Online ISSN : 1883-0854
Print ISSN : 0030-6622
ISSN-L : 0030-6622
90 巻, 2 号
  • 西山 哲
    1987 年 90 巻 2 号 p. 159-167
    発行日: 1987年
    公開日: 2008/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    In tympanoplasty, the formation of a so-called retraction pocket is still a serious problem. In order to prevent the retraction pocket, it is desirable to preserve the posterior wall of the external auditory meatus at surgery. However, it often becomes necessary to remove the posterior wall with the bony bridge for performing radical excision of the lesion. In this procedure, it should be necessary to reconstruct the posterior wall using a material which is compatible with human tissues. An investigation was performed on the hydroxylapatite ceramic implant as a reconstruction material for the posterior bony wall. Subjects were 36 ears of otitis media with cholesteatoma and 16 ears without cholesteatoma, and a follow-up study was made for periods of 6 to 37.8 months after operation.
    The results showed that the retraction pocket was formed in four cases and the cholesteatoma recurred in only two cases. In 13 cases, the apatite plate was exposed due to a failure of covering by fascia, but it was finally covered with extending epithelium in 5 cases without any serious problem, and the other cases tended to be covered by the soft tissue. The incidence of the retraction pocket formation was much lower in cases with hydroxylapatite than in cases using other reconstructive materials, and there was no case in which the apatite was rejected. These indicate that the apatite ceramic is quite stable within the living tissues, and has a high biocompatibility. Thus, it is concluded that the hydroxylapatite plate is an excellent artificial material for the reconstruction of bony canal.
  • 猪川 勉, 北尾 友幸, 江浦 正郎, 前原 龍彦, 増山 敬祐, 北尾 健二郎, 石川 哮
    1987 年 90 巻 2 号 p. 168-176
    発行日: 1987年
    公開日: 2008/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Sjögren's syndrome is characterized by lymphoid cell infiltration of exocrine glands, hypergammaglobulinemia and presense of autoantibodies. In Sjögren's syndrome, there is a broad spectrum of lymphoproliferation, from benign disease, through non-malignant extraglandular lymphoproliferation (Pseudolymphoma), to malignant disease, either macroglobulinemia or lymphomas. Cellmediated immune responses may be also depressed in Sjogren's syndrome. In the present study, two cases of intraglandular benign lymphoproliferative disorders developing in patinets with Sjögren's syndrome are reported. Pathological and immunological investigations are performed by using lymphocytes infiltrating into the parotid gland (PGL). In addition, peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) from patients with Sjögren's syndrome were examined for their capacity to product of Interleukin-2 (IL-2) and to proliferate in the course of autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction (AMLR).
    Pathologically, there is a periductal mononuclear cell infiltrate consisting of lymphocytes and plasma cells. The acinar tissue is almost replaced by marked lymphocytic infiltrate and gerninal follicle formation is also observed. So-called"epimyoepithelial islands"arising from ductal proliferation are scattered throughout the tissue.
    PGL are characterized with monoclonal antibodies to demonstrate (i) a predominance of B cells (>75%) reactive with OKIal, (ii) the ratio of OKT 4+(helper/inducer) T cells to OKT 8+(suppressor/killer) T cells is predominant (4.7) compared with PBL (2.9). PGL are also examined using membrane and direct immunofluorescence with goat anti-human IgG antiserum. IgG bearing lymphocytes have the majority in B cells.
    IL-2 production by PBL after phytohemagglutinin (PHA) stimulation was markedly (p<0.01) diminished in patients with Sjögren's syndrome compared with healty controls. The AMLR was decreased in 4 of 6 patients with Sjögren's syndrome. Patients with Sjoögren's syndrome and associated disease had lower responses than patients with Sjögren's syndrome alone. The AMLR is thought to represent a self recognition that might be important in regulating the cellular interactions and essential for maintaining normal immune homeostasis. Deficient AMLR and failure to produce IL-2 may take part in the pathogenesis of Sjögren's syndrome.
  • 五十嵐 淑晴
    1987 年 90 巻 2 号 p. 177-185
    発行日: 1987年
    公開日: 2008/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. 胎生中期(19週3日,20週3日,21週3日,23週3日)にある4児ヒト前庭半規管について,透過電顕レベルでI型およびII型感覚細胞の分化と求心性神経終末の形成を観察,検討した.
    2. II型感覚細胞は従来の報告のように,すでに19週3目という胎生中期のなかでも早い時期にすでに完成像を示し,求心性終末との接合や,細胞側にactive zoneの存在もみられた.
    3. I型細胞の神経杯にII型細胞が部分的に接合し,いわば神経杯という求心性神経終末を両細胞が共有する興味ある所見が少数得られた.
    4. 多くの分化した典型的なI型細胞に混じって未分化な神経杯形成を示すI型細胞が観察され,I型細胞への神経終末接合,神経杯形成,完成には胎生期の中でもある程度長い時間的幅をもって,おこなわれているものと判断された.この時間的幅についての同定には今後の検索を必要とする.
  • 古川 仭, 岩脇 淳一, 大村 隆代, 梅田 良三
    1987 年 90 巻 2 号 p. 186-190
    発行日: 1987年
    公開日: 2008/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    ヒト上咽頭由来雑種細胞A2L/AHを上咽頭癌モデル細胞として用い,Epstein-Barrウイルス早期抗原(EBV-EA)発現におよぼすレチノイド(E-5166)の影響を調べた.その結果,発癌プロモータとして知られるn-butyric acidによるEBV-EA誘導効果(蛍光抗体間接法によるEBV-EA陽性細胞の陽性率は0.1%未満から約40%に増強)がE-5166,5-10μg/mlの存在下で著明に抑制された.またその作用はヒトIFNの共存下では変化なく,両者によるEBV-FA発現の抑制増強効果は得られなかった.
  • 第2報,Ca2+について
    池田 勝久, 草刈 潤, 小林 俊光, 高坂 知節
    1987 年 90 巻 2 号 p. 191-195
    発行日: 1987年
    公開日: 2008/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) 外リンパのCa2+濃度の低下に伴ってN1振幅の低下が生じ,同時に域値上昇を認めた.またN1振幅の低下はN1潜時の延長を伴っていた.
    2) 外リンパのCa2+濃度の低下によってCM振幅の影響の減少と域値の上昇が生じたが,その程度はN1のそれらに比較して軽度であった.
  • 家守 千鶴子, 宗 信夫
    1987 年 90 巻 2 号 p. 196-201
    発行日: 1987年
    公開日: 2008/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. 鼻アレルギー患者80名について,左右鼻粘膜の腫脹の状態と反応性の差を検討した.
    2. 検討はPNTにて行い,粘膜の腫脹状態は自覚症状及び視診にて,反応性についてはくしゃみの回数を指標とした.
    3. 鼻腔の左右•刺激の順序による反応性の差には有意差が認められなかった.
    4. 鼻粘膜の腫脹側に,収縮側と比較して反応性の差が有意に見られた.
    5. 鼻粘膜の腫脹の状態に変化がみられたものは80例中36例,45%であった.
  • 高瀬 二郎
    1987 年 90 巻 2 号 p. 202-210
    発行日: 1987年
    公開日: 2008/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    ABR検査はtone burst, tone pipによっても周波数選択性の少ない検査である.そこで3kHz Sine波1波刺激によるABRのV波の潜時と閾値から,純音聴力の推定の可能性について追求を試みた.対象を臨床上多くみられる内耳性難聴,そして新生児•乳幼児の群に大別して,その各々について聴力の推定の可能性について検討した.また,周波数特異刺激とされているtone pip, tone burstを用いた検査成績とも比較して,両者の優劣についても検討し,次の結論を得た.
    1) 内耳性難聴については,クリック刺激によるABRは,比較的高音域の限られた周波数を反映するが,1kHz~4kHzの平均聴力と,V波の潜時•閾値との間にある程度の相関が認められた.そして両者を指標とすることによって,聴力の大まかな推定を行うことは可能であると考えられた.
    2) 新生児•乳幼児については,生後の神経発達を考慮した上での評価が必要である.筆者はこれを1歳未満と1歳以上4歳未満に大別して検討し,補正値を作製した.
    3) いわゆる周波数特異刺激によるABRは,反応の出現性が悪く,しかもオージオグラムと対応した反応を得るとは限らないことが明らかとなった.したがってむしろクリック刺激により,おおよその聴力を推定することの方がより現実的であり,本検査は難聴のスクリーニング検査を目的とした利用が妥当であると結論した.
  • C1活性低値およびalternative pathwayを介しての活性化についての検討
    花島 隆敏, 高坂 知節
    1987 年 90 巻 2 号 p. 211-220
    発行日: 1987年
    公開日: 2008/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Complement components in middle ear effusion (MEE) were assayed to determine whether the complement system was activated or not in the middle ear of the patients with otitis media with effusion. Complement activities were assayed in 53 specimens from MEEs and 43 from patients' sera. Complenent activities of patients' sera were not differred from normal human serum (NHS). CH 50 and C3 activity of MEE were slightly lower than the sera. Cl activity of MEE was remarkably lower than the sera. C4 activity of MEE was slightly lower in mucous MEE in child patients, but in other MEEs it was almost the same as their sera. It was found that Cl activity of MEE was low because of the reduced amounts of Clr and Cls in MEE and because of the Cl inhibitory substances in MEE. Immunoelectrophoresis revealed the conversion of factor B and splitting of C3 in MEE with 0.01 M EDTA. C5a in MEE (0.01 M EDTA) was found higher than inpatients' plasma and mucous MEE contained more C5a than serous ones. These findings suggest that the activation of complement system in MEE actually occurred, and might not be mainly through the classicl pathway but in a large part through the alternative pathway.
  • 特に左右前庭神経核間の差について
    盛 庸
    1987 年 90 巻 2 号 p. 221-229
    発行日: 1987年
    公開日: 2008/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    To know the excitability of the bilateral vestibular nuclei and the cerebellum for unidirectional acceleration, the autoradiographic study with [14C] 2-deoxy-D-glucose was performed for 3 control guinea pigs and 6 guinea pigs stimulated by clockweise constant acceleration of 1° or 2°/sec2.
    In this experiment, the following results were obtained
    1) The impuls from the horizontal semicircular canals produced the change of glucose uptake in the superior and medial vestibular naclei.
    Glucose uptake of the right side(the ampullopetal flow side) was increased as compared with control subjects, and that of the opposit side (the ampullofugal flow side) was decreased.
    Therefore, it was concluded that the excitability in the vestibular nucleus of the ampullopetal flow side was higher than one of the ampullofugal flow side and the valibility of Ewald's law was noticed in not only the horizontal semicircular canals but also a level of the vestibular nuclei.
    2) Although slight elevation of glucose uptake in the cerebellar nodulus of the ampullofugal flow side was observed by the rotatostimulation, this change was not significant at P<0-01.
    All cerebellar nuclei, especially in the fastigeal nucleus, showed a decrease of glucose uptake in the both sides by the rotational stimulation.
  • 感覚細胞の形態的変化とEwaldの法則の妥当性について
    宇佐美 真一
    1987 年 90 巻 2 号 p. 230-239
    発行日: 1987年
    公開日: 2008/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Twenty nine guinea pigs were used to investigate the effect of rotatory stimulation on the lateral crista ampullaris.
    After repeating the turning stimuli of cupulometric mode (maximum turning velocity: 450°/sec) for 48 hours, the functional and morphological changes of the crista ampullaris were investigated.
    Regarding the vestibular function, decrease in caloric response of ampullopetal side was more remarkable than that of ampullofugal side.
    The degenerative changes of sensory epithelium were observed initially in the top of the crista ampullaris by the morphological examination.
    Degeneration of mitochondria and the extension of endoplasmic reticulum were seen especially in supra-nuclear area.
    In a more advaned state of degeneration, the cytoplasm filled with vacuoles were observed.
    These degeneration were conspicuous in the type I cells than the type II cells.
    And, these findings in the crista ampullaris were more remarkable on the ampullopetal side than on the ampullofugal side.
  • 各種動物の味蕾の走査電子顕微鏡的観察
    小川 敬
    1987 年 90 巻 2 号 p. 240-257
    発行日: 1987年
    公開日: 2008/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    The comparative ultrastructural studies of taste buds were made scanning electron microscopically in 15 different kinds of the vertebrtates, such as fish, frog, newt, lizard, snake, chicken, macaw, mouse, rat, guinea pig, rabbit, cat, monkey and human.
    There were no remarkable differences in the shapes and sizes of the taste pores on the surface ultrastructure of the taste buds among classes and species of such animals, but in the taste buds in frog, lizard and bird, there were some morphological characteristics in the distribution sites in the oropharynx. On the basis of the surface morphological features, these taste buds could be classified into five different types; type I named crater-like type, II buried type, III exposed type, IV disc type and V specific type. Most of the taste buds in these cases seemed to belong to type I or II groups.
    The relationships between the ultrastructural characteristics of taste buds and their physiological roles were discussed briefly from a viewpoint of evolution of taste sensation in the vertebrates.
    小川 敬
    1987 年 90 巻 2 号 p. 258-265
    発行日: 1987年
    公開日: 2008/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Freeze-cracked taste buds from rabbit foliate papillaes were studied using both the secondary electron (SE) image and the back-scattered electron (BSE) image. Zinc-Iodide-Osmium (ZIO) and Ruthenium red (RR) staining were used for SEM observation of the BSE image.
    With the SE image, the three-dimensional architecture of taste buds was relatively easy to visualize. However, individual cells could not be identified clearly. Basal cells were recognized easily from their position in the taste bud. The dense substance (DS) in the taste pore and the dark granules (DG) of the type I taste cell could be seen in the SE image. However, it was found that the BSE image produced by the ZIO method provided a strong contrast for both DS and DG that was superior to that of the conventional technique. Also a distinct BSE image could be obtained from the Golgi vesicles and DG near the Golgi apparatus at the perinuclear area in only the type I cell. It is of interest that DS and DG exhibit the same strong BSE image. It could be strongly suggested that the DG originated from the Golgi apparatus. RR, Which has an affinity for acid glycoconjugate, strongly stained the substance present along the membrane of cytoplasmic processes and some of the pore vesicles but DS and DG were only faintly stained or not at all in the BSE image. This implies that DS and DG contains only a small amount of polysaccharides.
    It appears then, that utilizing the BSE image in conjunction with the SE image is very useful in determinating the three-dimensional localization of histocytochemical components in taste buds.