The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 57, Issue 4
Displaying 1-16 of 16 articles from this issue
  • Akira Takazawa, Kenichi Kimura, Kyuzo Omachi
    1953 Volume 57 Issue 4 Pages 299-309
    Published: April 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. The hemolytic reaction, using bovine erythrocytes sensitized with Dorset tuberculin, was examined in the sera of tuberculous and non, tuberculous peoples and the ordinary procedure was established.
    2. Among the tested, 87 of 100 cases of tuberculous patients showed the positive results, while 13 of 90 cases of nontuberculous adults also gave a positive reaction. Among 90, non-tuberculous controls, 4 of 22 cases having no history of tuberculous, , 4 of 21 cases showing the positive tuberculin test and having tuberculous anamnesis in their past, 7 of 50 uses, having the positive tuberculin test without tuberculous anamnesisa and 1, in 19 cases having negative tuberculin test showed a positive reaction. The hemolytic, titers of such a non-tuberculous, adults, were much lower when compared with those of tuberculous, patients,
    3. The relations between the degree of the hemolytic reaction and clinical symptoms, namely the stage of disease, the form of disease, the tuberculin reaction, the blood sedimentatipn rate and, the .number of tubercle bacilli in sputum, were discussed on 100 cases of tuberculous patients.
    4. The hemolytic reaction is a specific one for tuberculosis, and seems to be so useful as a supplementary diagnostic method, of active tuberculosis.
    The authors wish to express their hearty thanks to Prof. M., Kuroya and to Prof. T. Nakamura for their helpful advices and for their kind criticism.
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  • Hajime Masamune
    1953 Volume 57 Issue 4 Pages 310
    Published: April 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Giichi Aono
    1953 Volume 57 Issue 4 Pages 311-315
    Published: April 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    From the hemolytic reaction of cattle erythrocytes sensitized with tuberculin by sera of leprosy patients, it was recognized that leprosy was lower than tuberculosis in positive percentage and serum titer against Levine's report. Namely, in contrast with Takasawa and his coworker's investigations in tuberculosis, it was confirmed that tuberculin was more specific to tuberculosis in hemolytic reaction than leprosy, and there was found no difference of positive percentage between lepromatous and neuro-macular type. Further, the significant relationship between clinical conditions of patients and positive hemolytic reactions was not proved.
    The author could not also obtain an expected result in hemolytic reaction using erythrocytes sensitized with each component extracted from leprosy nodules because of a small amount of yields. Considering from the fundamental experiment of hemolytic reaction, however, if more large quantity of the extract of nodules would be obtained, the specific hemolytic reaction would appear in leprosy as in cases of typhoid. Now, this problem will be revealed in future.
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  • Kyuzo Omachi
    1953 Volume 57 Issue 4 Pages 317-326
    Published: April 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. 3 experiments in mice tuberculosis, the one with intraperitoneal injection of avian tubercle bacilli (Flemingo strain), and the other two with intravenous injection of human tubercle bacilli (H37Rv) were conducted.
    In several stages after infection they were sacrificed and the macro-pathological findings were observed. The development of the disease, however, were chiefly judged by the cultivation test of the bacilli from lung, liver, spleen, lymph nodes and kidneys.
    2. For the quantitative pursuance of the living bacilli, the resections of liver-pieces from the tuberculous mice were carried out repeatedly. The accidental death after this operation was not so often, the availability of this method being ascertained.
    3. When Flemingo strain was injected intraperitoneally, the bacilli developed chiefly in livers, spleens and lymph nodes, but only little in lungs. Contrary to this intravenous injection of human tubercle bacilli caused the chief lesions in lungs and also in spleens. The natural healing tendency observed in the latter must be attended at the judgment of chemotherapeutic experiment.
    In conclution, I wish to express my sincere appreciation to Prof. M. Kuroya for his continued encouragement.
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  • Kituva Iwama, Mituyosi Abe
    1953 Volume 57 Issue 4 Pages 327-335
    Published: April 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Delayed conditioned reflexes were established in human subjects on the basis of the galvanic skin reflex (GSR) with an electric bell as a conditioned stimulus and with an induction shock as an unconditioned stimulus. The period of delay was fixed at 12 seconds. Changes in the pattern of electroencephalogram (EEG) were traced through the course of conditioning.
    1. Prior to the commencement of conditioning, the conditioned stimulus alone was repeatedly applied so as to weaken its unconditioned excitatory effect. After the completion of this procedure, the conditioning was started by applying the conditioned stimulus in association with the unconditioned stimulus.
    2. In response to the conditioned stimulus without associating the unconditioned one, there appeared two successive trains of excitatory waves consisting of repetitive spikes or of β and θ. The preceding train (the initial cortical excitation) appeared soon after the onset of the conditioned stimulus, while the succeeding train (the delayed cortical excitation) took place near the point of reinforcement. It is obvious in our experiment that these two sorts of cortical excitation represent the conditioned response of the cortex.
    3. Just corresponding to the pattern of EEG, the conditioned GSR consisted of two. separate responses appearing in succession, i.e. the initial and the delayed GSR.
    4. As the conditioning progressed, the initial response, central as well as peripheral, was gradually weakened. The delayed response which was developed more slowly than the initial one in the process of conditioning attained its maximal strength when the initial response began to deteriorate. At the final stage of conditioning, almost no initial response was seen, whereas the delayed response could still persist though greatly reduced in strength.
    5. The conditioned GSR was discussed in comparison with the conditioned salivary reflex previously studied by us, and it was concluded that the GSR serves as a more faithful index of the cortical process than does the salivary reflex at least in human beings.
    Our sincere thanks are due to Prof. K. Motokawa for his valuable advice during the course of this work.
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  • Reiko Konishi
    1953 Volume 57 Issue 4 Pages 337-342
    Published: April 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Yumi Tokuoka
    1953 Volume 57 Issue 4 Pages 343-348
    Published: April 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    Teradal) and Takezawa2) of our Clinic proved that there are some factors besides vitamin C in T -juice which accelerates the glycogen formation. and Hisago3) also reported that a marked increase of glycogen formation and fixation was observed with the injection of the juice under the condition of high temperature and that the action of the juice was more like that of the mixture of vitamines C, P and K than that of vitamin C only.
    I studied the influence of T -juice upon the function of the liver disturbed by chloroform and TC employing both A-S and S tests, and I found that T -juice has a good influence upon the function, that is, the period required for the recovery to the normal was reduced in comparison with the control experiment. Moreover, the results of the experiment showed that the effect of juice was more clearly seen in S test than in A-S test.
    These facts suggest us that tomato is effective clinically in improving liver disturbance.
    As to the effect of ST on the function of the liver disturbed by TC, the recovery of the function was more rapid in the administration after the disturbance, and its administration mixed with glucose solution after the disturbance was the most effective.
    It is generally accepted that GA has an effective action in accelerating the detoxicating function of the liver. From the results of my experiment, the function of the liver was improved with the injection of GA and was recovered more effectively with the administration in combination with glucose solution than GA only
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  • I Report. The Determination of Copper in Clinical Materials
    Shigeo Okinaka, Masaki Yoshikawa, Toshiji Mozai, Masateru Toyota
    1953 Volume 57 Issue 4 Pages 349-358
    Published: April 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    1. The new colorimetric method of determining copper content in biological matter reported by Drs. Kimura and Murakami was studied, and found extremely suitable for clinical investigation of copper.
    2. Copper content of whole blood, serum, urine, liver and basal ganglia in normal persons and various patients were investigated.
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  • IV. Centering on Fazial Nucleus of Anencephalus
    Shigeaki Yamamoto, Mariko Komatsu
    1953 Volume 57 Issue 4 Pages 359-366
    Published: April 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Ototaka Higashi
    1953 Volume 57 Issue 4 Pages 367-373
    Published: April 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Masao Ohgaki, Koya Hotta
    1953 Volume 57 Issue 4 Pages 375-378
    Published: April 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    The development of sensory nerve fibres in the. mucous membrane of the oral cavity base is very weak, in parallel with the poor formation of epithelium and papillae in this region, most of the papillae lacking sensory fibres penetrating them. In cases when the papillae are provided with sensory fibres, their terminal formation is generally very simple, being represented by unbranched terminations showing a simple course. But in some cases, the terminations are branched, though simple, and in rarer cases, very simple glomerular terminations are also observed.
    In the mucous membrane of the oral cavity base, some few taste-buds can be found, though very rarely. They are formed in the thinned out epithelium, which caused by the papilla sticking into the epithelium. The sensory fibres to the taste-buds are often rather well-developed and sometimes form complex branched termination, especially glomerular termination, but since no fibres are found running into the taste-buds or around them, their functional capacity must be deemed to be of degenerated inadequacy.
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  • Shinichi Okano
    1953 Volume 57 Issue 4 Pages 379-382
    Published: April 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
    In general, in the haired skin, the sensory nerve fibres are mostly represented by sensory hair nerves, the remaining minority ending in the papillar layer. The development of the hair nerves is proportional to the development of the sebaceous gland, and in the papillae layer, the development of sensory fibres is good where the papillae are well-formed. On the dorsum manus, the development of the sebaceous glands are weak and the formation of papillae very poor, so that the sensory nerves cannot be but ill-developed, i.e. the papillae are penetrated by a very few sensory fibres which all end in simplest unbranched and branched terminations. The sensory hair nerve fibres do not go beyond formation of comparatively simple plexus-like or undetermined terminations in the poorly developed hair neuroshields (Seto).
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  • Ichiro Uyeda
    1953 Volume 57 Issue 4 Pages 383-384
    Published: April 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • XXI. Malignant Melanoma in Japan
    Yoshio Yoshida
    1953 Volume 57 Issue 4 Pages 385-392
    Published: April 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Tatuo Saito
    1953 Volume 57 Issue 4 Pages 393-401
    Published: April 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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  • Tatuo Saito
    1953 Volume 57 Issue 4 Pages 403-407
    Published: April 25, 1953
    Released on J-STAGE: November 28, 2008
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