The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 81, Issue 2
Displaying 1-8 of 8 articles from this issue
  • Shoichi Yamagata, Akira Ohneda
    1963 Volume 81 Issue 2 Pages 107-121
    Published: November 25, 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Previously it was observed that the long-term administration of sulfonyl-ureas produced a decreased glucose tolerance especially in alloxanized rats, whose islets were slightly injured, but which showed a normal glucose tolerance test. This result suggests that prolonged administration of sulfonylureas reveals a diabetogenic action. In order to ascertain this problem histological studies were carried out in normal and alloxanized animals after administration of sulfonyl-ureas for four or six months. The findings observed in the islets of the pancreas were the most prominent compared with the lesions of other organs. Regenera-tion and neoformation of the islets and degranulation of the β cells were found in the normal rat groups, whereas hydropic degeneration or necrosis of β cells was found in the alloxanized rat groups. It is suggested that the decreased glucose tolerance following sulfonylurea administration is derived from the lesions in the islets of the pancreas.
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  • Toshio Sato, Goro Kakizaki, Yoshima Abe, Susumu Uchiyama
    1963 Volume 81 Issue 2 Pages 122-137
    Published: November 25, 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Factors responsible for elevation of the portal pressure in Banti's syndrome were analyzed in 82 cases of the authors' department. Although the elevation of the portal pressure was more common and usually more remarkable in extent in cases with chronic inflammation or fibrosis than in those with liver cirrhosis, no definite correlation was revealed between the extent of the hepatic fibrosis and the portal pressure. However, the grade of intrahepatic obliteration of portal branches appeared to be a significant factor influencing the portal pressure. A correlation was indicated between the grade of splenomegaly and the portal pressure, although there were a considerable number of exceptional cases. Moreover, splenectomy was generally followed by a decrease in portal pressure, especially in the case of markedly elevated pressure, although the post-operative level was still above normal in most instances. From these observations both the splenic and the hepatic factors seem to be concerned with the increased portal pressure.
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  • Tatsuo Koyanagi, Takatoshi Tatebayashi
    1963 Volume 81 Issue 2 Pages 138-142
    Published: November 25, 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    It was observed that in 24 hours following the injection of the labeled sulfate more than twice the amount of sulfur was found in intestine, stomach, liver and eyes of vitamin A supplemented rat, as compared with that in those tissues of the deficient one.
    When S35-methionine was administered, in contrast to the case of S35-sul-fate, S35 concentration in tissues of control rat was significantly less than in those of vitamin A-deficient animal.
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  • Masao Muto, Susumu Majima, Koichi Yoshida, Katsumi Karube, Teiichi Tes ...
    1963 Volume 81 Issue 2 Pages 143-161
    Published: November 25, 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Reviewing a total of 1988 surgical cases experienced at the authors' department, the morphologic aspects of stomach cancer were elucidated from various view-points. The statistical analyses covered the gross as well as micro-scopic features of the primary and the extragastric lesions, and a special interest was taken in the relationship between the nature of the primary tumor and the incidence of extragastric extension. The P. C. classification, a new grading of the cancer progress, was introduced on the basis of the extent of peritoneal dissemina-tion which was revealed to be of great significance as a route for generaliza-tion of stomach cancer.
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  • Masao Muto, Susumu Majima, Koichi Yoshida, Katsumi Karube, Teiichi Tes ...
    1963 Volume 81 Issue 2 Pages 162-178
    Published: November 25, 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Stomach cancer, like cancer of other organs, remains symptomless until it has grown to a certain dimension or has spread to the adjacent organs. Therefore the evaluation of the clinical aspects of this disease should be performed with respect to their relations to the extent of cancer progress. This paper deals with the onset, signs and symptoms, and laboratory findings of stomach cancer as revealed in 1988 surgical cases experienced at the authors' department, in connection to the pathologic aspects of the lesion. Diagnosis accuracy was 94.4 per cent in this series and the accuracy appeared to be increasing in recent years with the progress of cytological and endoscopic examinations.
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  • Masahiro Maki
    1963 Volume 81 Issue 2 Pages 179-187
    Published: November 25, 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    This paper is a supplementary note of the first report of this series of study (Tohoku J. Exper. Med., 1962, 78, 264). The details of assay method of proteolytic activity in the euglobulin fraction which included assay of total plasmin, spontaneous fibrinolytic, fibrinogenolytic and caseinolytic activities were described from the standpoint of clinical test.
    The following points were emphasized: (1) The determination of plasmin system should be done as early as possible after the collection of blood samples, because enzyme activity of stored plasma, especially of free plasmin is labile and changeable, (2) one of causes of decrease of total plasmin, proteolytic activity of SK-activated euglobulin, seems to result from plasminogen consumption by previous enhancement of fibrinolysis, (3) spontaneous proteolytic activity of the euglobulin fraction reflects closely in vivo changes under the lesser influence of antiplasmin and (4) different kinds of substrates, at least casein and fibrin, should be used for the determination of spontaneous activity of the euglobulin fraction.
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  • Masahiro Maki, Teruo Kikuchio
    1963 Volume 81 Issue 2 Pages 188-197
    Published: November 25, 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The numbers of antiplasmin, antitrypsin and antichymotrypsin in human plasma and mutual relationship among them are discussed in this paper.
    Human blood plasma was divided into 2 major fractions by adding ammo-nium sulfate, after desalting by sephadex, the fractions being further subfrac-tionated by using column chromatographic procedure on DEAE-cellulose. The determination of antiproteolytic activities and electrophoretic analysis were performed on the subfractions eluated by the following order of solvents; (1) pH 7.8, 0.0175M potassium phosphate buffer (KPB), (2) pH 7.1, 0.04M KPB, (3) pH 6.64, 0.1 M KPB and (4) 0.0025 M hydrochloric acid containing 1M sodium chloride. Three chromatographically different antiplasmin fractions which were capable of both antitrypsin and antichmyotrypsin activities, and another antitrypsin fraction which showed antichymotrpysin, but was devoid of an-tiplasmin activity were detected in human plasma.
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  • Keiya Tada, Tasuke Shibuya, Jinzo Akabane
    1963 Volume 81 Issue 2 Pages 198-205
    Published: November 25, 1963
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The contents of glycogen and fat and the activities of glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (GOD), glycolysis and lipogenesis were investigated in the livers from three patients with Type I of glycogen storage disease. The contents of glycogen and fat were markedly increased. The activity of G6Pase was definitely low and that of G6PD was normal or slightly increased. The activity of glycolysis was elevated and that of lipogenesis from glucose seemed to be accelerated.
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