I Revaluation of Endoscopic differentiation between benign and malignant gastric ulcers. We have classified ulcerative lesions of the stomach by fiberscopic diagnosis into following five categories : E-I : Benign Ulcer E-II : Benign ulcer but the possibiity of cancer cannot be completely ruled out E-III : Difficult to determine whether it is a benign or malignant ulcer E-IV : Strong suspicion of cancer E-V : Cancer For the determination of E-II to E-V, accurate diagnosis only by usual observation sometimes is difficult because ulcer and cancer may be present at the same time. Accordingly, by means of close up observation of the redness and other characteristics of mucosa of gastric ulcer margin surrounding mucosal folds through f iberscope, we investigated the possibility of definite diagnosis of gastric ulcer. For detailed observation, specimen taken during the operation was immediately observed and photographied by magnifying to two to four folds. After the specimen was fixed by 10% formalin, it was stained by alcian blue and haematoxylin and again observed and photographied by the same procedure. I noticed that there were coexistance of benign gastric ulcer and cancer in the cases of E-II, E-III and E-IV . Some are very difficult to differentiate. Study by close up done observation was then done for the purpose of differ-entiation. Ulcerative cancer which show "over-hanging" and ulcerative cancer which have been covered by regenerated epithium are considered to be the most difficult ones to diagnosis by surface observation. Close up observation by endoscopy is useful, in the diagnosis of gastric ulcer, however, it must be based on histological confirmation. In conclusion, differentiation of the ulcerative lesion of the stomach, can be accurately made by endoscopic & microscopic close up examination. II Endoscopic study of Regenerative Epithelium around gastric ulcer During 13 monthed, from October, 1971 to October, 1972, 81 patients under treatment at het Institute of Gastroent-erology, Tokyo Women's Medical College, had been studied through the close-up observation of gastric ulcer margin by using forward-viewing f iberscope, GIF-D, PFS-F and PFS-F2. I classified the patterns of regenerative epithelium of ulcer margin into four types: Thistle type, Golden Banded Lily type, Wild Comomile type and Mixture type. Studies of the differences in the patterns of redness of four types were done by direct shooting biopsies and analyzed. The adquate number of specimens had been taken, and the regenerative epithelium of 53 lesions were studied according to Fukumoto's classification. I found out that almost each type of lesion changed to mixed type as it healed. III Comparation study of Endoscopic and dissection microscopic observation of regenerative Epithelium around gastric ulcer A comparative investigation of magnified view of the close-up observation and stereo-microscopic pictures of eighteen operated cases was done. As a rule, close-up observation was done, within twenty four hours prior to operation. Within 30 minutes after gastrectomy, these fresh specimens were washed in normal saline solution and they were examined by stereo-microscope at two time, four time and eight time magnification. The stereo-microscopic findings of each type are, Thistle type: The continuous regenerative mucosa is the place where muscularis mucosae and tunica muscularis are conglutinated. Golden Banded Lily type: Scattered red spots and dots are identical to redness of area gastrica. Mixture type: This type is mostly covered by regenera-tive mucosa and redness of margin is same as redness of area gastrica of remaining uncompleated regenerative epithelium. Histological findings of each type are; Thistle type: Hemorrahage can not been seen. Inflammatory reaction, by peramia, comgestion, vessel expansion and intestinal metaplasia is observed. Golden Banded Lily type: Vessel expansion, inflammatory reacti