The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 67, Issue 4
Displaying 1-14 of 14 articles from this issue
  • First Report A Globulin-like “Toxohormone” from Cancerous Ascitic Fluid (A. P. I.)
    Hajime Masamune, Shigeru Tsuiki, Sigetosi Kamiyama, Sin-iti Abe, Mituo ...
    1958 Volume 67 Issue 4 Pages 309-318
    Published: April 25, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Not a few investigators2)-10) were and are engaged in establishing the chemical nature of “toxohormone”, with conflicting conclusions, some saying it to be a peptide, some to be a nucleic acid, some to be a nucleoprotein, and some to be a low-molecular base. We once proposed11) that “toxohormone” is a compound closely resembling uric acid. However, in a Batteli-Stern method, which was applied to assay the liver catalasedepressing activity in that study, the reaction flask was shaken by the hand, giving not necessarily objective results, so that we retract transitorily the opinion until it is confirmed by a reinvestigation. Recently we changed the technique of assay that the flask may be shaken by the aid of a motor at a definite frequency. The experiments since then disclosed unexpected facts, which may be summarized as follows:-1) There exist a number of toxohormones, strong and weak. 2) Their sources are not restricted to cancerous materials, although the toxohormones from non-cancerous materials are generally weaker in activity and less in yield than those from corresponding cancerous materials. 3) Most of toxohormones contain a hexosamine-containing carbohydrate moiety whether large or small.
    The substances, which have been found to act as toxohormones, will be informed of in a series of papers. The present account deals with a globulin-like protein from cancerous ascitic fluids with original seat in stomach. It possesses toxohormone- and KIK-activity simultaneously. Since the liver catalase-depressing activity was distributed among different fractions in several trials of isolating “toxohormone”, the presence of more than one toxohormone even in a cancerous ascitic fluid seems highly probable.
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  • CCXI. A KIK Factor (V) from Cancerous Urine and the Corresponding Substance from Normal Urine
    Hirosi Kaketa
    1958 Volume 67 Issue 4 Pages 319-328
    Published: April 25, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. Urines of stomach-, liver-, lung- and mamma-cancer patients and normals were fractioned, separating an anemia-inducing product from each of the cancerous urines and a non-anemia-inducing product from normal urine in an electrophoretically homogeneous state.
    2. The products were investigated chemically and physically. They are all mucoproteins composed of galactosamine, glucosamine, galactose, mannose, L-fucose, xylose and/or lyxose, sialic acid and many amino acids.
    3. Those from the various cancerous urines resemble one another in electrophoretic mobility, optical rotation, ultraviolet absorptivity, composition and anemia-inducing potency, in other words, they are identical with one another. That from normal urine differs from those above in all the respects as well as in yield.
    4. The cause of difference among KIK factors according to secretion or excretion is discussed.
    Through the Grant Committee for Scientific Researches the Ministry of Education gave a grant in aid to us, which is gratefully acknowledged. H. Masamune.
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  • Second Report The KIK Factor (V) from Cancerous Urine and the Corresponding Component of Normal Urine Act as “Toxohormones”
    Hajime Masamune, Hirosi Kaketa, Sin-iti Abe
    1958 Volume 67 Issue 4 Pages 329-333
    Published: April 25, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Hajime Masamune, Sen-itiroh Hakomori, Hirosi Kaketa, Sin-iti Abe
    1958 Volume 67 Issue 4 Pages 334
    Published: April 25, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Kaketa fractions1), obtained by a modification of Nakagawa and Kasai procedure2), of united cancerous urines with original seat in stomach, liver, lung or mamma and of normal urine were employed separately. The material was dissolved in slightly alkaline water and precipitated by acidulation with acetic acid. The precipitate was liberated from most of an urinary poison by treatment with Dowex 1 and electrodialysis, and the deposit occurring on the electrodialysis was added to a column of Dowex I in borate form and chromatographed with the same buffer to isolate the main component in an electrophoretically homogeneous state. Average yields of the cancerous and normal products amounted to 50 and 34mg. per liter of urine respectively. Those products were both soluble in water at other pH values than 4.4-4.6, and free from phosphorus and proved to be glucidamins. The former product: N 13.5%, hexosamine 3.0%, galactose 1.6%, glucose 2.0%, mannose 1.5%, L-fucose 0.4%, sialic acid 3.4%, ash 0%, [α]7D=-110°; the latter product: N 13.8%, hexosamine 2.9%, galactose 1.9%, glucose 1.0%, mannose 1.4%, L-fucose 0.5%, sialic acid 4.4%, ash 0.6%, [α]7D=-100°. They proved both to be toxohormones, with the minimum active dosis per mouse of 1mg. in the former and with that of 5mg. in the latter. They lack KIK- and group-potency.
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  • Hans Selye
    1958 Volume 67 Issue 4 Pages 335-340
    Published: April 25, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    In rats pretreated with 2α-methyl-9α-chlorocortisol (Me-Cl-COL) and NaH2PO4, temporary occlusion of the pylorus regularly elicits acute, massive myocardial necroses and nephrocalcinosis, as well as a high mortality. The possible clinical implications of this fact, as regards the pathogenetic role of acute gastrointestinal disorders in the production of cardiac infarcts, is discussed.
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  • Report III On the Mitosis of Nucleated Cells in the Bone Marrows of Leucocytosis and Leucopenia
    Akira Saito, Tokuji Miyamoto
    1958 Volume 67 Issue 4 Pages 341-358
    Published: April 25, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Sakari Sato, Shingo Kakizaki, Koichi Mizutani, Keizo Miura, Yoshinobu ...
    1958 Volume 67 Issue 4 Pages 359-364
    Published: April 25, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • IV. The Relations between the Mortality from Liver Cirrhosis and the Mortality from Alcoholism, and between the Mortality from Liver Cirrhosis and Alcoholic Consumption
    Takashi Nakamura, Shozo Nakamura, Etsuko Kawamura, Taketsugu Kaneko, K ...
    1958 Volume 67 Issue 4 Pages 365-371
    Published: April 25, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. There are significant correlations between the mortality from liver cirrhosis and that from alcoholism and between the mortality from liver cirrhosis and alcoholic consumption per capita in the countries of the world. The mortality from liver cirrhosis in the countries of the world seems to depend on the degree of alcoholic intake of the populations.
    2. There is also significant correlation between alcoholic consumption and mean annual temperature in the countries of mean annual temperature below 16°C, whereas there is no significant correlation in the countries of temperature over 16°C.
    3. In the prefectures of Japan, the correlations between the mortality from liver cirrhosis and that from alcoholism, between the mortality from liver cirrhosis and alcoholic consumption, and between alcoholic consumption and mean annual temperature are not significant statistically.
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  • Studies on several inhibitors againts influenza viruses, 1st Report
    Keiji Kawamura
    1958 Volume 67 Issue 4 Pages 372
    Published: April 25, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Takashi Nakamura, Shozo Nakamura, Etsuko Kawamura
    1958 Volume 67 Issue 4 Pages 373-380
    Published: April 25, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Kei Watanabe
    1958 Volume 67 Issue 4 Pages 381-389
    Published: April 25, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The color-processes around the spot of Mariotte were investigated by Motokawa's method of electrostimulation with electrical phosphenes as index.
    1. Near the blind spot colorless sensations were evoked by colored lights, and curves of electrical excitability obtained in this region were found to be independent of wave-lengths.
    2. At a certain distance from the blind spot a curve characteristic of the wave-length was obtained. The zone around the spot within which no such curve characteristic of the wave-length was obtained, was called the “color-blind zone.” The extent of the zone fairly coincided with the one subjectively determined.
    3. The color-blind zones for red and green lights were wider than those for yellow and blue lights.
    4. Within the color-blind zone the maximum of the excitability curve shifted as the distance from the blind spot increased. But in case of blue light, no such shift occurred.
    5. The distributions of cone- and rod-processes around the blind spot were investigated, and it was found that within the color-blind zone the rod-process was predominant over the cone-process.
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  • Studies on several inhibitors against influenza viruses, 3 rd Report
    Nobumasa Shimizu, Nakao Ishida
    1958 Volume 67 Issue 4 Pages 390
    Published: April 25, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Studies on Several Inhibitors against Influenza Viruses 2 nd Report
    Jiro Konno
    1958 Volume 67 Issue 4 Pages 391-405
    Published: April 25, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Biological and physicochemical properties of the β-inhibitor was studied in order to differentiate this inhibitor from the α-inhibitor, antiviral immune serum and properdin.
    The substance is fairly heat-labile and susceptible to trypsin action, indicating the protein nature. However these characteristics are quite different from that of specific immune serum. The fl-inhibitor is resistant to the action of both RDE and KIO4, thus distinguishing it from the α-inhibitor. Though the adsorption to zymosan has been proved with this agent as has been already proved with properdin, the participation of complement for the action of the β-inhibitor is not necessary at all. Further, biological activity of the β-inhibitor is limited just to the mouse nonadapted type A influenza viruses.
    The richest source of β-inhibiror was ox serum, but it was also detected in the serum of the rabbit and mouse. The purification of the β-inhibitor was performed from ox serum and after precipitation with ammonium sulfate, adsorption to and elution from zymosan was particularly effective to remove the other entities contained in ox serum. Though the 240 times purification was achieved in the sense of HAI activity per mg. of nitrogen, the heat lability increased when the purification advanced. From this reason, the purification study is still going on.
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  • Studies on several inhibitors against influenza virus, 4 th. Report
    Keiji Kawamura
    1958 Volume 67 Issue 4 Pages 406-407
    Published: April 25, 1958
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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