Investigations were made on the direct action of various steroid hormones and the related compounds in contraction produced by electrical stimulation. Estrogen dominated rabbit uterus was used for experiment.
1. Progesterone, cortisone and testosterone showed an apparent dintution of uterine contraction, while the inhibitory action of Viadril and DOC was of a very mild degree in small dose.
2. In a dose of 2 mg., progesterone, estradiol, DOC, Viadril and 4-chlorotestosterone revealed to be complete, but testosterone and cortisone produced some irreversible influence on the uterine muscle.
3. Progesterone showed a linear decrease of tension when the time elapsed. Testosterone and cortisone exhibited an exponential diminution of contraction height.
4. On the interaction of steroids, while antagonistic effect was observed in the combination of testosterone+progesterone, testosterone+estradiol, testosterone+DOC, testosterone+Viadril, cortisone+Viadril and cortisone+DOC, gynergetic action was obtained in progesterone+estradiol, progesterone+DOC, DOC+Viadril and progesterone+Viadril.
5. To strong stimulus, when testosterone and cortisone kept a marked nhibitory action, progesterone gave almost no change in contraction.
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