The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 65, Issue 4
Displaying 1-14 of 14 articles from this issue
  • Studies on the Nutrition of Children in Hirosaki Area (48th Report)
    Narimasa Ooi
    1957 Volume 65 Issue 4 Pages 307-310
    Published: April 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Studies on the Nutrition of Children in Hirosaki Area (49th Report)
    Narimasa Ooi
    1957 Volume 65 Issue 4 Pages 311-315
    Published: April 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Macrocytic anemia was found in 16 out of 19 cases of children with nutritional dystrophy.
    PGA excretion in the 24-hour urine after oral dose of 10 mg. of PGA was lower in the majority of the children with nutritional dystrophy than in normal subjects, but in a few cases with macrocytic anemia, a relatively high value of the PGA excreted after the test dose was found. In these cases a disturbed utilization of folic acid due to hepatic changes of these children was suggested.
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  • Mitsuo Segi, Minoru Kurihara
    1957 Volume 65 Issue 4 Pages 316
    Published: April 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Takashi Nakamura, Yoshiaki Katakura, Shozo Nakamura, Kanae Sugawara
    1957 Volume 65 Issue 4 Pages 317-321
    Published: April 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Male albino rats were fed a choline deficient diet for twenty-one and forty days. Half of the rats were killed as controls, and the other half were starved. Death occured after eleven to fifteen days of starvation. Liver fat of starved animals decreased markedly to approximately 1/4 that of controls. These findings suggest that fatty infiltration as encountered in both experimental and necropsy specimens, may decrease or disappear rapidly due to the influence of starvation.
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  • Susumu Fujisaku
    1957 Volume 65 Issue 4 Pages 322
    Published: April 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • The First Report of Studies about Pressure in Cranium
    Jiro Suzuki
    1957 Volume 65 Issue 4 Pages 323-329
    Published: April 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    EEG, ECG, respiration, general status and so forth which accompany with rise of pressure in cranium, especially, in ventricles are reported.
    1. When pressure in ventricles rise acutely, it may be without danger even at high degrees. On seven epileptics, some of them do not complain of pain so much, even P. I. C. rises to 1, 000mm. H2O, which is usually dangerous for patients with brain tumor.
    2. In both animal and clinical experiments, pulse rate, respiration and blood pressure change in accordance with Cushing phenomena; bradycardia, bradypnea and rise of blood pressure accompany with P. I. C. However, emphasis is made on the point that Cushing phenomena can not be applied to every case. Those with chronic rise of P. I. C. which are observed after brain operation do not accord with it.
    3. EEG shows a fixed tendency with rise on P. I. C.; that is, α wave activities for a time at the beginning of the course of the experiment, but they decrease gradually, and δ wave activities increase, the base line of EEG looses its balance and the amplitude reduces with rise on P. I. C. In cats, EEG almost diminishes at 1, 500mm. H2O. In clinical experi-ments the above mentioned tendency is noticed when P. I. C. rises to 1, 000mm. H2O. EEG activities, differes by individuals but generally the changes are little, and few are without change.
    4. Some pathological discharge of ECG, i.e., ventricular extrasystole, sinus arrhythmia, alternative pulse, atrioventricular block, etc., accompany with rise of P. I. C. Probably, these tendencies are caused by unbalance of both the function of vagus and sympathetic nerve, as the result of anemia in center of autonomic nervous system, which accompanies with rise of P. I. C.
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  • The Second Report of Studies about Pressure in Cranium
    Jiro Suzuki
    1957 Volume 65 Issue 4 Pages 331-344
    Published: April 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Second Report Chemical Nature of the Homoimmunogen
    Eiitiroh Kitabatake
    1957 Volume 65 Issue 4 Pages 345-358
    Published: April 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. Rabbit kidneys were extracted with alcohol at 37°C, and after successive fractionation of the extract, a homoimmunogen was obtained in an electrophoretically homogeneous state.
    2. The antigen is not strictly specific to rabbit kidney, but fairly common with those of liver, heart and skelet muscle of rabbit and also those of kidneys of human, of bull and of horse.
    3. It was demonstrated to contain a high fatty acid or acids, glycero-phosphoric acid, inositol, choline, ethanolamine, aspartic and glutamic acids, serine, glycine, histidine, arginine, alanine, proline, valine and/or methionine and leucine and/or isoleucine as constituents, but not sphingo-sine nor plasmal, suggesting a proteo-glycerophospholipid.
    4. Its quantitative composition was investigated regarding N, P, amino acids and ethanolamine.
    The Ministry of Education gave a grant in aid to us through the Grant Committee for Scientific Researches, which is gratefully acknolwedged. H. Masamune.
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  • CLCVIII. Spectrophotometric Determination of Glucuronic Acid in Co-presence of Galacturonic Acid
    Hajime Masamune, Ikuzo Aizawa
    1957 Volume 65 Issue 4 Pages 359-365
    Published: April 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • CXCIX. Spectrophotometric Determination of Galacturonic Acid in Co-presence of Glucuronic Acid
    Hajime Masamune, Mutuo Sakamoto, Ikuzo Aizawa
    1957 Volume 65 Issue 4 Pages 367-373
    Published: April 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • CC. Itinsulfuric Acids in Pig Skin First Report
    Ikuzo Aizawa
    1957 Volume 65 Issue 4 Pages 375-381
    Published: April 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • CCI. On the Mode of Union between Itinsulfuric Acids and Proteins in Pig Skin
    Ikuzo Aizawa
    1957 Volume 65 Issue 4 Pages 383-386
    Published: April 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • The Effect of Varied Protein Intake on Experimental Mouse Ectromelia Virus Infection
    Kanae Sugawara
    1957 Volume 65 Issue 4 Pages 387-397
    Published: April 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The effect of dietary protein content on length of survival and rate of survival was studied in mice infected with ectromelia virus. The mice were fed the experimental diets for five to eight weeks before inoculation of virus. In one group of experiments, small doses of virus were inocu-lated, in another group, large doses were employed.
    With small doses of virus, both the length of survival and the rate of survival were best in mice receiving low protein diets. When large doses of virus were inoculated, however, both the survival time and the surviva rate was best in animals receiving a high protein diet.
    It is postulated that with small doses of virus, the retarding effect of virus multiplication of lowered host metablism accounts for the in-creased survival of mice on low protein diets. With large doses of virus, this effect is overshadowed by decreased host resistance due to depleted protein reserves.
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  • Takashi Yamaguchi, Kazuo Miyano
    1957 Volume 65 Issue 4 Pages 399-410
    Published: April 25, 1957
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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