The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 102, Issue 3
Displaying 1-8 of 8 articles from this issue
    1970 Volume 102 Issue 3 Pages 209-223
    Published: 1970
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Partial sensory deprivation for 4 to 6 hours were performed in 8 normal subjects, and in 6 depressive and 13 schizophrenic patients. Seven normal subjects showed gradual slowing of EEG, whereas 6 schizophrenics and 4 depressive patients showed fluctuating changes in their EEG's during sensory deprivation. The most sensitive EEG frequency band during sensory deprivation was the α band, particularly that around the 10 cycles per second waves in all subjects. The schizophrenics also showed marked changes in the wave region of 14 to 17 cycles per second. When analysis of the β band waves was made, neither depressive patients nor normal individuals showed any increase of fast α activities during sensory deprivation. On the other hand, 5 schizophrenics showed increase in the fast α activities. When comparison was made between EEG and mental symptoms during sensory deprivation, delusion and auditory hallucination tended to be associated with more frequent fast α activities, indicating an elevation of the level of conciousness.
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    1970 Volume 102 Issue 3 Pages 225-232
    Published: 1970
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    In animal experiments, the activity of 161 thalamic pulvinar neurons was studied in cats using the following stimuli; bending hairs, tapping the superficial and deep tissues, pinching the skin, scratching the peritoneum, stretching the mesentery, administration of acetylcholine and bradykinin into the mesenteric artery, and presentation of tones and light. Approximately a half of the pulvinar neurons responded to either of these stimuli. Occlusion among somatic, visceral, visual and auditory inputs was a common observation. The stereotaxic thalamotomy was performed on 20 patients suffering from intractable pain. Complete relief of the pain without appreciable sensory loss was obtained in 12 cases, which consisted of 10 cases of malignant tumor and 2 cases of postcerebrovascular disease. Good or fair effect was obtained in 8 cases. The anatomical verification of 2 brains indicated that each of the dorsal pulvinar nucleus, the fornix and the corpus callosum was partially destroyed. It is suggested that excellent effects may be expected, if the operation is performed stereotaxically on patients who need narcotics or strong analgesics for pain relief.
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    1970 Volume 102 Issue 3 Pages 233-263
    Published: 1970
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The electron microscopic studies were carried out in order to detect tumor virus from the biopsy materials of cancer- and leukemic-tissues in man. Metastatic cancer tissues of lymph gland obtained from the patients with stomach or lung cancer, and leukemic tissues of lymph gland and spleen from a patient with acute myeloid leukemia were also used for the studies. Virus-like particles about 100-150mμ in size, each of which has a core about 60-70mμ in size, were found in the cytoplasm or cytoplasmic vacuoles of the metastatic lymph gland tissue cells from the patients with stomach or lung cancer. Mature C-type virus-like particles about 100mμ in size, each of which has a core about 60mμ in size, were found in the cytoplasm of leukemic cells of spleen and lymph gland tissues from a patient with acute myeloid leukemia. These virus-like particles may be an inducer in the process of carcino- and leukemogenesis in man as in animals. A variety of nuclear bodies and the osmiophilic nuclear particles resembling the core of cytoplasmic virus-like particles in size were found in the nucleus of cancer cells from the patients with stomach or lung cancer. These osmiophilic nuclear particles might be formed in the nuclear bodies, removed to the nuclear membrane, then extruded through the nuclear membrane into the cytoplasm and the outer shell of the cytoplasmic virus-like particles might be formed in the cytoplasm. In the extra-cellular space of cancer cells, doughnut-shaped small particles about 60-80mμ in size were demonstrated together with the virus-like particles, one of which seems to be in a process of budding.
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    1970 Volume 102 Issue 3 Pages 265-272
    Published: 1970
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Male rats of Wistar strain, weighing 250-350g were given 5, 000 R and 7, 000 R, respectively, to their right lungs. Samples were taken from non-irradiated areas (left lung) and atelectatic areas of irradiated lung. Histologic sections were made and alveolar bubble stability was estimated. The data were compared with those of control rats. The results indicate that following irradiation the atelectatic areas show decreased alveolar bubble stability ratios, suggesting the diminution of alveolar lining surface-active material.
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    1970 Volume 102 Issue 3 Pages 273-281
    Published: 1970
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    A characteristic vascular architecture of renal adenocarcinoma distinct from that of other tumors was revealed by histological and angiological analyses. In this tumor cancer cell alveoli were directly coated with vascular endothelial cells, and interalveolar spaces constituted complicated sinusoidal blood spaces, which were different in shape from anastomosing blood vessels. Immediately beneath the tumor capsule, the blood spaces were found to receive blood from the capsular arteries, and the sinusoids drained into the veins in a pattern similar to that of hepatic sinusoids and central veins. Such a vascular structure was found also in certain endocrine organs including the adrenal gland. The particular vascular structure of renal adenocarcinoma was interpreted as predisposing exfoliation of cancer cells into the blood spaces and blood-brone metastasis. In angiographical treatments, ‘pooling’, ‘puddling’ and other unusual findings were observed on account of pooling or stagnation of contrast medium in complicated blood spaces. Expanded blood spaces, which might develop after tumor necrosis, exhibited the pictures of ‘laking’ or ‘a-v fistula’.
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    1970 Volume 102 Issue 3 Pages 283-288
    Published: 1970
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The desaturation of stearic acid to oleic acid was examined in vitro using 10, 000×g supernatant fraction of the liver specimens biopsied from the patients. The desaturation rates by the liver specimens from the malignant neoplastic cases were relatively lower than those in the nonmalignant cases. The addition of oleic and linoleic acids into the reaction mixture inhibited the desaturation of stearic acid-1-14C by the liver specimens from the non-malignant cases, whereas in the liver specimens from the malignant neoplastic cases such inhibitory effects appeared to be lost.
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    1970 Volume 102 Issue 3 Pages 289-312
    Published: 1970
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The author has observed more than 15, 000 patients with infectious diseases during the past 30 years and studied the host-parasite relation in infectious diseases. The adaptation of the human body to the internal environment is maintained by an autoadaptation mechanism operating upon the biological binary digit. That is, the autoadaptation mechanism consists of two antagonistic systems which are composed of many antagonistic links: two nerves (the sympathetic nerves and the parasympathetic nerves) of the autonomic nervous system - two phases (rise and drop) of mitosis of the neutropoietic system in the bone marrow - two defense reactions (the cell-stimulant factor reaction and the antibody-antigen reaction) - two defense reaction fields (the field of cell-stimulant factor reaction and that of antibody-antigen reaction). These binary antagonistic links are connected together into two systems which are antagonistically controlled by the two nerves of the autonomic nervous system, showing physiologically an antagonistic-constant relation. Thus, life is maintained in a most suitable and purposeful way.
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    1970 Volume 102 Issue 3 Pages 313-314
    Published: 1970
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The oxidation of propionate and methylmalonate was investigated in leukocytes from a patient with hyperglycinemia. It was found that the patient's leukocytes could oxidize both propionate and methylmalonate normally. These findings suggest that hyperglycinemia consists of primary type and secondary type.
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