This study aimed to clarify some of the problems involved in using vacant houses as vacation rentals and what issues may be faced in the future. The main conclusions are as follows.
1. The initial costs exceeded ten million yen for eight the costs of the remaining two projects being within 3.5 million yen.
2. Subsidies were used for three of the projects and crowdfunding for another three.
3. The construction work needed to use the property as a private lodging varies depending on the type and area of the private lodging and whether the owner lives there or not.
The study describes the effects about the apartment management for second-hand market prices.
1. The average of contract price shall be presumed by a control cost, a reserved fund and accounts receivable of control cost. The gap from the latest contract cost to the first one shall be presumed by a cleanup cost, a running cost of a management society, amount of decisions in conferences and accounts receivable of reserved fund.
2. Those constantly make a positive contribution for the second-hand apartment market prices. On the other hand, any kind of accounts receivables make a negative contribution.
This paper aims to modify the historical interpretation of the modernization process of Japanese house planning. Adoption of Western-styled rooms is not necessary for modernized development of Japanese houses to the center-corridor plan-type, because most houses in the early 20th century had arranged “zashiki” as serial rooms for visitor accommodation, with the “cha-no-ma” as a Japanese style family room keeping its original position. This means that two-way styled drawing rooms had been realized at the same house. Instead of contributing to a democratic lifestyle, this arrangement reinforced a patriarchal lifestyle during the transformation process of Japanese houses at that time.
This study surveyed 1,067 older adults aged 65 years or older living in a hilly suburban residential area and used the total score of the Kihon Check List as an indicator of frailty to examine the relationship between the built environment, frailty, and outgoing behavior. The results showed an association between frailty and having about 6-8 steps at the entrance approach. In addition, an association was found between having about 9-11 steps and frequency of going out for those aged 80 years and older.
The purpose of this research is to clarify the relationship of student inhabitation on the elderly life. Focusing on the trial of intergenerational inhabitation in the aged UR housing estates community, the following points were clarified from the questionnaire survey and the hearing survey.
1.Evaluation for “Students live here” was high among all generations,and the students interacted more deeply with the residents over time.
2.Elderly single-person households expected students to help with household problems and to have someone to talk to, and also expected students to play a role as a safety net.
This study aims to develop a theoretical foundation for considering architecture as knowledge commons. The findings of commons research were applied by setting research questions on 1) how architecture can be considered as knowledge commons and 2) what kind of architecture can be defined as knowledge commons. The achievement of this study is to present an analytical framework called the AKC (Architecture Knowledge Commons) framework, which is an application of the IAD framework, the core methodology of commons research, to architecture, and to identify the theoretical conditions for considering architecture as knowledge commons.
The COVID-19 epidemic caused a sharp increase in working from home. Realizing the need to understand of the actual condition working from home, a survey was conducted on workers in April 2021. Using cluster analysis, workers were classified into 6 types based on ease of working from home and classified into 7 types based on satisfaction/dissatisfaction with work from home. It was suggested that psychological evaluations such as work engagement may have been lowered by dissatisfaction with communication. In addition, worker attributes in each of the clusters revealed the factors that contributed to the evaluations.
In this study, we conducted a walking experiment related to floor design and verified the influence and effect of the floor design with illusion on the differences between the atypical and typical developmental groups by using subjective evaluation and biological response measurement. Through this experiment, we found that some floor designs Even if had the same visual image, the atypical group was found to have more negative emotions compared to the typical group. An increase in heart rate due to exposure to factors that increase mental tension and, indicated that by the design of the floor could hinder smooth walking.
This study aims to clarify the challenges of the Ashrayan-2 project started in 2020 for inclusive solutions to the low-income housing problems in Bangladesh. The result of field survey identified the stakeholders of the project application and their roles, the selection process of target beneficiaries and land, and the living environment of constructed houses. The following challenges of the project process in the target land have been revealed: (1)management of government land called as Khas Land, which was considered as the construction site; (2)scrutiny of the application list; (3)securing the construction site; (4)selection of the target beneficiaries; and (5)infrastructure development.
The purpose of this study was to clarify the extent to which the utility of the presence and use of greenery in the living environment affects self-rated health in comparison with the subjects’ personal characteristics, health status, activity status, and social participation status. The research method employed a stochastic choice model with a discrete dependent variable, and an ordinal logit model with self-rated health as the objective variable and personal characteristics, health status, activity status, social participation status, green presence utility, and green use utility as the marginal effects were calculated to clarify the relationship between the two.
In this research, we develop a “sensory score” that quantifies the sensory characteristics of cities using SNS data, and then built a prediction model for urban images by combining urban data and SNS data. As a result, although the impact of using SNS data is limited to a slight change in terms of the improvement of prediction accuracy, the prediction model using SNS data can express the localized distribution. Thus, it can be pointed out that using SNS data is more effective than the model that using only objective urban data in terms of evaluating local trends in urban images.
In this study, we practiced the development of an advice map to effectively support the introduction of an urban thermal environmental design.
Specifically, to understand the characteristics of the thermal environment in the urban central area of Hiroshima City, where urban warming is occurring, high-resolution numerical calculations were performed, and the zoning map shows the present thermal condition of the target area was created based on these calculation results.
In addition, two collaborative workshops with experts involved in urban planning in Hiroshima City were conducted. An advice map was created as the final product of these workshops.
The objective of this study is to understand the utilization and evaluation of rental spaces using storefront on street space. The results of the observation survey showed that the boundary between the stores and the street was crowded with commercial activity. Next, we surveyed the attitudes of borrowers and owners. Although the size of the stalls was minimal, borrowers appreciated the ease with which they could try face-to-face sales for the first time. From the evaluation of the owners, it became clear that this is a system that can be continued because it requires little preparation for lending.
This paper accesses the quality of the public place that is being formed on top of the covered waterways in Tokyo. For this purpose, The Good Public Space Index (GPSI) method is used, measuring 6 variables: (1) intensity of use, (2) intensity of social use, (3) people’s duration of stay, (4) temporal diversity of use, (5) variety of use, (6) diversity of users. 3 referential cases with different characteristics are surveyed for one year. Kuhonbutsu Promenade is ranked the highest. While certain physical factors contribute to higher quality, each case is unique and should be examined more contextually.
Aiming for sustainable health promotion activities led by local residents, a two-month walking period, an approximate walking area around the Teraike Reservoir, and a recommended walking distance were set for 30 residents of a suburban residential complex with an aging population to verify the establishment of walking habits and improvement of mobility functions. The results of the 25-question geriatric locomotive function scale "GLFS-25" and “the 2-step test” showed a statistically significant improvement in mobility function after the walking period compared to before the walking period.
This paper surveys number of windows repairments damaged by burglars’ attack and specification for crime prevention of those windows. To estimate the risk, the number of burglars’ attack is compared with the number of existing windows during the term of survey. Windows that higher than 1.7m from ground level are less risk. Though glasses for crime prevention spec (CP) reduce glass attack, windows of CP glasses are attacked more by breaking window frame so that the risk of CP glass-windows are not lower than normal dabble grazing windows. Shutters and lattices are effective for risk reduction.
After the Great East Japan Earthquake, the affected municipalities conducted a series of intention surveys to determine the number of houses to be built in the reconstruction projects. In order to understand how these surveys were conducted, information on intention surveys was collected for 33 municipalities in Iwate and Miyagi prefectures. The subjects and methods of the intention surveys and the timing of their implementation were expressed in a timeline, and the questions in these surveys were summarized in chronological order. From this work, the basic procedure and structure of the survey of intentions have been clarified.
This study analyzed the impact on the steel fabrication process caused by the extension of the material order ing period and pre-order engineering actions, and identified issues for improvement issues related to steel fabrication contracts and workflow. Unfortunately, the 2007 revision of the Building Standard Law did not have a positive impact on design changes, which are critical to steel fabrication. It is necessary to improve the productivity of steel fabrication by proposing ways to utilize information such as BIM in the future.
We analyzed a survey of remodelers of detached houses in urban areas. The survey found that remodelers were diverse, with distinctive characteristics depending on the type of business. Remodelers respond to customer concerns and provide consultation. Some collaborate with other industries to distribute used homes. However long-term relationships with residents have not been established, and there are issues such as quality control systems, clarification of prices and contracts, and labor shortages. Systems are needed to establish the remodeler's awareness of housing management as a professional business and to properly evaluate the asset value of houses.
This paper focuses on an article, “LES ÉGLISES”, by Charles Boutier, a Paris Foreign Missions Society missionary. The article is summarised and analysed from other historical material and illustrations to clarify the subject matter of the article. The article describes the evolution of church-building structures of the Apostolic Vicariate of Western Cochinchina in southern Vietnam and the construction process and framework of the Cau Kho church designed by Boutier. Analysis of this article reveals the missionaries’ thoughts on architectural style and attempts to build a church suited to the climate of southern Viet Nam.
In Le Corbusier’s atelier, Charlotte Perriand focused on the functional diversity of form studying the ‘standard’ mass-produced furniture.
Afterwards, having had the opportunity to visit traditional farmhouses in Japan, she rediscovered Le Corbusier’s idea of the ‘standard’ through the tatami mat, and at the same time came to regard the refined hand-crafted production system as the ‘standard’. Subsequently, Perriand found in Okakura Tenshin’s The Book of Tea a concept that resolved the contradiction between the uniformity and diversity of the ‘standard’, and she thought that the ‘standard’ made possible the exchange of ‘vacuum (empty)’ and ‘full’.
This study aims to clarify the characteristics of contemporary eaves to relate a building with things in proximity. First, it defines inoperable elements beyond the property’s boundary indicated by eaves as things in proximity, namely the sun, urban axes and scenery. Second, samples are examined regarding their specific relationship with each of the three elements. Third, by combining the separated analyses, patterns are established depending on the emphasized relation to the sun, urban axes, and scenery. Finally, by comparing these patterns, the characteristics of contemporary eaves indicating things in proximity are clarified.
The present study focuses on clarifying the composition of the book "UN COUVENT DE LE CORBUSIER" by Le Corbusier in collaboration with Jean Petit. It shows that:
1. 11 types were broadly defined. Furthermore, 108 of the 144 pages could be classified into those types while most of the other 36 pages follow Modulor.
2. In many cases, the basic pattern of the types didn’t use Modulor for the component measurement, but for the margins.
3. This book is positioned as an informative presentation through photographs of priests' and friars' lives and activities in the couvent.
This article examined the relationship between the Grain Tribute System and spatial structure of canal-side space along a part of the Grand Canal called Caohe (the Canal for Grain Tribute) during the Ming and Qing dynasties. The Grain Tribute System refers to the comprehensive and systematic structure established by the government to support canal transportation, which includes not only the canal, but also water conservancy facilities, post stations, granaries, management buildings, officials and laborers dedicated to managing and overseeing the canal transportation. Then the article analyzed historical materials and ancient maps to examine spatial structure of the canal-side space of Caohe.
The aim of this study is to clarify the transition of the editorial policy and some aspects of the contents of “VOLUME”, launched in 2005 as a platform for international architectural discourse in the Netherlands, founded by O. Bowman, R. Koolhaas and M. Wigley. First, the history of this magazine from its first issue in 1929 to “VOLUME” is summarized. Next, the editorial policy is summarized, and 59 issue are divided into six periods according to the differences in them. In addition, the writing of the editorial and the articles contributed by the co-founders reveal differences in their editorial involvement.