The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 84, Issue 3
Displaying 1-10 of 10 articles from this issue
  • Masahiro Maki, Iwao Kikuchi, Akira Murakami
    1964 Volume 84 Issue 3 Pages 201-214
    Published: December 25, 1964
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Degradation products having various grades of molecular weight were derived from fibrinogen by plasmin action. A highly purified anticoagulant-active substance was obtained by the combined use of ammonium sulfate fractionation and column chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. This sub-stance has the ability to inhibit completely the clotting of whole blood in a concentration of 1-1.5%, to prolong the thrombin clotting time, and to produce a macroscopically and interference-phase-contrast-microscopically abnormal clot structure. Positive eephalin-cholesterol flocculation test was also observed by adding the digest products to serum.
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  • Eiji Takahashi
    1964 Volume 84 Issue 3 Pages 215-227
    Published: December 25, 1964
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Seasonal variation of conception rate and suicide death ratio is studied on the data of UN and WHO. Although the peak of conception curve coincides with that of suicide death ratio in most European countries and in Japan, the fact is not universal. The peak of the seasonal variation of conception rate moves from midsummer in subfrigid climate countries to winter in subtropical countries. Such geographic alteration does not seem to be found by suicide death ratio, though the data are not enough to conclude it, and the peak of the curve seems to be always in spring.
    The peak of the seasonal conception curve is usually found in the season when the monthly average temperature is about 20°C. However, in most European countries and in Japan the curve rises only in spring. By Japanese data, the peak of the seasonal variation of suicide deaths moves by age group. The younger the subject, the earlier in spring the peak appears.
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  • Tsuneo Shiratori, Kazuo Takakura, Shigeo Kikuchi, Shiro Takase, Hyoe K ...
    1964 Volume 84 Issue 3 Pages 228-235
    Published: December 25, 1964
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Motor function of the canine stomach was studied by means of electromyo-graphy with special interest in the difference in motility of various portions of this organ. The peristaltic discharges were found to originate approximately at a level between the upper and the middle third of the stomach and proceed downwards toward the pylorus, the fundic portion of the stomach thus being electromyographically inert. The discharges at the pyloric antrum were as a rule larger in amplitude, greater in velocity and longer in duration than those at the gastric body. This apparently indicates that the pyloric antrum is the most important portion of the stomach in regard to its motility. It was further revealed that the propagation velocity of the discharges was greater in those with longer discharge intervals, and greater in antiperistaltic discharges than in normoperistaltic ones. The discharges in the duodenum appeared to be independent of those in the stomach.
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  • Otto Fresen
    1964 Volume 84 Issue 3 Pages 236-242
    Published: December 25, 1964
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The cytologically demonstrable storage in the retothelial system (RS) has become a model test of its functions. A substance suitable for clearance tests, determination of the pattern of distribution and histological changes of the RS must yield stable, metabolically largely inert colloidal solution of known molecular size; the storage must be reversible without any disturbances; it must be also suitable for quantitative determination and morphological identification. In order to gain criteria for the evaluation of the functional behavior of the RS the fate of 32P labelled K-Na-polyphosphate was investigated in rabbits in serial tests over some period of time. The extrarenal clearance shows in semi-logarithmic representation a straight line as an exponential function of time; the elimination half-life increases with dosage, due to a saturation effect, and may go as far as blockade; excretion in the urine within 10 days is in 20 per cent of the administered activity. The actual pattern of distribution shows about 40 per cent to be present in liver and bone marrow. The intensity of storage was found in the decreasing order of spleen, bone marrow and liver. The turnover of P is obviously most intense in the bone marrow in con-nection with hematopoiesis. The functional capacity of the PS is greatest in the mouse and smallest in the dog, the rabbit being intermediate. Preferred site and intensity of storage vary with different species of animal but are characteristic enough for each species to make possible comparative investi-gations of the RS under varied conditions.
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  • Isao Yamane, Toshihisa Kusano
    1964 Volume 84 Issue 3 Pages 243-249
    Published: December 25, 1964
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    A cell line was obtained from the liver of neonatal dd albino mice. At the second transfer after the primary culture, cell growth of all the culture ceased. Mitotic figures were not observed in these stages, during such period medium exchange was continued every 2-3 days. The cells which attached for a while to the glass surface, became larger containing abundant granules and were gradually degenerated. About a month after the primary culture, a colony of pavement-like arrangement was observed microscopically. These cells were able to be subcultured into all subsequent generations and ultimately to produce large mass of cells. This culture has had triploid range of chromosome mode.
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  • Göran Enhörning, Tetsuro Fujiwara, Forrest H. Adams
    1964 Volume 84 Issue 3 Pages 250-255
    Published: December 25, 1964
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    A fluid flowing from the trachea of fetal lambs was collected and its surface active components were concentrated by foaming. The foam showed a greater concentration of active phospholipids and a greater surface stability than did the crude lung fluid. The residuum after foaming had less phospholipids, and less surface stability than the crude lung fluid.
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  • J. Kulcsár Gergely, A. Kulcsár, I. Dévényi
    1964 Volume 84 Issue 3 Pages 256-258
    Published: December 25, 1964
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Sixty-five rats were thyroidectomized and ovariectomized at the same time. After this we performed liver lesion with CCl4 according to Kaufmann. The livers of these animals were compared with the livers of those treated similarly but with intact endocrine system. A light fibrosis was noted in the livers of the former group while in the latter there was a regular development of cirrhosis. Therefore a previous thyroidectomy and ovariectomy served to protect the liver from CCl4 damage.
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  • Tetsuo Maki, Noriyoshi Suzuki
    1964 Volume 84 Issue 3 Pages 259-273
    Published: December 25, 1964
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Although a number of theories are available on the mechanism of separation of gallstone ingredients from bile, nothing is practically known as to how the separated ingredients coagulate and solidify in bile to form gallstones. This paper presents a theory on coagulation in bile of gallstones on the basis of a series of experimental facts. An outline of the theory is as follows: The gallstone ingredients separated from bile first form stable lyophobic colloids, but the stability of the colloids is soon decreased by effects of inorganic electrolytes (electrostatic effect) and high-molecular-weight organic substances (electrostatic effect and bridging action) of bile and the colloids are deposited as flocks. The flocks then gradually solidify under the influence of various types of kinetic energies that are exerted by the organism and are ultimately transformed into solid gallstones. In support of this theory, gallstone-like concrements were actually produced in vitro using a suspension of human bile sediment consisting mainly of calcium bilirubinate. This theory may also be applicable, to some extent, to the coagulation mechanism of other substances separated from a colloidal solution in the living organism.
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  • Masahiro Maki, Iwao Kikuchi, Setsumi Watanabe, Eisei Kikuchi
    1964 Volume 84 Issue 3 Pages 274-281
    Published: December 25, 1964
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Plasma samples obtained from 3 cases of a severe hemorrhagic disorder with hypofibrinogenemia during pregnancy were not clotted by simple addition of thrombin but clotted with thromboplastin-calcium or toluidine blue-thrombin. Laboratory results revealed severe coagulation defects and elevated fibrinolytic activity. In these cases, fibrinogen concentration determined by a procedure of centrifugation after heating at 56°C was markedly higher than that obtained by adding thromboplastin-calcium or toluidine blue-thrombin. The facts suggest that a significant amount of digest products of fibrinogen by plasmin, which are still coagulable by heating and have an anticoagulant activity, must be present in the patients' plasma.
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  • Takashi Iwamatsu
    1964 Volume 84 Issue 3 Pages 282-298
    Published: December 25, 1964
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Narrowing of the intestinal lumen and a circulatory disturbance are the two basic factors involved in intestinal obstruction. This paper analyzes the effect of each of these factors upon the motility of the canine intestine by means of electromyography during experimentally induced mechanical obstruction and vascular occlusion. EMG in simple mechanical obstruction is characterized by an increase followed by a decrease in the intensity of spike discharges, in which course there is a period where a group of intensified spike bursts and a resting interval appear alternately. The change in EMG on vascular occlusion also con-sists of intensification and subsequent debilitation of the discharges, but on this occasion the progress is quite rapid and the resting interval is never observed. EMG on strangulating obstruction includes the manifestation of mechanical obstruction and that of vascular occlusion, and the former is prevalent in the case of mild strangulation and the latter in the case of acute, complete strangula-tion. The ease with which the intestine resumes its motility on removal of the cause of intestinal obstruction largely depends on the duration of obstruction, the maximum duration assuring a complete recovery being approximately 24 hours for simple mechanical obstruction and about two hours for vascular occlusion.
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