A spark discharge tube of Weissler's type which can be used as a light source in the vacuum ultraviolet region has been constructed.
After a brief summary of what is generally required for the light source in this region and a discussion on how the Weissler spark differs from the Lyman spark, the design and construction of the apparatus are described.
The spark tube comprises a quartz capillary tube of 2.8mm in inner diameter and 60mm in length separating the electrodes, a ceramic tube carrying the anode and an independent cathode section which is of Worley's type.
Intermittent, 100 times a second, discharges go through a capillary filled with a mixture at about 0.1 mmHg of helium and a small amount of N
2 or argon.
Intensity distribution of the observed spectra which covered the range from 450Å to 2000Å is examined under various conditions of the exciting power, the pressure, the composition and the relative abundance of the component gases, with particular intention of obtaining the optimum condition in which the intense signals are obtained in the region _??_ω>15eV (λ<800Å).
The stability, the noise, the life, and the contamination of optical systems arising from sput-tering of the electrode materials are also considered.