The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 93, Issue 4
Displaying 1-10 of 10 articles from this issue
  • Michio Mori, Tamenori Onoé
    1967 Volume 93 Issue 4 Pages 301-315
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Tsuneo Shiratori, Shun Kuroda, Kyoji Sugawara, Tetsuhiko Hatafuku
    1967 Volume 93 Issue 4 Pages 317-329
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Transection-anastomosis of the canine stomach generally caused frequent development of vigorous anti-peristalsis in the portion distal to the anastomosis. With the use of electromyography, effect of vagotomy or splanchnicectomy on this alteration of the gastric motility was studied.
    Vagotomy or splanchnicectomy caused little change in the gastric motility of the dogs in which transection of the stomach had not been performed precedently. On the contrary, frequent occurrence of anti-peristalsis was observed distal to the anastomotic line when the transection-anastomosis was performed at the corpus-antrum border of the stomach. Furthermore, no noticeable change in the frequency of anti-peristalsis of the stomach was seen in spite of combined vagotomy or splanchnicectomy on the dogs which had previously been subjected to the transection-anastomosis of the stomach.
    The results obtained in the present experiments revealed that the development of anti-peristaltic discharges after the transection-anastomosis was not related to the severance of gastric innervation, but may closely be related to the excitation of the gastric wall per se caused by the transection of the stomach as reported previously.
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  • Shoichi Yamagata, Akira Ohneda, Moritoshi Anzai, Takayoshi Toyota
    1967 Volume 93 Issue 4 Pages 331-338
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Tolbutamide-glucose tolerance test was carried out on nine non-diabetics and eight diabetic patients in order to evaluate the endocrine function of the pancreas.
    In non-diabetics, blood sugar decreased thirty minutes after tolbutamide injection and rose to 135mg/100ml in the mean value after glucose loading. In diabetics a decrease in blood sugar after tolbutamide injection was small and blood sugar reached 229.8mg/100ml after glucose loading.
    Plasma insulin levels in non-diabetics, fasting and 30 minutes after tolbutamide injection, were not different from those of diabetics, but they rose to 81.5 μU/ml after glucose loading, while plasma insulin in diabetics reached 30.8 μU/ml after glucose loading. The difference in plasma insulin after tolbutamide-glucose loading between non-diabetics and diabetic patients is significant.
    There is a significant correlation between the maximal blood sugar and maximal plasma insulin after tolbutamide-glucose loading (r=-0.69).
    The tolbutamide-glucose loading might be of value for the evaluation of the pancreatic islet function.
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  • Toshiro Sakurada, Shintaro Saito, Kiyoshi Inagaki, Sumio Tayama, Tatsu ...
    1967 Volume 93 Issue 4 Pages 339-362
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Ethinyl estradiol was administered orally in a daily dose of 0.18-0.3mg for seven days to subjects with normal and abnormal thyroid function, and the changes of several parameters of the thyroid function during estrogen administration were investigated. The concentration and maximum T4 binding capacity of thyroxine-binding prealbumin (TBPA) were estimated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
    Estrogen increased the serum PBI value and the binding capacity of thyroxinebinding globulin (TBG), while it lowered Triosorb test value, elutable fraction and the concentration and binding capacity of TBPA. However, free T4 value, BMR, thyroidal 24-hour uptake of 131I and thyroidal effective half-life of 131I did not change. T4 half-life in serum was prolonged.
    These results show that ethinyl estradiol may have an effect at first on the metabolism of thyroxine-binding proteins. The concentration and binding capacity of thyroxine-binding proteins may increase as a whole. The fact that T4 half-life is prolonged and free T4 level stays as before in spite of the rise of PBI in estrogen administration might be due to suppressed decomposition of free T4.
    These results are observed equally in subjects with intact and abnormal thyroid functions, and it is concluded that these phenomena have no relation to the pituitary-thyroid system.
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  • Susumu Majima, Toshio Takahashi, Koichi Yoshida, Katsumi Karube, Tetsu ...
    1967 Volume 93 Issue 4 Pages 363-376
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    In our preliminary attempt at experimental carcinogenesis on the basis of gastric ulcer, we succeeded in producing a chronic penetrating ulcer associated with gelatinous adenocarcinoma in rats. The present study was performed to elucidate the correlation between the induced ulcer and its epithelial proliferation which appeared in that experiment. The method of the present experiment was essentially the same as that of the previous study. Rats were divided into four groups according to the type of pellet inserted into the pouch of the stomach. Namely, (1) group B with beeswax pellet, (2) group BH with pellet of beeswax and histamine phosphate, (3) group BC with pellet of beeswax and 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (carcinogen) and (4) group BHC with beeswax pellet containing both histamine phosphate and 4-nitroquinoline-l-oxide. Animals were sacrificed on 5, 7, 14, 30, 61) and 120 days following insertion of pellet and the mode of ulcer development and process of epithelial proliferation in four groups were compared.
    Necrosis and resultant ulceration of the gastric wall were found at the site of pellet application in all animals of the four groups 14 days after the operation. Most of the once formed ulcers healed with scar tissue in groups B and BH, whereas those in groups BC and BHC where carcinogen was used underwent a change into chronic penetrating ulcers. In such chronic ulcers, epithelial proliferation deep into the scar tissue beneath the ulcer was noted, being especially marked in groups BC and BHC with carcinogenic pellet. A few cases revealed cellular atypism in such deeply penetrating epithelia.
    It was concluded from these facts that in our experimental procedure to produce ulcer-carcinoma in rats, an acute ulcer occurred first which took the chronic process and gradually was followed by epithelial proliferation of various grade originating at the margin and extending deep into the floor of the ulcer.
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  • Tsunenobu Tamura
    1967 Volume 93 Issue 4 Pages 377-379
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Formiminotransferase activity of the liver was not decreased in mice with pyridoxine deficiency induced by either desoxypyridoxine administration or feeding on a pyridoxine deficient-high protein diet for 4 weeks.
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  • Kenkichi Takahashi
    1967 Volume 93 Issue 4 Pages 381-389
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The changes of intracranial pressure (ICP) following experimental cerebral compression, which was caused by the infusion of dental impression material into the extradural space, were studied in dogs.
    Five of eight animals, in which the brain compression was continued for more than 27 minutes, showed a secondary rise of ICP after removal of the infused material. Such a secondary rise of ICP was not observed in the animals in which the compression was relieved in less than 27 minutes.
    Postmortem examination of the brains revealed the following findings: focal lesion of the portion where the adaptor was attached, herniation of the pyriform gyri, narrowing of the ventricles, coalesced hemorrhages in the hypocampus and thalamus, and paling and swelling of the pons and mid-brain. The common microscopic findings were shrinkage of neurons, congestion of blood vessels and perivascular hemorrhages. These findings were obtained in all the cases. In the cases in which the duration of compression was longer and the animals survived a longer period, shrinkage of neurons and peripheral chromatolysis were seen in the medial and lateral reticular substances of the pons and mid-brain. These findings are interpreted as representing an early phase of necrosis.
    It is concluded that the secondary rise of ICP is attributed to the brain swelling due to cerebral compression, which causes acidosis and increase of intra- and/or inter-cellular fluid in the brain tissue.
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  • Teruo Nakayama, Tetsuro Hori
    1967 Volume 93 Issue 4 Pages 391-394
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    In the evoked electromyogram taken with surface electrodes, the onset of the tonic activity was marked by the notch which appeared a few msec later than the onset of the compound action potential. The action potentials were recorded from the M. abd. digiti V in response to the ulnar nerve stimulation in man at the axilla, elbow and wrist. The average conduction velocity of the tonic motor fibers was calculated to be 33 m per see, while that of the kinetic fibers was 58m per see.
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  • Teruo Nakayama, Tetsuro Hori
    1967 Volume 93 Issue 4 Pages 395-403
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The electromyogram taken with surface electrodes is a vector summation of the kinetic and tonic activities. These two are separated by the difference of the thresholds to the dorsal root stimulation as well as by the conduction velocity of the motor fibers concerned. Test stimuli were given to the dorsal root filaments and the conditioning stimuli were applied to the reticular formation and the sensorimotor cortex of the cat. Stimulation of the bulbar reticular formation resulted in an inhibition of the tonic activity both in the gastrocnemius and in the tibialis anterior muscles. On the other hand, the midbrain reticular formation has a facilitatory effect on the kinetic components. Cortical stimulation induced a facilitation of both the kinetic and tonic components.
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  • Seigi Tsuchida
    1967 Volume 93 Issue 4 Pages 405-413
    Published: 1967
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The prognosis of renal tuberculosis was investigated on 234 patients who had been under some medical treatments for the disease in our hospital during a period of 5 years. Complete cure was found in 91% in total, consisting of 100% in an age group of from 10 to 19 years, 95% in one from 20 to 29 years, 92% in one from 30 to 39 years, 90% in one from 40 to 49 years, 87% in one from 50 to 59 years and 89% in one of 60 years or more.
    The pyelograms of these patients were classified according to Lattimer's description into Groups 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4, and examined for their relationship to healing. The percentage of healing was 98% in Group 0, then 97%, 84%, 36% and 0% in Groups 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively.
    A relationship between the healing percentage and the methods of treatments was indicated by the result that the healing percentages were 100% in cases of conservative operations, 95% in cases of nephrectomy, 90% in those of chemotherapy alone, and 69% in those with cystoplasty.
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