This study performed analyses of floor plans using 490 floor plans of Elderly Housing with Supportive Services (hereinafter, Sakojyu), obtained by a complete enumeration survey on all Sakojyu as of Dec. 31st, 2012 to see the current physical settings. The key results are as follows: 1) The area of dwelling units were focused on 18.0‐19.0 m
2 adopting the relaxed criterion. The unit plans of 18‐19 m
2 were focused in 1R type, and facilities set were limitied, 2) Comparison between areas of dwelling unit and common space led four groups: small unit & small common, small unit & large common, large unit only, and large unit & common. The small unit & small common group occupied 27.8% of the the 490 Sakyojyu , and had machinery baths in 21.0% of the group, kitchens were set in less than 70%. The results shows some of current Sakojyu is similar to the spatial composition of nursing homes based on lump treatment before the introduction of Unit Care.