City map of chorography are the important historical literatures in Chinese history, which records about walled cities used to be graphs and texts; the former shows city type and location and sculptures urban environments and conditions through abstract figures. Analyses of Chinese walled city types can be intensely feasible through interpreting city map of the chorography.
The research explores city of the Prince where mansion of the prince (
HAN FU) was built (
HAN JOU for short) during Min Dynasty In historical materials by city map of the chorography. We examine the construction form generation and distribution of the walled cities that mansion of the prince was built.
In the early and first half in Min Dynasty, There are many examples that a city of the Prince is built. I was authoritative to Prince (
HAN OU) in particular, and a specific walled city was chosen and became the city of the Prince however, after the middle, power of the Prince was limited, city of the Prince in an area northern without need to choose a specific walled city after the middle founding it disappeared.