A piezoelectric rapid scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer was constructed, from which up to twelve portions of the spectrum were electronically sampled and displayed on a CRT screen. With a power input of 1.5 watts to the vibrator having a resonant frequency of 27.5kHz, the peak-to-peak amplitude of oscillation of the etalon plate was 3.2μ and ten orders of the spectrum were scanned per half-period (that is, in 18μ sec). The amount of bending of the oscillating etalon plate measured by an interferometric method agrees, within experimental error, with the values calculated by treating the plate as a thin plate. The dynamic finesse of the whole system decreased to 10.5 at the scanning speed of 3μ sec/free spectral range when the central part of the plate of diameter 7mm was used, as compared with the static finesse of 17. The relation between the finesse of the system and the scanning speed was measured and compared with the calculated bending of the etalon plate. Taking account of the effect of inclination of the etalon plate due to deviation of the center of gravity of the plate from the axis of the piezoelectric vibrator, a closer agreement between the experimental and calculated results is obtained. An electronic circuit for data representation was constructed which extracts only desired linearly scanned portions from the whole scanned photodetector output and represents them in successive time intervals on different parts of the CRT screen.