The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 39, Issue 3
Displaying 1-7 of 7 articles from this issue
  • Yutaka Noda
    1940 Volume 39 Issue 3 Pages 205-210
    Published: December 31, 1940
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Shooichi Tomota, Hideki Saitoo
    1940 Volume 39 Issue 3 Pages 211-214
    Published: December 31, 1940
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Durch Einwirkung des Trockenpräparats (Aceton-Äther-Verfah-ren) von Bac. subtilis, Staphylococcus, Timotheebazillen und Sarcina
    wurde Hippursäure angegriffen, durch dasienige von Bac. coli, Bac. proteus, Bac. prodigiosus, Salm. enteritidis (Gärtner) und Bac. pyocya-neus aber nicht.
    Benzoyldiglycin zeigte starke Resistenz gegenüber diesen Bak-terienenzympräparaten.
    Die hier untersuchten Enzyrnpräparate der Bakterien konnten nicht Dibenzoylornithin hydrolysieren, wie dies auch bei den Tier- und Htihnergeweben der Fall war.
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  • 140th Report of the Peroxidase Reaction. (87th Human Milk Study.)
    Fumio Ohta
    1940 Volume 39 Issue 3 Pages 215-226
    Published: December 31, 1940
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. Lactic acid content of milk samples strongly or normally posi-tive to Arakawa's reaction was 4.5_??_8.6 mgrms. % being 6.1 rngrms. % on an average (Cf. Table 1). Lactic acid content of milk samples weakly positive to Arakawa's reaction was 5.7_??_15.0 mgrms., be-ing 9.7 mgrms. % on an average (Cf. Table 3). Thus, lactic acid con-tent of milk sample weakly positive to A r a k a w a's reaction was aver-agingly larger by about 60 than that of those strongly or normally positive to it (Cf. Table 5). Lactic acid content of milk samples com-pletely or almost negative to Arakawa's reaction was 6.6_??_22.5 mgrms. %, being 12.3 rngrms. on an average (Cf. Table 4). Thus, lactic acid content of milk samples completely or almost negative to Arakawa's reaction was larger averagingly by about 100% than that of those strongly or normally positive to it, and the Arakawa-negative milk sample was larger averagingly by about 84, %/ than the Arakawa-positive one (Cf. Table 5).
    2. There was no definite relation between lactic acid content of human milk on one side, and on the other side, the age of lactating mothers, the age of infants, or feeding of infants (exclusively or subsi-diarily breast-fed), respectively (Cf. Tables 7, 8 and 9).
    3. As above stated, the difference of lactic acid content of human milk was the more pronounced, as the difference of the Arakawa's reaction was the more divergent. But among cases of the same inten-sity of the Arakawa's reaction, mothers with vitamin B intake show-ed a smaller content of lactic acid of milk samples than those with no vitamin B intake (Cf. Table 10).
    As has been repeatedly shown by a number of papers from this Laboratory, mothers with milk negative to Arakawa's reaction are generally in a state of B-avitaminosis. So it will be agreed that milk with a large lactic acid content will be found much more frequently in B-avitaminotic mothers than in healthy ones.
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  • 141st Report of the Peroxidase Reaction. (88th Human Milk Study.)
    Haruka Umemura
    1940 Volume 39 Issue 3 Pages 227-247
    Published: December 31, 1940
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Human milk negative to Arakawa's reaction is generally B-avitaminotic milk as has has been shown by a number of papers from our Laboratory. Mothers with negative Arakawa's reaction will show an increase of chlorine excretion and urine output per day after an administration of vitamin B, while little or no increase will' be seen in spite of the administration in mothers with positive Arakawa's reaction.
    The reason why the increase of the whole day amount of chlorin was the most remarkable in cases with negative Arakawa's reaction, and the least remarkable in cases with positive reaction is very simply explained, if the results published in my preceding papers are taken into consideration. In Arakawa-negative cases an abnormal retention of chlorin occurs in the body, while in Arakawa-positive mothers very little retention, if any, is seen. A remarkable increase in urine output after an administration of vitamin B will demonstrate the fact that in mothers with negative Arakawa's reaction a (-n abnormal) retention of water occurs.
    The result of experiment of other authors above cited is parallel with my own result. It is very probable that, viewed from the effect of vitamin B on urine of mothers with negative Arakaw a's reaction, theArakawa-negative human milk will pass for a B-avitaminotic milk* even to the exclusion of other points of view.
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  • 142nd Report of the Peroxidase Reaction. (89th Human Milk Study.)
    Fumio Ohta
    1940 Volume 39 Issue 3 Pages 248-277
    Published: December 31, 1940
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    In the present work I determined lactic acid content of milk sam-ples, taken from both breasts of 200 lactating mothers, by T s u k a z a-ki's11) micro method, and obtained the following results:-
    1. Lactic acid content of the Arakawa-positive milk showed an average of 8.7mgrms. % and the Arakawa-negative milk an average of 13.7 mgrms. %, while that of all the milk samples showed an aver-age of 12.2mgrms. % (Cf. Table 10). The average of the values of Arakawa-negative milk is larger by about 57% than that of Arakawa-positive milk (Cf. Table 10). Generally speaking, the more remarka-ble the degree of negativity is, the larger is the lactic acid content (Cf. Tables 10 and 11).
    2. As stated above, Arakawa-negative milk is generally abun-dant in lactic acid, while Arakawa-positive milk is generally poor in it. Now, in mothers with different A r a k a w a's reaction on both breasts-, for instance, in mothers with Arakawa-positive milk on the right and with Arakawa-negative milk on the left-, the same rule applies. But in such mothers an average of the lactic acid content on the positive side (10.2mgrms. %) is larger than that in mothers with milk of the same positivity on both breasts (7.9 mgrms. %), as has been shown in Table 12 A. And in mothers with completely Araka-wa-negative milk on only one breast, aiaverage of the lactic acid con-tent of that negativity (14.5mgrms. %) is slightly lower than that in mothers with milk of the same negativity on both breasts (15.2mgrms. %), as has been shown in Table 12 B.
    3. In mothers with very different reaction on different breasts, the general rule between lactic acid content of milk sample and Arakawa's reaction applies generally (Cf. Table 13 A and B). But in such mothers, an average of the lactic acid content of the Arakawa-positive side (11.6mgrms. %) is remarkably higher than that of mothers with the same positivity on both breasts (7.9mgrms. %), and slightly higher than that of mothers with the same positivity on only one breast (10.2mgrms. %), as has been shown in Tables 12 A and 13 A. And in such mothers, an average of the lactic acid content of the com-pletely Arakawa-negative side (14.8mgrms. %) is slightly lower than that of mothers with the same negativity on both breasts (15.2mgrms. %), and almost the same as that of mothers with the same negativity on only one breast (14.5mgrms. %), as Table 13 A and B show.
    4. Among cases of the same intensity of Arakawa's reaction, lactating mothers with vitamin B intake showed generally a lower value of lactic acid content of milk than those without it (Cf. Table 10 of Part 1 and Table 6 of Part 2).
    5. Lactic acid content both of Arakawa-positive and -negative milks showed a slight increase as the age of mothers advanced (Cf. Table 7).
    6. Lactic acid content both of Arakawa-positive and -negative milks showed the highest value in the 1st month of the delivery. From the 2nd month of lactation the content decreased somewhat suddenly both in Arakawa-positive and -negative milks. Then it kept almost constant up to the 12th month of lactation, and then it increased again, especially so in Arakawa-positive milks, though it did not attain so high a value as within the 1st month of the delivery (Cf. Table 8).
    7. An average of the values of lactic acid content both of Ara-kawa-positive and -negative milks was higher in the group of infants, subsidiarily breast-fed, than in the group of infants exclusively breast-fed, especially so in ones nursed with Arakawa-positive milk (Cf. Table 9).
    8. An average of the value of lactic acid content of both Araka-wa-positive and -negative milks was larger in spring and summer than in autumn and winter, and the highest in summer. The fluctuation range between the maximum and the minimum values of both Araka-wa-positive and -negative milks was wider in spring and summer than in autumn and winter. It was the widest in summer (Cf. Table 14).
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  • I. Mitteilung: Beeinflussung der Milchsäureresynthese nach Laktatinjektion durch Vagusdurchschneidung
    Minoru Miura
    1940 Volume 39 Issue 3 Pages 278-288
    Published: December 31, 1940
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • II. Mitteilung: Beeinflussung der Wirkung der vegetativen Gifte auf den intermediären Kohlehydratstoffwechsel in der Leber durch Vagusdurchschneidung
    Minoru Miura
    1940 Volume 39 Issue 3 Pages 289-318
    Published: December 31, 1940
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Im vorliegenden Versuch wurde bei Kaninchen, das der Leber zufliessende arterielle Blut and Pfortaderblut sowie das davon abflies-sende Lebervenenblut entnommen and die Beeinflussung des damn enthaltenen Zucker-and Milchsäuregehaltes durch vegetative Gifte, wie Pilokarpin, Atropin, Adrenalin and endlich Ergotainin beobachtet and im Anschluss daran über Einflüsse beiderseitiger Vagusdurch-schneidung, die dicht unterhalb der Lebergegend erfolgte, auf obige Pilokarlin-, Atropin-, Adrenalin-and Ergotaminwirkung untersucht.
    1. Durch intravenöse Injektion von grosser Pilokarpindosen (3mg pro kg Körpergewicht)erfahren der Zucker-and Milchsäurespigel im arteriellen, Pfortader-and Lebervenenblut gleicherweise Steige-rungen, diese Steigerung ist im Lebervenenblut höchstgradig. Grosse Pilokarpindosen sind also befähigt, die Zuckerbildung in der Leber zu fördern and zugleich aber auch die Milchsäurebildwig in diesem Organ zu veranlassen.
    2. Diese Pilokarpinwirkung verstärkt sick durch Vagusdurch-schneidung.
    3. Durch intravenöse Injektion von grossen Atropindosen (0, 5mg pro kg KOrpergewicht) erhöht sich der Zuckerspiegel in 3 Blut-arten ausnahmslos, these Erhöhung tritt besonders inn Lebervenenblut aufs intensivste zutage. Tin Gegensatz hierzu sinkt der Blutmilch-säurespiegel im arteriellen and Pfortaderblut mässig ab, wohingegen er fin Lebervenenblut allein ziemlich erhöht ist. Grosse Atropindosen sind demgemäs imstande, die Glykogenmobilisierung in der Leber zu fördern und dadurch den Zucker-und Milchsäurespiegel in dem venosen, aus der Leber ausströmenden Blut zu steigern.
    4. Bei vagotomierten Kaninchen tritt die Wirkung des Atro-pins, das Leberglykogen zu mobiliseren, mehr in den Vordergrund.
    5. Durch intravenöse Injektion von grossen Adrenalindosen (0, 5mg pro kg Körpergewicht) erfahren der Zucker-und Milchsäurespiegel in 3 Blutarten ohne Ausnahme Steigerungen, deren Grad im Leber-venenblut am intensivsten ist. Hieraus geht also zur Genuge hervor, dass das Adrenalin die Mobilisation des . Leberglykogens fordert und somit auch Hyperglykämie und Hype rlaktazidämie im Lebervenen-blut herbeizuführen vermag.
    6. Die eben erwähnte Adrenalinwirkung wird durch beidersei-tige Vagusdurchschneidung gefördert.
    7. Selbst nach intravenöser Injektion von grossen Ergotamin-dosen (1mg pro kg Körpergewicht) vermehren sich der Zucker-und Milchsäuregehalt in 3 Blutarten, vor allem aber tritt these Verineh rung auch fin Lebervenenblut im höchsten Grad auf. Grosse Ergo-tamindosen üen also auf den Zucker-und Milchsäureumsatz in der Leber analoge Wirkung wie das Adrenalin aus.
    8. Obige Ergotaminwirkung wird durch Vagusdurchschneidung gefördert.
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