The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine
Online ISSN : 1349-3329
Print ISSN : 0040-8727
ISSN-L : 0040-8727
Volume 134, Issue 2
Displaying 1-11 of 11 articles from this issue
    1981 Volume 134 Issue 2 Pages 103-114
    Published: 1981
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    TAKADA, G., ONODERA, H. and TADA, K. Tissue Distribution of Unentrapped or Liposome-Entrapped 131I-Labeled β-Galactosidase Injected into Rats. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1981, 134 (2), 103-114-Either unentrapped (free) or liposome-entrapped 131I-labeled β-galactosidase was injected into rats from tail veins. Tissue distribution and intracellular localization of the radioactivity of both sources were compared. The half-life of liposome-entrapped enzyme in the circulation was much longer than that of the free enzyme. The radioactivity removed from the circulation was recovered primarily in the liver, and to a lesser extent in almost all tissues studied. A small but significant uptake of liposome-entrapped enzyme by the brain was also observed. Uptake of liposome-entrapped enzyme was greater than that of free enzyme in the spleen, heart, lungs and brain, excepting the liver and kidneys. Subcellular fractionation showed distribution of the radioactivity of liposome-entrapped enzyme favoring the mitochondrial-lysosomal fraction from these tissues except the heart. There was a difference in the pattern of intracellular distribution of the radioactivity in the brain of rats between the administration of free enzyme and that of liposome-entrapped enzyme. These findings suggest that when liposomes containing β-galactosidase were injected into rats from the tail veins, they would penetrate the blood-brain barrier and would reach the lysosomes in the central nervous system tissue more effectively than the free enzyme itself.
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    1981 Volume 134 Issue 2 Pages 115-123
    Published: 1981
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    YOSHIE, O., KANAMORI, T. and ONO, Y. Quantitative Analyses of Specific B Cells for Sheep Red Blood Cell, Phosphorylcholine, and Hepatitis B Surface Antigen in Human B Cell Populations by Polyclonal Transformation with Epstein-Barr Virus. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1981, 134 (2), 115-123-An experimental system was developed to analyse quantitatively specific B cells for various antigens in human B cell populations by polyclonal transformation and immunoglobulin production induced by in vitro infection with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). EBV-infected cells were cultured in microtest plates for three weeks and specific antibody activities for sheep red blood cell (SRBC) were detected in the culture supernatants by hemolysis and those for phosphorylcholine (PC) and for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) by passive hemagglutination. It was shown that frequencies of positive cultures with specific antibodies followed one hit-type of Poisson's distribution. Large numbers of cultures showed specific antibody activities for SRBC and for PC with tonsillar lymphocytes obtained from four donors. On the other hand, positive cultures with anti-HBsAg antibodies were practically undetectable with three donors. With the fourth donor, however, quite a large fraction of cultures showed specific antibody activities for HBsAg. Frequencies of positive cultures with anti-HBsAg antibodies were further analysed with peripheral blood lymphocytes obtained from five donors with serum anti-HBsAg. Comparable frequencies of cultures were shown to be positive with anti-SRBC antibodies with these donors. The frequencies of cultures with anti-HBsAg antibodies were, however, quite variable among these donors. It was considered that these results directly reflected the sizes of clones with these specificities in human lymphocytes populations obtained from donors with various immunological histories.
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    1981 Volume 134 Issue 2 Pages 125-139
    Published: 1981
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    SEKINE, T., TSUKUI, H., KAMEYAMA, J., SASAKI, I. and SATO, T. Influence of Biliary Diversion upon Gastric Acid Secretion. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1981, 134 (2), 125-139-The influence of biliary diversion upon gastric acid secretion and the serum gastrin level was investigated in dogs with Heidenhain pouch. Biliary diversion was carried out by the following operative procedures: 1) External biliary fistula (3 dogs), ligation and division of the common bile duct and construction of an external biliary fistula by inserting a cannula into the gallbladder. 2) Roux-en-Y internal biliary fistula (6 dogs), ligation and division of the common bile duct and construction of an internal fistula (cholecystojejunostomy) by anastomosing the gallbladder to the jejunum 10cm distal to the ligament of Treitz, with restoration of end-to-side jejunojejunostomy. In each dog, a test meal (Dog Food, 300g) was administered, and the gastric acid secretion and serum gastrin level were examined. In the external biliary fistula, the gastric acid secretion showed no increase after the test meal, while in the Roux-en-Y internal fistula the secretion from the Heidenhain pouch showed a significant increase in 4 of 6 dogs, with an increase rate of 110-330%. In either the external biliary fistula or the Roux-en-Y internal fistula, the serum gastrin level showed no significant change. However, in the dogs with the Roux-en-Y internal fistula allotted for the observation periods of 4 to 5 months, the serum gastrin level at 3hr after the test meal was significantly higher than that at fasting. Further, in pursuit of the reproducibility of gastric acid secretion with the Roux-en-Y internal biliary fistula in the course between the first and second Roux-en-Y internal fistulae, the gastric acid secretion markedly increased in the cases of the Roux-en-Y internal fistula, without definite changes in the level of serum gastrin. Acute gastric ulcer developed in 2 of 6 dogs with the Roux-en-Y internal biliary fistula, but no fat indigestion was caused. These results suggest that gastric hypersecretion induced by biliary diversion may prove the possibility of presence of gastric secretagogue, different from gastrin, released in the upper jejunum.
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    1981 Volume 134 Issue 2 Pages 141-158
    Published: 1981
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    OHKAWA, H. Evidence for Adrenergic Transmission in the Circular Smooth Muscle of the Guinea-Pig Seminal Vesicle. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1981, 134 (2), 141-158-Spontaneous contractile activity of the circular smooth muscle of the guinea-pig seminal vesicle consists of twitch-like contractions with a mean frequency of 2.7/min. The amplitude of responses to repetitive stimulation depended on the frequency of stimulation at constant pulse duration and on the pulse durations at constant frequency of stimulation. Mechanical summation in the tension development was observed at low frequency of repetitive stimulation. Adrenaline, noradrenaline and phenylephrine increased the frequency and amplitude of spontaneous contractions. The excitatory actions of adrenaline and noradrenaline were antagonized by phentolamine and phenoxybenzamine. DOPA; metanephrine and normetanephrine were not effective. Tyramine enhanced the spontaneous activity and its action was antagonized by phentolamine. Isoprenaline, at high concentrations, enhanced spontaneous activity, but in the presence of phentolamine, the spontaneous activity was inhibited by isoprenaline and orciprenaline. Isoprenaline inhibited the enhanced spontaneous activity induced by adrenaline, noradrenaline and tyramine. Spontaneous contractions were potentiated by tetrodotoxin, procaine, guanethidine and dibenamine but were not affected by nicotine and phenoxybenzamine. Evoked responses to repetitive stimulation were blocked or suppressed by tetrodotoxin, yohimbine, nicotine, guanethidine and phentolamine. The evoked responses were partially inhibited by phenoxybenzamine. In contrast, evoked responses were enhanced by hexamethonium and dibenamine. These results provide further support for the conclusion that the innervation of the circular smooth muscle of the guinea-pig seminal vesicle is mainly alpha-excitatory adrenergic.
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    1981 Volume 134 Issue 2 Pages 159-167
    Published: 1981
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    ABE, M. and KITAGAWA, T. Treatment of Esophageal Cancer with High Dose Rate Intracavitary Irradiation. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1981, 134 (2), 159-167-Fifteen patients with esophageal cancer were treated with high dose rate intracavitary irradiation from a small radioactive source. The apparatus used for the intracavitary irradiation consisted of a remote-control intracavitary irradiation apparatus with small high intensity source (Ralstron, Shimazu Co.) and a transfer tube of radioactive source. Since the field size of irradiation was various, the most suitable program was set up at the depth of 0.5cm from the inner surface of the esophagus. 13 fresh cases were treated with high dose rate intracavitary irradiation of 1000-2750 rads (0.5cm below the inner surface) after external irradiation of ca. 5000 rads with Linac x-ray. As a result, 7 cases survived 1 year and 1 case 2 years. Local recurrence was seen in 5 out of 7 cases surviving 1 year. 2 recurrence cases after radical external irradiation showed improvement on x-ray picture through intracavitary irradiation.
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    1981 Volume 134 Issue 2 Pages 169-181
    Published: 1981
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    KANEDA, H., MURATA, T., MAETA, T., MATSUMOTO, J., SHITOMI, K. and HARUYAMA, T. Analysis of 30 Patients with Malignant Hypertension Treated with Hemodialysis. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1981, 134 (2), 169-181-For the past 7 years we have treated 30 patients with malignant hypertension with hemodialysis. The diagnosis of the disease was made according to the criteria recommended by the Ministry of Public Welfare, Japan, as described below. These patients were divided into three groups according to the therapies. Group A (15 patients) were medicated with large doses of β-blockers for the control of hypertension. Characteristic features of this group were abnormally high reninemia, hyponatremia, and severe hypertension which were not controlled by large doses of β-blockers in combination with dialysis. Their body weights were quite subnormal. Twelve patients out of 15 had essential hypertension (EH) as an underlying disease, and the remaining 3 had chronic glomerulonephritis (CN). Ten patients out of 15 died of hypertensive heart failure or hypertensive cerebrovascular accidents. Group B (6 patients) were treated by β-blockers intermittently. They showed good results responding well to the treatment; high reninemia was brought down to normal level by the administration of β-blockers and dialysis. Their underlying diseases were EH (3 patients) and CN (3 patients). Group C (9 patients) did not receive β-blockers, because hypertension was easily controlled by dialysis alone. In the Group C patients, normoreninemia, normonatremia, and a favorable clinical course were characteristic. Their underlying disease was CN in all. From these results, it is concluded that the factors influencing the prognosis of the disease may be the existence of EH as an underlying disease, high reninemia, and hyponatremia which are not correctable either by administration of β-blockers or by hemodialysis.
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    1981 Volume 134 Issue 2 Pages 183-193
    Published: 1981
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    KUROKAWA, Y., TAKAHASHI, M., OHNO, Y., TAKAMURA, N. and the Late ODA-SHIMA, S. An Organ Culture Method for Glandular Stomach of New Born Rat. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1981, 134 (2), 183-193-An organ culture system has been developed for the long-term maintenance of the glandular stomach of new born Wistar rats. The explants from glandular stomach were cultured on Millipore filter in an organ culture dish with various media consisting of sera, buffers and additives under different gas phases of oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen at 37 or 24°C. The culture condition was evaluated by histological examination of explants and was divided into Grade (_??_), (_??_), (+) and (-) depending upon the morphology and growth of the mucosal epithelium. D-MEM plus fetal calf serum (20%) supplemented with hydrocortisone (10μg/ml) or dexamethasone (5μg/ml) buffered with sodium bicarbonate and Hepes under a gas phase of O2(95%)+CO2(5%) or O2(45%)+CO2(5%)+N2(50%) at 37°C showed the best result. Other supplements tested, such as insulin, ascorbic acid and ferrous sulfate were ineffective. Addition of hydrocortisone or dexamethasone was similarly effective in serum-free media. Isologous rat serum had no advantage over fetal calf serum. Transplantation and autoradiography revealed the viability of the explants up to 35 days in vitro.
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    1981 Volume 134 Issue 2 Pages 195-201
    Published: 1981
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    YOSHIOKA, T., KOIKE, S. and OKAMOTO, H. Fat Tolerance Test in Pregnancy: Intralipid® Loading Test. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1981, 134 (2), 195-201 -Hyperlipemia occurs during pregnancy. The present study deals with lipid metabolism in the female by comparing the response of the pregnant with that of non-pregnant females to a lipid loading test with 10% Intralipid® given intravenously. The results were: (i) Exogenous and endogenous triglycerides (TG) were significantly higher in the pregnant group. (ii) The K2 value was significantly lower in the pregnant group. (iii) The level of FFA in the non-pregnant group rose rapidly 5min after Intralipid load. In contrast, the pregnant group showed a gradual rise which reached a maximum one hr after administration of Intralipid. The delay of the lipid metabolism during pregnancy might be one of the reason of hyperlipemia.
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    1981 Volume 134 Issue 2 Pages 203-213
    Published: 1981
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    NAKAMURA, K. and MASUDA, T. Scanning Electron Microscopy of Corrosion Cast of Rat Adrenal Vasculatures with Emphasis on medullary Artery under ACTH Administration. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1981, 134 (2), 203-213-In the vascular system of the adrenal, the medullary artery is considered to be a shunt which controls cortical function by changing its diameter. To confirm this hypothesis, the medullary arteries of ACTH-treated and control rats were observed by scanning electron microscopy of methacrylate corrosion casts of blood vessels. After ACTH treatment, the medullary arteries were constricted mostly at their distal segments and sometimes also at other portions. This constriction probably results in an effective augmentation of adrenocortical blood flow. The diameter of capillaries in the glomerular zone and medullary sinusoids was markedly increased by ACTH. Small protrusions on the corrosion casts which supposedly corresponded to capillary fenestrations became prominent after ACTH administration in the fascicular and reticular zones.
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    1981 Volume 134 Issue 2 Pages 215-220
    Published: 1981
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    MINAMI, R., ABO K., TSUGAWA, S., OYANAGI, K. and NAKAO T. Acidic Glycosaminoglycans in Liver from Five Patients with Mucopolysaccharidosis and Mucolipidosis. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1981, 134 (2), 215-220-Content, composition and molecular weight distribution of acidic glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) were determined in liver from five patients with genetic lysosomal storage diseases (Hurler syndrome, Hunter syndrome of severe type, Morquio syndrome, GM1-gangliosidosis type II and I-cell disease). There was a 30- to 40-fold increase in GAGs content of liver from patients with Hurler and Hunter syndromes. The GAGs accumulated in the livers consisted mainly of heparan sulfate and dermatan sulfate, and had a much lower molecular weight than those from control liver. The major GAG accumulated in liver from Morquio syndrome was keratan sulfate, which was not found in the livers from control and other patients, and chondroitin-6-sulfate was also increased. The content and the composition of liver GAGs from GM1-gangliosidosis and I-cell disease were similar to those of control liver. However, there was about a 33-fold increase in the amount of hexose on the liver GAGs from GM1-gangliosidosis. A molar ratio of sialic acid to hexosamine was 1.35 for the liver GAGs from I-cell disease and that of hexose to hexosamine was 8.47, while they were 0.46 and 2.32, respectively, for the control liver.
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    1981 Volume 134 Issue 2 Pages 221-222
    Published: 1981
    Released on J-STAGE: August 31, 2006
    NAKAMURA, S., TAKEZAWA, Y. and MAEDA, T. Serum β2-Microglobulin in Chronic Liver Diseases. Tohoku J. exp. Med., 1981, 134 (2), 221-222-Serum β2-microglobulin was determined in 53 patients with chronic liver diseases. No elevation was shown in fatty liver due to obesity or alcoholism. Serum β2-microglobulin was abnormal only in 4% of the patients with chronic hepatitis. Determination of serum β2-microglobulin seems not useful for the differential diagnosis between chronic hepatitis and fatty liver due to obesity or alcoholism. Serum β2-microglobulin was elevated in 29% of the patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis, in 41% of those with non-alcoholic liver cirrhosis, and in 75% of those with primary liver carcinoma. The average serum β2-microglobulin concentration was significantly higher in non-alcoholic liver cirrhosis than in alcoholic liver cirrhosis. There was a significant correlation between serum β2-microglobulin and γ-globulin concentrations in liver cirrhosis.
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