Online ISSN : 1883-0854
Print ISSN : 0030-6622
ISSN-L : 0030-6622
69 巻, 6 号
  • 福田 宗弘
    1966 年 69 巻 6 号 p. 1087-1100
    発行日: 1966年
    公開日: 2008/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present study was morphologically performed for the purpose to investigate the relationship between the vestibular nuclei and autonomic nervous system.
    Fifty normal rabbits, weighing about 3kg., each were used for the experiment. In the vestibular nucleus, electrically coagulated lesion was made with the electrode (diameter ca. 0.3mm) inserted along the inferior edge of the occipital bone. The lesion was made as small as possible.
    Following operation, the rabbits were allowedto live for two weeks and killed by intraventricular perfusion of M*ller's solution at the end of this period. Serial frontal sections (20μ) were prepared and stained with Marchi's method.
    1) From the lesion of each vestibular nucleus very fine degenerated fibers proceed into the gray substance of the floor of the IVth ventricule homolaterally and ran ascendingly or decendingly in the dorsal longitudinal fasciculus.
    The ascending fibers disappear in the gray substance at the level of the pons. The descending fibers terminate in the rostral part of the cervical cord. On the way some descending fibers ramify into the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi and intercalatus.
    2) Fine degenerated fibers via the bilateral medial longitudinal fasciculus from each vestibular nucleus penetrate the trochlear and oclomotor nuclei, and disappear in the central gray substance.
    These fibers connect the vestibular nuclei with the dorsal longitudinal fasciculus.
    3) As above mentioned, these finding suggests that the vestibular nuclei have a close relationship with the sympathetic centrum because the dorsal logitudinal fasciculus is a main pathway from or to sympathetic zone in the hypothalamus.
    4) Some degenerated fibers, originating in the lesions of the medial and lateral vestibular nuclei, ascend along the dorsal part of the tegmentum in the medulla oblongata bilaterally and go up in the ventrolateral portion of the midbrain in the neighbourhood of the central gray substance. Gradually decreasing in number, they reach to the pretectal region in caudal portion of the diencephalon and disappear in it.
  • 河村 泰男
    1966 年 69 巻 6 号 p. 1101-1116
    発行日: 1966年
    公開日: 2008/07/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    Um der funktionellen Eigenschaft des vorderen und hinteren vertikalen Bogengangs zu verstehen, hat der Verfasser eigene Lage der beiden Bogengange und Drehnystagmus in verschiedenen Kopflagen beim Menschen and Tier gesucht, and folgende Ergebnisse bekommen.
    1. Es fand sichc bei der histologischen Untersuchung des Serien-Schnitt des Schlafenbeins bei Menschen, dass vorderer vertikale Bogengang mehr in einer sagittalen Ebene und hinterer vertikale
    Bogengang mehr in einer frontalen Ebene liegen.
    Bei Kaninchen stand aber these Beziehung im Gegensatz, namlich vorderer vertikale Bogengang mehr auf einer frontalen and hinterer vertikale
    Bogengang mehr auf einer sagittalen Ebene liegt.
    2. Der Winkel zwischen beiderseitigen hinteren Pyramidenflache, an denen die Ebene der hinteren vertikalen Bogengang parallel ist, war bei Menschen ca. 101.7°±6.5°, bei Kaninchen ca. 53°, bei Katze ca. 65° und bei Affe ca. 106°. Also der hintere vertikale Bogengang liegt bei Menschen mehr in einer frontalen Ebene and dagegen bei
    Kaninchen mehr in einer sagittalen.
    3. Auf der Film-Aufnahme konnte man finden, dass bei Menschen vertikaler Nystagmus bei Seitenlage des Kopfes und rotatorischer Nystag mus bei einer vorn bzw. hinten gebeugten Kopflage vorkommt. Aber in Kaninchen wurde vertikaler Nystagmus bei einer Schnanze nach oben bzw, unten gerichteten Kopflage und rotatorischer Nystagmus bei Seitenlage des Kopfes hervorgerufen.
    4. Auf der Elektronystagmographischen Registrierung des Dreh- und Drehnach-Nystagmus bei
    Kobrak'schem Entschleunigung-Test weisste man, bei Menschen und Kaninchen durch horizontale und vertikale elektrischen Ableitung auch gleiche
    5. In der Elektoromyographischen Registrierung der extraocularen Muskeln fand man bei Wust'schem Pendel-Test, dass bei vertikalen Nystagmus,
    M. Obliq. sup. &inf. ausser M. rect. sup. &inf. auch wenigerweise zusammenarbeiten und dass bei rotatorischer Nystagmus, M. rect. sup. &inf. ausser M. obliq. inf. &sup. auch wenig.
    Mit den Ergebnisse wie oben erwahnt konnte der Verfasser klar zeigen, dass vertikaler Nystagmus ebenso bei Menschen wie auch bei Kaninchen aus vorderem vertikalen Bogengang und rotatorischer Nystagmus aus hinterem vertikalen Bogengang hervorgerufen wird.
  • 安孫子 正平
    1966 年 69 巻 6 号 p. 1117-1133
    発行日: 1966年
    公開日: 2008/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Concerning the effect of white noise, a series of biochemical and histological studies has been performed on Vitamin-B1 in the blood and in the hair cells of organ of Corti, by using rabbit and guinea pig as experimental subject. The followings are the results obtained.
    1) Vitamin-B1 in the normal cochlea is observed to be most densely distributed in the stria vascularis and much in the spiral ligament, basilar membrane, top of pillar cells, and outer-inner hair cells. Among those, the subject to be varied with the profundest relation to accoustic stimulations is Vitamin-B1 in the hair cells.
    2) Changes of Vitamin-B1 amount in the blood under noise exposure are as follows. When the exposure conditions are intense (white noise: 120 db, 8hrs.), not only free type of Vitamin-B1 but ester type-B1, gradually decreases as time goes on; while exposure intensity is less in degree (white noise: 120db, inside of 60min.), a tendency is seen that both ester type-B1, and total-B1 increase temporaly in the blood around 30 to 60 minutes after the exposure and gradually decrease after this times, but free type-B1 decreases from the beginning of noise exposure and continues all the time.
    Vitamin-B1, in the cochlea, especially in the outer-inner hair cells, tends to decreases gradually when noise exposure (white noise: 120db, less than 30min.) is given.
    3) The Vitamin-B1, which is administrated into the cochlea, is clearly seen to locomote, especially into the hair cells, and the effect of noise exposure on it was not recognized.
    4) The facts described in the above will not only be helpful in applying Vitamin-B1 clinically to the provention and therapy of accoustic trauma but also to those of cochlear deafness, and they have given basic endorsement to the clinical application of Vitamin-B1.
  • 木村 光子
    1966 年 69 巻 6 号 p. 1134-1153
    発行日: 1966年
    公開日: 2008/07/31
    ジャーナル フリー
    Conditioned orientation reflex audiometry was reported by T. Suzuki and Y. Ogiba in 1960, which was applicable to the children ranging in age from 1 to 3.years for pure tone audiometry. However, we have still some problems in children with big difference acuity of hearing between both ears.
    The auther studied to prove these problems. Difference between the binaural summation threshold measured by conditioned orientation reflex audiometry and the threshold of each ear measured by play audiometry was investigated in 82 children, for whom both audiometries could be successfully per. formed. The difference over 20db between the both thresholds was frequently observed at all frequencies tested. Therefore, the correlations between the threshold measured by conditioned orientation reflex audiometry and the each threshold of the better ear or the worse ear by play audiometry were separately investigated. Consequently the correlation was more significant in the worse ears than in the better ears, as the significance was 1%.
  • 切替 一郎, 松崎 力, 佐藤 恒正
    1966 年 69 巻 6 号 p. 1154-1176
    発行日: 1966年
    公開日: 2008/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    A 55-year-old male had a slight attack of cold and ear fullness and was found to be severely deaf in the left ear when he awoke in the next morning.
    The audiogram showed typical volley-type hearing loss up to 75 dB in the middle frequency range. Recruitment was positive. In the affected ear diplacusis was found and the directional acuity of hearing was impaired in that side. A marked loss for the distorted speech discrimination was revealed. These audiologic findings suggested socalled endolymphatic hydrops.
    The hearing loss recovered to be completely normal in the following two weeks, and recruitment and diplacusis were gradually improved.
    The etiology and pathogenesis of sudden deafness were discussed on referring to the previous clinical reports and investigations of the inner ear pathology.
  • 小山 高司
    1966 年 69 巻 6 号 p. 1177-1191
    発行日: 1966年
    公開日: 2008/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    By using a plastic model of human vocal tract, a study has been carried out on the mechanism of the resonance of paranasal sinus.
    At first, paranasal (maxillary and sphenoid) sinus models with various volumes and several kinds of ostium diameter are coupled to the model vocal tract. In this manner the effects of coupling of the model sinuses on the frequency characteristics of the model vocal tract are examined.
    Next, applying this model vocal tract coupled with paranasal sinuses, hearing impression of resonance sounds have been tested for 5 persons with normal hearing.
    The results have revealed the following spectral features-when paranasal sinus models have coupled with the vocal tract model:
    (1)a gentle rise in the characteristics of low tone range;
    (2)a relatively flat fall and sharp valley caused by the antiresonance of paranasal sinus in the middle tone range, and (3) a comb-tooth-like rise in the characteristics of high tone range. These features have been theoretically verified from acousticophysical viewpoint on the basis of considerations on electrical analogs and susceptance-frequency graphs.
    Through discussions on the relationship between the spectral patterns and hearing impressions of resonance sounds, the author has arrived in the following perceptions: There can be seen in the item (1), a quantative-spacial impression; in the item (3), a bright impression being potentiated ; and a beautiful-emotional impression by the co-ordinate effects of (1), (2) and (3).
    Furthermore approximately identical results are also obtained in the clinical observations on normal control group of 8 persons in comparing the nasal sounds both before and after the blocking of the resonance of paranasal sinus.
    From these results it is assumed that the paranasal sinuses give u favorable effect on our voice, particularly these give beautiful and quantitative impressions to the tone of voice as resonating chambers.
  • 古内 一郎, 坂下 桂之助, 道下 秀雄, 内田 正興, 小川 清, 西浦 勇夫
    1966 年 69 巻 6 号 p. 1192-1197
    発行日: 1966年
    公開日: 2008/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma arised from 19yr and 17yr males were exstirpated with Denkers operation method after ligation of external carotid artery, but some parts of tumor were remained.
    2) A tumor was enlarged in spite of hormone therapy and reopera.tion and X ray therapy gave complete cure.
    3) Investigation was histochemically made on relationship between the tumor and hormone using acid mucopolysaccharides.
  • Sound SpectrographによるFormant構造と母音の分化の検討
    岡村 正美
    1966 年 69 巻 6 号 p. 1198-1214
    発行日: 1966年
    公開日: 2008/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    The formant construction of Japanese vowels (/a/ / i/ /u/ /e/ /o/) was investigated by use of the sound spectrograph in 475 children ranging in age from 1 to 11.
    On the basis of these data the developmental process of vowel sounds was studied with special reference to shiftings in the vowel chart (a. b diagram.), which was proposed by M. Iri.
    He stated that the vowel phonemes were characterized by the set of parameters (a. b) :a=10 log (F2/3√F1F2F3), b=10 log (F3/3√F1F2F3) (F1, F2, F3: the first, second, third formant respectively.)
    All other phonemically significant quantities must be functions of a and b.
    According to this mathematical method, it was said that one can neglect the influence of different vocal cavities. The present author therefore, supposed that this method was one of the most suitable technique to deal with present study.
    The results and considerations were summarized as follows :
    1) The formant construction in children was proved to be different from that in the adult, especially in younger group of age from 1 to 4.
    2) In children, each of three formants had a definitely higher absolute value than that of the adult. Among these three, there was a tendency that the first formant was relatively highest compared with that in the adult.
    3) There was no sexual difference in the pattern of formant construction in all the subjects examined.
    4) It was suggested that there were two directions in the developmental process of the vowel sounds; one direction was from middle to front, and the other was from middle to back. This result coincided with the tendency of vowel-like voices during prelinguistic period in Japanes infants.
    5) Further differenciation of the front vowel sounds appeared earlier than that of the back vowels.
  • 特に1960年と1965年の統計との比較
    藤田 省二
    1966 年 69 巻 6 号 p. 1215-1218
    発行日: 1966年
    公開日: 2008/03/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    I have statistically compared the number of cases operated under general anesthesia in the field of otorhinolaryngology in 1960 with that in 1965.
    The results are as follows ;
    1) The proportion of cases done under general anesthesia to all operation cases increased from 17% in 1960 to 27.6% in 1965.
    2) Ether and lauching gas used chiefly in 1960 did not used frequently and fluothane became to be used it in 1965.
    3) Fluoromar and Penthrane were introduced as new anesthetic. in 1965,
    4) The method of general anesthesia and its complication were about the same as 5 years ago.
    5) Intra-nasally intubation that has been performed by choice for tonsillectomy or plastic repair of cleft palate was not performed absolutely in 1965.