, former Nan-En-Ocha-ya, of Hagi. (1) In 1768 a lodging was built to be used by retired lord Shigetaka who lived in Mitajiri and it was called Nan-En-Ocha-ya. Its plan was similar to other Ocha-ya. (2) After Shigetaka died in 1789, it was used as a a residence of lord's family and called Haccho-Goten. Nan-En-Ocha-ya was remodeled and its plan changed to be similar to other Goten.
  • 丸山 俊明
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 249-255
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study aims to clarify the building regulations in agricultural district of Yamashiro province through the Edo period. This paper takes up the application forms for building up to Kyoto Daikansho (regional office of administrative office) in 17〜18^<th> century. This paper makes clear that the existence of several steps in the application based on some documents in south Yamashiro province. These steps are different from those in the application forms for building up to Kyoto machibugyosho in north Yamashiro.
  • 小野 将史, 北野 隆
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 257-262
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    This is a study on the history of the drawing "Higo-kumamotojo-ryakuzu", which was found in the Monjokan of Yamagutiken. The results are as follows : 1. The Hagi-Clan made private inquiries clans in northern Kyushu in 1612. At that time, the drawing was painted by the private inquirer of the Hagi-Clan that made private inquiries The Higo-Clan ; 2. The drawing shows the situation of Kumamoto castle in the late Keicho eras that was not made clear before.
  • 胡 恵琴, 平井 聖
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 263-269
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this paper tries to clear the history of kitchen in courtyard dwelling from Ming to Qing period. In this paper, adopted historical documents are clay images, paintings, literary works, old houses, site and so on. By set up 2 viewpoints of site plan and interior construction of kitchen. The results are as following. (1) It is strong tendency of that, at the upper class residence, kitchen was disposed backyard or left side yard, at the middle class ordinary dwelling, kitchen was disposed left side, and at the lower class, kitchen was disposed outdoor. (2) Interior composition of kitchen was from by 3 factors of water-jug, counter, oven, moreover Concretely divides 6 factors. There are difference from upper class and middle and lower class.
  • 鳥海 基樹
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 271-278
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Our problematic is the ≪non urbanity≫ of the green space in the Renaissance of Paris. The preliminary research affirmed that the garden was socially closed in the Middle Ages. The hypothesis of this article is if the Tuileries garden rests non urban before the intervention in the classic epoch, although it is the first public park in Paris. The analysis on the construction process shows the unrelated characters of every element and the analysis on the letters of Catherine de Medicis shows the intention of the crown to separate it from his surroundings. Thus, the hypothesis is proved.
  • 桑木野 幸司
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 279-284
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    Botanical gardens appeared, for the first time, in the western garden history in the 16th century. They usually had an additional gallery building where natural objects and craftworks were collected and displayed. This kind of collection is generally evaluated as one, which was aimed at the study of natural science. On the other hand, however, collecting many curious objects was in great fashion in the contemporary secular world, and this type of collection did not aim at any serious study. This paper argues that these two kinds of collections had many similarities by analyzing the method of display and character of Pisa Gallery as a casestudy.
  • 岩本 馨
    原稿種別: 本文
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. 285-290
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
    In 1716, Yoshimune Tokugawa, who had been the lord of Kishu-han, became Shogun, and moved to the Edo castle. More than two hundred retainers of Kishu-han also immigrated to Edo to be retainers of the Tokugawa shogunate. Yoshimune assigned residences near the Edo castle especially to retainers close to him, while retainers close to his predecessor were obliged to move to outskirts of Edo. However, as seen in the example of Hakuseki Arai, some retainers resisted to these enforced immigrations.
  • 原稿種別: 付録等
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. App74-
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 原稿種別: 表紙
    2002 年 67 巻 561 号 p. Cover43-
    発行日: 2002/11/30
    公開日: 2017/02/04
    ジャーナル フリー