The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 61, Issue 1
Displaying 1-12 of 12 articles from this issue
  • Yoshio Saito
    1954 Volume 61 Issue 1 Pages 1-5
    Published: December 25, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • The 4th Report Blood Glycogen Content in Diabetes mellitus and Alloxandiabetes
    Shoichi Yamagata, Yukio Satô, Shoji Nishiyama
    1954 Volume 61 Issue 1 Pages 7-13
    Published: December 25, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    From these experiments on 45 diabetes mellitus patients and allo-xandiabetic rabbits it can be concluded as follows:
    1. As for the blood glycogen content of Type I of diabetes mellitus according to the classification of our Clinic, 25% of them revealed higher values of over 75 mg. %, but 32.1% of Type II showed higher values than the normal value and 7.9% of the latter lower values. Especially the blood glycogen content of Type II tends increase when its compli-cations occur.
    2. As the condition of Type II shows good turns for recovery by means of insulin injection, the blood glycogen content seems to become normal at the same time that the blood sugar normalizes. In these cases insulin works in general to decrease the blood glycogen content in company with the diminution of the blood sugar.
    3. In the first stage of the alloxandiabetes the blood glycogen content is almost unchanged and tends to increase when a secondary hyper-glycemia occurs, while it decreases occasionally before the death of an acute form.
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  • VII. Mitteilung Verhalten der Blutdiastase beim Diabetes mellitus und Alloxandiabetes
    Shoichi Yamagata, Yukio Sato, Nobunori Kanazawa, Ikuji Saito
    1954 Volume 61 Issue 1 Pages 15-21
    Published: December 25, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Aus den obenerwähnten Versuchsergebnissen ist das Folgende abzuleiten:
    1. Die Blutdiastase vermehrt sich um 37.5% and vermindert sich um 12.5% bei der 2. Form des Diabetes mellitus nach Einteilung unserer Klinik, aber vermindert sich bei der 1. Form nur um 9.1%, während die Verminderung der Harndiastase bei der 2. Form 12.5% und bei der 1. Form 40% beträgt.
    2. Der Blutdiastaseeffekt bei Glukosedoppelbelastungsprobe ist negativ bei Diabetesfällen ohne Rücksicht auf Krankheitsformen, aber positiv bei Nichtdiabetikern, ausgenommen einen staubnegativen Glykosuriker, der ein negatives Resultat zeigte.
    3. Die Blutdiastase des alloxandiabetischen Kaninchens ist sehr variabel im Stadium der Anfangshyperglykämie und der nachfolgenden Hypoglykämie, aber neigt sich im Stadium der sekundären Hyperglykämie zur Herabsetzung, während die Blutdiastase der akuten Form rich zur Steigerung neigt.
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  • A Method Proposed for Pathogenic Discrimination of Candida Albicans. II
    Osamu Miura, Shigeo Kusunoki
    1954 Volume 61 Issue 1 Pages 23-26
    Published: December 25, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • CLXXI. A Glucidamin1) and a Neutral Mucopolysaccharide from Pig Spleen
    Kiyosi Ogawa
    1954 Volume 61 Issue 1 Pages 27-37
    Published: December 25, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    A glucidamin and a neutral mucopolysaccharide were separated in an electrophoretically homogeneous state and investigated physically, chemically and serologically.
    Through the Grant Committee for Scientific Researches was given a grant from the Education Department, which enabled us to carry out this work.
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  • IV. DNA of Pig Spleen in High-associated State (A New Method of Preparation of DNA)
    Kiyosi Ogawa
    1954 Volume 61 Issue 1 Pages 39-43
    Published: December 25, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    DNA of pig spleen was separated in a high-associated state by an easy method. The product comprised 15.7% N, 9.1% P and 22.7% ash.
    Through the Grant Committee for Scientific Researches was given a grant from the Education Department in aid to us. H. Masamune.
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  • CLXXII. Comparison of A and O Group Substances from Pig Stomach Mucus
    Zensaku Yosizawa
    1954 Volume 61 Issue 1 Pages 45-54
    Published: December 25, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. Group carbohydrates (polypeptide-polysaccharide complexes) were separated from Group A and Group O pig stomach mucus, and their properties were compared with each other.
    2. They differed not only in group specificity but also in optical rotation and possibly L-fucose content, but not in the other physical and chemical properties examined (composition, HIO4- and NaIO4-use and else).
    3. It looked that the components or partial structures causing the optical rotatory discrepancy between the group carbohydrates are inert to HIO4 and acid.
    Through the Grant Committee for Scientific Researches was given a grant from the Education Department in aid to us. H. Masamune.
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  • Mitsuyoshi Oikawa
    1954 Volume 61 Issue 1 Pages 55-66
    Published: December 25, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The innervation of urogenital organs in a fourth month female em-bryo may be cotlined as follows.
    In the distal part of the ureter, unbranched, and on rarer occasions, simple branched sensory terminations may be found in the propria. How-ever, intraepithelial fibres and glomerular terminations are not yet formed.
    In the bladder, only unbranched and simple branched terminations are observed in formation. In rare cases, intraepithelial fibres were proved to exist.
    In the urethra, sensory fibres run into the propria from the outside wall. Their terminations are also unbranched and simple branched ter-minations, and no genital nerve bodies nor intraepithelial fibres were ob-served.
    In the propria of the uterus, a small number of unbranched termina-tions are found. This fact seems to indicate the presence of sensory ter-minations in adult human uterus.
    In the vaginal wall, scarcely any sensory fibres are verified. Only near the outer orifice, a small number of unbranched terminations were observed. In the vestibulum vaginae, the number of sensory fibres is much larger, the terminations being mostly of unbranched type. In the labium minus, the number increases further, unbranched and simple branched terminations being in evidence, but no complex branched terminations nor genital nerve bodies are found.
    As sensory terminations in the clitoris, Pacinian bodies may be men-tioned first. Their number is yet very small, and their formation is found around the tunica albuginea of the corpus cavernosum clitoridis, and on rare occasions, in the corpus cavernosum glandis. It is interesting to note that Pacinian bodies are formed in places in the fascial formation around the pubis, unrelated with the clitoris. These Pacinian bodies are naturally in the inchoate stage of development by fourth month embryo.
    In the clitoris, no genital nerve bodies are found, not even a trace of them. Sensory terminations other than the Pacinian bodies are repre-sented by unbranched and extremely simple branched terminations, which are formed in the tunica propria glandis and the connective tissue in the praeputium in particular. In the terminal parts of the branches of n. dorsalis clitoridis, frequently very thick sensory fibres are seen branching out in several branches, which seems to show the fact that one thick nerve fibre may run out in a number of nerve terminations, or probably in many genital nerve bodies.
    In conclusion, I may mention the interesting fact that intraepithelial fibres are already seen in formation in the common epithelium between the inner lamella of the praeputium and the glans clitoridis, although, maybe, in a much lower stage of development than in a seventh month embryo (Seto), and that they are clearly distinguished into two separate types (Seto) in formation.
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  • Masamichi Goto
    1954 Volume 61 Issue 1 Pages 67-76
    Published: December 25, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The nasal vestibule is already in good development in the latter stage of the embryonic life, and is divisible, as in adult, primarily into the cutaneous part overgrown with hairs and the mucous part succeeding it on the inner side. In the latter part, however, the distinction of the three parts of the corneal, the noncorneal and the transitional, distinguished by the nature of the epithelium and the formation of papillae, is not yet sufficiently clear. In 6th month embryos, the corneal part is nearly complete, but the non-corneal and transitional parts are both surfaced with thick stratified columnar epithelium, so that their boundary is not clear-cut. In 10th month embryos, the surface of the epithelium in the frontal half of the non-corneal part has changed to stratified flat epithelium, but the rear half remains as yet surfaced with stratified columnar epithelium, and the boundary between the non-corneal and the transitional part remains yet undefined. Papillae are formed in considerable development in the cor-neal part, but almost none in the non-corneal part.
    The end apparatus of the vegetative nerve fibres is completed as Stohr's terminal-reticulum, and stands in tactile control against the nasal glands, the blood vessels, in particular, the capillaries.
    There are comparatively few sensory nerve fibres supplying the mucous membrane of the nasal vestibule. Most of the fibres run into the lamina propria and end beneath the epithelium and some run further into the epithelium to end as intraepithelialfibres. As sensory fibres penetrate preferentially into papillae, the corneal part having papillae is provided with better developed sensory fibres than the non-corneal part without papillae. That is, the sensory fibres in the corneal part are generally thick and end in somewhat differentiated terminations, while the non-corneal part are mostly minute and end in simple ones. But these sensory terminations are as yet in much lower stage of development in comparison with those in adult, mostly being represented by the simple unbranched endings, especially in 6th month embryos.
    The second type of sensory terminations is represented by the simple branched terminations composed of 2-3 rami which are found rather often in the 10th month embryos. The third type of sensory nerve endings is corpuscular in form, but such terminal bodies are as yet not formed in the latter stage of embryonic life. But the terminations showing a very simple glomerular arrangement of sensory fibres, presumably precursors of such bodies, are in some cases found in the major papillae in the corneal part.
    The fourth type of sensory endings, the intraepithelial fibres, has been proved to exist in the latter embryonic stage, but their infantile form and small number seem to indicate their full-fledged development to be post-poned till after birth. Namely, in 6th month embryo, the intraepithelial fibres are very few in number, are minutely thin and end unbranched after running a short course. In 10th month embryos, these fibres appear with greater incidence, and their terminal mode becomes more complex. For example, in the non-corneal part, there are seen often also bifurcated terminations, and in the corneal part, also branched intraepithelial fibres of medium size. Besides, in both the above parts, many sensory terminal fibres are found touching the basal layer of the epithelium or slightly penetrating it. These fibres probably develop into intraepithelial fibres in post-natal life.
    Into the strongly developed papillae in the frontal area of the corneal part penetrate stout sensory never fibres to end there sharply or bluntly, but unlike those in adult, none of them has ever been found to run further up into the epithelium, to end as the peculiar thick and short intraepithelial fibre.
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  • Masamichi Goto
    1954 Volume 61 Issue 1 Pages 77-81
    Published: December 25, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Toshiyuki Ozaki
    1954 Volume 61 Issue 1 Pages 83-92
    Published: December 25, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1) A method for the differential estimation of noradrenaline and ad-renaline by employing the permanganate reagent was described in detail.
    2) This method depends on the fact that the two substances are oxidized at pH 3.6 with permanganate in the different oxidation rates. At pH 3.6, adrenaline is completely oxidized within 2 minutes, whereas only less than 10 per cent of noradrenaline can be oxidized during the same oxidation time. At pH 5.6, however, both noradrenaline and ad-renaline are fully oxidized within 3 minutes.
    3) For differential assay of noradrenaline and adrenaline in a mix-ture, a sample for assay is oxidized at pH 3.6 for 2 minutes and at pH 5.6 for 3 minutes. By determining the colour densities, the amount of norad-renaline and adrenaline can be calculated from the given formulas.
    4) The method has been applied successfully to the medulli-adrenal extracts of cattle and horses. In practising, the colour tint of the extracts and the standard adrenaline solution after oxidation was almost similar.
    The noradrenaline content estimated per g. of adrenal medullary tissue was 2.89mg. (1.02-4.57mg.) in cattle and 1.95mg. (1.47-2.63mg.) in horses. The adrenaline content was estimated to be 7.03mg. (4.57-9.47mg.) in the former and 8.70mg. (7.35-10.47mg.) in the latter. Therefore, noradrenaline was found in the medullary tissue in an amount of 29% (14-39%) of the total in cattle and of 18.5% (12-26%) in horse.
    I wish to thank Prof. T. Suzuki, at whose suggestion this work was carried out, for much valuable advice and encouragement. I am greatly indebted to Drs. T. Kawachi and Y. Baba in Mitsui Institute of Industrial Medicine for practising the spectrophotometric determinations.
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  • Kimiho Irinoda, Seizo Sato
    1954 Volume 61 Issue 1 Pages 93-104
    Published: December 25, 1954
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    By clinical observation on so-called “Shibi-Gattchaki” patients and the experimental study on young riboflavin-deficient rabbits we have ob-tained the following results;
    1. The deficiency of riboflavin mostly caused degenerative changes (vacuolar degenerations), regenerative process (compensatory vascularization) and reactive chronic inflammation in the avascular or hypovascular
    organ such as the cornea, inner layer of the retina.
    2. Ocular manifestation of ariboflavinosis including its latent state occurred considerably frequently in human beings as well as in animals, as compared with other signs.
    3. Ocular symptom, like other various clinical signs, are patho-gnomonically reliable.
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