This paper is a supplementary note of the first report of this series of study (Tohoku J. Exper. Med., 1962, 78, 264). The details of assay method of proteolytic activity in the euglobulin fraction which included assay of total plasmin, spontaneous fibrinolytic, fibrinogenolytic and caseinolytic activities were described from the standpoint of clinical test.
The following points were emphasized: (1) The determination of plasmin system should be done as early as possible after the collection of blood samples, because enzyme activity of stored plasma, especially of free plasmin is labile and changeable, (2) one of causes of decrease of total plasmin, proteolytic activity of SK-activated euglobulin, seems to result from plasminogen consumption by previous enhancement of fibrinolysis, (3) spontaneous proteolytic activity of the euglobulin fraction reflects closely
in vivo changes under the lesser influence of antiplasmin and (4) different kinds of substrates, at least casein and fibrin, should be used for the determination of spontaneous activity of the euglobulin fraction.
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