Online ISSN : 1883-0854
Print ISSN : 0030-6622
ISSN-L : 0030-6622
68 巻, 5 号
  • 新井 峻
    1965 年 68 巻 5 号 p. 583-588
    発行日: 1965年
    公開日: 2007/06/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present paper was concerned with the observations of perstimulatory auditory adaptation in the normal ear using the amplitude modulated tone. A pure tone, with a frequency of 1000cps in intensity of 50db above subjective threshold, was presented to the ear in different patterns as follows:
    (1) continuous presentation.
    (2) amplitude modulated presentations in the form of trapezoidal change, with modulation rate from 2db to 30db and modulation frequency of 4cps.
    (3) interrupted presentation with a repitition period of 250msec, a duty cycle of 50%, and a rise-decay time of 40msec.
    Perstimulatory auditory adaptation was measured by means of the binaural balancing technique with the matching time of 15sec.
    The following results were obtained:
    (1) An amount of perstimulatory auditory adaptation after 5 minutes was maximum in the contiuous tone, minimum in the interrupted, and intermediate in the amplitude modulated.
    Particularly, in the stimulation of the amplitude modulated tone, the degree of adaptation loss decreased with the increase of amplitude modulation rate.
    (2) Most of the test ears showed no adaptation loss for amplitude modulated tones with amplitude modulation rate of more than 10db.
    It was suggested that auditory stimulus in periodic fluctuation of intensity could bring about disappearance or decrease of perstimulatory adaptation in the normal ear as well as in the interrpted tone.
  • 小出 靖, 小池 吉郎
    1965 年 68 巻 5 号 p. 589-606
    発行日: 1965年
    公開日: 2007/06/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Type 2 tympanoplasty showe astonishingly good results, because of the preservation of the large air space of the middleear cavity. The results of type 3 operation was rather poor in some cases with respect to hearing. But in the cases where inflammations are absent, the results have been good. Further the problem of drug-resistant bacteria has been emphazized. Generally speaking, the results of operation seemed to be poor in all plastic operations on the middle ear where drug-resistant bacteria are present.
    Ossicular repositioning is advocated to preserve the air space of the middle ear cavity and insure more adequate transmission of sound to the stapedial footplate. Ossicular repositioning will convert a type 3 into a incudostapediopexy or malleolosta-pediopexy. We make it a rule not to introduce foreign bodies or free autobone graft into the inflammatory middle ear, due to the occurrence of vigorous tissue reactions. However in the absence of pathological condition, we can introduce polyethylene tubing to insure ossicular continuity or to create a artificial columella.
  • 永浜 武彦
    1965 年 68 巻 5 号 p. 607-617
    発行日: 1965年
    公開日: 2007/06/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    伝音性耳鳴の代表例として耳管狭窄症に伴なう耳鳴をとりあげ, その臨床像を他の型の耳鳴の臨床像と比較するとともに, 耳鳴の成因について検討を加えた.
    1. 症例は過去10年間に著者が耳管狭窄症と診断した676例 (900耳) である.
    2. 耳管性耳鳴の発現率は44.8%であつた.
    3. 耳管狭窄症患者の初診時の主訴は難聴が最も多く(42.5%), 耳鳴は耳閉塞感に次いで第3位 (27.8%) であつた.
    4. 両側性耳鳴に比して一側性耳鳴が多かつた.
    5. 耳管性耳鳴の年令分布は19才以下に少なく, 20才代から50才代までほぼ同じ割合を示していた.
    6. 耳管性耳鳴は徐々に感ぜられるようになつたものに比して, 急激に起こつたものが圧倒的に多かつた.
    7. 絶対数では持続性耳鳴が多かつたが, 耳管性耳鳴において断続性耳鳴の占める比率は他の型の耳鳴に比して最も多かつた.
    8. 耳管狭窄症の発症と同時に耳鳴が起こつたものが79.6%で殆んどあつた.
    9. 耳管性耳鳴の音色は他の型の耳鳴に比して多少の差がみられ, 低音にも関係が深かつた.
    10. 貯溜液の有無と耳管性耳鳴の発現率との間には著明な関係は認められなかつた.
    11. 耳管狭窄症における難聴の自覚率は77.3%で耳鳴よりも遙かに多かつた.
    12. 耳管狭窄症では難聴が耳鳴に先行するものが最も多く (65.6%), 難聴より耳鳴が先行するとみられたものは15.1%に過ぎなかつた.
    13. 耳管性耳鳴は伝音性耳鳴が最も多かつた(51.5%)が, 無難聴性耳鳴とみられるものも16.2%に存在した.
    14. 他の型の耳鳴に比して耳管性耳鳴の治療効果は最高であつた. 耳管性耳鳴に対する治療法の中では, 薬物療法よりも局所療法の方が有効であつた. 鼓膜穿刺, 耳管通気法, あるいは耳管通気法+鼓膜マツサージの3種の局所療法の間の有効率には大差はなかつた.
    15. 以上の臨床像を, 耳管狭窄症の病態生理に関する文献を参考にして検討し, 耳管性耳鳴の成因としては, 音源 (血管あるいは耳管線毛) より発する音が, 陰圧による伝音系の共鳴状態の変化によつて, 増強してきこえるようになつたものであるとする伝音環境異常説が最もわかり易いとした.
  • 松崎 力, 鳥山 稔
    1965 年 68 巻 5 号 p. 618-627
    発行日: 1965年
    公開日: 2007/06/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    A two-year old male with bulbar albinism combined with congenital deafness was reported.
    His bilateral irises were blue in color and ocular fundi showed remarkable defect of pigment He also had severe hearing loss although there were no apparent anomalies on otoscopic observations.
    The same phenomenon in the animal world was reviewed from previous literatures and possible relationship between metabolism of cochlear pigment and hearing function was discussed from a biochemical point of view.
  • 藤村 敬之
    1965 年 68 巻 5 号 p. 628-656
    発行日: 1965年
    公開日: 2007/06/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the patients with focal chronic tonsillitis, the titer of HD extracted from palatine tonsils was higher than in those with simple chronic tonsillitis.
    In group of focal chronic tonsillitis high titer of HD (exceeded the overlimit of mean value of simple chronic tonsillitis.) was seen in 80-100% of cases by intradermal spreading method and in 40-100% of cases by turbidity reducing method.
    High titer of HD was generally seen in the heavy inflammatory cases.
    The serum HI titer before tonsillectomy had intimate relation with HD titer by turbidity reducing method.
    The serum HI before tonsillectomy showed high titer in focal group and to have some tendency to parallel with pathological changes of systemic disease.
    It was confirmed that serum HI had close relation to hypophyseal-adrenocortiticalsystem in mechanism of its fluctuation.
    In systemic disease with focal chronic tonsillitis, serum HI titer was decreased after tonsillectomy and paralleled with the course of systemic disease.
    In the cases of slight fever, serum HI titer was increased in parallel with body temperatiure rised after provocations with tonsil massage and HD-massage.
    From the facts mentioned above it was surmised that HD was accentuated by provocation in palatine tonsils and spread into humoral fluid with pathologic substances.
  • 甲状腺と反回神経との関係について
    広戸 幾一郎, 平野 実, 豊住 頼一, 高瀬 文武, 高瀬 晴朗, 矢武 良規
    1965 年 68 巻 5 号 p. 657-665
    発行日: 1965年
    公開日: 2007/06/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Fourty-seven adult cadaver larynges with thyroid glands were dissected under a binocular microscope, in order to illustrate the extralaryngeal division of the recurrent laryngeal nerve and its relation to the thyroid gland and the inferior thyroid artery.
    Results were summarized as followes:
    (1) The recurrent laryngeal nerves, in all cases except one, were divided prior to arriving the lower margin of the cricopharyngeal muscle where the nerve enteredinto the larynx. A type of two divisions was of and in 67% of examined 94 nerves, three divisions in 27% and four in 5%. In most cases the site of the division was within 1.5cm below the lower margin of the cricopharyngeal muscle.
    (2) In any type of the nerve division the anterior branch always consisted of motor fibers and the posterior branch was composed of sensory fibers which joined with a branch of the superior laryngeal nerve and composed Galen's anastomosis. When the nerve was divided into three branches, the middle branch was in many cases a motor nerve which innervated the adbuctor muscle, and occationally it was found a sensory one. In cases which the nerve was divided into four branches, the antero-mediate branch was a motor nerve which innervated the abductor muscle and the posteromediate was a sensory one.
    (3) The recurrent lanryngeal nerve was found to run adjacent to the thyroid gland in 83% of all cases and apart from the gland in only 17%. In most cases the recurrent laryngeal nerve was in the close position to the lower two thirds of the thyroid gland.
    (4) The recurrent layngeal nerve was situated anteriorly to the inferior thyroid artery in 12% of all cases and posteriorly in 21%. In 67% of cases, the nerve ran between branches of the artery and was drawn nearer to the thyroid gland.
  • 中村 文雄, 安野 友博, 井村 晴美, 伊藤 治夫
    1965 年 68 巻 5 号 p. 666-674
    発行日: 1965年
    公開日: 2007/06/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Verbal communication disorders due to speech inability are said to be caused by auditory disturbance, mental retardation, dyslalia, dysarthria, stuttering and so on. These disorders are, however, almost impossible to treat even with modern medicine, icine, so that at this stage our main concern should be directed to clarify the etiologic factors causing the verbal commneation disorders. Attempt has been made to analyse 492 cases of verbal communication disorders, who visited our speech and hearing clinic during past two years.
    Ihere was great difficulty in identifying the causative factors. It, howevor, was noted that principal causes of this disorder were prenatal viral infection, abnormal pregnancy, and delivery, SM or KM intoxication, unexplained high fever and meningitis, except for the cases of unknown cause Therefore, prevention of such conditions shonld be further emphasized.
  • 田中 省三
    1965 年 68 巻 5 号 p. 675-689
    発行日: 1965年
    公開日: 2007/06/29
    ジャーナル フリー
    Up to time, the observation of epipharynx has been based on morphological study method.
    It is necessary, however, to investigate functionally in order to grasp bionomical and pathological particularity of epipharynx.
    The author tried to investigate into epipharyn- gitis in mutual relationship to fibrinoloytic system and observe the clinical course of epipharyngitis as time passed. Consequently, it has been found that there is some relationship between them.
    The following is the summary of the findings:
    1. The Euglobulin Lysis Time (ELT) of a normal person was between 140-200 minutes, while that of a case with epipharyngitis was dispersed. However, it could be roughly divided into two groups, the increased and decreased groups of fibrinolytic activity. Many of the cases in the increased group had the acute form of epipharyngitis and most of the decreased group had the chronic form.
    2. Comparing the ELT after the treatment of epipharyngitis with that before the treatment, the former converged to the standard value. The convergence was more remarkable in the increased group than in the decreased group.
    3. When the epipharynx was being stimulated, some changes could be seen in the fibrinolytic system. The peak of the change came 15 minutes after the stimulation and in 90 minutes they return to normal physiological range.
    4. The above change at the time of stimulation was remarkable in the cases with inflammation. However, it decreased as the inflammation disappeared.
    5. It has been found that there is some time proportional relationship between the improvement of epipharyngitis and the activity of fibrinolytic system, and that these two pass in close mutual relationship.