The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 76, Issue 2
Displaying 1-9 of 9 articles from this issue
  • Kaneyoshi Akazaki
    1962 Volume 76 Issue 2 Pages 107-118
    Published: March 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    At present, the opinions among scientists are still much at variance on the scope covered by the term RES, the interrelation of the cell types belonging in the system and the relation of these cells to the argyrophil fibres. This ambiguity is due to the fact that the RES could be subjected only to examination from the histological level in pursuit of their morphological characteristics, because of the limited research facilities then available, although the name RES was originally given to a group of mesenchymal cells with a specific nature of remarkable affinity to vital stains. It must not be overlooked that the form of the RE cells including their fine structure is readily subject to change under the smallest stimulation, consequently the cells have been frequently misjudged as different form RE cells. We may say that the stage of research activity on these cells has been shifted to electron-microscopic investigation. It seems, however, that there is still a gap between optic-microscopic studies and electron-microscopic studies. Besides the efforts to bring the results of studies in these two levels into closer alignment, it seems imperative to pay careful attention to the almost incomprehensible mutability of the form including the fine structure of the RE cells, as stated above. Only with the consummation of such studies with consideration .o the above problems, the concept of RES can be defined to everyone's satisfaction. It is my earnest hope that with the help of all those in the Japan RE Soceity we will succeed in achieving this goal.
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  • Nobuyuki Senda
    1962 Volume 76 Issue 2 Pages 119-132
    Published: March 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. Phagocytosis is carried out in the following process: the cell membrane of the pseudopod contacts and adheres to a foreign body ; it encloses the foreign body with its fused tips; its fused tip portion is separated from the cell membrane of the pseudopod and transferred into the cytoplasm.
    2. Development of the pseudopod is the prerequisite in phagocytosis. The pseudopod which show a favourable phagocytosis is the one whose cell membrane has a low surface tension and easy adhesiveness to a foreign body. When the cell is possessed with such pseudopod, pinocytosis is very likely to occur which enables the cell to engulf a foreign body including its medium without touching it.
    3. The adhesiveness of a foregin body constitutes another important factor. Especially when a foreign body is of a big size its low adhesiveness has only a few chances of developing surface phagocytosis.
    4. Phagocytosis is carried out only through the pseudopod of a cell. The pseudopod is what is pushed out of the easily liquidifying substance in the cytoplasm by contraction of an actomyosine like contractile protein which is considered to exist in the surface layer of the granuloplasm. The energy of this contraction is ATP which is also needed for the maintenance of surface tension and adhesiveness of the cell membrane. A decrease in the production of ATP results in a decrease in the activities, surface tension and adhesiveness of the cell membrane of the pseudopod.
    It is concluded that phagocytosis is performed by a mechano-chemical system which is coupled by ATP.
    5. A decrease in energy is not always proportionally accompanied by a decrease in phagocytosis. Occasionally an adverse relationship is observed, since phagocytosis is subjected to various interacting factors, such as the size, number, developmental speed and frequency, surface tension and adhesiveness of the pseudopod, and the nature of foreign bodies to be devoured.
    6. Discussions are made of the findings of cells, phagocytic vacuoles and devoured bacteria following phagocytosis with a phase contrast microscope and an electron microscope.
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  • Daizo Ushiba
    1962 Volume 76 Issue 2 Pages 133-143
    Published: March 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. In the light-microscopic study on the relationships between tissue-cultured cells and bacteria, it was found that the degree of intracellular growth of infecting microorganisms was in parallel with virulence of the particular strain for animals in which it could cause typhoid infection. It was also revealed that the intracellular growth of a virulent strain of S. enteritidis was inhibited in the mononuclear cells from animals previously immunized with an R-type live vaccine, but not in the cells from animals immunized with an S-type killed vaccine.
    2. Phagocytosis of S. enteritidis by peritoneal mononuclear cells from guinea pigs or Kupffer cells of mice was also observed electron-microscopically, and the mechanism of the penetration of bacteria into cytoplasm has been discussed being compared with that of colloidal particles.
    3. Some differences were observed between high-virulent and low-virulent strains of S. enteritidis in electron-microscopic findings when they were phagocytized into the above-mentioned cells ; many of low-virulent organisms showed degenerated and swollen appearances with low electron-density surrounded by electron-dense substance, while high-virulent organisms were usually electron-dense and lacked surrounding substance.
    This study was conducted by Drs. K. Saito, M. Nakano, K. Hashimoto and T. Akiyama of the Department of Bacteriology, and Dr. I. Yamamoto of the Department of Pathology.
    A part of this study was aided by a grant from the Ministry of Education, Japan (Cooperative Research Fund, 1933-1935).
    Thanks are due to Dr. T. Kobayashi, Professor of Pathology, and Dr. Y. Watanabe, Assistant Professor of Pathology, for their valuable advice on the electron-microscopic study.
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  • Harutaka Tanaka
    1962 Volume 76 Issue 2 Pages 144-160
    Published: March 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Mizu Kojima, Yutaka Imai
    1962 Volume 76 Issue 2 Pages 161-178
    Published: March 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Satimaru Seno, Michiyasu Awai, Junichi Kobayashi, Sinsuke Ose, Tetsuo ...
    1962 Volume 76 Issue 2 Pages 179-188
    Published: March 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The authors observed the disappearance rate of iron from serum, and the ferritin, and hemoglobin formation or incorporation of iron into red cells after the intravenous injection of colloidal iron. It has been elucidated that the phagocytosis function and iron assimilation function of RES can be estimated concomitantly. Observations by changing the quantity of the injected iron proved that the smaller the quantity of iron injected the more rapid and efficient is the incorporation of iron into red cells. In the animals whose RES is blocked by Evans blne injection, a marked delay is observed both in the disappearance of iron from serum, phagocytosis by RES, and in the incorporation of iron into red cells. But in the animals treated with E. Coli suspension the disappearance of iron from the serum is as rapid as in normal control animals and a marked delay in the incorporation of iron into red cells, is found with the inhibition of the ferritin formation. The data show that the test on the ability of phagocytosis of RES does not always give information of the function of RES for iron ssimilation.
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  • Toyoji Wada, Akira Goto, Yutaka Fukushima, Takamaro Shimizu, Takeshi O ...
    1962 Volume 76 Issue 2 Pages 189-194
    Published: March 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Soitsu Fukuchi, Ryuji Shioji, Suezaburo Abe
    1962 Volume 76 Issue 2 Pages 195-203
    Published: March 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Spironolactone was administered to rabbits with experimental renal hypertension. The blood pressure of these rabbits was decreased during spironolactone therapy. A marked increase in sodium and water excretion was noted on the third day, but potassium excretion did not change at that time. Treatment with spironolactone caused a rise of serum potassium in hypertensive rabbits. It is probable that spironolactone moves intracellular potassium out to extracellular space.
    Assuming from these results, water and electrolyte metabolism is not normal in the experimental renal hypertension, probably accompanied with excessive mineralocorticoid secretion. But the abnormal water and electrolyte metabolism, and hyperaldosteronism in experimental renal hypertension seem to play an independent different role in the development and maintenance of arterial hypertension.
    We are indebted to Prof. T. Torikai for his continuous leadership throughout this study.
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  • Kiyohiko Yoshikawa
    1962 Volume 76 Issue 2 Pages 204-214
    Published: March 25, 1962
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    A newly invented insulin sensitivity method was tested in 11 hypoglycemic cases and 80 cases of various other diseases, and recovering ability from hypoglycemia as well as the homeostatic level of blood sugar was determined.
    In hypoglycemic cases, all of them indicated negative recovering ability and homeostatic values were lower than 63 mg.%. In various other conditions, no case was found which showed both negative recovering ability and lower homeostatic value than 65 mg.%.
    Other various blood sugar curves were evaluated for the purpose of screening hypoglycemia and it was concluded that only insulin reaction test is recommendable.
    Author wishes to express his sincere gratitude to Dr. T. Saito, Assistant Professor of Tohoku University Medical School, for his encouragement and various suggestions.
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