The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 142, Issue 3
Displaying 1-13 of 13 articles from this issue
    1984 Volume 142 Issue 3 Pages 231-238
    Published: 1984
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    MINEGISHI, M., TSUCHIYA, S., IMAIZUMI, M., YAMAGUCHI, Y., KONNO, T. and TADA, K. T-Cell Subsets Analyzed by Monoclonal Antibodies in Patients with Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1984, 142 (3), 231-238 - The proportion of T-cell subsets was normal in all patients with X-linked agammaglobulinemia except for an 8-month patient who showed a decrease in OKT8+ T-cell population. In two patients with hypogammaglobulinemia with IgM production, T-cell subsets were normal in distribution and the patients' B cells produced only IgM in culture with autologous T cells. A patient with common variable immunodeficiency showed no imbalance in distribution of T-cell subsets. Imbalance of regulatory T-cell subsets was found in a patient with DiGeorge syndrome and severe combined immunodeficiency.
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    1984 Volume 142 Issue 3 Pages 239-248
    Published: 1984
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    SAKIYAMA, T., NAKABAYASHI, H., SHIMIZU, H., KONDO, W., KODAMA, S. and KITAGAWA, T. A Successful Trial of Enzyme Replacement Therapy in a Case of Argininemia. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1984, 142 (3), 239-248 - A 5-year-old boy with severe mental retardation and spastic quadriplegia accompanied by tonic seizures and hyperammonemia was diagnosed as having argininemia due to an arginase deficiency in his erythrocytes. His motor and mental abilities began to deteriorate at the age of 3 years. Thereafter, he lost his ability to stand alone, to sit and even to crawl by himself. After he was diagnosed as argininemia, a protein restricted diet was given as therapy, which was accompanied with a supplement of essential amino acids. However, his clinical condition had not improved very much. The erythrocytes in a normal person was found to have the ability to decrease the patient's elevated plasma arginine level to normal when they are mixed in vitro. First we tried replacing his red cells by a blood transfusion. Then we replaced them with the aid of an IBM 2997 blood cell separator. Following this his clinical and biochemical condition improved, and as a result so did his sitting and crawling abilities. It appears that the replacement of red blood cells improves not only the clinical and biochemical conditions, but the general condition of the patient as well.
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    1984 Volume 142 Issue 3 Pages 249-260
    Published: 1984
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    HSIEH, S.D., AKANUMA, Y. and TAKAKU, F. A Study of Serum Free C-Peptide Responses to Oral Glucose Load in Diabetic Patients: With Special Reference to Types of Diabetes and Methods of Treatment. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1984, 142 (3), 249-260 - Serum free C-peptide immunoreactivities (serum free CPR) during a 100g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) were measured in 21 patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM, with abrupt onset and ketosis-prone), 57 insulin-treated patients with noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (INIDDM, with gradual onset and not ketosis-prone), 39 oral hypoglycemic agent-treated patients with noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (ONIDDM) and 9 healthy young men for control study. Although the fasting blood glucose value of the INIDDM group was not significantly different from that of the IDDM and ONIDDM groups, the free CPR response at each interval during OGTT in the INIDDM group was significantly higher than that in the IDDM group and lower than that in the ONIDDM group. The sum of serum free CPR during OGTT (∑serum free CPR) was found to be negatively correlated to the duration of insulin treatment either in bivariate or multivariate analysis in INIDDM patients. Using 9.5ng/ml as an index, all ∑serum free CPR values in the ONIDDM group were above this index, whereas all the values except one in the IDDM group were below it. The values in the INIDDM were scattered within the ranges of the other two groups. The insulinogenic index Δ serum free CPR/Δ blood glucose (30min-fasting) of the ONIDDM group was significantly lower than that of normal subjects, although ∑serum free CPR values were not significantly different. The results indicate that: 1. Residual pancreatic B-cell function in INIDDM patients is lower than that in ONIDDM patients and is negatively correlated to the duration of insulin treatment in INIDDM patients. 2. Measuring serum free CPR may be a discriminative method for establishing insulin dependency in insulin-treated patients. 3. Impairment of early insulin secretion after the oral glucose load is a distinguished characteristic of diabetic patients.
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    1984 Volume 142 Issue 3 Pages 261-273
    Published: 1984
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    TAKAHARA, H., SHIBATA, S. and SINOHARA, H., Conformational Differences between Mouse Contrapsin and α-1-Antitrypsin as Studied by Ultraviolet Absorption and Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1984, 142 (3), 261-273 - We have compared the conformation of mouse contrapsin, a novel trypsin inhibitor (Takahara, H. and Sinohara, H. (1982) J. biol. Chem., 257, 2438-2446), and α-1-antitrypsin by UV absorption and CD spectroscopy. The two mouse inhibitors share a similar secondary structure, i.e., 24-29% α-helix, 31% β-sheet, and 10-11% β-turn. The corresponding values for human α-1-antitrypsin are 48, 25, and 9%, respectively. These results suggest that peptide backbone structures of the two mouse inhibitors resemble each other, but differ slightly from that of human α-1-antitrypsin. On the other hand, evidence is accumulated that the microenvironments of aromatic side chains are considerably different in mouse contrapsin and α-1-antitrypsin: (i) An unusual fine vibrational structure was seen in the UV absorption spectra of murine and human α-1-antitrypsins, but not in that of contrapsin. (ii) CD bands in contrapsin which may be assigned to phenylalanyl residues were several-fold greater in intensity than those in the two α-1-antitrypsins. (iii) The above-mentioned bands in contrapsin were more susceptible to pH changes than those in α-1-antitrypsin. (iv) CD bands in contrapsin which may contain unresolved contributions from tyrosyl and tryptophanyl residues also markedly differed from those in the two α-1-antitrypsins. These differences were, however, largely diminished in the presence of 50mM sodium dodecyl sulfate, suggesting that mouse contrapsin and α-1-antitrypsin have a similar structure in the presence of this perturbant.
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    1984 Volume 142 Issue 3 Pages 275-282
    Published: 1984
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    KUSANO, E., NAKAMURA, R., ASANO, Y. and IMAI, M. Distribution of Alpha-Adrenergic Receptors in the Rabbit Nephron. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1984, 142 (3), 275-282 - In order to determine the distribution of alpha-adrenergic receptors within a nephron, a method was used to determine the specific binding of [3H] -prazosin to isolated fragments of rabbit renal tubules. When 10-8moles/liter [3 H]-prazosin was incubated with proximal convoluted tubules, 61.4% of total binding was accounted for specific binding. The [3H]-prazosin binding to the proximal convoluted tubule was a linear function of the tubular length and reversible. It was inhibited with 10-4moles/liter phenoxybenzamine by about 60%, and with 10-4moles/liter norepinephrine by about 25%, but not with either atenolol or isoproterenol. No specific binding of [3H]-prazosin was observed in the proximal straight tubule and in the cortical collecting tubule. These data are in good agreement with the view that alpha-1 adrenergic receptors are mainly distributed in the proximal convoluted tubules.
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    1984 Volume 142 Issue 3 Pages 283-288
    Published: 1984
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    ABE, K., MATSUURA, N., NOHARA, Y., FUJITA, H., FUJIEDA, K., KATO, T. and MIKAMI, Y. Prolactin Response to Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone in Children with Gynecomastia, Premature Thelarche and Idiopathic Precocious Puberty. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1984, 142 (3), 283-288 - Plasma prolactin (PRL) response to synthetic thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) was studied in six patients with pubertal gynecomastia, five patients with premature thelarche and nine female patients with idiopathic precocious puberty. The basal concentration of plasma PRL was higher (p<0.01) in pubertal gynecomastia as compared to control, while baseline plasma PRL levels in premature thelarche and idiopathic precocious puberty were similar to those in controls. Plasma PRL level after TRH in patients with pubertal gynecomastia was higher (p<0.01) than that in control, while plasma PRL responses to TRH in idiopathic precocious puberty and premature thelache were comparable to those controls. The TRH-induced PRL release was more enhanced during treatment with cyproterone acetate (CA) than before CA therapy in four of five patients with idiopathic precocious puberty. These data suggest that the enhanced release of PRL may, at least in part, contribute to breast enlargement in pubertal gynecomastia and that seen in idiopathic precocious puberty and premature thelarche may not depend on the PRL secretion. The prolonged administration of CA enhances the PRL responsiveness to TRH.
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    1984 Volume 142 Issue 3 Pages 289-298
    Published: 1984
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    TAKAHASHI, K., IKENO, N., HOSHIAI, H. and SUZUKI, M. The Effect of Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate on Serum Steroid Concentration in Singleton and Twin Pregnancies and Its Effect on Cervical Canal-Ripening in Singleton Pregnancies. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1984, 142 (3), 289-298 - Each of 20 pregnant women (≥39weeks) was given an intravenous injection of various doses (50, 100, 200 and 400mg) of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHA-S) and each of 5 pregnant women (≥39weeks) was given glucose solution as a control. After the administration of DHA-S, significant increases in serum estrogen concentration, especially estradiol-17β concentration, and in the Bishop score were observed. The maximum increase in the level of estradiol-17β was significantly correlated with the doses of 50-200mg of DHA-S. However, serum levels of estrone or estriol were not dose-dependently increased by DHA-S. Since the rate of conversion of DHA-S to estrogen did not necessarily seem to be dose-dependent, there may be some limitation regarding converted doses of DHA-S. There was a significant correlation between the increase in serum estrogen concentration and the increase in the Bishop score. Two hundred mg DHA-S were administered to 4 subjects pregnant with twins. Serum estrogen concentrations in these subjects were significantly higher than those in singleton pregnancies after the administration.
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    1984 Volume 142 Issue 3 Pages 299-311
    Published: 1984
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    ISHII, M., SUZUKI, H., OHTA, S., OTSUKI, M. and GOTO, Y. Morphologic Study of Cytoskeletal Systems of Mouse Hepatocytes Using Polyethylene Glycol-Embedding Method. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1984, 142 (3), 299-311 - SM mouse livers extracted by immersion in 1% Triton X-100, or in 1% Triton X-100 followed by 0.3M KI were studied electron microscopically using the polyethylene glycol-embedding method. After extraction with 1% Triton X-100, almost all the structural components of hepatocytes remained intact and cytoplasmic filaments could be seen three-dimensionally by using stereopairs of micrographs. It was difficult, however, to discriminate microfilaments, intermediate-sized filaments and microtubules from one anoter in these specimes. By immersion in 1% Triton X-100 followed by 0.3M KI, hepatocytes were extracted remaining only plasma membranes, vesicles and filaments. These filaments were approximately 10nm in diameter, that is intermediate in size. They were branched and were connected with plasma membranes, especilly at desmosomes. The combination method of immersion extraction and PEG-embedding seems to be suitable for the electron microscopic observaton of the cytoskeleton of cells in situ.
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    1984 Volume 142 Issue 3 Pages 313-320
    Published: 1984
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    SUZUKI, M., YOSHIDA, K., SAKURADA, T., KITAOKA, H., KAISE, K., KAISE, N., FUKAZAWA, H., NOMURA, T., ITAGAKI, Y., YAMAMOTO, M., SAITO, S. and YOSHINAGA, K. Monodeiodination of Thyroxine in the Maternal and Fetal Dog Kidneys and Placenta. Tohoku J. exp. Med. 1984, 142 (3), 313-320 - We studied the monodeiodinating activities of the dog placenta and the pregnant dog kidney and compared them with those of the non-pregnant dog kidney and fetal kidney. Each tissue was homogenized in 50mM Tris/HCl buffer, pH 7.5. The homogenate (1mg protein) was incubated with 1μg of T4 at 37°C in the air for 15min or 60min in the presence of 5mM DTT. The T3 and reverse T3 generated in the reaction mixture were extracted into cold ethanol and then measured by RIA. Sulfhydryl group content in each tissue was determined. The characteristics of monodeiodinating activity of the dog placenta were in good concordance with those of the rat and human placentas. Net reverse T3 production in the dog placenta was 1.4-13.2 (6.1±5.3, mean±S.D.) ng/mg protein/μg T4/60min but net T3 production was negligible. Although it seemed that the T3 production/reverse T3 production ratio in the pregnant dog kidney was lower than that in the non-pregnant dog kidney, there was no statistical significance. It is conceivable that the characteristics of deiodination in the placenta are tissue specific, independent of the changes in internal conditions induced by pregnancy. In the fetal dog kidney homogenate, T3 and reverse T3 were metabolized only minimally and productions of T3 and reverse T3 were also very low. An increase in DTT concentration up to 100mM had no effect on the production rates of these triiodothyronines. Total and non-protein SH group contents in the fetal dog kdney homogenate were about the half of those in the maternal tissue. These results indicate that the very low activity of monodeiodination in the dog fetal tissue is not due to the decreased concentration of SH group, but probably due to the qualitative or quantitative difference in the enzyme.
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    1984 Volume 142 Issue 3 Pages 321-335
    Published: 1984
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    FUJIMURA, S., KONDO, T., YAMAUCHI, A., OKABE, T., HANDA, M., SHIONOZAKI, F., SAITO, R., HORIKAWA, M. and NAKADA, T. Rejection Monitoring by Lymphocyte Blastogenesis Assay in Canine Lung Allotransplantation. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1984, 142 (3), 321-335 - Seventy-seven adult mongrel dogs underwent left lung transplantation to study the immunological detection of posttransplant rejection response using the lymphocyte blastogenesis assay. Experimental animals were divied into 3 groups; control autotransplantation (4 dogs), control allotransplantation (32 dogs) and immunosuppressed allotransplantation (41 dogs). The lymphocyte blastogenesis assay included mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR), lymphocyte reactivity to lectins (PHA, ConA and PWM) and spontaneous blastogenesis in peripheral lymphocyte culture methods. The latter two tests were performed in serial blood samples up to the 38th posttransplant day. In the control autotransplant group there were no particular changes in posttransplant PHA reactivities. In the animals with lung allograft, results of preoperative MLR between donor and recipient showed no particular relationships to posttransplant rejection response. The recipient, however, showed a decreased response to PHA and an increased spontaneous blastogenesis at the period undergoing rejection which were confirmed by blood samples taken within 2 days before sacrifice of animals whose transplant specimens showed apparent histologic findings of rejection. In the immunosuppressed allotransplantation group, those findings of PHA response and spontaneous blastogenesis had often preceded the rejection episode detected on chest x-ray films, whereas there were no particular changes in both parameters of dogs bearing enhanced allografts. The serial detection of spontaneous blastogenesis and PHA reactivity in peripheral lymphocyte may be one of the useful methods for early prediction of rejection episode in lung transplantation.
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    1984 Volume 142 Issue 3 Pages 337-346
    Published: 1984
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    KOBAYASHI, Y., TAZAWA, Y., NAKAGAWA, M., SUZUKI, H., KONNO, T. and YAMAMOTO, T.Y. Ultrastructural Changes in Skeletal Muscle of a Patient with Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis Associated with Vitamin E Deficiency. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1984, 142 (3), 337-346 - The skeletal muscle from a patient with familial intrahepatic cholestasis associated with vitamin E deficiency was studied by electron microscopy. The muscle fibers showed a variety of pathologic features including degenerative, necrotic and regenerative changes. Granule-like inclusions found in our biopsy specimens were similar in structure to those observed in vitamin E deficient animals. These inclusions were noted not only in the skeletal muscle fibers but also in endothelial cells of the intramuscular capillaries, Schwann cells and perineural cells. Disruption and disappearance of the plasma membrane, separation, disruption and pleats formation of the external lamina, and multilayered external laminae were observed in muscle fibers most frequently. The nerves among muscle fibers also showed degenerative features. These severely degenerative alterations of the muscle fiber have not so far been reported in vitamin E deficient patients. We discuss the process of cell damages caused by vitamin E deficiency.
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    1984 Volume 142 Issue 3 Pages 347-348
    Published: 1984
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    OKUYAMA, S., SANO, M., AWANO, T., TAKEDA, S., YAMADA-YOKOYAMA, K., TAKAHASHI, K. and MATSUZAWA, T. Gallium Induces Reduction of Negative Charge of the Cell Membrane and Redifferentiation of Cancer Cells. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1984, 142 (3), 347-348 - In order to obtain an insight into the mechanism of experimentally induced redifferentiation of cancer cells, changes in negative charge of the cell membrane were examined by cytopherometry following in vitro exposure of the cancer cells to non-radioactive gallium. Reduction of the negative charge was observed at 24hr and later. The gallium ions must have neutralized the negative charge of the cancer cell membrane to the normal range. This event may contribute in some way to cancer cell redifferentiation.
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    1984 Volume 142 Issue 3 Pages 349-350
    Published: 1984
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    OKUYAMA, S. and MISHINA, H. Decrease in Saturation Density of Mammalian Carcinoma Cell Culture during Exposure to Bestatin, a Clinically Applicable Agent. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1984, 142 (3), 349-350 - Bestatin, one of the small molecular products of Streptomyces olivoreticuli, and a potential immunostim-ulator, was shown to decrease the saturation density of murine carcinoma cell culture. The finding may indicate a possibility of direct action of bestatin upon cancer cells presumably resulting in cancer cell redifferention.
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