The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 101, Issue 1
Displaying 1-9 of 9 articles from this issue
    1970 Volume 101 Issue 1 Pages 1-7
    Published: 1970
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    A new immunological method for blood grouping of human blood stains was studied. In this method, anti-A or anti-B globulin conjugated with ferritin particles combines easily with the corresponding blood group antigen of blood-stains, and a direct observation of antigenantibody reaction is possible. This method requires electron microscope, but it brings about a better result than the other methods, especially when the blood-stain is very small. This method can be applied to the blood grouping of tissue or other specimens in the practice of forensic medicine.
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    1970 Volume 101 Issue 1 Pages 9-24
    Published: 1970
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    A 6-year-old female (at present 12-year-old) who had precocious puberty, mental retardation, phthisis bulbi and severe rickets, was presented. The parents were not relative. Her father and brother (the fifth brother out of 6 siblings) had slight mental retardation and ocular defects such as coloboma of the optic disc (father and brother), microphthalmia, cataract, and rotatory nystagmus (father). At the age of 3 years, the patient had suffered from pyelonephritis which was found not improved when she was admitted to our clinic at the age of 6 years 2 months. A deficiency type of rickets, which was not prevented by usual prophylactic amount of vitamin D 400 I. U. but cured with daily supplement of 2, 000-5, 000 I. U. of vitamin D, developed at the age of 6 years 6 months and persisted until the age of 12 years. The chemical analysis of the serum indicated constantly low level of phosphorus and elevated level of alkaline phosphatase, while it was otherwise normal. The oculo-cerebro-renal syndrome of Lowe1-13 and McCune-Albright syndrome14-21 were apparently different in the symptoms and laboratory findings from our patient. Chronic pyelonephritis which has a possible role in the pathogenesis of renal tubular acidosis to cause severe rickets24, 25 was also thought not to be responsible for the rickets of our patient, because our patient indicated no acidosis and normal response for ammonium chloride loading test and further, because rickets was not healed in spite of the fact that chronic pyelonephritis was cured bacteriologically and histologically at the age of 9 years. In our patient, a decreased sensitivity to vitamin D was inferred to be responsbile for the occurrence of rickets, which Soriano et al.26 recently proved in their own case, although there were marked differences in the age of onset and clinical findings between our case and Soriano et al.'s case. However, the relationship remained obscure between a decreased sensitivity to developmental failure or congenital defects such as precocious puberty, mental vitamin D and retardation and eye changes, which suggested a kind of retinal dysplasia syndrome, 29-34
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    1970 Volume 101 Issue 1 Pages 25-33
    Published: 1970
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The distribution pattern of motoneurons in the rat's lumbar spinal cord which send axons to the sciatic nerve was studied by means of staining degenerated motor cells with toluidine blue after relevant roots or nerves had been sectioned or crushed. The columnar arrangement of the motor cells in the lumbar spinal cord of the normal rats was confirmed and presented. The degeneration picture of the rat motoneuron was presented, which was observed only in the large cells in the ventral horn and not in the smaller cells suggestive of γ-motoneurons. It was found that the sciatic motoneurons occupy the dorsolateral portion of the ventral horn and extend in proximocaudal direction from the mid L4 through L5 to the end of L6. It was proved that the tibial motoneurons innervating the extensors of lower hind-limb and foot are situated dorsolaterally in the sciatic portion of the columnar arrangement of the motor cells, while the peroneal motoneurons innervating the flexors of lower hind-limb occupy the medial section in the sciatic portion.
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    1970 Volume 101 Issue 1 Pages 35-46
    Published: 1970
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The oxygen consumption (Qo2) and the activities of succinic dehydrogenase (SDH) and lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) were measured on 14 spleens from patients with so-called Banti's syndrome and 13 control spleens by means of Warburg's manometry, and histometrical examination was performed. There was an appreciable decrease in Qo2 and LDH in the Banti spleen, but no difference in SDH between the Banti spleen and the control. Therefore, there is possibly a decrease in glycolysis in the Banti spleen but its TCA cycle operates normally. Qo2, SDH and LDH were much more reduced in the Banti spleen with predominant sinus hyperplasia than in the spleen with predominant pulp hyperplasia. The decrease in Qo2 in the Banti spleen seems to be not due to a decrease in blood flow but to the factors inherent in the tissue itself. Histometrical studies suggested that the increase in cells in the red pulp of the Banti spleen plays an essential role in bringing about the changes in Qo2, SDH and LDH, even though a possible role of lymphocytes, the main constituent of the white pulp, cannot be denied.
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    1970 Volume 101 Issue 1 Pages 47-53
    Published: 1970
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Ten children of acute cerebellar ataxia, who were admitted to the hospital from January 1965 to February 1968, were clinically and virologically studied. Correlation of occurrence between acute cerebellar ataxia and aseptic meningitis was not definite. Most patients were male. Antecedent infections were noticed in 4 cases. Virological studies revealed that ECHO 6 virus was associated with acute cerebellar ataxia in 3 patients. One case was associated with varicella.
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    1970 Volume 101 Issue 1 Pages 55-66
    Published: 1970
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Electroureterograms were recorded primarily in dogs following severance of the extrinsic nerves, vascular ligation or mucosal anesthesia of the ureter in an attempt to clarify several factors possibly controlling the ureteral peristalsis. The results obtained may be summarized as follows: Complete blockage of the ureteral extrinsic nerves by means of renal autotransplantation resulted in practically no significant alterations in the pattern of electroureterograms. With dogs in which the renal artery was ligated for the purpose of studying the influence of the blood flow, no significant changes in the pattern of electroureterograms were observed. In contrast, severance of all blood vessels which supply the ureter was promptly followed by arrest of the peristaltic movement. In in vivo experiments a prompt cessation of ureteral peristalsis occurred in response to the application of 4 per cent xylocaine to the ureteral mucosa, whereas no significant changes occurred in peristaltic movement when the same solution was applied to the adventitia. An infliction of damage to the canine ureteral mucosa with 2.5% formalin resulted in permanent arrest of ureteral peristalsis. Thirty days afterwards, development of non-obstructive hydronephrosis was seen. Isolated canine ureters were subjected separately to the application of xylocaine to the mucosa and to the adventitia. The responses of the isolated ureters were identical, making a sharp contrast to the observations in the in vivo studies.
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    1970 Volume 101 Issue 1 Pages 67-75
    Published: 1970
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. Using the heart-lung preparation of the dog, the cardiac action of PGE1 and PGF were studied.
    Injection of PGE1 into the left atrium resulted in a positive inotropic effect and an increase in the coronary flow. The positive inotropic effect was especially prominent in the failing heart. Heart rate remained unchanged. There was no tendency toward tachyphylaxis in the action of PGE1.
    2. In view of the very slight increase in the oxygen consumption observed after PGE1 (average 5%), the increase in the coronary flow produced by PGE1 (average 21%) was taken to represent a direct dilator effect of this compound on the coronary vasculature.
    3. When injected into the venous-supply tubing, fifty to eighty times as high a dose of PGE1 was necessary to produce the coronary flow increase of the same magnitude as when injected into the left atrium. Thus, it was concluded that 98-99% of this compound was removed from the circulation during a single passage through the lung.
    4. In the heart-lung preparation of the dog, the action of PGF was quite feeble, although the effects produced by large doses of this compound were not essentially different from those produced by PGE1.
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    1970 Volume 101 Issue 1 Pages 77-91
    Published: 1970
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The spleens in the Banti syndrome were histologically and histometrically examined for the findings accounting for increased total splenic blood flow and reduced blood flow per unit splenic volume in this syndrome. By graphical reconstruction of serial histological sections it was demonstrated that about 10-20% of the arteriolar terminals opened directly into the sinuses, while such an arteriolosinal shunt was only exceptionally found in the normal spleens and in splenomegaly not accompanied by portal hypertension. The finding was interpreted in association with sinus hyperplasia and regarded as an evidence of lowered vascular resistance. The surface area of the boundaries between the splenic cords and sinuses per unit splenic volume was found remarkably increased in the Banti spleens and was considered to contribute also to lowering peripheral resistance to blood flow. On the other hand, the arteriolar terminals were found smaller in radius in the Banti spleens than in the normal spleens, although the arterial vascularity was the same in both conditions. Combined effects of different anatomical findings were evaluated in discussing the peripheral circulation of the Banti spleens.
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    1970 Volume 101 Issue 1 Pages 93-102
    Published: 1970
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    In order to elucidate the characteristics of a hormonedependent mammary cancer, primary and serial transplantations of four mammary tumors induced by 7, 12-dimethylbenz (a) anthracene were carried out using inbred Fischer rats with different hormonal environments. Two primary tumors were successfully transplanted into the rats receiving estradiol or progesterone, showing strongly hormone responsiveness. The transplanted tumors regressed after withdrawing the hormone, and injection of estradiol and progesterone brought about a tumor regrowth after long period of dormant cells. The hormone responsiveness was lost by serial transplantation and metastasis occurred in rats with the hormone-independent tumor. The histologic appearance of the transplanted tumors was greatly altered by hormone, i.e., the tumor receiving estradiol showed plump epithelial cells with conspicuous vacuoles and large lumina of acini containing milk-like material, and the tumor receiving progesterone displayed fine acini composed of thin epithelial cells and the regressed tumor exhibited flattened epithelial cells, forming a single layer and outlining cystic spaces.
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