The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 34, Issue 6
Displaying 1-11 of 11 articles from this issue
  • VI Report. Influence of Sodium Chloride on Tissue Respiration in vitro
    Hitosi Yamamoto
    1938 Volume 34 Issue 6 Pages 481-508
    Published: December 15, 1938
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Influence of change of Nacl-concentration (0.3, 1.0, 1.2 and 1.5 per cent) on tissue respiration of kidney cortex of rabbit was investigated by Warburg's second method. In the case of 1.0, 1.2 and 1.5 per cent NaCl-concentration, Ringer's solutions, isosmotic with them, were prepared by adding cane-sugar in definite amounts to the normal Ringer's solution, and the tissue respiration in these canesugar-Ringer's solution was used as the control for those in differently concentrated NaCl-Ringer's solution.
    (1) 0.3 percent NaCl concentration in Ringer's solution effected a marked decrease of the tissue respiration in spite of the fact that the solution was made isotonic with the normal Ringer's solution by the addition of cane-sugar.
    (2) By 1.0 percent NaCl concentration the tissue respiration was scarcely affected.
    (3) When NaCl concentration was 1.2 per cent the decrease of the tissue respiration was marked, especially the decrease in canesugar-Ringer's solution was greater than that in 1.2 o-NaCl-Ringer's solution.
    (4) In hypertonic Ringer's solution with 1.5 percent NaCl or in cane-sugar-Ringer's solution (isosmotic with 1.5 o-NaCl-Ringer) the tissue respiration was depressed almost in the same degree in both cases.
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  • 106th Report of the Peroxidase Reaction
    Akira Takamatsu
    1938 Volume 34 Issue 6 Pages 509-514
    Published: December 15, 1938
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. I was able to identify a larger amount of glyoxalase in human milk positive to Arakawa's reaction than in Arakawa-negative milk.
    2. In my present investigation, glyoxalase was not found at all, or if ever, only a small amount of it was present in Arakawa-negative milk.
    3. If vitamin B was administered in a large amount to a case secreting milk utterly negative to Arakawa's reaction, glyoxalase will show a gradual increase in spite of the fact that it remains still negative to the reaction; in other words, it may be said that the content of an agent to destroy poisonous substances increased on B medication in spite of the still negative remaining reaction.
    4. Glyoxalase occurs in human milk.
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  • 107th Report of the Peroxidase Reaction
    Goro Sugihara, Shozo Miyazaki
    1938 Volume 34 Issue 6 Pages 515-524
    Published: December 15, 1938
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • 2. Mitteilung. Aminosäureabspaltung bei der Trypsinwirkung (Grübler) auf Proteinstoffe
    Shizuo Fujita
    1938 Volume 34 Issue 6 Pages 525-531
    Published: December 15, 1938
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Bei der wiederholten Einwirkung von Trypsin-Grübler auf Proteinstoffe wurden folgende Aminosäuren isoliert: 1) Tyrosin and Leucin aus Casein, 2) Jodtyrosin aus Jodcasein, 3) Arginin, Prolin and Leucin aus Gelatine and 4) Tyrosin and Leucin aus Fibrin.
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  • Y. Hosoya, T. Okita, T. Akune
    1938 Volume 34 Issue 6 Pages 532-541
    Published: December 15, 1938
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Mittels der lichtelektrischen Photometermethode wurden bezüglich der spektralen Absorption der lichtempfindlichen Substanz in der Dunkelnetzhaut der Schildkröte (Ocadia) and der Kröte folgende Ergebnisse erzielt:
    1. Die sog. Zapfensubstanz ist mit denselben Mitteln wie bei der Sehpurpurextraktion extrahierbar. Der unter äusserst schwachem Blauviolettlicht hergestellte Extrakt hat eine rotorange Farbe.
    2. Die extrahierte Zapfensubstanz bleicht durch Bestrahlung mit weissem Licht viel schneller aus als der Sehpurpur, and damit geht eine deutliche Absorptionsabnahme einher, die in den drei Spektralgebieten: Rot (700-670 mμ), Gelb (570 mμ) and Blau (460 mμ) relative Maxima aufweist.
    3. Der bei Rotlicht hergestellte Extrakt der Zapfensubstanz zeigt nur ein Maximum der Absorptionsabnahme im Blaugebiet.
    4. Auch beim Sehpurpurextrakt, der bei Blauviolettlicht aus gemischten Netzhäuten der Kröte hergestellt wurde, zeigt die Absorptionsabnahme, die durch die Bestrahlung mit weissem Licht hervorgerufen wird, ausser dem ihm charakteristischen Maximum im Grün noch drei relative Maxima im Rot, Gelb and Blau, die mit den Maxima für die Zapfensubstanz übereinstimmen. Somit enthält der sog. Sehpurpurextrakt der gemischten Netzhaut eine gewisse Menge von Zapfensubstanz.
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  • Keizo Fuzii
    1938 Volume 34 Issue 6 Pages 542-554
    Published: December 15, 1938
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The present experiments were carried out in dogs long and well surviving the total sympatheticotomy, normal, healthy dogs being taken as the control.
    30 minutes free walking and ten minutes vigorous excitement brought about an increase in the leucocytes count though in somewhat lesser degree in comparison to the control. The latter procedure acted stronger. The basal leucocytes count was definitely greater than the normal.
    The erythrocyte count was not affected by these handlings in both groups of animals, normal and totally sympatheticotomized as well. The basal erythrocyte count was somewhat smaller than the control.
    The pulse rate was also accelerated by these handlings in the animals so operated on in somewhat lesser scale. The basal pulse rate was somewhat slower than in the control.
    It was difficult to find any noticeable difference re the increase of the respiratory frequency and the body temperature between the animal wholly deprived of the sympathetic ganglia, and the normal.
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  • Ayako Sasaki
    1938 Volume 34 Issue 6 Pages 555-560
    Published: December 15, 1938
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Ayako Sasaki
    1938 Volume 34 Issue 6 Pages 561-570
    Published: December 15, 1938
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • I. Mitteilung: Versuch an hungernden Kaninchen
    Hideo Sibuya
    1938 Volume 34 Issue 6 Pages 571-585
    Published: December 15, 1938
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • II. Mitteilung: Einfluss der Hormone auf die Wiederherstellung des Bluteiweisses sowie dessen kolloid-osmotischen Drucks nach Plasmaphäresis
    Hideo Sibuya
    1938 Volume 34 Issue 6 Pages 586-604
    Published: December 15, 1938
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Y. Satake
    1938 Volume 34 Issue 6 Pages 605
    Published: December 15, 1938
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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